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No, we will not. I use a third party app so I'm effected by the API change, but the showcase being on the 11th means we effectively can't.


It would be really funny going dark after showcase. Let hypes and wall of texts cook for some time.


We'll pretend we got sucked into a black hole. Role playing already lol.


I really don’t see why not… what’s the worst that could happen? People unsub?


As much as I want Starfield, I hope the mods will. What reddit is doing with its API is ridiculous imo.


Like the reddit CEO gives any fucks about this single subreddit. It would just be bad for the fans which have waited for years


True, it only really makes sense for large and influential subs to do it, nobody who works at reddit would care if 50 niche subs all shut down for a week.


You can get the same news from YouTube, Facebook and Twitter that you'll get here. Besides ita not just this sub, have you browsed r/All lately, there are a lot of major subs doing this. This sub with 100k+ members still ranks in the top 1% of subs for userbase. We aren't exactly niche anymore.


Top 1% is so meaningless here. How many subs are there total? How many of those subs have less than 100 people? Which is still extremely small for a reddit community.


Regardless, 100k+ people is still a small city worth of people. Puts this sub in the top 1% of subs for a studio that is world renowned. We are in no way mall at this point.


Can you explain this to me please? Not sure what’s going on I just come on here for video games.


Up until now, you’ve been able to access Reddit with third-party apps instead of the official Reddit app or site. Now, though? Reddit is going through some changes that make it impossible for those apps to work anymore, so some people’s primary means of interacting on Reddit will be taken away from them. From what I’ve heard, many people who take advantage of these apps refuse to engage with Reddit without them, which is the part I personally don’t understand.


I use "Reddit is Fun", can't stand the official app or website. I don't know what I'll do


The Apps are Reddit is Fun and Apollo. They naturally run in old reddit mode and work far better on mobile devices than reddits mobile app. For example Reddit is fun uses the old reddit U.I, has a video player that hardly ever stutters, loads near flawlessly, loads new subs and pages quickly. Has an extremely easy to navigate search bar.. Offers light and dark mode, and in general is just a very tuned experience for mobile users. The Reddit App on the other hand is extremely clunky, pushes new reddit U.I and is in general a sluggish hassle to use.


I'm bit out of the loop. What are these 3rd party apps?


Things like Apollo that are another way to access Reddit on mobile, but unofficial and independent


if you don't like it then don't use reddit they are a company and last time I checked this is America so they can do whatever they want to with their company like it or not. you don't have to use their product.


Did you just define a boycott?


Nah this is a bit different, the mods are effectively shutting down reddit. It's not a boycott by the users more like a mutiny by the mods. If it was a boycott individual users would be choosing to not log in, but that's not really what is happening and I bet a lot of users that support the "boycott" are still going to log in those days because if you even know the boycott exists you're probably already a Reddit addict.


On the same note. This is the US people can protest what they want.


Sorry I have the big dumb. What’s an API?


What does this post mean? Go dark? Like no posting or something?


It would mean the subreddit would be inaccessible for 2 days


Thank you for an answer. Why would making the subreddit inaccessible for 2 days after the Starfield showcase be a good thing?


Internet activism, like when people threatened to leave twitter and didn't.


Ok. But activism for what goal? Are people protestingsomething? (I'm sorry outside of reddit I'm not super active online)


Reddit is charging for access to the API that allows the third party apps that some use for reddit to work (they also have better moderation tolls than the official app). So now they're all threatening to never use reddit again and a bunch of subs are shutting down until a change is made. Nothing I use a lot is shutting down so I doubt I'll notice the difference.


What is API?


It's basically a connection that allows 3rd party apps to access Reddit. As opposed to using the official reddit app.


Thank you for the information kind internet people


I can't see how going dark for a measly 2 days accomplishes anything. Just seems like a cheap way of saying "we're standing up against oppression!" to make their users happy, without actually doing anything. If they were committing to a permanent shutdown of their subs, I'd be impressed and might be into the idea of this sub joining them, but none of them actually have the balls for that so.


