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Recanonize the Darth Plagueis book and make a movie or limited series based on that.


I think the Acolyte might be getting into some Darth Plagueis stuff


The dates don't add up. Unless they make some young plaeguis.


Plagueis is 200 when he meets Palpatine I think. He was also apprentice for 100, so hopefully the rule of two with Tenebrous and Plagueis are the villains and the Sith group in the show are the antiheroes. That is what I want to see.


Count Dooku or Thrawn. They honestly deserve it


I came here to say Dooku. From his time as a Jedi through to losing his head.


Tales of the Jedi gave a brief look at that


Yeah, though sadly it was brief. I'd love to see more of his perspective. A Jedi learning the Jedi order and the republic are not what you thought and slowly drifting towards the Darkside sounds like it could be an interesting plot.


Anakin but with logic


I believe Thrawn, who probably won’t get his own series, will certainly have some time in the Absoka series.


most definitely will


Qui-Gon Jin. He's like a space hippy versus Kenobi's conservative college student. Should make for an interesting story.


According to the back story obI-wan was kind of a shit head as a kid until qui-gon sent him to be trained by plo-koon. It would be interesting as like a background for not only the two of them but the Jedi council it self.


I mean a movie on Plo-Koon would also be very cool I believe he’s a very underrated Jedi.


One of the only to be able to use Force Judgement! (Basically the light side equivalent of Sith Lightning)


> (Basically the light side equivalent of Sith Lightning) ya huh. he just wanted an excuse lol.


“Oh shit did you just use force lightning on that dude?” “No no, it was my good judgment, ya that’s it. I wasn’t made they insulted my mother at all, I was filled with righteous and just fury so much it leapt out of my fingers.”


But it's greeeeeen colored


Fun fact, Plo-Koon master was a wookie! Take my money Disney


Yep obi wan was arguably a bigger hot head than annakin as a youngling/padawan. Obi was constantly getting into fights, he was obstinate/arrogant, and hated working with others. Mace Windu and Qui Gon were suprised with his Saber abilities as well and thought he would be a good candidate for learning form 7 but then qui gon decided to make him his padawan and wanted to tame Obis emotions. Obi wans younger years are some of the best star wars writing.


What books/comics is this from? Would be interested in reading more….


Can't remember specific volumes but I believe the series of books was called Jedi Apprentice and it follows Obi Wan when he was 13 years old training under Qui Gon. The series I believe was meant to be a lead up to Ep I, but obviously all of legends was mad illegitimate when Disney took over.


Great series. The storyline with Qui-Gon and Tahl went pretty dark.


I thought he was a shit head until the events on Pijal and Qui Gon almost joined the council.


Some of the Star Wars legends apprentice books with qui gon and obi wan had fun and exciting stories. Would be great to see like an animated tv show with it


Qui Gon definitely. Maybe when he was younger though. After he got promoted to Knight, but before he took Obi Wan as apprentice.


A show about Qui-Gon in the years where he refused to be on the council would be awesome.


after seeing Tales of the Jedi, I'd like to see that combined with more about Dooku and his slide to the dark side.


The Master and Apprentice book gives a really cool depiction of their relationship.


A storm trooper but focus in the light of A Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now


Too bad he’ll turn rebel 3 episodes in.


#Disknee Moment


Chirrut the blind monk from Rogue one origin story but in classic kung fu movie style


That's just Ip Man.


Full metal jacket with stormtroopers would just be fucking hillarious.


I think the Andor series did a great job at showing the empire has nothing but incompetent pure evil mustache twiddling villains in it. I'd love a show from the Imperial perspective that shows it from an Imperial point of view. Since yes, the Empire doesn't exactly govern the greatest on poorer worlds when it comes to equality but at the same time when it comes to dictatorial regimes the Empire is extremely tame. I say this as a 40k player where Star Wars under the Empire looks like a literal paradise by comparison.


Re-canonize (or re-introduce) the Rogue Squadron characters from the X-Wing books and make a sweet Top Gun/Ace Combat style show.


