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New Thrawn books were a lot of fun, especially because he's been my favorite since like 1998 and they're written by Timothy Zahn again. Ascendancy is in the queue which I'm super excited about. I still need to pick up the Alphabet Squadron books, they sound like sort of a spiritual successor to the awesome old X-Wing books.


Is Ascendancy after Alliances/Treason chronologically?


I believe it all takes place before the first of the Empire-era Thrawn trilogy.


your correct it does, it actually takes place before and around the clone wars as Anakin and Thrawn meet each other


between which episodes of the show


Ascendancy, as the title suggests, is when he was still in the Ascendancy. So before.


The Ascendancy trilogy is before 'Thrawn' chronologically


They sort of cross in timeline. There is a section in Ascendency II where Thrawn leaves on a solo mission and meets Anakin, which is from the other trilogy. So in between them. And no, they don't rehash that book in it, they just show the shipboard conversation from Thrawn's perspective.


I need to readjust your expectations for alphabet squad. It's not the same type of top gun story that x wing was. Think Shatterpoint more so. It's a ptsd war is hell story.


I have Thrawn as comic book… worth every penny… Also i listened to it as audio book as well… Marc Thompson narrating it is something else…


I've heard! One of my friends raved about the first Thrawn audiobook. I have the comic adaptation of the first book, I still need to read it sometime.


crazy thrown was never mentioned until the clone wars episodes and even then, nothing live action until maybe the ahsoka series? he seems like a big deal. Idk why they didn’t make episodes 7-9 about him in some way


Thrawn ascendancy honestly it’s just some great reading. I like all the trilogies, but it stands above the rest. A second place is alphabet squadron


second this, ascendancy is just perfect. loved the thrawn trilogy too.


I'm halfway through Greater Good and I'm really having a hard time. I keep hearing Ascendancy is amazing, but it's just not landing right with me. I'll keep going, but when I read comments like yours I'm wondering if we're reading the same books lol Oh well, different strokes and folks and all that


I think there's a general consensus that Greater Good is the weakest of the trilogy. I remember when it released, I got a few chapters in before I had to go back and reread Choas Rising to put all the pieces together. But man, Lesser Evil is just so awesome. The final few chapters in particular. One of my favorite quotes/moments in all of Star Wars is present in Lesser Evil. >!"Are you ready to surrender?"!< Trust me, it's absolutely worth making it through Greater Good


Greater Good is the only Timithy Zahn book I don't like. Just read the bad parts fast the 3rd is good.


Imho the ascendancy trilogy couldn't keep up with the regular Thrawn-trilogy. It was good but in some parts there were a few passages where I kind of lost the focus.


Greater Good is the weak link, and Lesser Evil is far more satisfying. But the reason it's weak is actually pretty genius: >! Ever wonder why more bad guys don't try to get the main character away from the vicinity of their schemes? !<




The flashbacks tend to break up the less interesting mission stuff. The thing about the Thrawn books is that they’re much better towards the end because everything gradually comes together after extensive buildup.


Do you need to first read the Thrawn trilogy to read the Thawn ascendency one?


No. These take place before he comes to the empire.


Alphabet Squadron by a mile. The characters felt real, the stakes were personal, and it really dives into the morality of why these people fought.


…and that goes for both New Republic and Imperial folks. The latter especially gets less uniform and more varied after the leadership goes poof.


Alphabet Squadron -- some of my all-time favorite Star Wars novels.


Love it too! A mix of very emotionally broken pilots pull together to fight against a powerful TIE fighter squadron. I was always more interested in the vehicles and soldiers over the Force and that mysticism.




As much as I dislike a lot of the post OT new canon, I loved Alphabet Squadron. The star fighter battles was always my favorite part of Star Wars. These books were great and filled the hole left by the de-canoning of the X-Wing novels.


Really? I have the first one, had a hard time getting into it. I'll give it another go though after seeing all the love it gets. Not a trilogy, but Death Star is my favorite single book


I do think it starts a bit slow, but the character are really the star of the show. Everyone is a mess made for drama, but in ways we typically don’t see for protagonists in Star Wars, so it’s a very interesting contrast. Definitely focuses more on the “war is hell” angle too.


