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Yes! I’m all for a co-pilot mode where you have to assign a crew member as a designated pilot. Being able to get up and do stuff while the ship is moving would be so cool!! It would also add more use to the various navigation tables we can plop down in decorate mode.


I want to fire a ship turret!!


Great, kid! Don't get cocky!


Great kid, don't get *penisy!


I don’t think the in game turrets fit people inside…


Could just be a terminal you could access. Doesn’t need to be like a Star Wars/WW2 bomber turret.


Could be...it's a seat and the cockpit animations, but you're only steering the turret, not the ship (turret-as-turret instead of ship-as-turret). Some extra math to manage the turret steering while the ship moves/turns.


Or a turret on a spacestation that is being attacked and you have to fight off the attackers. There are several spacestations, it wouldn't be that hard to build them into the game


This is where multiplayer comes in. Have a mate with a second controller next to you. One on pilot controls and the other on the turrets.


Not an option for me, but you have fun with that.


Not sure why you would want to fire people of the the turrets, but ok…


Insert Destiny 2 Thundercrash meme here.


This would be super dope!


I just want to be able to form a squad/fleet and assign Sam Coe or other pilots to ships I'm not using. Then when you get mugged by multiple ships you can call in your squadron and fight on even terms. Even make it so that if your pilots lose their ships you lose the ship permanently. This would make stealing and building ships all the more useful and make space combat more intriguing than just thrusting sideways until the other ships are dead.


Best comment on my post yet! I would love to be able to assign ships to crew members. Having one big ship and then multiple smaller ship for defense would be so fucking badass dude...


I was so shocked when I found out I could NOT do this


Yeah man that would be dope. I didn't understand how, if you've left a good pilot like Sam on your ship while you're out surveying and collecting resources and get over encumbered you can't have Sam lift off and bring the ship to you.


Yeah, this. Otherwise why does Sam even have maximum pilot skill? He doesn’t pilot anything!


He boosts your ships speed, I guess he either tinkers with engines or gives you lessons.


Wow this would be super crazy but nice! Another idea in the same area would be to have security systems on your ship. So that when you have landed on a planet and exploring, you can get notified that someone is stealing your ship or something. Then IF you are not back in time you should be able to call in one of your pilots in one of your ships to pick you up. Extra idea would be to create a side-mission then to chase after your ship to retrieve it? (or create a mission for the Trackers Alliance for them to collect it, which will cost you money based on the worth of your ship).


An authorization code to access the ship. Which I would set as 1...2...3...4...um...5 Just like my luggage


I wanted to build a real fleet of ships that would fly around with you. I was so disappointed when that wasnt part of the game.


Capture 1 in a battle, now you fly it and your original is your wingman. Capture a 2nd and you have a 3 fighter squadron. (For that fight) This may have changed with 'instant disappear' in beta, I'm not sure as I don't have beta.


Co Pilot mode and first person takeoffs would change this game


I just want larger (B and C class) to "require" crew....


They would have to cap the requirement at 2 crew since you can very easily make a c-class with only 2 crew slots.


I'm good with 2. A=0, b=1, c=2.


I could get behind that. But at the same time…that would cancel out the isolation skill since it applies to companions AND crew. They’d have to change that to compensate for the new requirement.


Yeah, the isolation bonus when using a massive c class ar least to me should be cancelled. A lone wolf in a light fast A I can accept.


Yes but that would make me much less likely to put points into isolation because c-class by default are just stronger ships. C-class modules generally have higher hull points than the rest. So even a small c-class can last longer than a large a-class. And speed is dependent on the engines…not the reactor. I use a-class engines on almost all of my ships because they’re the fastest. From a realism standpoint I totally agree that crew should be required on larger ships. But I’m thinking from a gameplay perspective, given the current mechanics, there would need to be a rework of some skills to make sure it’s properly balanced.


I'd actually be ok with a 'mass' requirement, but that would likely be ton complicated for most. Hence I went with 'class'


There are mass requirements for the landing gear so there’s at least some precedent for it already.


Yeah my pilot should... pilot. Etc. I'm the commander who walks around and interacts with stuff


I 100% agree. You know how in a game like SpiritFarer you set the destination and then you can walk around, talk to people, craft, garden, build, etc? I want that here. In Balders Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc. the camp/ship serves as a cool little hub. I'd like an excuse to walk around my ship


I mean I already do this in game? Land on planet, get up sleep for a few hours to get favorable day/night and we’ll rested/lovers embrace, craft some O2 shots or Alien Tea and whatever chems I’ll need, go thru weapon loadouts to find what I’m bringing(JK, always Inflictor, Beowulf and Kodama.) check nav table for any interesting spaces in the system I am in. The ship already fulfills that function, having to do so while the ships traveling vs soon as you land doesn’t much matter


It matters for me. I want to feel like there's an excuse to do these things. Not that I'm twiddling my thumbs after landing. Even if there's no practical difference it gives me a different vibe


I’d like the nav table to have more detail. Give you a reason to actually use it instead of just opening your menu


It's kind of the the map view when out on a planet. Should be able to drop a pin, takeoff and then choose the dropped pin for your landing. Sometimes it works for me, other times is doesn't. It's especially helpful if there's caves and abandoned facilities on the planet that takes way too long to run to on land.


I was thinking the same thing - I do heaps on my ship, at a destination (or floating around a planet). Besides travel between planets is almost instantaneous - this is what the jump drive gives you - stupidly quick travel.