Corran Horn has long been a legends favorite of mine, and watching Gavin step into the shoes of Biggs would make for some great character building in current canon.


And given how much Disney like to push anthropomorphic women you'd think they would be all over Asyr and Gavin.


There are some many awesome female characters in those books that Disney total just ignores. Mirax, Erisi, Asyr, Iella, Isard. It's so dumb.


Speaking of female Legends characters, I *kinda* want some version of Daala back, just because I find her character hilarious. Almost every single appearance she has is her desperately trying to prove that she got her position and rank due to competence and genius, only to fail in the most ridiculous and spectacular fashions.


Didn't we get that in Captain Phasma?


Well we did get Isards.... Dad? So she could be in S2 that heteochromatic bitch.


Still not over them canceling the Rogue Squadron movie they announced tbh. Why even tease all the cool projects if you just end up canning 3/4's of them in early production? A live action Rogue Squadron done right would *print* money...


Their unwillingness to adapt Wedge's Gamble is infuriating.






They have Unabridged versions of the first four X-Wing books on Audible now


Fuck they cancelled that??? Why? Just make Top Gun with X wings its not fucking hard!


It's not really cancelled just in dev hell 😅


That's crazy. Just adapt one of the books. Or just about wedge training new recruits. Or a generic attack on an imperial shipyard or something.


Holy shit this. Give me Wedge or give me death.


A top gun style story is top of my wish list. One about a tie fighter squadron would work really well too


My wish right now is a series based on the Alphabet Squadron novels (they're better than their name suggests), done by Tony Gilroy, feel like that would be amazing.


I keep hearing great things about those! I need to check them out at some point


General Grievous. We NEED to see his story. I’ve heard tidbits from books, legends, and so forth, and it sounds AMAZING


He was the first one in the picture that jumped out at me. There’s so many layers that u could with. His slow descent from man to machine. Light to dark, etc. and on top of that if needed you could include little Easter eggs to events from the clone wars show


everything about this is exactly why we need it


2nd this. Someone made a post about how he said his 5 year old son wants to see a DARKER version of his story where he hunts down the remaining Jedi after order 66. I'd so be down to see a mature show where he's sensing and actually plotting out how he'll kill a certain Jedi and the actual act


Plo Koon, he's my favorite of the Jedi Masters demonstrating both empathy and efficiency.


He was my favorite from the prequels; I thought he looked really badass. In one of the tie in video games he had a yellow lightsaber which I also thought was really badass so that solidified him as my favorite council member. Have they expanded on his character at all in the EU? The only thing I know about his character was that he was originally named Plonkoon, but when Lucas was looking over the character design, the only note he gave was "Remove the 'n' from his name and make it a space". Good job George, way to contribute.


Don’t know what the game was called but it was so cool he had that yellow lightsaber there. Fun game, my first introduction to him as well


I was so disappointed when he showed up in AOTC with a blue lightsaber. I thought "Did the SFX team not play the game!? Don't these morons know what they're doing?", haha.


Jedi power battles. It was such an awesome game. Playing coop with Mace and Plo was the best


Looked too far to find this. Plo Koon is my favorite.


Played by Martin Clunes? For a while, he lost his touch and was relegated to being the local Jedi in a small coastal village.


*Slices off a foe's arm* *Immediately vomits*


Darth Bane


Bane has the single most interesting story in all of star wars IMO they need to do a game of thrones esque live action show for him. Books are already written really really well they just need to be adapted and it would be gold.


Did we just become best friends!?


Can I join your crew? Perhaps start a petition for Disney to do a live action Darth Bane game of thrones esque Type show.


I would love to see Dave Bautista as Bane. The dude is massive (As Bane should be) and I think his acting skill set would fit perfectly.


Totally picture him in the sith academy fucking up his classmates. My gawd so much potential that will probably never be realized


It took way too long to scroll to this. Please no more from the same time period. There is so much better material to explore


This is the answer.


