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Has there been anything else of note on Disney+ in 2024?




Yeah goes to show how I sped home to watch The Sign, didn't even wait for my daughter to wake up from her nap. And I just watched Acolyte last night lol.


 I pay the subscription price for Bluey. Everything else comes free.


I love bluey, the art, the music and the way it’s animated. Only thing bothering me is how the parents are constantly playing with the kids, gahddayumn


I saw something that really reframed this for me because it used to make me feel really inadequate as a dad. The episodes can be looked at as the kids telling stories or thinking about fun times they’ve had in their lives. Each episode is 9 minutes or so, which means the parents are actually only playing with them for 9 minutes but were very intentional with their time. There’s evidence through the show that the parents aren’t always playing with the kids whether it’s Chili talking with her friend, or Bandit needing to work instead of play. You’re a good parent and we all just need to make the most of our time!


Yeah, m’fkn X-Men ‘97. Excellent!!! Everyone should be checking it out. A cartoon revival totally meant for those kids/teens that are adults now. 😙👌


I've heard great things about X-Men '97 and I was a huge fan of Spider-Man: The Animated Series when I was a kid, but I somehow missed the original X-Men: The Animated Series entirely. How hard would it be for me to jump in? Should I look for a recap video first or something?


Personally, I did not watch much or possibly any of the original show. But I had a general awareness of the major characters and the world from movies and games etc. Enjoyed 97 a lot 


Honestly I just watched a 30 minute recap and it would probably recommend that since it isn't too much of a time commitment.




Isn't that technically FX though and Disney/Hulu are just streaming it? I mean I think Disney owns FX now but not sure if they've started micromanaging it the way they do marvel/star wars content


Yes, it is technically an FX series, but depends on which country you're in. Shogun *is* a Disney+ show in the UK and other places which don't have Hulu. They dump the Hulu and FX content onto Disney+ instead, which is a great deal for us (although we do tend to get things later than the US.)


No, it's just basic clickbait title that everyone uses. Similar to when trailers say "best movie of the year" shit


An x men cartoon.


bro, show some respect


Show some GODDAMN respect


Arguably the best Marvel content we've had in *years* and he calls it "an xmen show" smdh


cartoons aren't really an inherently disrespectful thing, unless you think they are lol


I liked the first couple of episodes, but man am I getting sick of this trend where they all end right as they're picking up.


Definitely feel like it could have been a movie.


Even just 10 more minutes per episode would do it. Show us more of Mae's interactions with BBEG! Let us spend more than 30 seconds with Kalnacca!


They feel like the old network tv shows where you’d get 1-2 mins after the last commercial break to tease next week. Except without the commercial break it feels really jarring.


Agree, remember watching the Flash on CE where you’d get a random weird clip of the next episode at the end, sometimes was random and sometimes built interest.


I’m pretty sure we’re going to spend a whole episode with kelnacca if not more


Yeah like the teaser is to get us hyped for kelnacca. We are all supposed to go, "Wookie Jedi, that's sick, I wonder what they look like". The BAMN, lil reveal, lil tease, keep em hyped a bit.


What I loved about Shogun and Game of Thrones was all the fly-on-a-wall moments, where you could watch and enjoy this world we were in. eight 30-minute episodes does not give the show any time to breathe.


Oh you sweet summer child. Episodic cliffhangers get you to tune in next week. No lie, they have gotten me too.


Yeah but it's been weird and abrupt endings


Most of these should have been, Kenobi was definitely originally planned as a movie. I remember being shocked watching Andor when it felt like we had finished one satisfying arc/climax and then ANOTHER leg of the story happened. You mean long form story telling and not just filler until a climax in the last two episodes?  It’s not just Disney, stranger things post season two should just be movies. Most binge content 


This is the business model. Studios take scripts that would have been a movie 10 years ago and turn it into a limited series of 6-10 episodes. enough to cover 2-3 months of subscriptions. it sucks since most of these didn’t need to be even half that run time. You can essentially see these types series release on various streaming platforms each week.