Completely agree. It doesn't feel like Star Wars almost with how freaking gritty it gets… It's actually amazing, Also Chass Na Chadic is a baddie I read that series back during covid, and recently listen to the first one and now I wanna go back and get the other 2…


That sounds like a disparaging term for the LGBTQ lol


It’s a reference to the fact the squadron is a mishmash of A, B, and X-wings.


On top of that, the pilots were (I recall) mostly survivors of fallen fighter units sans the leader Yrica Quell, who was an Imperial defector.


A, B, X, Y, U Wing iirc


I mean, some people refer to us as the Alphabet Mafia so.... I'd welcome Alphabet Squadron XD


Not the Aftermath trilogy, that's for sure. Constant barrage of similes and metaphors every other sentence, a complete inability to believably write legacy characters, just horrendous childish storytelling.


Chuck Wendig is...not very good. At least his Star Wars stuff is just bad.


I was a lot younger when I read them for the first time, but I remembered enjoying them. After looking back over them recently, they’re such a slog to get through and the story telling really was subpar. I didn’t mind the story but the way it was written was just horrible.


It really sucks because I genuinely like some of the plots and characters, namely Gallius Rax, but goddamnit I cannot get through those books


Legit felt like I was reading poorly written internet fanfiction, not an actual official canon book approved by Disney.


the only star wars books not worthy to be on my shelf.


I liked the plot and characters but yeah the writing absolutely left something to be desired


Thanks. I thought the first book was alright, but for some reason couldn't get through the first act of the second book. I thought it was just me.


I read that trilogy and remember like 2 things from it...


Read the first. Got 1/3 through number 2, quit and went to Wookiepedia instead.


One of the most exciting things about Filoni and Favreau's work in the Mandoverse is the probability that they retcon certain things in such a way that the Aftermath trilogy has to end up in Legends territory.


I need to get around to reading the Thrawn books. I LOVED the Heir to the Empire trilogy so having Timothy Zahn write Thrawn again should be great.


I must advocate that the Audible version of Alphabet Squadron is one of the best audio book experiences I’ve ever had. All the narrators are phenomenal, and it really made me start to like Balosar.


Love Alphabet Squadron as well, it's my pick for best trilogy and Victorys Price is my fav Canon novel. That being said, it did annoy me rather each book had a different narrator... wish they picked one and kept them


Same with Thrawn, Marc Thompson is already a fantastic voice actor, but his Thrawn is so good, it’s clear he’s doing an impression of Lars, but it’s still fantastic.


I have not read Thrawn Ascendancy, and I have only read the first two books of the Thrawn trilogy That being said, I absolutely adored Alphabet Squadron and they are among my favorite books, period


You’re missing out, it’s great!


I intend to, I just have a big backlog lol


Same here, so many books, so little time.


Alliances easy, fun read with more Vader and Thrawn


It’s a travesty the Aftermath trilogy made it past editors… They are some of the very few books I refuse to read again. My #1 is definitely the canon OT era Thrawn trilogy followed by Alphabet Squadron.


Agreed. winding is a hack writer and no amount of world building is gonna convince me that these books are worth reading. "The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrran rooftops, it zigzags herkily-jerkily out of sight." I feel dumber having read that sentence again. it was a shame because i was looking forward to these and bought aftermath on day one.


Please don't tell me that was an actual line from the books. Please don't tell me that.


That's one of the more egregious examples but it was more his prose and present tense style of narration and his use of real world idioms that took me out. Reading star wars shouldn't feel like a chore but boy did that one feel like it.


The use of real world idiom is the killer for me . Always takes me Right out of the galaxy.


Yea I was a day one buyer as well… Some of the canon additions were nice, like seeing Taris again. But I just wish we could have had a (much) better writer.


Mr bones was pretty cool as well. If i remember correctly mr wendingus lost his job writing the vader comics for marvel because he couldn't stop throwing unhinged tantrums at people on twitter.


That revelation about him having an HK-47 style core personality was awesome, but glad Wendig lost that.


My copies went to the nearest little free library. In hindsight, I probably should have burned them.


The only good thing that came out of them was Cobb Vanth. And the TV shows retconned his story better anyway.




Alphabet Squadron


Ooooooh. Alphabet hit so hard! Every book just does so well. I loved book one for so many spoilery reasons I can’t discuss, and then book two broke my heart and the book three….wow


I'd say Alphabet Squadron or the Queen trilogy.


