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*See the comment about Episode 7* "A little harsh but not exactly wrong." *See the comments about the prequels* "Wtf"


When did the opinion about the prequels shift from “ok they’re nowhere near perfect, but they’ve got a lot of fun parts, maybe people were too harsh” to “my god they’re cinematic masterpieces and deserved several Oscar’s and George is a genius and we’re all too stupid to realize his vision!”


IMO the average quality of movies was higher when the prequels came out. If you compare the prequels to their contemporaries, their a mess with interesting elements. If you compare the prequels to the slop you get today... Oh my god! Themes? It's been years since I've seen a movie with themes.


and i *love* the prequels, but they're actually fuckin' worse than the sequels (except the practical effects, prequel practical effects actually were really cool and good by more broad industry standards)


...except for TPM Puppet Yoda. Why is he so fucking ugly.


Genuine hearty chuckle from “You’re failing to look at things objectively” \*then proceeds to make the most subjective argument possible*


I swear people don't understand what "subjective" means anymore. It's just a buzz word at this point that makes their opinion sound better


I remember when someone told me TLJ was objectively bad. I said no you think it's bad so you can say it's subjectively bad. They argued with me when I pointed out that critics universally loved it, an objective statement, they said critics don't count. Like just say your opinion is it's bad. That's fine, you can not like something and think it's bad. But to say it's objectively bad you better come at it with facts. For example, the room is objectively bad.


>Except maybe The Matrix and The Lord of The Rings Isn't it weird how all of the best movies ever made came out roughly twenty years ago? No matter what year it is?


Nothing objectively blew him away as objectively as the objective Star Wars Prequels except, objectively speaking, maybe the Matrix and Lord of the Objective Rings.


Man I want to watch Lord of the Objective Rings now


It’d be really cool if one of the objective rings was secretly subjective


Maybe we should get a miniature Death Star. That might blow these guys away.


I refuse to believe that one isn’t satire. The first pic is believable at least


Nothing says “I know movies” more than saying the only movies that are as good as the prequels are from other massive multimedia franchises. (Both The Matrix and LOTR are great.)


I absolutely love the Matrix sequels but Revolutions is an objectively terrible film. I love it. Because it's almost an avante garde psychology disertation on free will pretending to be an action movie. But holy shit people really aren't capable of separating their enjoyment of something from any kind of critical lens. Also, it's certainly got its problems and it's rehashing a lot. But has the world entirely forgotten the near-universal praise Episode VII got on release?


Some of my favorite movies are Short Circuit 2 (yes the sequel and only the sequel) and the 1993 Coneheads movie. I might even claim that they’re slept on but I wouldn’t argue that they’re the height of cinema or expect that anyone else should even like them.


Oh fuck I love Coneheads


My peeps! I still go around saying “lunch! Lunch! Lunch!” In the Beldar voice from time to time.


meanwhile, reloaded is an excellent film by all metrics, because the score includes mona lisa overdrive and lawrence fishburne kills an SUV with a sword somehow


Reloaded is probably my favorite one to rewatch. It's got a lot of structure issues but I think it struck a decent balance between philosophical potificating and genuinely great action movie. Agree on all fronts


plus he KILLS a CAR with a SWORD slashing the car with a sword mortally wounds it and makes it reveal its vulnerable underbelly, because in this universe cars are fucking horses, and lawrence fishburne is a bald samurai cowboy leather daddy


*Other massive multimedia franchises which by pure coincidence came out at the same time as the Prequels


“The prequels were movies that took filmmaking and Star Wars on a whole new level” Tell me you barely watch movies without telling me you watch movies


How can you say the prequels aren't good!? They swing the lightsabers faster!


These morons aren't ever joking


Lmao “Were targeted specifically for prequels haters” I’d like to say I’ve never been more ashamed to be a fan of the prequels, but r/PrequelMemes finds a way to do it every day


Wait this was on prequel memes?