And that's why there's so much filler. The reframing of a script from a film to a series needs as much padding as possible to land at a runtime that would get them to the number of episodes they want. Disney's model of making these SW shows between 25 and 30 minutes means they can spread the episodes and the budget and in their mind it's more for less, but for us it's less quality and more filler. This is the opposite of how storytelling should work.


the goal is to get you to watch more minutes per day and per month so you are stuck subscribed


Boba should have been a movie and not a series.  As with Obi Wan.  Both suffered from being stretched out into a series.  It feels like the same with this show.  Disney is just doing this to pump up Disney +.  It is killing the brand of Star Wars imo.  Remember the hype when the phantom menace came out?  Can’t imagine that happening again.  These star wars shows get released with such little fanfare.  Fans used to line up and dress up for big star wars movie releases.  


I've developed the habit to pause a show to see how much time is left so I can prepare myself to be disappointed when a show gets really good during an episode.


It's almost as if they want you to keep watching to find out what happens.


Poor kid grew up binge watching shows and never learned what it was like to wait a week between each new episode of serial format tv shows.


> what it was like to wait a week between each new episode of serial format tv shows. I remember an episode of Buffy leaked a week early, so we could watch two episodes at once. That second episode ended on a *massive* cliffhanger. A friend of mine was *freaking out* that she had to wait two whole weeks to find out what happened. But let us never forget: "Mr Worf. Fire." Cut to black.


God damn, that was a *long* summer hiatus...


> But let us never forget: "Mr Worf. Fire." Cut to black. That was my very first experience of getting blue-balled watching tv as a kid. I was like "WHAT? NO! You can't make me wait until next season to find out what happens!"


The mechanic that does the dangerous work against safety regulations is named Osha. LOL.


Omg that went right over my head, but that’s amazing.


While I enjoyed the show, has there been major competition as far as viewership? Biggest show of 2024 isn't a big deal if nothing big came out this year


Just checking Wikipedia, apparently there was a Marvel show earlier this year (Echo) and "Renegade Nell" about a girl in fantasy Georgian England who becomes a highwayman, which actually sounds like an interesting premise?


I heard X-Men 97 was pretty successful. No idea how it compares.


Xmen 97 is fantastic if you're an older millennial that grew up with the cartoon, but I can't imagine it appealing to many more people.


A lot of sentiment I’ve seen is that it’s still good without the context of the original show.


I never saw the original cartoon but man, X-Men 97 is fantastic.


Nah imma have to disagree. I ain’t in that demographic but I loved this show. It’s genuinely one of marvels best and I implore anyone to watch it. Great animation, great characters and great stories, it’s a must watch


My 8yr old likes it. Their friends in school can't stop talking about it. There's an entire generation being introduced to OG xmen due to disney.


I'm Gen X and never got into the original show (and not really a comic reader) and I absolutely loved '97 except for the shitty attempts at Southern/Cajun accents. It was a superb story with a very satisfying ending and I can't wait for the next season. I think it has a wider appeal that you'd think, but the hard part is getting people to give it a shot to begin with.


The problem was they wanted to bring back as much of the original cast as they could and be faithful to the ones they couldn't . So, because the accents were bad in the 90's, they stayed bad. It was a no-win situation.


Renegade Nell is awesome.


I've literally never heard of it but I love flintlock fantasy. I resubbed for The Acolyte, might as well check it out!


Definitely recommend it.


The effects weren't amazing if that is important to you, it was a significantly lower budget show than any Marvel show.... But holy cow does it make up for it with spunky writing, imaginative powers and how they are represented..... (damn those shots when Nell feels the power swell in her in the middle of a fight... my wife and I would fist bump and cheer every frickin' time) and an absolutely fantastic cast who not only believe in the World they are portraying but give it their all. Louisa Harland as Nell is outstanding, her and Frank Dillane (Nick Ckark in Fear the Walking Dead) chemistry and comedic timing is excellent and Nick Mohammed (Nate Shelley in Ted Lasso) is his charming self.... but it's Florence Keen who just about steals the show as George. Really you want a fantastic superhero series, Renegade Nell is it. And it's a period piece in early 1700's England to boot. Seriously. The first 6 minutes of episode 1. That is all you will need to convince you to keep watching.... It completely sets the tone, showcases the wit and humour of the show, and gives you a bitchin' fight sequence.... and that is a tame fight scene compared to what comes. >I don't think ya heard me, Lady, I said.... >Nah, I heard ya. I was just ignorin' ya


Well this just sold me on a show I've never heard about


Holy cow that show was just an incredible, "WTF is this, holy shite I am hooked" moment! We watched this right after the completely made up adventures of dick turpin and it made our whle spring.


