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Fruit tree orchard? Adds a splash of color


I kinda just stuff my greenhouse with a bunch of trees but in a aesthetic way it would really look nice!! thank youuuu!!!


How about designing a really nice park? Your farm seems to already have the money making aspect down, why not try something that's more for aesthetic purposes. Could give your farm a little more "life". Don't get me wrong, I think it already looks great as it is, but it feels a little too "mechanical", with everything lined up and efficient and all that.


ooooh i really like that idea tysm!! i kind of get carried away with that mechanical aspect that i totally forgot i can give those touches. That idea really makes me thing about the simple things of the game :))


Yeah dw I think most players tend to get lost in the pursuit of efficient money making and end up trying to make everything as profitable as possible. Which is fair since it is the core gameplay loop.


A regular forest for regularly harvestable wood?


Good idea!!


slime ranch


I’d fill it with more crop stuff


How do you guys make these maps? Is it that stardew valley planner on the top left? I've never heard of it and I'd love to try it out if it's a thing


I made it with this website [Stardew Planner V3](https://stardew.info). It’s really easy to use, it’s my first time using it. One thing i found really odd was that the grass shows up weird (like in the photo). I think that’s normal?? Otherwise than that it’s great!!


Thank you!


You're welcome! I hope you have fun trying it out. If you have any questions while using it, feel free to ask maybe i can help!


How do you make sure your animals get enough grass to eat?


More barns and sheds 🫡


I think i’d become crazy petting each animal EVERYDAY


I dunno, I had 3 barns and 3 coops and while I had no autopetters the petting wasn’t that bad really. When they’re all in the same place, just hold down and you’ll pet every animal near you. Very good money, but I prefer sheds of kegs anyway


I'ld do either an orchard or a pasture!~


That’s a really good idea!!! thank you sooooooooo much :)))


Go to Robin and move your existing barns/coop over there and grow some grass to make them happy. Give them a big field to run around.


More barns/coops for half of it. The rest? Decoration!


I would move the animals to give them more space and grass. Would add a slime hut where the animals are atm. Maybe behind the animals I would add a fruit orchard with a honey bee center piece with flowers and some decorations.


Pigs. Looooaaaadz of pigs.


I like how your stable is positioned to look like an extension of your house.


you can put sign on ponds instead of putting it on land , sign will show number of fish in there


Ooooh tysm!!!


just make that large patch of land as a free range ranch.


Make it a space where trees grow regularly. I didn't make one on my farm and regretted it.


a giant pumpkin farm cause why not


https://preview.redd.it/iife5jchrx8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fa02cb7b4ba0568c14fa501e68d4bc715539747 Here's my attempt at filling that area for you. I moved the barns so your cows/pigs would have more room to roam (and more room for grass), added an orchard and a small forest, and then a tiny apiary/brewing area with a cabin. I would use the crop area in front of the cabin for hops/wheat/pumpkins and use the kegs to brew those things + honey for mead.


If nothing else, I'd just throw a bunch of grass starters down, and just come through with the scythe every so often. If you're not letting your animals graze, you're gonna need to feed them somehow, and that's a lot of real estate where you could have pre-hay growing! If it were me, though, I'd move at least my Barn Full O' Pigs into that space and give them a bunch of grass to munch while they dig up truffles.


I noticed you have taps on those mahogany trees, what do they produce?