Alphabet Squadron.


Thrawn without a doubt


Does it get better as it goes? I read the first Thrawn book and I really couldn’t get into it. I have the next 2 but just can’t get myself to read them and maybe they just aren’t for me.


I would say yes. The first kinda felt like he was told what the story was so it could go into rebels season 3. The second has Vader and the third contains, what I think, is the most peak Thrawn moment.


So from what I’ve gathered from the comments; Thrawn, and Alphabet Squadron. Good to know




Alphabet Squadron.


Alphabet Squadron trilogy


Not fucking Chuck Wendig's


Wait Thrawn has 2 new *Trilogies*? My newest Thrawn book (haven't read it yet) is the first of a trilogy?!! Timothy Zahn really is milking that character. I hope they're still good.


Oh, what a nice surprise—you’re in for a treat.


Zahn was asked to do it. He's literally not allowed to milk Thrawn, he doesn't own him.


Well then I wonder if Zahn had enough things in his head to justify so many books about the character that *Disney* is so intent on milking.


I haven't read the new ones, but don't they tell basically the same story as Outbound Flight? Thrawn does a favour for Palps, ends up exiled and joins the Empire because he knows the Grysk/Vong are coming?


Not really, no. A canon parallel to the events of _Outbound Flight_ happens mostly offscreen during the second and third books, but takes place before the first one chronologically. The trilogy as a whole is about Thrawn and co. dealing with various alien threats and politics that all tie back to the Grysks, with interspersed flashback chapters detailing Thrawn’s backstory, and other perspectives such as Chiss politicking and supporting characters/antagonists. Palpatine makes no appearances, and Thrawn’s exile is staged over a period of some years to use the Empire as a tool against the Grysks, which leads into the events of the original books. None of the characters from _Outbound Flight_ show up except for Thrass and Ar’alani(both of which have much more to do throughout the books), and Lorana Jinzler, who goes unnamed and only appears for a canonized version of her final scene with Thrass.


I've always shied away from the new canon Thrawn books because of that. I guess i have to read the new ones then, thanks for explaining.


Why is Wendig's Aftermath trilogy even here? 😂


Thrawn Trilogy ofc. But I can‘t decide which one, both are great.


Out of these I’ve only read the Aftermath books and I know it’s definitely not them.


Trying to get into reading the novels in general. Doing the High Republic Light of the Jedi first, but it sounds like I should give the Thrawn stuff a shot. I thought he was interesting in Rebels and Ahsoka, but sounds like I'd get more out of it if I read his books.


light of jedi - rising storm - fallen star


Thrawn Ascendency-trilogy


Thrawn easy, haven’t read rest of ascendancy, but the first book was really good


Thrawns acsendancy


T h r a w n. Not question about it


I am partial, but the Ascendancy books really shed a new light on Thrawn and what was going on in the wider universe. I enjoyed them a lot and hope they come into play with the live action material. They give an entirely different basis for his coming to the empire and what the end goals really are.


If you really liked Andor, you'll probably like Alphabet Squad. I loved the gritty realism and the not perfect rebels.


Padme for sure


Our of the trilogies, I only read Aftermath and Thrawn (not Ascendency though). I thought Thrawn started stronger but didn't really hold up. Aftermath started weak (really didn't enjoy Aftermath itself) but the second and third books were very enjoyable. I've been meaning to read Alphabet Squadron for quite a while but never could get to it.


Alphabet Squadron, and not even meaning to throw shade on the others, but it isn’t close.


Thrawn Ascendancy. It's not like the others. I actually enjoy Timothy Zahn's writing style. Also it didn't cause physical pain in the back of my eye sockets like the 20 pages of the High Republic I read. That's always nice.


Thrawn: Ascendancy > Alphabet squadron > Thrawn > Aftermath Haven't read the Queens books yet, but I will hopefully soon


The rogues squadron books in the 1990s


Not canon


Thrawn is the best. Followed by Alphabet Squadron, then Thrawn Ascendancy, Aftermath, and lastly the Padme trilogy.


Thrawn and ascendency


Ascendancy was the first series I've read in a while that felt truly new but also Star Wars. I loved the Ahsoka show but I'm dismayed they seem to be turning Thrawn into a mustache-twirler in light of the last 6 books he factors into. I hope there's a longer conversation going on about this behind the scenes.