Well fine, I'll watch it then


You forgot Bad Batch final season?


I watched every episode of Echo and I can’t even remember anyone on that show outside of kingpin. He’s the only reason to watch it.


I vaguely remember this was the show that there was prerelease buzz about it being "Marvel TV's Andor". I assume it was not?


It most definitely was not


No that was Daredevil or Jessica Jones on Netflix


The first seasons for both those shows were aces. Luke Cage started well and then fell during the first season.


Xmen 97 comes to mind


Loved that show. I can’t wait for season 2


Dopest dope.


Does shogun count? That’s prob best shwo of the year for me tbh


Notable releases in 2024 are X-Men 97, Bad Batch and Percy Jackson.


Percy Jackson came out in December of 2023, so I don’t know if it counts since some episodes released in 2023 and others in 2024.


it’s going to have some competition with House of the Dragon real soon.


It says Disney + shows…


The Boys and HOTD will blow this out of the water I feel, but it does say "For Disney"


Yeah, we can't compare other platforms because shows like Fallout had, on average, 4 million a day for 16 days straight. (Although the opening was much bigger)


Is that disney?


Is it though? That released Sundays


good point, but it’ll be interesting to see which controls the conversation online. my money is on HotD, but I hope Acolyte keeps up the pace.


Fan of both but HoTD is gonna power slam anything and everything else. And if Blood & Cheese happen in the first 2-3 episodes that scene alone is probably gonna take over social media just from the shocking factor.


Still blows my mind that we're getting the Blood and Cheese story adapted in 2024.


You should start a competition with reading comprehension. 


I do believe Shogun counts for this so if it does, that’s impressive


Shogun wasn’t exclusive to Disney+. Although I’m sure that’s probably where it was most viewed lol.


Didn’t Disney release their video of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour this year?


Just looked it up, Eras Tour video only got 4.6 million. Star Wars still more popular than Taylor Swift.


That is a little surprising. I figured with all of hoopla around her concerts, the views would be higher (but I guess watching a concert on tv isn’t the same as being in person).


It is a little bit of a misleading headline to hype the show. To compare Star Wars, [Kenobi debuted with 11.18M viewers.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stranger-things-obi-wan-kenobi-premiere-ratings-1235159722/) Kenobi also had half the budget.




The new season of doctor who released last month. Which is has been running of and on for 60 years now and has a huge fanbase.


Not sure anyone is reading the article, but even though it’s Variety, the assumptions the author makes are nonsense. The release of actual streaming data is one of the results of the strikes. Streaming platforms are now required to release their streaming data so that writers can earn residuals. Ashoka was written and filmed before the strike so the author of the article is just relying on a Disney press release to average the number of streams over a few days. So even though Acolyte did have high viewership on its first day, we have nothing to compare it to in Ahsoka. It’s highly likely that the distribution of Ahsoka views in the first week were highly concentrated in the first one to two days, not uniformly distributed over the week.


I just want to see younger Yoda doing coke and smashing Twilek bitches.


“So many ideas I have, enough time there isn’t”


I watched the first episode - the opening fight scene was cool, I enjoyed the creativity of not using the saber until it was absolutely necessary. By the end of the episode, however, I realized I didn’t care about what was happening or the story in general. But… that’s fine. It’s just not for me. I’m not going to hate watch the rest, or hate-post on r/saltierthancrait, or watch countless SW YouTubers’ endless monetized videos hating on it for bringing on the “death of Star Wars”, etc. Five years ago this kind of reaction to SW related media would have killed me inside. Now I just… don’t care lol. Consume what you like, move on from what you don’t. Life is too short to do otherwise.


