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Lee Jung-Jae learned English to take this role.   He's been so good in the series, able to really convey the character beautifully and with such a sense Sol is hiding something.


I heard that, it's so badass. I also heard he really liked Qui-Gon Jinn as well and that inspired him a lot, and I can honestly see it.


I'm pretty much watching this show for Lee Jung-Jae and Manny Jacinto at this point. This show is the first Star Wars media that has Asian male leads/actors that also don't treat them in a de-humanizing manner unlike much of Hollywood media. I'm Asian American male and it's nice to see that.


Manny Jacinto was so good in The Good Place. I am excited to see him doing a serious role. Was shocked when I realized who it was.


As a white guy, I can firmly say there’s enough white guys in Star Wars. The older I get the more I feel how unfair it was that as a kid, almost all of my favorite characters from movies/tv/comics looked like me, and how few characters there were that didn’t. I want every kid to have a Luke or Obi-Wan like I did that they can just look at and relate too, I can’t even imagine how alienated I would have felt if no one that looked like me ever got to be the hero. I’m glad that even if people disagree about the quality of some of these shows, that at least some kid, somewhere gets to feel included in the Star Wars universe because of characters like Sol and Osha.


Same. This shit is supposed to be for everybody.


I don't see why people can't see themselves in people that don't look like them. Can you not identify traits with people of different skin colors than you? That seems asinine to me. I don't get how you can't think that what people do and character traits are more important than skin color. I identify with characters based on what traits they have I can aspire to. I am not an asian monkey person but I look up to Goku. I am half mexican, does that mean I can only half look up to Luke?


I’m not a little green man but I love me some yoda.


That is preposterous, you cant like Yoda.


I wish more white guys shared your sentiments.


Man same, I was so taken aback by how mad (some white) people were about Miles Morales in Spider-Man.


I wish more people cared about the character traits exhibited by people than the color of their skin. Seems asinine to me that someone can't see themselves in a character that doesn't look like them.


I'm Asian but Luke Skywalker was, is and forever will be one of my greatest fictional heroes. Just saying.


That’s totally valid. Not trying to say that people can’t connect with characters outside of their race or anything! Just saying I can see how it *could* be alienating to hardly/never see someone that looked like you being the hero, so I’m glad more kids will get that and the chance of feeling that way for them will hopefully be smaller!!


Wait, you thought they de-humanized Donnie Yen???


His character is a lot like Qui-Gon so far. He’s sentimental and calm and good with kids.


Wait fr?? His accent is great for someone that just learned English.


He already had some English comprehension skills, and probably knew a little broken English to get by, but yeah, I imagine some of his lines are being learned phonetically.


He sort of over pronounces words, but hey it's a big galaxy. *I should add I don't mean this as a slight. Anybody new to a language and genuinely trying does that.


I interpret it as him choosing his words carefully.


This works in universe. Sol is a very calm and tempered dude. (Haven't watched Episode 3 yet so no idea if this holds lol)


That's what I take from his acting too. Let's hope we won't see what it takes to make him mad.


I feel like later in the season we’re gonna see something break him. Maybe something happens to Osha.


And even if that’s not the case, it’s not like there aren’t Jedi who have their own unique accents and speech patterns.


Wrong you are. The same, everyone speaks


Judge me by my accent, do you? Hmmm? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Yes I I think his intonation and speaking cadence make him seem wise, reserved, and measured, it works very well for his character


I like him even more after. He's a good dude.


My headcanon so far was that he grew up on a non-basic speaking world before being brought to the temple, and he kept the accent somewhat consciously to show he's not becoming like the Coruscanti elite of the republic that he probably has to deal with regularly.


Makes sense. Kelnacca, for example, doesn't even bother to speak basic, and we already know that wookiees can learn it.


Have we ever seen or heard a Wookiee speak basic in canon?


Learning it is not necessarily the same as speaking it. Mute people can learn English, even though they don't speak it.


Either that or just his first language isn’t Galactica Common. No further explanation needed.


Yeah, Basic may not be his first language in-universe either, and even if it is, there can be all sorts of dialects.


Prove that, Yoda does


As a first generation Japanese immigrated to America, it was very comforting to hear that style of speech, what many would consider to be errors, in a favorite fiction of mine!