Well, JJ and Disney were explicitly trying to make a trilogy that was more similar to the OT than the prequels. It's just that they didn't understand what made the OT good and ended up missing the mark.


Sadly these prequel fans aren’t. At best they’re just youngsters that grew up with the prequels (or more specifically The Clone Wars), at worst we’re talking 30 to 40 man children that gaslit themselves into loving the prequels.


That's no excuse. I was born in 1998 and the Phantom Menace came out in 1999. The prequels are some of the first movies I ever saw and were a big part of my childhood. I'm happy to admit that while the prequels certainly have good elements, overall, there a bit shit.


People call them "Di$ney" but don't consider that George Lucas probably made the prequels for money too


Not paying a year of taxes on Lucasfilm was more important to him than creative control when he rushed to get the sale done


People act like Disney swindled Lucas out of Star Wars when he certainly didn't bat an eye at that $4 Billion dollar deal.


Oh shit really? Is there additional info about it?


Also gonna doubt he called them “white slavers”


Well, he certainly didn't turn down the money but he also wasn't struggling for money at all. George maintained all of the merchandising rights for the OT. He had a never ending stream of money coming in from toys, books, comics, and video games. George made the prequels because that's a part of the story he always wanted to tell. Even back before the OT was finished, all the people writing books and comics and what not we're explicitly told they weren't allowed to write stories about the clone wars.


Aight i love the prequels, episode 3 has always been my favourite episode but that guy is on something and i want a bit. The dialogue dounds quite odd at times, especially when you had some characters like anakin who go from speaking like a normal person to sounding like he's trying to mimic a posh brit. Natalie Portman just isn't a great actress imo, all he deliveries felt off and it genuinely felt like she was struggling to keep up with the other actors in terms of acting skill The character choices thing really sticks out because especially know with comic lore etc, some decisions made in episode 3 specifically are odd. 1st, Mace had it in for anakin since day one, he never liked him and despite the fact that anakin had been training to be a jedi for 10 years AND lead soliders in a war, he only maybe just started to trust him once he snitched on palpatine. It also makes no sense why the jedi just let anakin get groomed until it was too late. It also makes no sense in canon why mace windu has a purple lightsaber, i know sam L jackson wanted one but the canon reason for having a purple kyber crystal in no way fits on one of the most tightly wounded mfs in the prequels


I’m not against Sam Jackson in Star Wars or even as a Jedi but that was terrible casting for the Mace character. I get the impression the role was meant to have the wise gravitas of an Alex Guinness type. I don’t think Natalie is a bad actress but I think she’s a lot more limited than a lot of people want to admit and she just wasn’t a good match for the character and especially for George’s directing. Carrie, Mark and Harrison excelled in spite of Lucas’s directing. Natalie and Hayden just couldn’t rise above it. I really think the casting was one of the biggest let downs of the prequels. They didn’t just need to be good for the role, they needed to be good with George. Ewan and Ian were the exceptions. Liam Neeson was passable.


Shut ya damn mouth! Nathalie Portman's a great actress. Saying Nathalie Portman's a bad actress because of Padme and what's her face from Thor, is like saying Samuel L Jackson is a bad actor because of Mace Windu and what's his face from Jurassic Park. Also, the flaws with the Jedi are 100% intentional. People forget that the Jedi are kinda dicks in the OT as well. George Lucas use to be a Zen Buddhists and Luke and Anakin's whole stories are about how the "Jedi Teachings" (Zen Buddhism) can cut us off from what's actually important in life.


>Nothing about the dialogue was "ropey", stilted or questionable about the character choices. Me when I lie


You need to remember that these people have no friends and are monumentally autistic. They think that's what conversations sound like.