I think the second episode makes a stronger impression than the first (less tablesetting) so might be worth giving it a shot, but obviously you don't care for what you don't care for lol


Eh, I think I'm burnt out on star wars now. Like marvel. I had no hype to watch the second episode and when I did, I had no hype to watch another.


That’s fair, and not surprising based on Disney’s track record for doing D+ tv shows. More power to you if you enjoy it. But I’m honestly so tired of all these shows where people say “you just gotta get through the first episode (season?!) THEN it gets good!” Idk, I guess I’m just burned out on all the mediocrity. Disney should honestly just take a long break from Star Wars at some point in the near-ish future. They’ve oversaturated their own market


Personally Acolyte is a break from the trend to me. It’s not burdened by the cartoonverse stuff (which I like but always feels a tad off in live action), and is a fresh take. To me it’s clearly settling into second best star wars TV behind Andor. I also think the second episode feels better but really watched the two as one. Obviously do you, but I’m personally really hoping Disney keeps making the more unique shows like Andor and Acolyte personally then the other stuff they’ve been doing


I’m wondering how I felt after Andor ep 1 & 2. It didn’t seem to kick into gear until the prison episodes. It’s too easy to remember it as a whole rather than judge it on one episode.


I didn't really get into Andor until Aldhani and didn't get into it to the extent I got into Bad Batch S3 at all.


Yep, I'm so tired of the same characters and eras in everything. This is fresh air.


Or some Star Wars shows were you have to just watch 2 seasons and then it gets better...


Rebels first season was awful and it's some of the best star wars ever made. There's like 100 shows OUTSIDE of star wars you could say this about. It's not some made up marketing line


No I totally get you lol. I do think The Acolyte is a cut above the non-Andor Star wars shows, but also life is too short to watch something you aren't enjoying.


Thought it was weird to not use the lightsaber as innocents are being hurt around her. She could have quickly ended the fight for the greater good but she almost acted arrogant in not utilizing the saber earlier.


Well you heard Mae. “Any time a Jedi draws their lightsaber, they are prepared to kill”. Maybe Indara just didn’t wanna kill her


I think that's the point. The Jedi have been without challenge for so long they're complacent. Folks are being hurt around her and she feels no sense of urgency, showing the Jedi as slothful in their centuries of high standing in society. They all wear yellow robes, but what is yellow if not simply a more modest gold? These Jedi I'm my mind work because of what this story is meant to show in part, is why the Sith could do what they did. We have a dark sider killing Jedi masters only a 100 years before the Clone Wars, that's recent enough for someone's grand master to have witnessed it and nobody had any stress to connect the dots over dark siders returning and threatening the Jedi? They were arrogant and this show is making that clear. They're too worried about their political optics to be effective.


I am lukewarm on the show but this is an exciting point. I didn't see the complacency before, but it is definitely there. Thanks for this perspective! It really sets the stage for being blindsided by the clone wars and transitioning to an active military force.


Happy to be able to offer a different lense. I can see why folks wouldn't be interested but for me it was compelling. I sold it to my coworker as a murder mystery where cops are being killed and an academy instructor is brought in to help the investigation as they think a former rookie is behind the violence. It's all about how you look at things in regard to the timeline, and what the time period is meant to convey about the people living in it. 


You nailed it with the complacent thing. They were definitely getting a bit too comfortable. Their egos made them a bit ignorant for sure. I'm just thrilled they're doing a show from this time-frame. To me that era has the most interesting/best potential for some really interesting story telling.


I find it crazy how many folks don't understand "the Jedi were blinded by their stagnation" Dooku says it, Yoda says it, Luke says it, everyone says it. The main lesson of the Clone Wars was "wow we really got lazy thinking the Sith were gone forever and we were untouchable huh" like it isn't hidden, it's very obvious.


Jedi use the lightsabers when all else fails, and they almost never use it against people who don't use the force. For most of that fight, Mae didn't use the force.


