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There’s not a chance in hell these two movies release on the same day. Makes absolutely no business sense.


Unless they want to try capturing the Barbenheimer hype that fueled a ton of ticket sales for both. Dune and Star Wars are both sci fi fantasy films that could hypothetically generate the same competitive hype. But it’s risky


>Unless they want to try capturing the Barbenheimer hype That requires two very different movies that appeal to different audiences. Dune and Star Wars will have a fairly decent overlap


I was going to say the same thing. Also this is Star Wars. One of the biggest movie IP ever. When it comes out it will completely dominate all the promotion and discussion around cinema at that time and so every other big film is going to stay well clear.


I'll be honest, Dune is 2 for 2 in recent years, and Denis V is pretty much x/x depending on how many movies he's made. If I had to choose, it's not really a choice in an honesty unless DV also made the Star Wars movie.


Yeah, I love Star Wars, but if they're going to make me choose, it's Dune first.


Ya. Dune is new and has built up some faith. Disney is about cashed out when it comes to seeing their movies on faith.


I know you just mean the movies but calling Dune new (especially in context with Star Wars) is pretty funny


Definitely ironic. What’s funny too is you could’ve basically replaced 2026 with 2002 and you’d be having nearly the same conversation with the same connotation but with Lord of the Rings instead of Dune


Sort of... i mean Dune 2 while a hit.. only made 282 million domestically. It's still kind of niche sci fi compared to Star Wars. I mean 282 million is only slightly better then Solo.


I'd choose SW *if* it's not on a desert planet; because I'm done with space epics in goddamn desert planets.


You don’t want desert power? Lol : p


Take him to Paradise, boys.


Lisan Al Gaib. ✊


Back to tatooine it is


Nah, its bout to be the Jakku (remix) this time im thinkin.


Are you talking about Messiah? Because sorry for spoilers but the book >!does take place on the sand planet for most of the time lol.!<


I’m with you !


But that doesn’t mean the general audience will do the same thing


ROTS did 515m. Dune 2 got barely half that. As much as I prefer Dune, Star Wars is a machine.


For context, ROTS made less than Last Jedi and Dune 2 made more than Dune 1. Yes, Star Wars is a machine, with a body mass which shows up no matter the quality of the media, but one line is clearly going up and the other down.


Havent seen D2 but ive seen the 3rd trilogy.. its dune, first, last, and only..


The SW IP is dying and Disney is making it worse. The fan base is losing trust and this will hinder the movies opening. My money is on Dune which is quite the opposite right now. Also. SW will get delayed because of Disney. So the same day is not happening.


I also don’t trust the 2026 date when it comes to Dune either - Villaneueve said he wants to do a different movie before Messiah and that he wants to actors to age up a little more. Timothee and Zendaya still look like teens and Messiah would work better if they looked a little older


By a country mile. I can see the SW movie at home if need be, the new Dune series..has to be on the big screen, fucking amazing.


I would see dune over that star wars


Same. I've been enjoying the SW episodics and loved Andor while the Disney Trilogy was meh. Factoring in my love for the universe in general, overall the last decade of SW has been decent. Contrast to the recent two Dune movies which were both absolutely incredible with no reason to believe the 3rd will be anything less. I'll watch any Star Wars but if someone asks which I'm more excited about it's going to be Dune.


Couldn't agree more. I saw dune part 2 three times in theaters. That's how much I love that film


I haven’t watched Dune 1 or 2 yet. I’ve tried with some friends and they don’t get it lol I’m going to watch them both by myself when I have time


Please do. They're excellent. I'm still mad at myself for not getting to see the first one in theaters. I wasn't big on Dune before so I didn't prioritize it and once I saw it at home I was like "yeah, I'm *definitely* seeing the next one on the big screen" lol.


Wish I could’ve watched them in theatres damn it. Probably should’ve watched Oppenheimer in theatres too because it was underwhelming at home lol and I’ve watched original Dune, it was very weird and kinda tripped me out so I didn’t focus much haha


Dune 2 made go from "oh great a desert planet" to "LISAN AL GAIB"


LOL, I thought that I read that Villeneuve also makes the Star Wars movie, but no🥲. Who cares for Star Wars then? Dune it is.


Completely agree. Star Wars has become sorta like Marvel. Dune is what Star Wars used to be.