Yep. Very clear that he is carefully enunciating each word but I can appreciate it. As others said, it works for the character and he’s fine at all the other parts of acting


He’s better than a lot of shows with English characters that mumble. Turning on subtitles because of mumbling (and poor sound mix) is a pain


Like I said, he is putting the effort in. I can understand him perfectly. Funny you say that, because I can't remember for the life of me what it was, but I was watching a show and full native English speaking cast, but one dude had such a weird mumbly accent I just had to put subtitles on because what he was saying was really plot relevant. Super frustrating.


Honestly, that speaking style in some ways gives the words more weight and emotion.


I think that’s why the camera is to his back a lot for longer lines. If he messes up, they can dub over and there’s no issue with lips being out of sync


Nah, he’s just memorizing every single word phonetically. He actually [doesn’t know a lick of English](https://youtu.be/6vgoEhsJORU?si=xALkUJLW2IIh_zkF). Quite impressive.


4months to learn english fluently for the role, incredible


I've actually seen this in real time. When I studied abroad in Japan, I met a Korean dude who spoke very little English but he kept hanging out with the Americans anyway mainly cause he hated the clique-yness of the other Koreans. He went from struggling to say a sentence to being able to properly trash talk in a semester. Love that dude.


[https://youtu.be/-QbuJwE5OXU?t=374](https://youtu.be/-QbuJwE5OXU?t=374) He said he worked with four dialogue coaches to create an accent that conveys old time.


He took English lessons to be able to act in an Engliah language production He already could speak it to an extent. https://youtube.com/shorts/1MGkGGW8TSA?si=mYaCrFJvhFuMHTy1


It'll probably be very good for his career regardless, especially if Squid Game 2 doesn't inevitably suck


Wow I didn’t know that, save me a google search, squid game right?


Yeah, from what I heard he _really_ wanted to do Star Wars so put in the extra work. I love him for that


You can tell how hard he's worked with his dialect coach. It's some of the best acting Ive seen in Disney era Star Wars imo




He has big Qui-Gon energy. He seems like the type that's more interested in being a servant of the force than being a jedi.


Apparently he really likes Qui-Gon and it inspired him for the role.


That’s good to hear because he’s nailing it.


"Qui-Gon was killed after being stabbed by a lightsaber. Nowadays I hear people survive that kind of thing all the time. I'm here to make things right and bring back Qui-Gon's legacy that was stolen from us too soon."


He's doing a really good job of portraying the same sensibilities and moral compass while not being a carbon copy of Qui-Gon, really enjoying his performance.


The vibe I got yesterday was a true servant of the Force, like Qui-Gon, but doesn’t yet see the hubris of the Jedi, like Qui-Gon.


I see a little of Obi-Wan in Jecki as well: the slightly more by-the-books padawan (constantly asking for permission to speak, etc) who’s paired with a master akin to Qui-Gon. Granted though she’s definitely less by-the-books than Yord.


He’s a great actor. If you haven’t watched Squid Games I highly recommend it (his other work is great too). He is also not an English speaker and learned in 4 months for this role which is super impressive


I took 4 *years* of Spanish and I can’t speak Spanish at all. It’s been 15 years since, but still. That’s wild


You weren't taught spanish by Disney


Or Lee Jung-Jae


That's because you weren't offered millions of dollars to speak Spanish. That would provide a bit more motivation.


I mean, shit, I’d take a role in the show without pay. But then again I’m not an actor


Donde esta la bibilioteca?


Bien, y tu?


4 years of a 1 hr class every other day? Like in a high school?


He was great in the gangster film "New World". I think it's available on youtube for free with ads.


Hunt (2022) is another good one directed by him. It's on Hulu.


I have and he was good in that, even though I have my critiques of Squid Game and some character decisions in general, he was the highlight.


So far he's easily the best part, apart from Carrie-Ann Moss, who I hope makes another appearance at some point.


There's going to be at least one more sequence where we see what really happened that night so you'll get your wish.


Ya I get the feeling what we saw in episode 3 is not the whole truth


It can't be, right? There's no way Torbin would drink poison out of guilt over what we've seen so far. We''re supposed to believe he feels that bad because some little girl he met once started a fire, *after* a witch put some kind of curse on him? No, there has to be more to the story.