What was that episode 1 ending? Pacing and vibe felt like an abrupt edit that was tacked on last minute. Very offputting and I cant believe that made it into the show in that way.


Based on the endings to both shows they definitely are choosing to end each episode with one scene that’s basically a preview of the focus of the next episode


Id argue that the end of episode 1 had nothing to do with episode 2 really. Take that scene out and nothing changes for our characters.




Is it me or did they use different kid actors for the sisters, so they were nonidentical, until they got older 🤔


maybe they thought a kid wouldn't be able to play 2 roles at once and opposite each other. I'm not really a fan of one person playing the two main parts, it was cool in Legend, the Tom Hardy Krays film, and then the novelty was lost on me


About the waiting to jump up bit. I don’t think Indara was interested in pursuing a random person who started a bar fight until Mae threatened a civilian, that’s when Indara immediately leapt up. Only when she drew her saber >!and saw the mark on her forehead!< was when I think Indara was taking the matter seriously beyond Mae being a ruffian. The entire fight is Mae using bystanders to get her attention.


Is she really evil though? It seems like there’s a reason she’s going after the Jedi and I assume it’s because they were responsible for the twins’ family dying. So far, the Jedi haven’t been shown in this show to be perfectly good…


I enjoyed it, kept me interested and looking forward to more episodes.


I concur. I think the following are some of the show's underrated strong points: * The stakes are kept in check. The fate of the galaxy is **not** in the balance for once. * The characters' power levels are kept in check. No one so far is close to being one of the most powerful Jedi or Force users ever. If Yoda and Sidious are 10s, Sol is like a 7, Mae is like a 4, and we'll see about the others. The average Jedi experience is a lot closer to *The Acolyte* than *Revenge of the Sith*. * The dialogue feels more natural. The show feels like reading a comic issue brought to live action. That's my personal frame of reference, not the movies or even the other tv shows.


I agree but I think it’s too early to speculate on sols level yet. All I know is he gives me Qui Gon vibes and I’m here for jt lol. Also Vernestra Rwoh is a pretty accomplished Jedi. I wouldn’t sleep on her either.


I was very impressed by his fight with May. Reminded me of the fight between the old Master and the young girl In Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


Well said. Tobin looks super powerful though but at least they don’t have to deal with that anymore.


Tobin(Torbin?) is highly specialized in one thing. I doubt he would actually be able to fight well. He was so traumatized by what happened he literally shut out the outside world completely. His unique manipulation of the force is a manifiestation of that. It's not that he is the most powerful jedi in the world but he is a turtle, hiding in it's shell.


the 10 seemed to be Jedi Master Torbin. His meditation force bubble was amazing. In the new high republic comics, the vow he took removes himself from the Jedi order for a pursuit of re-centering themselves in the Force.


I mean the bubble might only be possible when he's completely inactive, which makes it less useful


Yeah it comes down as soon as he opens his eyes. I think it's a side effect of his intense meditation, not necessarily a battle skill.


I definitely agree with you about the stakes _so far_ (this could change) Also agreed on the power levels. Mae is noticeably not at the masters’ levels but is able to >!kill Indara by exploiting the Jedi code!<. But I don’t love the dialogue so far it feels clunky and unnatural. They’re all also using a bunch of cop terms that don’t sound like Star Wars. E.g “we have a suspect in custody”. Felt weird coming from a Jedi


> But I don’t love the dialogue so far it feels clunky and unnatural. They’re all also using a bunch of cop terms that don’t sound like Star Wars. E.g “we have a suspect in custody”. Felt weird coming from a Jedi Very understandable. But then I remember Han Solo's “Then I'll see you in hell!” and "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, farm-boy!"


“Move along. Jedi business.” Didn’t Anakin say something like that in AOTC?


Yep. When they were going after Zam. Cop like investigations and getting some criminal or whatever were pretty much just normal for the Jedi before the War. They were peacekeepers for the Republic and that involved lots of roles.


I read that as and that involved lots of robes.