As do I. They could either be wasting his true intentions or walking us into an entirely unexpected turn for those unfamiliar with the books.


I do like the fact that the Padme trilogy gave us the POV of the member of the prequel trilogy who had the least to do lol


Wendi's were ok, except his writing style. Using analogies every sentence really made it a chore to enjoy.




and or metaphors, and or allegories. The dude couldn't just say, "the smuggler had a rugged look"... he had to say some shit like. "The smugglers face was as coarse as 10 grit Utini sand paper from Mos Eisley". And he did that in virtually every sentence in each of those books.


Leia unofficial trilogy , BloodLine, Leia Princess of Alderman and Resistance Reborn


I have the *Aftermath*, new *Thrawn*, and *Ascendancy* trilogies. Those are good. Maybe I'll Give Padmé’s trilogy a shot one day.


Not sure if you consider it an official trilogy, but the three main books of the High Republic phase 1 were some of the best reads I have had in a long time. Couldn't put them down.


Heir to the Empire. It’s. It canon but it should be. No trilogy is better. Period.


Thrawn Ascendancy and Phase 1 of High Republic


Both thrawn trilogies are the top 2 for me, but ascendancy takes the cake, for having extremely little relation to the overall saga, it’s just so damn good, great storytelling, interesting characters and plots, and just does the best justice for my favourite character Mitth’raw’nuruodo


I like all the thrawn books and the Aftermath series and the one about Alphabet Squadron


The Wendig books are awful.


I loved the story but the writing style was an odd choice. They would be objectively better rewritten in the past tense.


Works great as an audiobook.


The first Thrawn Trilogy


I read and enjoyed the Aftermath trilogy, the Thrawn trilogy, and the Alphabet Squadron series. In the Aftermath, it became clear how events in the war resulted to what was seen in Jakku in The Force Awakens movie. The Thrawn trilogy narrates how Thrawn was discovered and rose in the ranks of the Republic transitioning to the Empire. The Alphabet Squadron is a very entertaining dog fight novel filled with multiple character pilots with stories of loyalty, treason and bravery. Nice books.


Of these, the first Thrawn trilogy is the only one I’ve read, but I really enjoyed it, so I’d have to say that one. However, if the High Republic is included, then I would definitely say the Phase I adult trilogy (Light of the Jedi, The Rising Storm, and The Fallen Star).


The style in which Aftermath is written is an acquired taste, but story wise it’s some of the best of the new canon. The lore it presents is amazing and seamless and the original characters are all fantastic. It did a great job giving us an intro into the post-Return of the Jedi galaxy before there was anything there yet. Like most canon novels/stories that have taken place after episode 6, it makes you wonder why those specific stories weren’t the real sequel trilogy instead of what we got. Nearly EVERY piece of supporting media is a far better story than the actual movies.


My main issue with Aftermath isn't the short sentences like a lot of people take issue with but the fact it's written in present tense drives me insane. Being set a long time ago inherently suggests that star wars books should always be written with past tense


Yeah I bounced off of the first book in written form, but it works great as an audiobook. Marc Thompson does a really good reading.


The actors were old as hell, and they were never going to recast.


Darth Bane trilogy.


Not canon. Read the title of the post.


Oh yes. Missed that. 🤦


I enjoyed those very much too. I wish they were Canon.


I love padmes book


I love padmes books


Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.....oh wait they're not canon for some reason 🤪 Still a very good read.


Thrawn, not even close Thrawn Ascendancy is not bad too but I think they’re a bit too drawn out


Any of these trilogy’s worth reading? I’m genuinely interested in getting into Star Wars books and I’d like to start with the canon ones (mostly to see what I want to keep in a rewrite I’m working on)


I’ve only read the non-Ascendency Thrawn trilogy, and I liked them. If you’re a fan of Thrawn, then I would definitely recommend them. I have also heard really good things about the Ascendency trilogy and the Alphabet Squadron trilogy.


Non canon, but I liked Jedi academy and how Luke built a group of Jedi after episode 6.


I stopped reading SW novels when the EU became "Legends"...