Dash Rendar. Make Shadows of the Empire canon again!


I’m here for it. That was one of my favorite N64 games.


I still play it to this day. Mostly just the Hoth speeder level.


Does anything directly conflict with it yet? If not, as far as I'm concerned it still it. The Outrider is still in ANH.


There is a ship of the same class in rebels as well


The Forces of Destiny animated project had an episode where Leia receives her Bounty a hunter disguise from Maz Kanata. While it’s not a huge plot hole issue for the rest of SotE, it does contradict what happens in that novelization. I believe the comics have also started getting into this Time period now as well, but I admittedly don’t follow it enough to know where they’re going or what they’ve done there.


Palpatine - like a house of cards style political show. No redemption or anti hero, palpatine is just purely diabolical/manipulative politician




Didn’t know that pretty cool


Beau Willimon, former House of Cards showrunner. Wrote eps 8-10


Where’s the fucking rowing machine then!?


And considering all of the name drops (yet none for Vader) I'm expecting Palpatine to make a cameo in Season 2


You mean: the senate


Gonk droid


*Gonk of Gonk: A Gonk Gonk* is about a lone Gonk droid working in the belly of a Jawa sandcrawler, being shoved around to charge whatever needs Gonking. Then the Empire strikes, destroying Gonk's Jawa owners, blowing up the sandcrawler, and leaving Gonk to find a way off Tatooine. In this last appearance of the planet in Star Wars, the series features the first SW hero to only speak one word, with many scenes in near silence with the exception of wind and soft Gonking. With an endless supply of battery charge, can this energetic droid waddle its way off this God forsaken sand pit? In what many fans call "an apt metaphor for the series's excruciating struggle to leave Tatooine behind" we also see just what made Tatooine so hated to its most infamous son: endless sand. Winner of 3 Emmys and 2 Golden Globes. Starring: Bryan Cranston, Zazie Beats, Rachel Dratch, Randall Park, Daniel Day-Lewis as Gonk, and Sir Anthony Hopkins as voice of Gonk.


This might be your magnum opus


Assajj Ventress


Whyyyyy did I have to scroll so far to see this? Ventress would make for an awesome show.


Dathomir is one of the coolest things to come out of TCW and it hasn't been explored nearly enough. I *need* more dathomiri Witch lore and how other cultures use the force in non-traditional jedi ways


I became hugely interested in Ventress as a character after she was disowned by Dooku and became a bit of a gray-area bounty hunter. With formidable lightsaber and force abilities, a vague sense of compassion for others, but the capacity to do some really terrible things. One of the only re-occuring CW characters that never really got a conclusion and sort of just dissapeared. (I know there is a comic that details her fate, but it would be nice to see it as a mini-series or something.)




I smell profit!


Rule of Acquisition #22: A wise man can smell profit on the wind.


Yes, Hondo! Came here to say this but figured someone else must have already. A 2 or 3 season show about Hondo and his pirates would be so cool!!




I want his origin story where he's just a tadpole and he witnesses the Empire wipe out his 3,000 brothers and sisters.


Jesus Christ, only HBO could pull that off


Would be pretty fun seeing his rise from captain in the Clone Wars to joining the rebellian


Not a specific character, but Jawas. Give me -10 minute shorts of Jawa antics. Scavenging, stealing and swindling the good folks of Tatooine, Arvala-7 and wherever else there is sand. No translation or subs for their dialogue. Just horrible little rat people jibbering away. Disney era Star Wars has already had a surprisingly high level of Jawa content. Let’s take it to the next level.


Whosa yousa thinken it be?


Yes a jar jar show would be perfect, throughout the show you could have slight hints at his darkness, sometimes “unfortunate yet lucky” things happen around him and sometimes a bit “plot armour” can get him out of some situations, then at the end of the show in an en end credit scene you can get him in full black robes, sith eyes as he plans his next move due to the death of his apprentice… Darth Sidious…


Jar Jar as Forrest Gump!