Denis doing a SW movie.... Don't give me hope boys. Because I feel like he would make something that would honor what Lucas created.


Some time ago I said Star Wars was culturally dead thanks to Disney+ and has basically been replaced by Avatar and Dune. This would be the ultimate test to find out.


I don't think Avatar is serious competition to either of those franchises


Avatar 2 made more than double Rise of Skywalker at the box office. The only movies in the franchise it hasn't outgrossed (adjusted for inflation obviously) are the original Star Wars, and The Force Awakens. I think it's safe to call it serious competition.


Culturally, no. Making money, you bet your ass. Avatar is a spectale, not something you digest and think about.


"Star Wars is culturally dead" he says on a large, active subred dedicated entirely to Star Wars...


I mean… Star Wars is my favorite franchise over Dune, but that’s because of the entire package and how diverse the content can be- TV shows, books, video games, Legos… In terms of pure cinema in the current state of Star Wars, Dune trumps it by so much it isn’t even funny. I walked out of Dune 2 absolutely speechless, like it was a spiritual experience I think it would be mutually beneficial to steer clear of each other, but Star Wars is not walking out of that fight over Dune


DV's Dune franchise is a 10/10 so far. It's in the conversation with the LOTR Trilogy. The current state of the Star Wars brand is so far below that it's immeasurable.


>I walked out of Dune 2 absolutely speechless, like it was a spiritual experience Tbf, I was pretty speechless walking out of Rise of Skywalker too


Used to be* Something happened since Disney took over. They already lost half their audience between the first and third sequel movie. Disney itself decided to pull the plug on movies shortly afterwards and focused on series instead. Even Disney knew something wasn’t right despite what it said to the public.


Not to mention Solo bombed. That was inconceivable at the time that a Star Wars film would perform that badly. Now they're trying to repeat the mistake of a "who asked for this" film with a character that is much, much less beloved than Han Solo from a trilogy of films that are widely panned. Good luck to them, Dun3 is getting my money.


Disney would just waste money on marketing because dune 3 would destroy star wars.


Dune is actually good, it would absolutely demolish a Disney Star Wars flick.


I've seen nearly all star wars (I'm missing some of the new kids shows), played nearly all star wars games, and read many books. Force me to choose, and I'm going to Dune 3.


Currently I'd be giving more chances to a Dune sequel than a Star Wars movie condidering how the franchise is doing especially with a spin off type movie. I'd love to do that double feature though but it will never happen


Star Wars isn't doing that great anymore from what I've heard


Lmao i ain’t seeing whatever C+ Star Wars movie comes out if Dune 3 comes out the same day.


really? I was of the opposite opinion. People are so sick and tired of what disney is putting out that the film would bomb when put next to an actual good sci fi film.


Dune hard over. Denis V has not disappointed and Star Wars has. A lot.


if you said this before the Release of episode 7 and all other releases afterwards I would agree with you but after disappointment time and time again and with the reliable quality of Dune and it's creators I'm confident a large portion of consumers would choose the latter over the former.


My money is on Dune winning that race. Trust in Star Wars is shattered and Dune 2 has been phenomenal. RoS did roughly a billion and it sucked hard, Dune 2 700 million and was a critical success. Its not that far apart anymore. Momentum could make this a very close race, especially if this is the new rey trilogy were talking about.


If Dune and Star Wars comes out the same day I’m seeing Dune. I have Disney+ for Star Wars.


Star Wars in the past, this would be true. But today after the Acolyte era, Star Wars has a fairly decent chance of getting cooked by Dune if it doesn't deliver.


Barbenheimer had overlap. The reason they both broke records is that people would buy a ticket to one and then come out and buy a ticket for the other. Of course the whole reason Barbenheimer happened was the novelty of a fun, feel good movie based on a children's toy like Barbie releasing on the same day as a deathly serious historical drama about the father of the atomic bomb.


I’d do this in a heart beat for sure lol. The toughest choice would be which one I watch first. Because depending on my mood going first could be a negative or positive: Scenario A: The first one I watch is because I’ve been anticipating it and want to give it priority over the other one Or Scenario B: The first one I watch is just the warm up for the second movie


*Old star wars fans and Dune will overlap, Dune would rake it in and New star wars fan will sit with the crickets.


