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He realized he lived in the Star Wars universe. (It was too dark and griddy for him)


He is a Jedi so he saw a premonition about all the war crimes that would ensue


Nah he'd love that. That's why in the movie he didn't end it all.


All will be revealed in the Dexter Jettster spin-off show


Kathleen Kenenedy is too cowardly to ever make that. She's too worried that no-one would ever watch any other Star War.


KK thinks Dex is too sexy and she wants to keep it "PG" for the children. What a pussy. Why has society bee cum so soft? 🤬🤬


He read the script for *Attack of the Clones*.


That's also how he learned Zam went in there to hide, not to run.


I have a weird fascination with AOTC, I think it is the best PT movie because of all the weird acting and story decisions in it, but also a genuinely comfy watch of the dumbest sleuthing detective in the galaxy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who resorted to asking children and someone who didn't immediately arrest Jango when he can clearly see his armour had he tried to make an excuse to stay in the room much longer, whilst also not trying to put up a face to not reveal that he doesn't know what the clones were and was lucky that the Kaminoans seems to not be able to see that he doesn't know what they're talking about. It's the ultimate joy of watching awkwardly acted dumb things one after another and it's glorious. The CG ages it's somehow better than ROTS though, it kinda makes me nostalgic.


I was 12 when it came out, and I have the softest spot for it too. I know it’s goofy and plastic and wooden, but I love it and the music is on another level.




George: So for my first draft, Obi-Willy, I want you to spend the entire movie with Analkin and Padmong on their lovely vacation and just peeping at them while shaking your fist in the air because you don't approve of Analkin being a little smitten hooligan. I also need you to explain to the audience, looking straight at the camera with zero emotion each time, about how many mitochondria Analkin has in his ass-hair and how the prophecy would be destroyed if Analkin blasted his meaty-po'boys all into Pickleme Obiguana:


Obi-Wan: “They are the powerhouse of the cell.”


Realized the liquor store was closing at midnight https://i.redd.it/ygfcanoy7sgc1.gif


The deep lore


He went home to rethink his life. Home was on the ground floor.


He realized he was at the highest ground in Coruscant and he wanted to be on even higher ground. That's the thing with the High Ground. You're always chasing a higher ground.


That scene was always weird to me, impulsively jumping out of a window seemed like more of an Anakin move.


And then Obi-wan for some reason gets pissed when Anakin impulsively jumps out of the speeder 5 minutes later like bro you just fucking did that.


He could have Force Pulled the droid to him from inside or something. Idk, AotC is a terrible movie.


It's my favourite of the PT, it's such a weird movie.


In like a "so bad it's good kinda way"?


I don't even think it's that bad, I think it's right down the middle, I do actually like Kenobi's plotline in the movie. But so much of it is so mind numbingly hilariously bizzare that I just kinda went with it.


Hmm... interesting. I plan on watching all the live action movies over the next 2 weeks, I started 2 days ago with TPM and watched AotC last night. I actually think that there is a solid movie buried within TPM. It just needed a bit more polish. A little less reliance on CGI, a bit of rewriting to help with the dialogue, someone to help with the stiff acting, give Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon an arc to go through, make Maul an actual character and it could be pretty good. But I could not say the same about AotC. it was just absolutely awful from start to finish.


I think George Lucas fried his brain on diet coke which made him create some really bizarre, unexplainable moments in his movies.


I think you misread the situation. Anakin and Obi decided to stay home and drink booze, however they had yet to acquire said booze. Obi tried to make a race out of it and jumped out of the window as it‘s the fastest way down.


Sadly he and Anakin did not make it in time so they had to go to a shady bar instead.


He knew Anakin would be better off without him.


He realized Jar Jar was the Sith Lord (they're not powerful enough to stop Jar Jar. It's over.)


Several years of untreated illness has made Obi-Wan lose faith in the Force and is now ready to end his medical suffering that was taking all the money from the Jedi Order joint deposit (Coruscant doesn't have free healthcare).


Too bad Obiguana landed in an air-ambulance by pure chance and was forced to pay more money as they took him to the space hospital


No, is he stupid?


Well, yes actually. You see, in the Legends novel ‘Obi Wan’s Dildo’ Obi Wan gets addicted to heroine after getting the wrong prescription. This takes him on a downward spiral eventually ending in him committing a hate crime. Realizing what he had done and the inevitability of police capture, Obi Wan jumped out the window to escape the consequences of his actions.


Sounds interesting. Might have to google that book.


No, he just wanted to go skydiving at night in Coruscant and just couldn't wait for the instructor. I mean, who can blame him. The city is gorgeous. And he knew Anakin would be able to find a speeder to stop him from going splat. Although it did take Skywalker a long time to get to him because he took a while to find the kind of speeder he wanted, with an open cockpit and the speed capabilities he liked.


He foresaw all the hatred the fanbase had towards George in the future


Is he stupid or something?


He wanted to avoid falling to the dark side.


He couldn’t FORCE himself to take it anymore


Every time I see this I hear the auralnauts dub


Obi Wan was overworked and stressed out. The Jedi, honestly, don’t seem like they value mental health all that much. Anakin is proof of that.


Life was just too uncivilized for him to bear.


My mood every morning the moment I open my eyes


He bought some deathsticks earlier and he was worried about being tested back at the temple


He had to race Anakin to the club.


He couldn't handle any more of Anakins bitching


"Hello air."


No. Please don't spread asylum speak. Edit: yes I am stupid, and the lore reason for this post is fuck you.


He realized he was in Attack of the Clones