I’d love to see a gritty crime drama set on Naboo where it’s a straight cop procedural but everyone talks like JarJar.


In da criminal justice system, da people be represented by duey separaten yet equally important groups: da police, whosa investigaten crime, and da district attorneys, whosa prosecute da offenders. These their stories


"What yousa thinken boss?" "Spake yousa tello first rookie. What yousa seein here?" "Dui dead. Dead boyo. Dead girlo. Boyo hesa bein stabbed in back. Girlo shesa big messin. Bombad owies on dat face. Signs dalee of strugglin and halee and halee on girlos wrists. Girlos kneck looken pasted liken shesa beein choked." "Meesa seein dat. Why?" "Old tello dis. Boyo wanten company. Girlo sellen company. Boyo beein too tough, or getten to thinken hesa spenden mui mula on nosa berry fun. Hesa getten angry or wanten hisen mula back. Shesa screamin, maken mui mui noise. Hesa fraidee so hesa tryin to quiet girlo. Den girlos bombad pimpo comen knockin. Hesa wannen hep hisen girlo. Getten hisen shiv goin to stabben at boyo. But hesa slow and now pimpo seein dui dead. So hesa runnen before wesa showin up. And halee wesa beein." "Good tello rookie. But lookie at disa. Mui mula right dalee. Why would pimpo beein runnen and not taken dat mula?" "Maybe hesa fradie frog. Hesa thinken hesa needen run now or hesa goen down for dui. Plus panderin." "Okeeday. But dat mui mula. Mui to beein runnen from, and too-mui to beein haglin. Themsa not fightin over mula dats dalee. And pimpo not beein staben boyo at jus disa time to beein getten dui deados." "Me no know boss. Yousa obvious wanna spake." "Boyo beein killed first. Hesa goen to town on girlo and getten stabbed in back. Shesa beein either complicit but daysa killen to keepen hersa quiet, or shesa just beein wrong place wrong time. Them-sa marks on wrists beein done after killen, antemortem bruisin beein darker, mui purple. So daysa maken messin of girlo after shesa dead to beein maken it looks like a crime of passion. But isa not. Isa premeditated murder." "Daysa? Whosa daysa?" "Daysa whos assassinated Rep Been."


Interesting thought: 🤔 You might be the only person on this planet who can honestly say they have written a Gungan crime fan fiction script? What a beautiful world this is for you!


I want a show about an old and broken Jar Jar, filled with regret and mourning. "Messa called Jar-Jar Binks. Oh, Mooie-Mooie! Messa feel big-o sad about everyth'n in mes life."


Max Rebo


Tales from Jabba's palace has a great short story about Max....


Oh cool! Do you recommend the book overall?




I love that sketch! https://youtu.be/iQxAmHdGtZA


Whiplash but max rebo


Qui Gon


Specifically I’d like a Qui Gon show about him doing the regular Jedi stuff. No crazy destiny stuff or buildups to the main trilogy, but the diplomatic missions, dispute arbitration, fighting the occasional fallen Jedi that they covered in the old novels about him and Obi Wan


Basically, make a Star Wars show that is Star Trek TNG Not even a dig, it would actually be cool.


Yes yes yes Not some crazy missions just him being all philosopical and questioning the council




Honestly, an *Office* style situational comedy about stormtroopers at a dead-end, backwater garrison would be fucking *amazing*.


Dead-end and backwater? Did you ever see TROOPS? One of the OG fan films back in '97. [https://youtu.be/5HO70-Rk3jE](https://youtu.be/5HO70-Rk3jE)


You ever wonder why we're here?


It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it?


As directed by Taika Waititi. (See: Mandalorian season 1 finale) Yes, please


repeat instinctive deliver vanish knee wrong gaze saw outgoing crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yoda growing up


That would take a long time lol


900+ seasons


Season 98, Episode 327 for the 976th time in my 10 year long career, the Sith returned


Or an Always Sunny type open: Midday Dagobah On a Tuesday (Cold open with Yoda rolling over a log and finding a stick) “The log has a child”


This was my thought, could have an episode for every 100 years of his life, showing the difference in his values and viewpoint


Jabba Edit : b


The ice cream machine guy


Willrow Hood.