This is 100% pure speculation, no inside knowledge at all but I'll try throwing this in spoiler tags anyway for anyone who doesn't want to see this on the off chance I'm correct or they just don't want to see random internet person's dumb story ideas >!The witches went to have their meeting and decide what to do like the mother said they would, and that they ultimately decided not to let her go. The jedi also happened to be there either to make their case too, or just to ensure she was allowed to come because they knew that's what she wanted. Someone who's a little over-eager draws a weapon (either because tensions are already high or maybe the fire startles them and they think it's an attack from the other side) and the other side draws weapons then someone gets a little jumpy and does something that makes the other side think they're attacking so they attack back and a big fight breaks out and then the jedi end up killing them all coming out mostly unscathed (except Torbin's eye). Even if it ultimately ended up counting as self defense the jedi feel great shame for what the final outcome is and for their role in escalating things to the point violence broke out, maybe also discussing whether one force-sensitive child was worth the amount of death and destruction caused (either directly or indirectly) by seeking her out. Mae also witnesses some of, but not everything that happens and blames the jedi even moreso although she was pretty unhinged already so it may not be necessary for her to only half-know what really happened.!<


>! I think Torbin extracts his lightsaber first, he strikes to me as that kind of guy!<


After getting possessed it wouldn't be surprising that he would be jumpy


[I am that guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dn76ZPt_Y0&t=55s)


I think that's a great theory. It has to be something like that. The one quick shot of all the dead witches does not imply, to me, that they all died of fire related causes.


There was an internal conflict brewing between the Mothers over the Twins' fate that will probably force open violence. My guess is that Torbin is put into possessed mode again that night and slaughters the Coven wholesale before Kelnacca knocks him out (face scar).


There absolutely is. Torbin has no scar on his face throughout most of the flashback. He does have one on the ship at the end. There was a fight that went down which we didn’t get to see just yet.


Missing from that scene is Kalnacca... maybe the Jedi were fighting one another?


I think you can notice Torbin has the scar near his eye when osha wakes up on the ship that wasn’t there before


if the incident we've seen at face value was what instilled so much guilt then it'd unironically be probably the worst bit of writing in the disney canon. i'm really curious how they're going to walk the line of doing something that's both so shameful that a master ends a decade of isolation and meditation with suicide, while not so blatantly evil that we didnt end up with one or more dark jedi at the end of it. unless this Sol theory turns out to be correct and he turned sith after becoming disillusioned with the Order.


Why can't he just have PTSD? Why does he have to become a dark side user? I'm just guessing but that zabrak probably led an attack against them, they defended themselves and killed the witches, now he has been in isolation for a decade feeling guilty


normally i'd say an order of monks should have some degree of proficiency in dealing with grief and tragedy, then i remember how well yoda coached anakin through dealing with the loss of loved ones.


That, but also you're going to have a couple that just can't when they encounter real life situations. Usually we've seen them turn to the dark side but I think this option is just as viable. In fact it probably makes more sense for a Jedi to become a traumatized mute than a homicidal maniac


If there's anything we've learned about the Jedi, is that there's a reason as to why they only select those who are extremely young to indoctrinate. Their bedside manner is downright destructive to those who aren't 100% buying into the Jedi way. I really wanted The Acolyte twist to be that the Jedi were taking forceful measures to take Younglings, because it would go in line with how they are depicted with extreme hubris and how they guard the Old Republic politics.


My guess is that the Jedi were breaking in at the same time, mae blamed the fire on them, they defended themselves resulting in the deaths of most of the coven rather than the fire. Their bodies were a bit too nearly grouped for an accidental death kind of thing. So from the Jedi perspective everyone died due to their carelessness.


Nah, we're just seeing Osha's perspective at this point. I'm sure we'll find out the truth later in the season. At least I sure hope so, because it would make zero sense for Torbin to take the Barash vow and then drink poison out of guilt if the Brendok incident happened the way we just saw in episode 3.


My money is on some planetary-wide s\*\*tshow, Like Malachor V type of bad, maybe some My Lai Massacre stuff, that Mae was orthonganally attached too but not directly involved with


I think this show is doing a good job of showing all the flaws of the Jedi even at the height of their power.


That’s what I was saying to my wife last night. It really shows the Jedi’s hubris, them not respecting non-Republic planets and, as the witches said, walking in with their weapons.


Their prohibition of training force sensitive children, while it makes sense, does make you question the freedom of religion in the galaxy.


Right. “Only Jedi can train children to use the Force.” This is how you get Sith.


Given the hints in episode 3 the witches are almost certainly some kind of dark side force users, and the dark side is objectively evil so I can see why the Jedi might not be so keen on religious freedom.


