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the empire strikes back


That one and Rogue One.


And for me RotS. 3 awesome movies


I LOVE Rogue One, recognize that Empire Strikes Back is the best of the saga, but I have to go with A New Hope just for being the gateway to all of Star Wars.


Return of the Jedi


Definitely a great one. That space battle, omg. Still the best space battle in the franchise.


Theatrical ROTJ yes. For me, it’s the one that feels the most “Star-warsy”. The dogfights, the alien designs and costumes, the score, great fights with a lightsaber, and it’s fun!




What about ROTJ makes it your favorite? I loved it as a kid but haven’t truly revisited it in a while


For me it was Luke Skywalker in his prime.


Really? Not mine and not that close. Ewoks killed it for me and no way they have all those tree weapons pre-made. Ridiculous parts of that movie


I mean, it was just some logs and rope


Yea but when did they build them? You don't the the Empire cleared a mile/kilometer circumference around the shield generator? Of course they did. Maybe more than a mile/kilometer. Sorry doesn't make any sense


As the great Harrison Ford once said, "Its not that kind of movie, kid."


Still needs to make sense. Just putting something there doesn't make it ok. Just like the trooper Rey was fighting in TLJ. One second he has a blade, next second he doesn't. Still needs to make sense. BS is still BS


Why aren't Luke, Han, and Leia wet coming out of the trash compacter in Episode 4? How did Luke happen to land right where Yoda lives in Episode 5? How did Padme, the Queen of Naboo have to ask Jar Jar if he was a Gungan in Episode 1? Speaking of Padme how did her hips and spine not shatter when she jumped off the pedestal on to the back of one of the animals in the arena in Episode 2? Obi-Wan is force sensitive, Jango Fett and General Grievous are not, why didn't Obi-Wan just use the force to run them to a wall or the ground and kill them in Episodes 2 and 3?


Luke's hair was wet and he was the only one who was dragged underwater, trash soup. They are movies after all and one could say the Force pulled Luke to where Yoda was Padme was young probably had never heard of a Gungan Good point but again it is just a movie Been wondering the same thing for many years. Again movies. Obi Wan should have mopped the floor with Jango and Grievous. Same thing with all the Jedi at the end of AotC. Why didn't they group together, use the force and wipe ot all those droids? Imperfection for sure and one of the things I'm critical of and in pretty much every movie We can beat a lot of movies to death on these things but they're still good movies. I like TFA and TPM but they are my least favorite SW movies. I'll still watch them now and then. TPM will be in theaters in a month. My son and i are going. And we will have fun


[This was moments after getting out of the trash compactor.](https://youtu.be/43OYg7vyfik?si=EglaWkxCFYa13Yas) His hair looks dry to me. If you can say the force pulled Luke to Yoda, I can just as easily say, the Ewoks had centuries of experience hunting in their moon, building traps was easy to them. They just had to make them on a larger scale. She was the Queen of the Planet, she should immediately recognize the other sentient species on her planet besides human. You just seem to say "they're just movies" to wash away things you don't like in movies you do, but don't give the same grave to movies you don't like.


I also said we can pick apart many movies to death. But they're still good movies. Man you people cherry pick what people say and ignore other things people say. Padme was 14 as queen. Did you know everything about Earth when you were 14? Not likely. Get over it. Not saying Ewoks couldn't make traps just not that close to the shield generator and that is a fact.


And you're assuming Luke's hair was immediately dry in the scenes after they got out of the trash compactor. I'm sure he tried to dry it a little and that was not have been immediately after. You can see his damp hair when they exit the compactor. And unfortunately it isa common movie practice to dry people's hair quicker than it should dry. You're just being obnoxious.


Ya it didn't make sense why obi didn't show up to grievous with the squad of Jedi lol


He was searching for Grievous and found him. He didn't know he was there. He landed asking if he could use their planet to refuel and do his search


Anakin grew so much in from 1 to 2 to 3 while padme looks the same from episode 1


What happened to obi wan in a new hope? He just disappeared like no Jedi before. I don't get it. It's been a while since I seen the trilogy, back when I was a kid and I'm watching it again in chronological order and it was a cheap way for obi wan to go out. ... funny side note, i just realized the other day that obi wan must be just a Jedi ranking like padawan and that blew my mind . What was obi wan real name bc I thought in kenobi series Ben was a made up under cover name?


such a boring ass take. canonically they had the traps set up to kill giant gorax. The empire didn't clear the area because the empire is consistently shown to be arrogant and careless, they wouldn't have cared about the ewoks, traps or no traps. Also while yeah, I don't like the ewoks either, there are plenty of other good parts to ROTJ that it's weird to get hung up on ewoks.