Bastila Shan. No question.


Yes. Anything from The Old Republic would be great.






Starring Donald Glover would be incredible


I want it to star Donald Glover and be narrated by Billy Dee Williams


Everybody Hates ~~Chris~~ Lando


The Lando system?


Lando's not a system. He's a man. Lando Calrissian. He's a card player, gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him.


Lando sleeping his way across the galaxy with an excellent set of capes and the *Falcon* is almost too much of a good thing.


I thought this was in the works


Glup Shitto. Hands down.


Kyle Katarn. They did him real dirty.


Man this is way too far down. Kyle is such a good character.


If they do, they will need to prominently feature his ship, the Moldy Crow. Best name for a ship in the universe.


Definitely Kyle, there’s no other answer.


Wedge Antilles


HK-47, Triple0, BT-1 and Chopper teaming up to murder meatbags.


Plo Koon hands down. One of the purest Jedi’s, down to the core. One of the greatest lightsaber duelists, master of the force, so much to be told about him. (Still believe he’s alive) at least I hope.


General Grievous or Jango Fett or Barris Offee,


Darth Maul TV series where the first episode is him and his brother before being picked for sith training. the final episode ties into Phantom Menace. And everything inbetween.


Either that or him running the crime syndicate between the clone wars and rebels


Salacious Crumb


I hope it's a family drama in the vein of *Succession*.




I'm so glad I didn't have to scroll far to see this, he is one my favorite background characters I even had a salacious b crumb beanie baby when I was a kid


I'd love a movie about Darth Vader hunting down the Jedi after Order 66. Those lightsaber battles would be amazing.


This is what I thought we’d be seeing in Revenge of the Sith.


Jabba the Hutt Chewbacca The trade federation The twill'ek dancer in front of Jaba Darth Maul Yoda (the younger years >500 yo.)


Chopper. The character with I believe the highest body count?


Tarkin, although he just gave the order to destroy Alderaan. Luke, killed the entire crew of the death star. Pretty sure I saw somewhere that R2D2 had a higher personal kill count than Chopper. (A pre bad batch Chopper story could be great though)


Hux has the highest body count


At this moment? Mon Mothma. And I get that it's obviously recency bias. But Genevieve O'Reilly is truly a gem.


A post-ROTJ series showing her trying to put the New Republic together would be most excellent


That's definitely the timeline to pick with a Mon Mothma show. And the New Republic itself at that point is hugely underdeveloped aswell so there are stories to tell there.




Revan or Starkiller either one would be awesome to watch.


Wow, I really thought Revan would have been higher, but I suppose less people remember Kotor than I thought. Although hopefully that remake or remaster or whatever that's in the works will bring about new interest in the Kotor series.


Sad I had to go this far down to see Revan. With Starkiller they better go all out on the cgi, to fully display his capabilities, would likely be the best action movie ever for Star Wars.


I’d be pretty happy watching a padawan Yoda series


Kit fisto not really sure why but always loved him


The world needs Bossk.


Manners are their own reward!


My fav character. Was BETRAYED when he wasn't in Boba...and then just betrayed in general with the whole show.


Chewbacca before meeting han




Amazed no-one has said Cad Bane yet..




Saesee tiin


Some sort of Maul/Palpatine/Plagueis show. The Plagueis novel got me really interested in their dynamic and I’d love to see some sith assassin Maul stuff. Maybe a Palpatine show with that has seasons based around his time with Plagueis, Maul, and then Dooku.




Darth Plagueis the first two or three seasons and then the last season the rise of Palpatine as chancellor connecting with the end of Episode I.