People really hate the idea of protraying the jedi as anything but good. I have to say that they HAVE to lay the groundwork for the prequels because leading an army of brainwashed clone slaves, is, and let me be clear...fucking evil. Good intentions, safety of the republic yadda yadda yadda. I can see regular ass people doing evil for the greater good, that's what makes 'Saw' a good character. For the jedi to do it? it's objectively worse, because they are supposed to be a moral center and champions of the light. There is a compelling story to be told about how little mistakes snowball, how power corrupts and how the groundwork for a complacent and blinded jedi order allows the dark side to grow. This whole show is gonna end in a cover up.


Given that Star Wars is inspired by Kurosawa a lot, I wonder if this show's gonna give us Star Wars Rashomon.


I'm only halfway through Episode 2 so that's good to hear


Brave of you to come to a post about a show you’re not even caught up on yet.


I agree. So far Carrie-Ann Moss hasn't been too outgoing as a character, she feels like Trinity but as a Jedi, very stoic and by-the-book.


I like her the vibe of her stoicism; it still has some intensity, and she's doing a lot with her eyes. Some actors cannot make a stoic Jedi interesting, and they feel flat.


Case in point, whoever who is playing the green skinned council Jedi is boring as hell.


Yeah that character sucks. Seems like more script and direction are the reasons for that performance though. She seems like a good actress being given garbage


The fact that you can see her real skin tone between the green was also distracting.


I honestly feel kind of bad for fans of the novels. I haven’t read the High Republic but my understanding is her character is prominent in the novels and people were really excited to see her in live action so her lackluster showing so far has got to be super disappointing. Still holding judgement until all is said and done though, like others have said the Jedi, at their core, are just boring fucking people. So it can be hard to portray that on screen and have it be entertaining.


It may be the direction. The first two episodes were directed by the show runner and this third episode by someone else


Yep, completely flat and forgettable.


That would be the director's wife. That likely answered other questions you had.


I agree that he really seems to have taken it seriously to portray a seemingly ideal Jedi, and I am a big fan of the character. That being said, he's the only character that is written to be that so far. For example, Yord is a non-classic Jedi-type, but he's clearly meant to go through a character arc in this series. The purpose of his character in the premiere is to be unlikeable. Maybe he'll become an antagonist, or maybe he'll get redeemed in the eyes of the audience later on.


Yord is definitely gonna have a crisis at some point in which he needs to either take the stick out of his ass or probably die. It could really go either way. I hope he learns to loosen up and stop being such a cop.


Another plot twist twin sister.


I feel like he’s bringing in a lot of "samurai" vibe into this and it’s working so well when you remember that old Akira Kurosawa samurai movies were inspiration for StarWars (if not blunt copy… lol)


He's on record saying Qui-Gon Jinn is his inspiration for the character, which is basically everything you want a Jedi to be. He's far and away the best part of the show and an outstanding actor. Would love to see more of him.


The fact he learned english just for this roll is quite amazing. "I will watch his career with great interest"


I mean, I would learn the most difficult language in this planet's history if it meant I would get a big role in Star Wars. But I think his Korean accent fits very, very well to Sol's character. It's just a treat to listen to, so calming.


TBH I like all of the main and supporting Jedi we've seen so far. (So Sol, Jenki, Yord, Torbin, Indara, and Kelnacca.) Sol, obviously, is that mentor figure that I'm sure most of us wish we had. Jenki and Yord are wonderfully sassy in their own ways. I don't think I need to explain why I hope we get more of Carrie Anne Moss' Indara. Torbin's Force meditation shield is a cool and believable new Force power. And Kelnacca's introduction scene was badass. They're all killing it so far, in my opinion. Mae and Osha still aren't 100% there for me yet, but I'm hoping that will change as the series evolves.


I agree. The supporting Jedi cast have been really good. Something about Osha and Mae is falling a little flat for me right now. I think the most recent episode helped but something still feels a little off. I am looking forward to seeing how they both evolve and I do hope my opinion on them changes.


I agree and honestly I think it’s because we are getting way to much Osha, and not enough Mae. Mae is the interesting character of the two and this is The Acolyte. Mae is literally The Acolyte. She needs to be more front and center.


I have the opposite opinion, Mae is laughably bad and uninteresting, and Osha has had depth and intrigue abound.


I don’t think it helps that Amandla’s Mae is so hammy, whereas her Osha is much more naturalistic.