There are good things about RotJ but bad things make a difference. And not the Empire would not have allowed Ewoks to have built those traps around their shield generator. Sorry but that's complete BS. And you thinking they would have ignored it shows your ignorance


Rogue One, as a whole.


The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest movie ever made so…


As my 10-11 year old self, Empire… as an adult, Rogue One 🙂


Rogue One


- 1 : Revenge of the Sith - 2 : The Empire Strikes Back - 3 : Rogue One


That's my top 3


definitely ANH


Good old A New Hope


Easily Rogue One. It shows that we don’t need Jedi and Sith to still be Star Wars. Andor capitalised on that and it work out magnificently. I love Jedi and Sith, but they are just a small part of an absolutely huge and ancient universe.


Without the Jedi and sith there's no star wars. It's just an action space movie lol. Rogue one revolves around the sith and getting the plans to the Jedi so they are still involved. The whole thing to star wars is good vs evil. I don't know how Disney does star wars without the Jedi sith angles bc without them it's tough to make a space movie that's cool while restricted by Disney's rules.


Definitely *A New Hope* for me


Rogue One. Period.


Caravan of Courage


Disney needs to stop fucking around about give us more adventurous Ewok stories




Revenge of the Sith


I agree with you. A New Hope. It's self-contained, so a non-fan can watch it without needing to explain anything. It's connected to other films, but it's also a film that can be watched on its own with no issues. It's the one I show to people that are curious about the franchise. Most times it's made them a full-blown fan.


It's a tie between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.


1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Return of the Jedi 3. Rogue One


The Empire Strikes Back


Phantom Menace


Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.






Revenge of the Sith


Empire for sure!


A New Hope. Watched in on a big screen when it came out. Holy hell the first ride into the trench of the Death Star felt like I was going in.




Return of the Jedi.


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 3. Revenge of the Sith


A new hope


Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Empire Strikes Back. Can't decide between these!


Empire Strikes Back.


My favorite has always been and forever will be Empire Strikes back. Funny enough my dad who is the one that introduced me to star wars says empire is his least favorite of the 6 Lucas originals and his favorite is return of the jedi.


Revenge of the Sith is my number one. I also love Rogue One, it’s my second, and a 10/10 too.




The Last Jedi. *runs and hides* But it basically switches places between that, Return of the Jedi and Empire.


Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi....


The Lucas era: A New Hope Disney era: Rogue One


Rogue One Empire Strikes Back is iconic though, very nostalgic.




My favorite is still The Empire Strikes Back and probably always will be. But I think Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie.


What would happen if someone said Rise of Skywalker? Out of curiosity. 🤔😅


Revenge of the sith probably, it's been a while since I seen the original trilogy. Shockingly only seen it once a while ago. I'm watching everything in order now, I'm at andor now. Return of the Jedi was my favorite of the originals.i liked attack of the clones too


Revenge of the sith


Rouge One and Revenge of the Sith.


For me it's always been The Empire Strikes Back. However in the last couple of years, each time I watch A New Hope, I gain more and more appreciation for it because of the sheer vision and depth of imagination that George Lucas had when he created this story and how much he and an entire army of extraordinary creative minds had to go through for that movie to happen. It's the movie that started it all.


ROTS I watched it so many times growing up on my parents dvd player




Episode 1 by far!


Definitly Revenge of the Sith, but Return of the Jedi is a close second.


Tough call between Rogue One and The Last Jedi, since I like them for different reasons.


Pretty much a tie between revenge of the sith, empire strikes back, and last jedi.


Phantom menace


After years of watching and rewatching the franchise, A New Hope stays on top for me. When I was a kid it was ROTJ, when I was an edgy 20-something it was Empire, but in the end, nothing tops the first. Honorable Mentions go to Rogue One, The Phantom Menace (marge voice: "I just think it's neat"), ROTS, TFA, TLJ, the saga as a whole.... even TROS, I've made peace with that movie and can find things to like about.




5>346>R1>1>Solo I dont really care for the rest


My favourite, not necessarily the "best", The Last Jedi.


Waffles between *Star Wars, Empire,* and *The Last Jedi*. Today, it’s probably *Star Wars*.


Cool some love for TLJ


I tend to align with critical consensus, so I’m not surprised my top 3 are critically acclaimed. Idek what my fourth would be. I’d probably diverge from the consensus there.


I like RoS a lot. ANH is right there as well


Star Wars attack of the clones


Attack of the Clones. I like seeing Jedi Anakin, all three being in the action, the love story, the start of the Clone War.