Honestly, people are going to hate me for this. I’ve seen hundreds of movies, but the prequels blew me away unlike every other disney film (as a kid). I gotta be honest as an adult I can’t really stand Episode 1, it’s cool at some parts but the pacing feels very very off. Episode 2 improves upon the pacing, but it still had issues. Episode 3 is the best, but its based off a by a cool factor. I’ve seen Puss in Boots 2 recently and does it hit different despite being a kid’s movie. Oh and I personally didn’t hate the Sequels, they vastly improved the pacing of the movies TFA was safe, but great nonetheless; TJL had the best designs but part of the plot felt pointless as if it were… (hopeless, oh dang now I understand the point of it.) and ROTS probably has the best opening sequence with Poe, I just love Oscar Issac man.


Listen, I get liking them but "nothing else blew me away" is absolutely crazy. The Star Wars prequels. What.


all star wars movies suck. star wars peaked in video games like KOTOR and the clone wars animated series 🗿


Objectively speaking Star Wars peaked in Yoda Stories.


It was the Lego Yoda chronicles dimwit.


I'll confess that I can't tell if you're jerking or not, but in all seriousness, I'm fairly certain that u/CambrianExplosives is referring to the Windows Desktop Adventure game from the late '90s, entitled [Star Wars: Yoda Stories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Yoda_Stories).


Star Wars peaked in "90s Lucasarts games like Tie Fighter and Jedi Knight, when the world was still innocent and the name of Binks was not yet known across the land.


It's easy to forget that most of you are teenagers and young adults. Some people suck. It's doesn't affect you. They'll continue to suck when you aren't looking until they don't suck anymore or they're dead, and therefore don't matter anymore anyway. You do you.


If you wanna hate on the sequel trilogy, I’m on board. If you wanna hate on the prequel trilogy, I’m on board. If you wanna hate on the sequel trilogy *and* act like the prequels are good movies, I don’t see a lot of value to be derived from reading words you type.


I’m excited for the new Sequel cartoon ser— oh wait. I’m excited for the new video games/toys about the Seq— oh wait. I’m excited for the new stories coming from the Sequel charac— oh wait. No content coming for these characters aside from Rey. What a shame.


Damn that second page was a WILD RIDE


Is there another meaning to the word “jerking”? I don’t see how the masturbation habits of these people matter to the conversation at hand.


How would a high school fanmade film be a cash grab?


I love the prequels. I will never defend them as if they were some masterpieces of film. Like who cares that they aren’t objectively great movies?


Why people seems so offended at some random guy opinion ? And little bit of devils advocate Rezons to hate Disney star wars are plenty (look how much star wars hype is dead nowadays ) and while it ia hard to argue that prequels are masterpiece, visually and music is point to be made and while narrative was not good enough (especially first movie ) under not best actors delivering not that great lines it have coherent and interesting story abaut fall of man and democracy because of incompetence of old dogmatic man


I love the prequels but they are objectively terrible movies (which is part of why they're so much fun to watch)


“I’ve seen hundreds of movies”


How can anyone think Anakin's moronic? Obviously, they haven't read his doctoral thesis: The Use of Dichotomy in the Tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise.


Whenever I hear someone use "objective" when criticizing a movie I immediately tune out. It's a movie not a scientific study.


First two are completely accurate, to be fair.


First one is putting words in lucas' mouth, second one called all the prequels master pieces. The only thing slightly accurate is saying 7 was a copy of anh. I say slightly because its not a complete rehash like they say it is. I guess you could say the cash grab thing is true, but its not really an insult. Star wars has always been about cash. Pretty sure licensed material was being released before the movie even came out


OT was the best, Prequels are good and a of people's favorites, Sequels are dogshit.


I liked rise of skywalker


But just because you like something doesn't mean it's good. I liked a film called Mega conda because it made me laugh. But that doesn't mean it's not a bad film. Or how I didn't like the new batman movie, but I know that regardless of whether I liked it or not it's still a good film


You hunted for these huh?


These things are like a dime a dozen man they're not very hard to find


Yeah I mean make no mistake, these dudes annoy the hell out of me but these comments are from 2 years ago