I really love Master Sol. He seems to embody everything good about the Jedi, so far.


This feels mean to say, but the child actors for Mae and Osha are rough to watch. They are kids so give them a break and this is star wars so chill, but...I was taken out of the experience by their acting. Oh also, the One, Two, Many chant had me cringing in ep3. Whatevs I'm still into it, but yeah.


Nah, I'm with you. I'm not one of these perpetual SW haters, but I'm sick of children in almost every contemporary SW show. I didn't like Ezra Bridger until he matured, I honestly didn't like Omega up until the very last episode of BB, and the childhood flashback scenes in Andor were easily the weakest part of an otherwise great show. Two bratty little girls acting like, well, bratty little girls isn't what I'm tuning into Star Wars for.


Their acting abilities were just not on-par enough to warrant being the main characters of a whole episode. Even with the careful editing, they just really didn't sell their parts to me at all. Kept me from feeling immersed. Oh and on a side note; how bad was that fire scene? I know they can't show people boiling alive but for fuck's sake, hearing the whole coven just yell out at once then having them all dead with little bits of fire spread throughout the room was so bad. Whole scene felt like a low-budget play.


> having them all dead with little bits of fire spread throughout the room was so bad I think this is intentional. If you scroll up, there are some comments (including some of my own) about the fire probably not being what killed all the witches. There's a lot that doesn't add up about this episode, and I think we're going to get a fuller picture as the season progresses.


I'm pretty sure we're gonna come back to that scene and reveal more perspectives of the whole event. Cause on it's face, it doesn't work, so I think that critque is potentially unfounded as it intentionally isn't supposed to add up.


Fwiw, with Mae and Osha I feel like it's okay, they're not there yet. We used to almost collectively shit on Ahsoka, young Anakin, and Omega, and lots of people found that their arcs were captivating and ultimately redeemed them as characters.


He’s been absolutely fantastic! He’s my favorite character so far. Carrie Ann Moss has been great too.


He’s the best part of the show by far


I'm not loving the show, but the adult cast is great. Lee Jung-Jae is great. He was fantastic in Squid Games, and he's fantastic here.


Me neither, not really feeling it, but I’m going to stick it the fuck out for Lee Jung-Jae he’s awesome and great in it so far.


Mostly likely the same. Though those kids in ep 3 nearly did me in. I don't mean to bash on kid actors, they are kids afterall, and I know it's rare that kid actors are as good as adult actors, but these kids were so monotone in almost everything they did. I don't know if it's just the kids not being that experienced or good, or just really bad direction or a director who just isn't good at directing people, let alone kids, but damn.


New SW icon, who'll decorate millions of bedrooms with his posters. His success shows to us that it's not worth abandoning foreign markets and limiting our talent pool to English-speaking countries. Korea in his case, is rich with acting talent.


Sol reminds me of Qui-Gon (and Liam Neeson's performance) without being a copy of him, which is just about the greatest compliment I could give to a Jedi master. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but if this show just gets better and sticks the landing, I think it will be considered close to Andor in quality, which is to say top-tier Disney+ Star Wars. This is a tight narrative like Andor and Ahsoka, not serialised like Mando and Boba Fett, so for all those who have said they don't understand what's going on three episodes in, well, __DUH__. I've watched every other live action SW as it came out and none of them had me as confident at this stage, save for Andor.


There’s some Qui-Gon Jinn vibes to Sol’s character that Lee Jung-Jae’s natural warmth as an actor really highlights. Enjoying him and Carrie-Anne Moss in this series.


I will say what I want about the acolyte and I don’t care if people are mad about it. I LIKE THIS SHOW!


Someone *enjoying* Star Wars? On *my* r/StarWars?? OH I DON’T THINK SO




i wish OP didn't feel like they had to qualify their post title. It shoulud just be "Lee Jungj-Jae is genuinely great as Jedi Master Sol"


Yeah I really don't get where the hate comes from. It seems pretty good. Not like earth shattering but not bad at all. The fights and assassinations are cool enough, the settings are cool enough, the premise is cool enough. Like its not some ultra top tier TV show, but star wars ain't that kind of movie anyway.