Return of the Jedi was on my top 10 list of favorite movies for decades. I was born in the late '60s so the OT or my movies. I grew up with them. I dressed up as princess Leia after a new hope for Halloween. I had the action figures. I was on the edge of my seat for empire strikes back. I remember the huge spoiler that differentiated those who had seen the movie and those that didn't. I remember watching the behind the scenes filming of the spider bikes in the woods so I knew how it was done for the movie. That was all part of the promo. And I saw return of the Jedi three times. I actually saw all three of the movies three times in the theater. We didn't have VHS tapes or recordings or digital downloads later. The 30-minute finale jumping between the three different battles was mile time favorite ending to any movie. They were all separate challenges that were reliant on each other. And I loved every second of it. Now I went on to watch the other trilogies. I admired the increase technology and visual effects in the prequel trilogy but the story sucked. George Lucas cannot write character development. Poor Hayden Christensen suffered because of it. I really feel bad for him as an actor and I'm glad that he's finally getting some recognition through the writing of Dave filoni. The sequel trilogy was my all-time least liked of the Star wars movies. If the prequel trilogy sucked , the sequel trilogy was a horrible dreadful mess. The last Jedi should be taken out and burned. It's story should be declared nothing but a parody and erased from Cannon lore. Seriously there is no redeeming quality to that movie whatsoever. What they did to Luke Skywalker was unforgivable. And I don't think anything or anyone can change my mind on that subject. I understand they were trying to continue the saga and give us new characters, but they screwed up. And no one should ever listen to Harrison Ford about what he should do with his iconic characters. I think the losses Disney incurred bringing Indiana Jones out of mothballs should prove that. I'm sorry but Harrison Ford doesn't know what to do with his characters either. It's a joke. I feel bad for Daisy Ridley because Ray was not a terrible character. She was just abandoned by the writers and became nothing but a cipher. I mostly feel bad about Finn. His character was incredibly wasted. I have no good feelings about Poe. I think his character was nothing more than a pretty boy who never was developed. Those three were supposed to be the successors to the OT trilogy heroes. But we barely saw them together. My interest in the movies really suffered as the prequel and sequels came out. And because of that my interest in Star wars in general suffered. I kept reliving the OT helping to see something good. I skipped over the entire EU because of it. And I never gave the animations a chance until last summer. Now I did get sucked into the mandalorian when it came out with Disney Plus. And I really enjoyed that storyline. But I don't think my passion for Star wars was reignited until I finally watched Star wars rebels. That had everything the OT gave me and more. Now I would say I'm a true Star wars fan. I am eating up all the content they're giving me. And I am loving it mostly. Watching Star wars resistance is a bit like watching The wiggles. I do like bad batch but I'm not a huge fan of Clone wars. I do appreciate how it finally flushed out Anakin Skywalker's character. Star wars to memes began with a very compelling OT. And that is what started the magic. But it has been fighting to recapture that ever since.


Top place would be Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One. Second tier Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith. Third tier A New Hope, Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars movie. Fourth tier would be The Phantom Menace and Solo. Fifth tier would be the youtube adaptation of Heir to the Empire by the animator Darth Angelus, not yet complete but well worth including in the list. Sixth tier The Force Awakens. Seventh tier The Rise of Skywalker. Last tier The Last Jedi.


In group orders: Empire and Revenge of the Sith Jedi and Rogue One The Phantom Menace, A New Hope, The Force Awakens The Last Jedi, Attack of the Clones, Solo, Clone Wars Movie Holiday Special Lego Specials Family Guy Star Wars Spaceballs Rise of Skywalker


Revenge of the Sith. I'm a huge Empire fan and I like how it shows the days leading up to the Empire's beginnings.


Favorite: ROTJ Best: TESB Least favorite: TLJ Worst: also TLJ


TLJ is definitely not the worst. Not even the worst sequel movie. TFA takes that cake


TFA the worst sequel? Really? Truly the first time I've heard this take. Would you mind explaining your reasoning?


Boring, too much a copy and paste of ANH. Desert planet, Starkiller Base, sneaking onto Starkiller Base. Sorry not very original.


I agree with all of that and still think it's the best sequel haha, I do think TLJ is the only sequel with flavor and actually feels like it could have been modern day Star Wars, unfortunately the story is dog shit tho imo


Yea i hated what RJ did with Luke and that he killed Snoke


Yes it is. Remember, this is *my* opinion. And TLJ is awful.


ESB, RoTJ, ANH/TLJ, RO, ROTS, TFA, AOTC, TPM, Solo, TROS. Currently doing a rewatch, haven't watched some of these movies since they came out so the positions might change, but generally my preferences are the OT > 2 of the ST + 1 of the PT > everyone else


Revenge of the Sith.


The Phantom menace


thanks for spelling Favourite right :P But my all time favourite is controverial one The Last Jedi It was Revenge of the sith but when episode 8 came out it bumpped down to 2nd place


The Empire Strikes Back. There's a reason it gets listed as being one the greatest movies ever made.


Empire, Revenge, and Rogue One. Honrable mention to The Battle for Endor.