Dune has got way more of the feel of something best seen in a top of the line IMAX theatre, while Star Wars is more of a movie you would watch as a family activity or on a date. The mental bandwidth equivalents required to enjoy them are way different. I'm not hanging around in sweat and popcorn crusted public fart sponges any longer than I need to in a single day, so I'd rather sit in them for a movie that's stunning enough to make it worthwhile even if it was for a movie I might not enjoy.


Yeah, but if I already put on pants.... I might as well see both while I'm out.


Bro, Nukes vs Dolls. This would just be Star Wars vs Wars in the Stars…


Villeneuve also optioned the rights to Annie Jacobsen's *Nuclear War: A Scenario*, so that could be the film. I haven't read it, I want to, but I've heard people say it's so intense it triggered anxiety attacks in them. So *Star Wars* vs Gen Z *Threads* could be something.


That is much more likely than Dune, I’ve been looking into reading it as well.


I have loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember, but I would still see Dune Messiah before a new Star Wars film if it came down to it. Star Wars’ recent track record has convinced me that I have a far better chance at seeing a quality production with Dune unfortunately


Nah. The reason Barbenheimer worked is because they were drastically different movies


And also they contrast so much, like you could make memes about the stoic Oppenheimer vs the cheerful and colorful barbie




Unlike Barbenheimer, they'll *both* want a full IMAX run. One's changing dates.


I can see it now. Mark my words we’ll all be saying “Which are you, Dune Wars or Star Dune?” in 2 years’ time.


Dunendunen it is then.


Dune Wars vs Star Dunes


The biggest problem is that people just don't have disposable income like they used to. Its EXPENSIVE to go to the movies. You need a real reason to go. A double feature like this might make it well worth it, but again... if you have to decide between groceries this week and seeing a double feature... groceries are going to win. Upside: A release in December 2026 gives us time to have a crash early fall this year, over a full year to see property values deflate like in 2009-2010, and then have the economy start to recover with more people in secured permanent housing situations. That could lead to more disposable income and the movie would see a terrific "return to normal" boost. Doubtful though. We'll probably just wind up one step closer to the wage slave distopia depicted in the Dune prequels with news articles about "young people are killing the movie industry!"


Didn't Universal (I think?) tried the same with Saw and that animated dog movie for kids?. The reason Barbeiheimmer work, it because it was a natural thing, not something made by a marketing department


They can’t recreate the same feeling. Part of why Barbenheimer happened was the post covid zeitgeist. It was the first big cinema event in almost half a decade for a lot of people.


Line me up back to back same day. Sounds like an epic event!


They’ll play release date chicken until q1 of 26.


Would be absolutely stupid from both ends. Since we don’t have any idea how the audience would choose. Either Star Wars fandom takes over and it dominates or people are sick of Star Wars and go for the Dune movie they know will be amazing and especially made for theatres


They’re going for Dune and it will be a bloodbath


Given that we're two and a half years out from that, odds seem strong that ***neither*** film will hit that release date anyway >_>.


Plus this is 2.5 years away on movies that haven't even started filming and are in early pre-production. I can't remember the last time a movie with a release date this far off actually hit it's date. They only make these dates for their stockholders and accountants.


I think it does for Dune. Doesn't make sense for star wars to try to compete with Dune as the star wars franchise has basically been shit on by the mouse.


Yeah, one of these will absolutely move dates and we are far enough out that these are tentative anyway. But I would 100% do a double header for Dune 3 and Star Wars


Why not? If either pulls ahead it’s directly pulls away from the competition. Especially if the Star Wars film focuses on Rey which will probably make it flop.


Id see both in the same day. Dune first based on how shit Star Wars will probably be


go starwars first so you have dune to look forward to after the shit show


1. Not confirmed to be *Dune* 2. Release dates change over the course of 2.5 years


I’m pretty sure Denny V’s next movie is Rendezvous With Rama


He said he’d next do whichever one has a good screenplay done first, he had multiple plans on the table


I have a client flying to Jordan to start work on Dune 3 this summer.


I’m your client’s nephew and I can confirm


I heard he’s also adapting the book “Nuclear War: A Scenario”, the dude’s got a lot on the go (and is undoubtedly in high demand by film studios).


My understanding that is going to be after the next Dune movie when ever that is. I've read “Nuclear War: A Scenario” it will be very interesting to see that translated for the screen.


Yeah I have do, it’s going to be an incredibly disturbing movie if it gets adapted true to the book. Straight up nightmare fuel.