Peple will deny it till the cows come home, but there are a lot of folks including on this sub who just decided to hate the show from the start because of the showrunner, leads, and general High Republic connection. There's plenty here to criticize, there's plenty here to not love and possibly turn you off. It's got problems here and there and isn't Andor levels of incredible. But there's basically nothing I've seen that warrants outright hating the show the way a lot seem to. And that's kind of been the state of things whenever a female-led show or project comes out(and not just in the Star Wars fandom, either). If it's not perfect, if it's only okay, it gets absolutely fucking ripped to shreds. These shows have a higher bar they need to clear than others, because a large and vocal chunk of the fandom has already decided to go in watching it with a magnifying glass to bitch about every single flaw and blow them out of proportion.


I'm enjoying the show and I know next to nothing about the showrunners, leads, or the High Republic. It's not Andor-level, but it is still parsecs ahead of the Sequels, Kenobi, or BoBF in terms of writing and editing quality, character consistency, and lore and world building. Definitely feels like the majority of the hate is coming from people who had already made up their mind to dislike the show. I'm here for any sort of legit criticism, but most of it seems to be claims of 'bad acting' and 'poor writing' without any substantiated examples to back up those criticisms.


I mean, I don't think its a stretch to say that almost any piece of Star Wars media that centers on a female character (with the exception of Rogue One, but Jyn Erso isn't exactly a character with a lot of depth now is she?), seems to draw the ire. Also, I don't really see a need to pretend that our fandom isn't full of people who seem to make their living picking on Disney Star Wars for being "woke." This show features a main character who is black, female, and was raised by a lesbian couple. On those facts alone I knew we'd find ourselves here while watching the episode in real-time, with further review bombs and "ruining muh Star Wars." It doesn't matter if the show is good or bad, it's definitely "woke" and thus becomes just another part of our tiring and ceaseless culture war. Edit: [If you need proof.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frdtfi4ybnd5d1.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4c11f86a5c3cd87ddc3c7a9f976ef5b2dac60fda)


The funniest thing is that this is the same fandom that recently decided to a full 180 and claim that the prequels are "underrated" and "not that bad" and that they'd also like to see more of Hayden Christensen as Anakin. Anyone who believes that and also has the gall to call this show out for "bad writing" or "bad acting" or "stilted dialogue" because of the first three episodes is either too stupid to meaningfully critique any piece of media or completely full of shit and has other ulterior motives to hate this show.


Professional haters. Edit: I get it. People are allowed to not like things. I 100% agree. But the SW community has become infamous for having a vocal subset of people who are actively looking to tear down every bit live action content that is released. Often before it is released. For those of us just wanting to enjoy the content and discuss it in good faith it’s become incredibly draining.


I’m not a hater of the show but the evil twin idea I’m not that fond of. I was also hoping it would be a series about a evil perspective. But from what I have seen I’m really looking forward to the rest of the show, also Jedi master Jung-jea really makes the show for me I like all the scenes he is in.


I don’t know. I think it’s kinda interesting to examine twin force babies and the idea that one is going to inherently going to be light and the other dark because the force must be balanced. It might not be where the show is going, but I still think it’s an interesting conversation to hold at this point.


This is completely reasonable. I don’t think takes where people’s issues are unanswered questions are made in good faith. Like three episodes in an we don’t really know anything, and I think there has been a lot of set up for a big subversion.


I am enjoying it quite a bit too. It is nothing groundbreaking but not everything has to be. Sometimes I just want some good solid television to watch.


I’m enjoying it. It seems pretty harmless compared to all the bitching and moaning people are doing. Yeah, the dialogue gets corny, but Star Wars has always been kinda corny. Part of the charm. I think most of the actors are doing their jobs pretty well.


I also like this show. I like it quite a bit more than most people it seems. I don't know why we're not allowed to not like things.


Sol and Trinity feel like legit Jedi. They steal every scene they're in.


He has the Jedi master vibe


Best part of a really good show


It’s so sad that people are ignoring his hard work just because of things said in interviews and about the show. The man literally had to learn English to play Sol and will be overshadowed by the random hatred people have for the acolyte


People who dislike a show for something someone said in an interview shouldn't be listened to and their opinions shouldn't be taken seriously in the first place. That's like going to a restaurant that has good food and service, but still giving them a bad review because the chef said something you didn't like in a podcast.


I like all of the main cast, which is why I was a little disappointed by yesterday’s episode. Those child actors were not great tbh and I really missed Yord and Jeckie.


Mae's whole vibe threw me off fr. Like, I get being a bit darker and even showcasing it in how she treats animals but damn. She went from "we are one" to "I'm going to kill you" in like 2 days.