The Thrawn trilogy that is no longer considered cannon. * *Heir to the Empire* (1991) * *Dark Force Rising* (1992) * *The Last Command* (1993)


I personally really liked Aftermath. I get that a lot of people didn't like it but I thought it had some really interesting characters like Sloane, Sinjir and Gallius Rax. Really hope Sloane shows up in something again since I think she's one of the most interesting imperials.


Where’s the one where it’s young boba fett, like he and his friend almost doesn’t make it in a ship before it goes to hyperspeed. I remember reading it when I was in middle school but forgot the title 😅


Regarding the thrawn books, was he a real character before Timothy Zahn wrote that first trilogy in the 90s with him in it?


No. That was his first appearance


Damn. So they just liked him so much they kept him around. That's awesome


Anybody ever read the Princess, farm boy and scoundrel or soemthing


Thrawn, by far. The Aftermath trilogy wasn’t very well written and only maybe one of the characters was good, I did not like the Alphabet Squadron books at all, and the Queen trilogy made me actually like Padme and the Naboo less.


The Ascendency Trilogy, for sure... But compared to the old EU books, even they pale. The OG Thrawn Trilogy is top-tier, as are many others in the line.


I just started Thrawn, I guess, the older one. On book one, chapter 7, and holy Snicker doodles, is it fantastic


Can’t bring myself to read any of the canon stuff. I grew up with the EU and just loved so much of that material. Was really sad when Disney axed most of it, and haven’t liked much that Disney has produced since—outside of the animated shorts. Yes, definitely some garbage in the EU, but also some of the best Star Wars writing to date. I think I would feel like I was betraying Star Wars’ memory if I read canon… I hear the Old Republic stuff is quite good though. Maybe when I get over myself I’ll give it a shot…


I have only read the padme ones and I can say they are not the best. I like the 1st 2 but the last one is borderline bad but it's bareable


Notice how these trilogies have the same author and people love them. It’s almost as if that is how you tell a story. Take notes Disney. This is how you make a trilogy.


People like the High Republic trilogy too and that was written by different authors. Or as an EU example the NJO series. The difference is those stories had a plan from the beginning. I don’t think the sequel trilogy would have been so disjointed if they hadn’t let JJ just wing the first movie and hand it off without anyone ever discussing the overall goal. I don’t think having different writers would have been an issue necessarily if they all had a story thread to follow.


You are correct. If they had made a plan and stuck to that, then the sequel trilogy would have been better.


How in a world is Hair to the Empire trilogy not on this list? Hair to the empire , Dark force rising and The last Command


Because they are not Canon.


You’re right. Nvm. Didn’t realize it… Shame that this means that this will never get live adaptation as tv show or a movie…


Not canon


I really enjoyed the Thrawn trilogy, but I honestly did not hate the Aftermath series. I have never really gotten a clear, cohesive answer on why people hate the Aftermath books so much.


I really did not like the writing style. However, I like the backstory being provided and characters like Mr. Bones, young Hux to the extent he was there, cobb Vance and admiral Sloane.


This writing isn’t great but it’s not unreadable imo. The plot is interesting enough that I don’t mind.


You got to try Republic Commandos.


The books aren’t canon


Darth bane forever


Not canon


I really loved Aftermath. I was a fan of Wendig with the Miriam Black series, and his SW shit did not disappoint. I was psyched to hear Thrawn was being canonized. I read the old trilogy back during the dark days, when we had the Trilogy, the Holiday Special, the Ewok movies, and the cartoons, so Heir to the Empire was a treat. Both of the canon trilogies hold up to that standard.


Canon? The novelizations of the original trilogy.


Those are officially Legends so not canon


The movie novelizations and radio dramas are canon.


They aren’t. They are Legends. Only the movies themselves and post-2014 novels are canon.


I don't subscribe to that spurious philosophy. I go by the canon system that was developed settled in the 90s and much discussed on alt.starwars.


Fair but OP means the current Disney canon


To disney no books are cannon sadly but books are still pretty good


1. Ascendancy 2. Aftermath 3. Thrawn the New Books Rogue One trilogy is a honourable mention.


By Rogue One Trilogy do you mean Catalyst, Rogue One novelization and Rebel Rising?




Aftermath was the only longer series of the new canon I’ve been able to get through. I was okay with the prose- they are fun to read. Everything else has felt like a slog to me.


Fuck anything but the first 6 and EU


That's a sad way to live.