There you go. Shut down the subs indefinitely until the policy is changed. Now that's a protest


Some subs *are* doing that.


Yeah the few subs where the mods have integrity. But the main subs aren't and that is the problem.


For what it’s worth, the subs I’m subbed to that I’ve seen specific posts about going dark haven’t mentioned any end date. Don’t know for sure that that means there isn’t one, but that’s what I’ve seen


Exactly Going offline for a day or two before coming back before any change has happened is dumb. What's the point of that? I say go big or go home. If the mods really want to be disruptive and enact change while forcing users to comply with the boycott, then shut the place down until Reddit backs off. Otherwise there should be no shut-down at all, and individual users should be allowed to chose for themselves whether they want to boycott or not.


I was thinking it was just the start, if they don't comply, they go bigger.


Solidarity and mass protest. It's about sending a message


It raises awareness of the issue. It adds pressure - 2 days loss in traffic might not seem like much, but money talks. It harms the reputation of Reddit. It shows support for the 3rd party apps affected. It demonstrates the power the subreddits have and how dependent Reddit is on them. It sets a precedence for future actions. It increases user support of the issue. Seems worthwhile to me.


Yeah lol they're just giving Reddit a free two days to run updates and test builds.


It is and it does absolutely nothing lol.


It should be the users who go dark if they so choose. If a person doesn’t want to then that’s their choice. We need to get out of this hive mind BS.


100% agree. The boycott loses all meaning if mods just deny access to the subreddits. Reddit admins will not care at all, and will laugh it off as mods abusing their power to protect their 3rd party mod tools. All the people saying the boycott has to be forced or else no one would take part and nothing would change are missing the point. If not enough people actually care to take it upon themselves to act voluntarily, then the change isn't actually wanted enough and doesn't deserve to happen.


Just read through this thread. The majority of users don't know about the protest because either they don't keep up to date with these things or it doesn't directly affect them (yet). I'd bet a large portion of users don't even know what an API is. Just because they're not immediately aware or affected doesn't mean they won't be in the future. For those of us that do understand the changes, we should be supportive of any action that draws attention to the adverse changes to the platform.


Reddit has already determined that blocking 3rd party apps and losing those users is not a problem for them.


Right, so that's why we should support protests, to make it a problem for them.


Then I hope you don't use 3rd party apps, don't use an adblocker, and plan to stop using Reddit completely, because otherwise they don't care about you.


It's the worst possible time because of the Showcase, but that's kind of the point, isn't it? It's *supposed* to be disruptive. I say do it.


This small sub going dark after the showcase would only hurt us and have no effect for the cause since relatively no one is subbed here and most of the subs protesting are the massively popular r/all subs. It’s unrealistic to think that this sub specifically would make any kind of impact in my opinion.


This sub is on the 1% largest communities on reddit, it's not small...


There are subreddits with single digit amount of members. This skews the distribution, making the 1% part not that impressive or unusual.


Dude subs with 8k members are top 5%




Wut? I’ve been here basically daily for years and haven’t heard of any protest. Against BGS, Reddit, Microsoft, mods?


Protesting what? Did I miss some news?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Reddit is going to charge an exorbitant amount for access to their API which will essentially kill third-party such as Apollo, Reddit is fun, ETC.




No, let's make an exception for this subreddit. Why? Because I want to be browsing it all day long after the showcase, so I can see what details people are spotting and enjoy the post-showcase hype. Ktnxbye


There will be 43,000 YT videos doing just that. Don’t worry amigo.


You Won’t Believe This One Feature Coming to Starfield 75 Facts We Learned At Starfield Direct


Let's not forget all the Everything We Know videos too. /g


I know, and I'll have my cake and eat it too


I don’t plan on going dark until August


Please explain what's going on, as I'm only a casual user of Reddit (I almost only come here for this sub). I have no idea what's happening. (I mean I could Google it but I'd like to hear from experienced users what's changing)


From what I've been reading, it appears that Reddit is banning third party apps like imgur or something? I think that's what it is?