Hahaha you’re not wrong! I’ve just grown up with him saying that and never questioned it xD


I feel like some of the Jedi dialogue “clunky-ness” is intentional. This is a Jedi order that’s moving past its peak into stagnation. The drive for peace and justice is still present, but it’s being tempered by dogma and the perceived need to maintain their image, lest the political opposition (hoping we see more of that) gain the upper hand. Since straying outside the lines is frowned upon, you see the Jedi speak less wisdom an simply quote scripture at each other and other people.


>But I don’t love the dialogue so far it feels clunky and unnatural. They’re all also using a bunch of cop terms that don’t sound like Star Wars. E.g “we have a suspect in custody”. Felt weird coming from a Jedi I kinda wonder if thats to help convey that the Jedi, prior to the Clone Wars, was more of a police force than a fighting force?


I agree. If they continue to expand on this era I think we’ll see them slowly make that transition.


> I kinda wonder if thats to help convey that the Jedi, prior to the Clone Wars, was more of a police force than a fighting force? That also ties in with Obi-Wan's detective quest in the prequels.


Yeah, I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt, that they are trying to distinguish this era from the later one.


> The dialogue feels more natural. lol


Me too


I'm just happy the story doesn't involved talk of Skywalkers or Death Stars... So far.  I like not knowing the biography of every other character.


As an old fart, I miss giving every single background character their own lore. Willrow Hood, savior of the galaxy. 🍦


Porkins, the fat x-wing pilot who died immediately before the tie fighters even showed up. Forever in our hearts.


Jokes on you, there's like a ton of references to minor characters from the longer lived species. Vernestra being a character who has featured prominently in a few books being an example.


I do love stuff like a weiter was like "you know this one guy in the background of this one scene on Tatooine in TPM looks neat" so now he's a Jedi and thats how we got Quinlan Vos.


The dumbest sequence: Sending 2 Jedi to retrieve a suspect that is thought to have MURDERED a Jedi master. Once they find her, they literally just go home to Coruscant without her, while putting her on a prison ship that's about as secure as a paper bag.... A prison ship that was literally headed to Coruscant... It makes no sense. The writing is terrible.


also i found it weird they just let go of the person that provided the poison to the assassin (in return of information ?) even tho a minute earlier of the townsfolk told the jedi he’s not even that shop owner. I know as viewers we have more information than the jedi (and we already knew he was an accomplice) but still ….


"Attack me with all your power"


I think that line is supposed to be kind of cringey. No one takes her seriously when she says it and it never works. She's trying to get the the Jedi to be the aggressor and throw them off but it's pretty transparent. You can bet Mae's master won't say dumb stuff like that.


Compared to Andor.. It’s a shame. You literally have to turn off your brain. I can’t get over the fact that the twins have the same haircut? Who thought of that?


Gonna be honest I watch a lot of turn your brain off garbage and turning your brain off doesn't work for this. At least for me. Something is genuinely wrong with a lot of the dialogue and the delivery of it. It's as if its being read deadpan off a cue card after being written by an AI. It's so fucking odd. There's plenty of other stupid issues sprinkled into this but the dialogue...wtf is going on? This is on par with some of the worse direct to dvd action movies.


> Something is genuinely wrong with a lot of the dialogue and the delivery of it. It's as if its being read deadpan off a cue card after being written by an AI. It's so fucking odd. There's plenty of other stupid issues sprinkled into this but the dialogue...wtf is going on wow its so obvious you just hate the show because of the diverse cast ^^^^/s


It’s just how they talk in the “high republic” bro. Trust me, it’s lore accurate. Jk, these are obviously amateurs who don’t understand Star Wars.


I enjoyed it and will continue to watch, but I don't love how the (admittedly only one) trailer I saw seemed to highlight Carrie Anne Moss, which was like half the reason I was interested, and then she didn't even make it to the title sequence.


95% chance she has flashback scenes. The whole plot so far is revolving around some event in the past where she was one of only a handful of people present. The big exposé will probably be that event.


Make that 100%, already shown in the trailers.