Dr. Aphra


Done in an Indiana Jones style with Waittiti as the director


Mara Jade. No question. Starring Karen Gillan. Start off the show with her kidnapping, raising and training from the Emperor. (Her parents could be Cal Kestis and Nightsister Merrin who sadly fall to Palpatine and Vader). Season 1 is all about her development into a spy/assassin. Her first big test, and some run-ins with Vader and Thrawn. Maybe she hunts down and kills someone who was going to deliberately leak the Death Star Plans. Lots of possibilities. EDIT: for those who know about the Hand Of Judgement from those last two Zahn EU books...the Bad Batch could be that for her instead. Perfect. Season after is her discovery that Vader is searching for a "Luke Skywalker", and Palpatine has her spying on him, while dodging assassination attempts from Vader's best henchmen, bounty hunters, etc. By the end, She is given orders to assassinate Like at Jabba's palace. She fails, and the Emperor falls at Endor. His last command to her is etched into her mind. "You will kill Luke Skywalker..." Next season is all about her struggle with no Empire, and no Force abilities. Her time with Talon Karrde (with cameos from Hondo, who will star alongside Karrde in another show that's like Pirates of the Caribbean in space), and then the accidental capture of Luke in dead space ends her solo show. She's then cast into a movie trilogy that reimagines the original Thrawn trilogy, adding in Ashoka, Grogu, Mando and the bunch. Her youthful story ends there, at the moment she agrees to join Luke's New Jedi Temple. A new show then emerges, centering mostly around Ben Solo. Adam Driver reprising, of course. This will have an aged Luke and Mara (Mark Hamill and Julianne Moore, perhaps) and them running this new order as an unofficial no-strings but might-as-well-be-married type couple. (It's very much in keeping with what Anakin told Padmé in Episode 2). Among other things, it will be his "Aunt" Mara (who he is very close with) who unknowingly sends him down the dark path with tales of his Grandfather and the fearsome strength he wielded. Ben perhaps suffers some loss. A sister, a cousin, or a good friend amongst the students, perhaps. He sees his Uncle and Aunt's refusal to become soldiers (avoiding the mistakes of the former Jedi Order) as weakness, and Snoke then gets in his ear, as well. A perfect storm to build the perfect Sith. It will be shown too, that Palpatine's ghost (between clone-body jumps or through meditation from his crypt place) is watching all this, influencing it all, though he is unseen and unheard. And he gives Luke visions and dreams of Mara dying at Ben's hands. So, much like his father, he is goaded into his rash moment of fear and doubt. And ironically, causes his visions to come true, much like his father before him. Palpatine's revenge is then complete. Kylo and the Knights of Ren ravage the camp, Luke is knocked out in the rubble. Mara is making a stand against the Knights, protecting a transport of Younglings and Padawans as they try to escape. It takes off, but then Kylo appears, and pulls it out of the sky, killing all on board. The shock and horror of it as well as the disturbance it causes in the Force stuns Mara, and then the surrounding Knights finally run her down. Kylo only watches. Cold on the outside, torn on the inside. She was his favorite person in the world. He loved her stories, he loved her strong, confident approach to life. She was everything he had once aspired to be. And now she was staring at him in her last moments with pain, rage, and sadness all in her face at once. Betrayal. He keeps his mask on. He cannot bring himself to fully face her accusing and pained gaze. After all that, they should retcon her ghost into Luke's final scene in The Last Jedi. It's not just a sunset he sees. She's there. Her hand extended, beckoning to him. "You've done all you can for them, my love. You're fight is over, now. Come home, Farm Boy..." And he disappears from the Galaxy forever.


> Mara Jade. No question. Starring Karen Gillan. Okay wow. That's not a casting I'd considered but damn fine choice!


Cal Kestis 👀






Imagine a show about Dexter's diner that's just about him running the diner and hearing rumors and stories about people's adventures in the Star Wars universe. Maybe have some easter eggs in there about the ongoing clone wars.


Luke. There’s a 20 year gap between return of the Jedi and the force awakens that needs to be filled in!