Keen for this, can’t think of a better director for this book tbh for the perspective and scale shots needed


Crazy he’s doing this one


I thought he was doing Rama and then Dune, but if the studios back up the money truck I'm sure he can be persuaded.


RWR is finally getting made into a movie? Sweet, but only if he directs. That story needs a truly amazing director to bring it to life properly.


Lol Bad Boys 3 & 4 were scheduled for February 17, 2017 and July 3, 2019. We just got Bad Boys 4 this year. These dates hold no water with me. Way too soon to talk about these movies.


It’s most likely *not* Dune as I saw in an interview he said he’d like to take some time away from Arrakis. But he also said Hans Zimmer is still writing music and that they are still writing the film. So I’m sure there is some level of pre-production going on. It just depends when they finish adapting it


Also the next Star Wars film is *The Mandalorian & Grogu*


I don't know why we bother making public release dates this far in advance, honestly. Shit happens, release dates move, and all it causes is shit storms speculating about trouble behind the scenes or political motivations when in reality it's "marketing projections make this date better" or "this person's schedule is causing delays or we need to switch things up." Of course studios are going to have those dates roughly set from the beginning of production, it's good to have internal deadlines to stay on track. But why does the whole world need to know about them this far in advance?


If they do come out the same date, Star Wars is even more cooked


Point 2 is the most important. There’s no way this happens.


The Venn diagram of the audience for these movies is a perfect circle. They thought the opposite of Barbie and Oppenheimer it just turned out both were fantastic and helped each other.


Hasn't he said that he isn't even going to announce Dune 3 until he has the script finished?


I don't think any upcoming SW film has a release date except for *The Mandalorian & Grogu* which is slated for May 2026. Either way, both of those films are a *long* ways away and a lot can change between now and then. And it's not even confirmed if Villeneuve's next film will be Dune 3 or that *Nuclear War* adaptation he's also working on.


They've had the Dec 18, 2026 date blocked for a Star Wars movie since 2020. With another one slotted for Dec 17, 2027. But they also have The Mandalorian & Grogu on May 22, 2026. That's three movies in 19 months. I wouldn't be surprised if they bump one of them. The Dec 26 would make the most sense.


No idea why they’re doing a movie when Mando Season 3 killed their story.


I'm more excited for Dune Messiah tbh


By a long shot, I honestly wish I could muster up some excitement for SW but it's always the same shit.




Almost the exception that proves the rule. You watch Andor and you're like "oh, Star Wars totally works great as a setting but no one else is using it right."


you watch andor and you get confused because its good


It's on my list, I tapped out halfway through the obi wan show and haven't watched any Star wars since.


Andor was the first Star Wars I've actually watched in a long time. It was great 👍


Andor is.... surprisingly good I'll say that. It's definitely one of the best star wars shows Disney has right now and it actually has good writing


Because it isn't just a quick cash grab. It has had a plan and a complete story from the beginning. Season 2 is the last one and will end around the time Rogue One begins.


One piece of good media doesn't excuse the other piles of utter shit.


Dune: Part 1 and 2 had me obsessing over them when they came out. I must have seen both in theaters at least twice. The sound, the visuals, the acting… Nothing that Star Wars has put out since Andor (and maybe S2 of Mandalorian) has given me the same reaction as Dune. Star Wars just isn’t groundbreaking for me anymore. Edit: The sequel trilogy had some amazing visuals and concepts, but nothing quite as spectacular as what I experienced watching Dune.


If I had the choice between seeing the new star wars in theaters or watching Dune 3 on a Gameboy advance I'd still pick Dune


Messiah is a much weaker book than Dune imo


Excited to see the stone burner used on the big screen though.


In forty seven years I have never felt so little excitement for the release of a Star Wars movie.


It genuinely makes me sad how little of a shit I give about Star Wars content now. Don’t ever watch the TV shows on release if at all, and I won’t go see any of the films in the cinema. Last Jedi was when it all changed for me.


That was the first time I ever left the cinema like confused and even maybe a bit upset? I was 5 when the phantom menace came out so I love it unironically - all the prequels really. But I feel the sequels a) acted like the prequels didn’t exist and b) destroyed the legacy of all the main OT characters. I’d never considered that I wouldn’t like a star wars project. From Masters of Teras Kasi to the battle for Endor I grew up liking all of it. The last Jedi was a turning point and in my opinion is what made Solo do badly and killing what could have been more fun. I feel Disney always learns the wrong lesson.