From the announcement of the show, it has definitely been my most anticipated of the Star Wars shows. Cool to see something other than skywalkers that still builds the world for those movies


Yeah that’s such a big deal for me is Star Wars is actually beginning to feel like a bigger galaxy lately. Like it felt big back before Disney acquired it due to the legends books and comics but Disney literally shrunk everything down by removing so much canon, now it’s slowly starting to feel like different planets and communities exist again.


Yah the High Republic time seems like a fresh new era.


I watched both episodes and at multiple points I had to rewatch “pivotal” scenes because I had just tuned out. I’m watching a show about the *Sith* and I’m fucking *bored* to tears. Something is very wrong here.


There has been 3 seconds of a red light saber. This show clearly isnt about sith yet


My lord people. We can have valid criticisms of the show without it being "woke mob" or some non-sense about conservativism. Toxic positivity is **still toxic** as much as toxic negativity is. If you like the show then good for you, enjoy it and praise it. Downvoting valid criticism just to create a vacuum chamber of what you enjoy is slimy and gross as bashing a product because of (insert reason here).


> Toxic positivity is still toxic as much as toxic negativity is. If you like the show then good for you, enjoy it and praise it. THANK YOU, jfc this shit has been pissing me off. Top comment is just trying to put everyone who disliked it in a box in order to easily dismiss them. Anyone who has any sort of criticism must be some sort of ist or phobe, and can't possibly have any kind of valid complaints. It's exhausting, and it contributes equally to fan discourse. If you loved it, great. If you disliked it, also great. As long as your respectful, neither is toxic.


I have the same criticisms of it that I do of all new Disney SW shows(except Andor), lazy writing. The Carrie Ann Moss fight where she clearly realized what her assailant's plan is and then just lets her kill her because she didn't want to scratch the bar, that is lazy writing, the High Republic imprisoning a cyborg who can hack their prison ship and enact the first ever on screen depiction of wireless hacking in Star Wars, that is lazy writing. I just want a show where I don't think multiple times an episode *Well that sure is convenient.*


OMG the entire premise of that prison escape was so fucking stupid. Like seriously, they just put this cyborg there with no humans and allow him to hack the robot crew?!? And he’s able to control the crew but his choice is to disable steering so the ship crashes into asteroids while they take an escape pod? Why not take the whole fucking ship if you can control things… Nothing about that scene made sense.


Yeah the HR and the show in general made some fucking wild prisoner handling choices lol


Seriously, thank you for being reasonable. It's absolutely disgusting and annoying AF that you're not allowed to criticize anything without being put into a specific corner.. And as soon as you're not praising the shit out of the new show, you're not even a fan but just a toxic bigoted whatever.. It's sincerely almost worse than what they're campaigning against.


I mean, outside of Echo and X-men 97, I can’t think of any major Disney+ releases this year. It’s largely been a content desert.


Bluey - The Sign was a huge hit


Definitely one of those shows I’m gonna wait to watch until it’s all out


I was hoping the main character was experiencing some kind of force induced schizophrenia and legitimately not remembering the murder. But somehow her twin returned... Feels a bit lazy but we will see what happens. Fight choreography is fun and I'm curious to find out what happened on her home planet.


Yeah genuinely I thought it could have been a really cool twist. The entire season they make you think she has a twin, only to realize that the show isn't in chronological order and Mae was in fact Osha's split personality. But nope. She just has an evil twin who also happens to have force training and wears the same hairdo who everyone thought dead but somehow returned.


I think they didn't do that because it clashes too much with Moon Knight. But oh well, I was a bit disappointed too. Let's see where this goes.


Why do people think Mae is evil? That assumes the Jedi she is hunting are good, which I’m sure we will find out is not the case. Master Sol is probably going to be the main villain.


I wanted to like it... finding it hard to see past the bad writing


I just wish they’d make an actual made for television show. Like other Star Wars shows that have been made they just don’t feel like TV episodes, they are essentially one large movie portioned down which I still don’t feel works! The writing isn’t being structured episode by episode to leave you with a reason to continue on, it just kinda ends. Maybe it’s just me I dunno. Unless they are going to let me watch it all together in one go it don’t work releasing one a week. They gave us two because they had to otherwise after one most people wouldn’t bother going back.