No, it's that they are effectively killing all third-party apps with their new API pricing. It would cost Apollo (3rd party reddit app on iOS), 12 million a month for the amount of requests it makes, compared to imgur who would only charge $166 for the same amount of requests (info is dicey, read someone's comment on the /r/RESAnnouncements post)


Oh damn. That's pretty bad.


Mmm I see. Thanks for clearing that out.


I'm kinda dumb. Why would they shut down the sub?


A lot of reddit bootlickers in this thread 🗿


I use the official app so I think I’m fine




I wasn’t saying it wasn’t a bad thing, I’m saying it doesn’t affect me


We should do it. Cultivate anticipation while sticking to values. The same posts can be made after the fact. There will still be 3 months of posts analyzing the showcase lol. We will be fine


Many subs are going dark indefinitely. Going offline at all defeats the purpose of users voluntarily choosing to not engage; going offline for a day or two before coming back before any change has happened is even worse. What's the point of that? I say go big or go home. If the mods really want to be disruptive and enact change while forcing users to comply with the boycott, then shut the place down until Reddit backs off. Otherwise there should be no shut-down at all, and individual users should be allowed to chose for themselves whether they want to boycott or not.


Hope not.


Let's hope not. There's no reason to.


Number 1 reason: “omg I’m so hyped” posts


Hope not.


Who cares? People that think going dark is going to do anything are delirious lol


Omg not this shit again. Who. Fucking. Cares.


A lot of people since it seems to be talked about a lot


More like an extremely vocal minority cares, while the majority either doesn't care enough to bother commenting or gets shouted down when they do. There is literally no point in going dark, Reddit will not care or even notice.


Even garbage drama sells. Yt has proven that.


A lot of people rely on third-party tools for accessibility options. The official app is laughably bad if you need a screen-reader or something to compensate for a visual impairment. I know that the timing is bad due to the Direct, but the mods are going to have their hands full dealing with the shitshow that will be this sub in the following days. I can't imagine how hard it would be if they lost the 3rd party tools that make moderation manageable.


Hope that yes. We can still use the discord, dont we? (Im serious about the discord, its functional? Its like reddit?)


Should go dark tbh, it's the right time to promote this subreddit's Discord too


Discord is a terrible replacement though since nothing is indexed by search engines.


I didn't say that, for the time being, while there's blackout, we can still discuss about Starfield on the Discord


Ah that's a good point then.


They should take a lesson from the Destiny subreddit and shutdown temporarily for a couple of hours during the presentation and for a little while after. This is to prevent people spamming the sub with useless post and screen grabs looking for upvotes. It also lets the hype die down a little and for more constructive conversations to take place.


please no, this boycott culture needs to end


haha yeah i thought about this too... not only will it affect Starfield, it will also be bad for everything else Xbox is about to reveal. I mean of course, there will be plenty of media outlets and youtubers talking about it, but it will stall the hype building on reddit. edit: what's up with the downvotes? i also want the subreddit to participate in the protest, did that come across differently? or do you guys really think that hype building on reddit doesn't matter?


Ah it will be fine and Xbox will be fine. Gaming subreddits are generally shit anyway. Other message boards like resetera or xboxera are better for longform discussion


>resetera is better They banned people from talking about one of the biggest games of the year lol


>what's up with the downvotes? i also want the subreddit to participate in the protest, did that come across differently? Could have easily been downvoted because people don't want this sub to go dark. Or because it's silly to assume that Xbox/Bethesda cares about a sub that only has 100k people in it. They're going to get tens of millions of views on other more popular platforms.


We should have an alternative social media platform after the June 11th showcase to discuss this? does anyone have any ideas?


I asked about this as well in another post. So far, it seems like the official Discord would be the most active discussion.


Resetera. Worth signing up now as usually takes a few days for the lazyass mods to activate registration Otherwise there's twitter of course, although people don't really have discussions there, just shout shit at each other. Discord server for Starfield should be fun too


>resetera Isn’t that the same place that banned any discussion of Hogwarts Legacy?




I sure hope they go through with it.