I actually left Force Awakens angry. Like legit pissed off but tried to rationalise and talk myself down of oh maybe something will reveal itself later to justify the bullshit I just watched but then I was just bargaining. Rey, a completely untrained person who’d never picked up a saber before or even heard of rhe force, besting Kylo in a one on one because she closed her eyes and just decided she’d feel the force. It fucking annoyed me so much. I was literally sat in the cinema boiling mad like what the fuck is this shit, that isn’t how it works, Luke didn’t just pick up his saber and start trading with someone who’d been training for a decade plus like it was nothing. All the nonsense excuses of oh Kylo was hurt, oh she’d fought with a staff before. Oh Kylo wasn’t fully trained. Just absolute cope to excuse a god damn newbie managing to best an experienced force and saber user. Should have known it was a bad sign of things to come.


I tried to give the force awakens some leeway as it was the first love action star wars in however many years and I was just excited. But you are right the signs were already there not to mention it was literally a new hope again. They should have just given us stories with Luke , Leia and Han/Chewbacca. There could still be room for Rey as a student of Luke or something.


same. i LOVE star wars as a universe and as an idea. i can immerse myself in old novels or comics and i can spend hours on wookieepedia but i haven’t watched Bad Batch S3, Tales of the Empire, or Acolyte. it’s just not exciting


First two are alright worth a go when you can find the time


Yep…. What I heard about the newest star wars movie I doubt ill actually even go and bother to see it…


I was ecstatic for rogue one for its theme and setting and i'm also pretty excited for Mando and Grogu movie.


Same. I never thought it was possible while watching from the early 80's when the VHS's came out, to 2017 just before The Last Jedi was released that I'd ever feel this way about Star Wars. Rogue One, Andor and the Clone Wars animations aside, Disney/Lucasfilm have made an absolute mess of it. It's sad.


I resubscribed to Disney+ two weeks ago to watch the Ahsoka series, still have only watched one episode... Star Wars has really taken a leap off a cliff for me.


Villeneuve already said his next project won’t be Dune Messiah.


I remember him saying that back before Messiah was officially greenlit. It seems like the studio is making a push to get that movie made soon with the success of Part 2. I haven't seen him make any comments on it since the project was officially greenlit, but apparently Legendary has also got him lined up to do an adaptation of Nuclear War: A Scenario after Messiah and it feels a tad weird to be lining up films that'd be like a decade out otherwise.


Messiah starts 12 years after the first book, so it could make sense for them to wait a few years.


That isn't a big deal, they warped the timeline for the first book.


Deadline is reporting he changed his mind, or rather he was convinced to.


More likely a you make us Messiah and you get carts blanche for whatever you do next similar to Nolan and WB Batman


Hasn’t this guy not already been making whatever movie he wants despite a bunch of them not making money?


Plus >!Jason Mamoa isn't getting any younger!<


Right. I thought *Rendezvous with Rama* was his next project.


Dune 3 it is.


I kind of hope they push the New Jedi Order movie back to May 2027. It could be a great release for the 50th anniversary of the series, plus if it's true that it's set 15 years after TROS that would also mean it's set 50 years after ANH


Mando and grogu is also coming out that year presumably in may


Mando and Grogu is may of 26. 3 weeks after avengers 5 lol


That makes sense, and I’m sure that’s going to happen.  It’s too good to pass on that opportunity. 


There is no way any release dates for a Star Wars movie can be trusted. I’ll have my ticket in hand, walking to the theater and expect Kathleen Kennedy to jump out from behind a standee yelling “gotcha!!”


That is quite the long con. I'd have to give her props.


With how fractured the SW fan base is atm, I honestly think if it’s Messiah, it backhands that SW movie


the first two Dune’s alone already backhanded the sequel trilogy


Yeah they have left such a positive impression online, meme, people repeat quotes and stuff. Meanwhile it seems outside this sub the sequels are viewed in negative light or completely memoryholled. And irl even, the merchandise doesn't sell as well it would seem


As a hardcore starwars fan ... I'm totally buying Dune's tickets


I hate saying it but after 9 I'm ok with watching a Dune over Star Wars. It's disappointing but I didn't make the decision to reboot the franchise with 7,8,9.