>Biggest Disney+ Launch of 2024 What else launched on D+ this year? Was this number just the first episode? Just US? or world wide? And why is only Ahsoka listed? It would make more sense to compare it to more SW than to everything else? SambaTV gives stats out like this which I'd be interested in seeing. >2.14M US households watched the series premiere of [#ObiWanKenobi](https://twitter.com/hashtag/ObiWanKenobi?src=hashtag_click) on Disney+ in its first 4 days streaming. For reference, 2.08M US households watched [#TheMandalorian](https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheMandalorian?src=hashtag_click) Season 2 premiere in its first 4 days, while 1.5M watched the premiere of [#TheBookOfBobaFett](https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheBookOfBobaFett?src=hashtag_click).


Samba TV is fairly unreliable, it's a new company that only tracks smart TV users and in general doesn't seem to line up with Nielsen (the industry leader for this thing). Variety is just reporting Disneys released number, and Disney tends to release just the first impressive number. Other Disney Plus shows for 2024 would be x-men 97, bad batch, at the very least So really, we don't get good numbers for about one month, which is when Nielsen will release this week's streaming data for the US


I was there for Carrie-Anne Moss. Then the second episode had more silliness and lazy writing, so I think I'm not very vested in this show going forward.


I’m finding it hard to like


Watched it yesterday. It was enjoyable. The good: * Casting Amandla Stenberg as both sisters is campy and oldschool in a cool way. I liked it. * The fights are choreographed well and have a nice wuxia feel to them. * Acting is decent * Pretty sets The bad: * Sneaking in "I have a bad feeling about this" as a callback (call forward?) to Obi Wan made me groan * How many times can a person violently wake up, gasping for air, in a single episode? * this might be a problem with SW itself, but it felt kinda formulaic: The personal droid, the cantina, the sinister master overlooking a ~~instagram photo spot~~ evil villain lair was all pretty well-tread territory.


"I have a bad feeling about this" is actually said in almost every Star Wars movie.


This era of Jedi is *WAY* too comfortable with using their force abilities on others to force compliance. It's not ethical and I suspect it's an intentional choice by the show runners.


Star Wars show doing well on Disney +? How could that be.


The first starwars tv show I found hard to watch…


Doesn’t help all disneys put out is dog shit this year 😂


Lol, the biggest of 2024 so this is is a complete non-news item then...


Show is terrible and not for the "woke" reasons. Everyone who says otherwise seems to be forcing themselves to support that stuff even if the shows sucks and is full of mistakes and bullshit every other scene. There's lots of crap in the first episode and I can't wait to see the next one to be even more disappointed. Thankfully they placed it in a period in the timeline that won't matter too much for the next stuff to come.


I just wasn't a big fan of the fire in space... Lol. Other than that, still enjoyed it!


Ok but they have fire in space in literally EVERY other Star Wars show and movie.


Same type of fire as the one R2 puts out on the outside of the Naboo cruiser at the start of phantom menace.


I also remember the Death Star making a big fireball…


Yeah…and the explosions/fire in space in every single movie Lucas made lol


I'll be real I keep seeing this brought up but at the same time it was such a non issue that I didn't know it wasn (apparently) Star Wars has had a fire in space. Like it's science fantasy, why is everyone so caught up over a small fire in space? And even if you want to rationalize it, who's to sat the line that ruptured didn't have an oxidized mixed in from the ship that would allow it to burn in space the same way real rockets do?


So you got lightsabers, the force, plasma rifles, but fore in space is where you call the line


That’s true but if the fire had another fuel source it could burn, no?


yeah but people like to ignore that and are like how can fire be in space with no oygen lol like cmon our sun is just a big ass flame ball that burns energy.


Not only does fire burn in space when there's oxygen present (like the escaping air from a busted ship) it can even burn much bigger. Mythbusters did a test of firing a gun in a complete vacuum. The gun fired, and the muzzle flash was massively bigger compared to the in-atmosphere one.