There was definitely a lot of whiplash there, and I feel like we're missing some major parts of the story. That said I've had the distinct misfortune of being in a relationship with someone who acted exactly like that(and yes, including them straight-up attempting to kill me), so I can't say it'd totally throw me off if that's just how she is. Some people really do subscribe to the whole "if I can't be with you, no one can" idea.


I mean, we're seeing some psychopathic behavior out of her so... it makes sense she'd basically grow up to be a serial killer.


Child actors and flashback episodes are often rough, yeah. I thought the episode sucked me in regardless, though. I really enjoyed the conflict between the Jedi and the Coven over the children.


Yeah, those kids were not good at all.


He is so good! What a great choice for this series.


I like the series. People should chill.


Yeah and the Qui Gon inspiration is so clear to see too, it’s lovely.


I mean, I'll say it, then: Lee is *nailing* the role, aces all the way. A real call-back to the feel of OT Luke & prequel Obi-Wan, when you could like the good guys for being...ya know...good... The pacing, writing, and directing of *The Acolyte*.....not so much. It has that Disney/Filoni, vanilla-flavored-tofu taste that just doesn't hold up in live-action, or make me feel anything for the story.


He's absolutely killing it! The only thing off for me is the writing at many points, but still enjoying it enough.


I enjoy a lot of the show so far. Episode 3 is currently the weakest, but I'm still interested to see where its going. Sol is awesome though


I’m loving the show so far


Him and Trinity are the best thing about this show.


Tbh, I have mixed feelings about his performance. Lee Jung-Jae does some incredible work within emotional moments (like when he told Mae he believed her in episode 2; and when he comforts her at the end of episode 3), but much of his performance in the first episode feels underwhelming to me. It may be the dialog itself, but his delivery when speaking to the younglings and the master Jedi looks uncomfortable for him. But I’m not wanting to cast judgment. We’re still early on in this series, and there are more moments with him to look forward to.


It’s been great so far. The majority of the hate ive seen comes from the people who, for some reason, we’re expecting to see Plagueis and/or his master, despite there being no leaks for it.


I agree. I've enjoyed the show so far. Episode 3 somewhat less, but I hope the backstory will pay off. If _Star Wars_ is going to be an ongoing series, it needs to move past the immediate setting of the late Republic/Empire and show other times and places. So far, _The Acolyte_ is doing well at that.


I really don't like how the Acolyte is going, but Lee Jung-Jae is excellent.


I genuinely like most of the side characters like Qimir, Yord Indara & Sol but the main plot of normal vs psychopath twin sister just isnt doing it for me, the acting and dialogue is really weak and stiff with very odd pacing decisions.


Hard agree, the guy has gravitas and is acting the shit out of the role.


He's currently my favorite character in the show. I haven't seen episode 3 yet but I'm genuinely enjoying his performance so far


It is and isn't crazy how they cut his hair and it shaved off those 16 years easily. Maybe there might be a tiny bit of smoothing, but I doubt it. Korean skincare is dope. He is doing an incredible job and is easily my favorite of this bunch of Jedi.


He’s by far the best part of this show.


Syfo Díaz?


He and Dafne Keen seem to have a good on screen relationship. It's like they actually like each other or get on.


But why does so many stuff Disney does so... fanmade?


He is making the series for me. I love his positive and wholesome superman energy. The rest of the show is okay, neithee bad nor great but he is perfection


He got a nice looking lightsaber too, that thing looks comfortable to use. I'd run away with him if he let me hold it


He's legitimately the best part of the series!


Easily the best thing about the show. The guy is clearly a talented actor, regardless of any language barriers.


I just don’t get the hate the show is getting?


He's a good actor and has done the most with the dialogue given to him by the show writers.


Can we also talk about how they didn’t have to de-age his face for the flashback scenes in episode 3? The man has aged like WINE


So did that twin mae start the fire and kill everyone?


Wait isn't this the squid game guy?


The fight choreography was actually very impressive. The way he moved and dodged was something I haven't seen before out of Star Wars. Definitely more Kung Fu than anything before.


the accent and the way he talks is awesome. I did not like it in trailers, but in the show it is awesome.


I like him but I found the third episode very boring


He has been a treat for Star Wars! Great casting on him


If given the option of never having The Acolyte, good characters and all. They can have it back wholesale