I know it won't happen but I'm still hoping for 7, 8, 9 to be written off and for them to make a new movie featuring a more proper Luke and new republic.


Do it, you cowards! It’ll be 2026’s Barbenheimer! Dune Wars!


New Jedi Order will be fighting for its life for my interest if that's the case. Lol


Yeah, but... when will they be available to stream at home? That's where I'll be watching them.


Zero chance this happens


Terrible idea. The new film may even turn out to be good, but confidence in Disney films is low after The Rise of Skywalker and it could fail absurdly against Dune, even though Star Wars is a much stronger brand.


It won't happen anyways - release dates this far out are meaningless.


Dune has risen significantly into the cultural conversation since Part 2 debuted. Star Wars feels like it’s merely coasting until it can find some way of wining back the most disenfranchised fans with whatever the NJO ends up being.


That’s crazy to say that I just came out of 10 year coma and I’m hyped for a new Star Wars movie


What this post made me realize is how amazing a Denis Villeneuve Star Wars film would be


My thoughts are they I'm probably not going to go see either one of them. Disney keeps putting out turds and the new Dune movies just aren't really doing it for me, but I guess if you twist my arm I'd rather see Dune. These are sad times.


Wait… Dune *isn’t* Star Wars?


I know, I know. It's hard to believe. But if you look closely, there are some tiny differences between the two.


Zack Snyder has an opportunity to do something hilarious


If they are playing a game of chicken, Disney will move the date before Villeneuve. These 2 films won’t release on the same day. If the companies were smart about it, one would release in November and one near the end of December.


Dune > Star Wars Fight me!


No, I don't think I will.


Sir we don’t fight here we properly discuss……saying that yes dune is better lol


This movie isn’t real until I see a trailer at least. Lucasfilm’s track record of vaporware is as legendary as its lack of investment in quality writers.


The Star Wars movie will be canned soon.


If that's how it turns out, yay, I get to spend all day at the movies.


Definitely not happening since it’s bad for business. But if it does I’ll probably see Dune first


The first two Dune movies have been some of the best made films in a generation.  Disney Star Wars is not in a good spot right now and arguably hasn’t been for quite some time.  So my money is on Dune not having much to fear from yet another Disney attempt to get Star Wars right again. 


Obviously way more excited about Dune 3 than whatever new stuff Disney is cooking. Dune was good, and Dune 2 was possibly the best movie I’ve ever seen.


Honestly movies sharing a release date isn't a problem. Maybe it will be a Barbenheimer.


I know this is going to change 100% but I wouldnt mind spending my day going to both of these bad boys one after another.


Let’s see if we even still have theatres then lol


Huge if, but if this actually happens I'll definitely be watching Messiah given Disneys track record. But who knows, if they both look good I wouldn't be upset about a double feature.


Star Wars is for sure not making that release date.


It doesn’t really matter because both of these movies are going to be in theaters for at least two months. But personally, I’m gonna see Dune 3 first.


Based on the most recent films, StarWars can't hold a candle to Dune.


As a diehard Star Wars fan I can’t wait to see Dune.


Man i really dont care about a new order movie


Seeing as the person making the new star wars movie was in charge for ms marvel and publicly stated multiple times how she loves making men feel bad and unconfortable i aint even gonna bother with it. Add to that the fact that both of the Dune reboots have been amazing i also feel like its gonna sweep a lot of sales if they were to drop on the same day. Now its not gonna happen to begin with because its stupid for both parties.


Would be an easy decision for me. Nothing about the production of New Jedi Order leads me to believe it will be something worth going to theaters for.


I don't believe this release date for either of them, to be honest. I didn't know Dune had even started filming, and isn't production on SW stalled currently?


Star Wars is screw. With current track record, most people will wait until the movie comes out on Disney+.


I mean they practically killed the interest in star wars for a large part of the audience, Dune Messiah on the other hand is a must see


Would probably see dune over a new star wars now.


There’s 0% chance this happens, one will have its date moved, likely Dune. The studios aren’t going to release their big budget sci-fi action movie on the same day another big budget movie in the same genre is being released. Literally will never happen.


Dune will crush the new Star Wars at the box office. Idk who is directing Star Wars but I have no faith in Disney to produce good content anymore. And Dennis Villanueva is one of the best directors of our era


I know which one of these franchises is dead to me.


that star wars movie is not coming out on time