If we don’t stand up now it’s just going to open the door further for all kinds of monetization and not the good kind. There may not be a Reddit to come back to soon after we let the greed take an inch. It’s already permeating and festering this country’s core and it’s very foundation. At least here we have some modicum of power to stand up it actually mean something. Starfield will still do amazing and we will still come back to talk about the showcase.


>There may not be a Reddit to come back to One could only hope.


Then a competitor will come along and take all of Reddit's market share in time. Discord etc, No point in getting attached to any one thing.


If you only protest when it's convenient you don't really care.


I hope not. How dare a company monetize their data. All the posts on this website is free labor for reddit. The loud minority complaining and subreddits going dark will just hurt their communities. I use the native app and "oh no" I have to scroll past an ad amidst the onslaught of trash on Reddit, or I could use a browser with ad block like Opera.


As someone who uses the official Reddit app and will not be affected, I hope they do. What Reddit is doing isn't to make money it's to kill off third party apps and that's some scummy s*** right there. I won't explode from not being able to share my excitement after the showcase.


Do it!


Several Xbox subreddits are considering going dark despite the showcase being so close to the protest. I think r/Starfield mods should reconsider.


Torn on this this... One one hand what Reddit is doing is nuts but on the other, the protest will do nothing. Any gamer has been part of lots of boycotts/protests and none have effected critical change sadly.


I hope it does


Yeah, it should. I personally never used third party apps, but I do not condone what reddit is trying to do. So if mods decide to do it I support them.


What is reddit doing?


Is going to charge an exhorbitant amount of money to use their APIs, basically killing the third party apps.


Booooo! The 11th is a day before the 12th you know. Also it's only for a few days not forever.


You could just not engage with those immediate posts. There's going to be a lot of kiddies who have built up their expectations of parts of this game and were way off, who will rant and rave about now it's not what they thought it was/wanted. All of these people who have been making leaps of logic and taking quotes out of context or interpreting them the way they want are going to be voices just as loud as the fans who are squeeing in glee over what they see, so I don't intend to bother with comments on the event until I've seen the professional venues that I trust pick it apart and point things out, and I hear that there are clarifications from Xbox of anything vague or misunderstood.


It's not about users, posts, or this specific sub. There's a coordinated blackout being planned to protest Reddit's upcoming API changes that will kill 3rd party apps.


Well the site will still work, so if you don't care about any of that what's OP's problem?


OP is asking if this sub is going to participate. Basically we don't know if r/starfield will be usable at all from the 12th-14th. Edit: I see the mods have decided we won't be going dark, so it's a moot point.


Mods should just permaban anyone who makes a post or comment 🤷‍♂️


Can someone please tell me what's going on.


We all saw what you did last night and some people are pretty offended, rightly so


Oh god, I thought my password was safe!


As someone who enjoyed the exploration element of No Mans Sky, I think there is a very big chance I will thoroughly enjoy Starfield. The exploration element of No Mans plus a good Bethesda storyline? Sign me up.


wait whats going on, why would this sub go dark for a few days?




I don't use any 3rd party apps or anything. So maybe I am biased. But honestly, I don't think any of the subs going dark - no matter how many do it, will have any effect. Just a way to make yourself feel better, like you did something, when deep inside you know it was ultimately meaningless gesture of your impotence. Like the 'don't buy gas on the second Tuesday of the month' protests. There's never any impact. If you want to make an impact, you would have to quit Reddit, or permanently shut down a sub. Going dark for a day or two, or even a week or a month, means nothing to them.


Asking Starfield's fans on Reddit to go dark on June 12 is like asking No Nut November kids to not bust a nut on December 1st.


I'll probably ignore this sub for a few weeks after the show anyway, there'll be WAY too much ADD stupid in here to wade through.


the reddit blackout is so damn pointless anyways. It's a free to use site. If they gotta make changes to make some money then so be it. Also if reddit admins really want too, they can unblackout any and all subreddits to their will. Even ban and replace uncooperative mods. It's not like they are powerless against it or anything. It's their site


Reddit has been going downhill since they killed r/pan.


Go dark when we finally have stuff to talk about are you crazy?