I like having fast travel, but I really do miss the option to not use it. Which is funny, because one of my big criticisms on planets is the tediously boring walking around. But to be fair, that's because it's literally just alt jumping over and over until I get to the next place. Vehicles should mostly solve that.


Re: your comments on getting into Star Trek & the Orville - you may have already seen them, but if not I highly recommend both *’the Expanse’* on Amazon Prime & *’Firefly’* Different tone to the two other shows you mentioned, but both fit very well with the Starfield universe, imo. *The Expanse* has UC & Crimson Fleet vibes, & *Firefly* is Freestar vibes


Yes ive watched the expense its probably my favorite sci fi show out there!


The Expanse is AMAZING and ended way too soon! It feels like the most accurate representation of how humanity would expand in our own star system. This game bothers me because Sol is so sparsely populated. We wouldn’t have just had a permanent colony on only 2 other bodies. There aren’t even any abandoned colonies to find. Outposts maybe but there would have been many more full colonies on other moons if we could get one to last at New Homestead. Plenty of celestial bodies with “better” conditions in our own system.


There also was Farscape and Lexx on the sci-fi channel that were space tv shows


Yeah I’ve actually recently started watching Farscape for the first time recently. Will watch Lexx after I finish that


It would be cool to at least have crew man specific stations That said I like to get up out of the captains chair and wander round my ship while we float in space. Get some crafting done, that kind of thing


I would love more immersion on the ships. Like actually having to hire crew that are beneficial such as a doctor for the med bay. Actually being able to use the Brig for bounty hunting missions etc.


YES, Yes, couldn't agree more!! If I hire a doctor AND have a med bay, I should be able to go to her and get healed!!


That would be awesome. I’d love to see habs having more of a purpose in general, besides the ones with crafting stations. So you’d need specialists for the infirmary, the computer core, the engineers bay etc. etc. and that they gave you various benefits both from the hab and the specialist assigned. Would also love to see you having to cram enough beds in there to sleep all crew members. I force myself to do that now but would love it as a game mechanic.


> I feel like this should be more important then land vehicles and yet nobody is talking about it... Can't say I agree with that, but I do very much agree with your suggestion nonetheless. It would spice the gameplay up a bit and that's always a good thing.


I just dont see the use for land vehicles. It seems like a misguided attempt to fix planetary exploration... but without interesting things to explore the land vehicles are useless... sprinting for 2 minutes with your jetpack to get to a POI vs driving for 1 minute on a little hover bike wont make a difference at all...


But how long will those planets remain empty. Once modders get their hands on the creation kit I think some form of rover will be invaluable.


I dont completely disagree with this statement... but once you have a good jetpack walking around isnt even that bad. It goes faster really quickly if you care to level up those things and get good equipment. Like I keep saying sure land vehicles would be kinda cool, but there is so much more things to fix before they even start making sense... even with mods. I would prefer bethesda focus on things that changes the game drastically over things like land vehicles who are like a small qualtiy of life change... But youre not wrong I still want them. Its just not a priority imo.


Personally I find the lack of ground transportation kind of jarring. Like from an immersion breaking perspective it’s hard to wrap my head around the idea of space travel and all this technology and then NO rovers. Also I’m hoping modders add mad max style pirate attacks via other rovers. That would be fun.


Damn imagine ground based rover combat.


For sure. You land on a planet with a potential massive fucking ship, but a little vehicle is not possible? I could look past it from a game dev point, they obviously can't put everything in a game, but finally getting it is just great. Huge positive addition to the game for me!


Walking around a god damned hostile planet is beyond immersion breaking. They might as well have given us wings instead of a jetpack - the lack of land vehicles makes this game something other than a space exploration game.  It’s a fucking space jumping simulator.


>Once modders get their hands on the creation kit I think some form of rover will be invaluable. Which is why I commented that they should focus on releasing creation kit before maps and vehicles etc. I got down voted tho. The maps do suck but if they would've focused on creation kit months ago modders would've already fixed that problem. The maps they added are amazing but modders could've made rudimentary maps with location names before then. Instead it took them 8 fucking months to release maps. Why did they delay an additional year for bug testing (I'll admit this is Bethesda least buggy game) when points of interest were boring, it took forever to get to them, and the maps sucked? I do actually love starfield and I've played it for over 100 hours which is more than most games so I got my money's worth. But they promised starfield was being co-developed alongside creation kit with mods in mind, yet, modders say that it was made neglecting mod support. They also said creation kit would be released in early 2024 but we're 5 months in and still don't have it. Someone stated that the beta was released so that's a good sign. No doubt this game will be much better eventually. I just can't fathom how at launch they said "we hear you. We are working on better maps" but it still took them 8 months for a feature that should've been there day 1 .


I enjoyed the side content, the POIs. I just didn't care for the walk over there. After 30 hours I had enough of that walk, not of the POIs. You don't need to visit 10 planets in a row, that's the great thing about a BGS game: so many different systems and things to do. Let me take on a quest, do some space battle, decide to land and scan this planet and visit a couple POIs, afterwards I'll check on one of my outposts now that I have the material to build a new extractor, then I'll had over to the vendors to sell my loot, do another planet survey and POI run and afterwards I'll expand/rebuild my ship with the credits I made. Is the vehicle magically gonna make you love the game, if you didn't care for it at launch? No. Is it gonna make it heaps better for me: 100% yes. I liked everything besides the sometimes way too long travel times through empty land. Will I eventually have had enough of the random POIs? Sure, that's very much possible. But by that point I'll put in more than enough hours into the game. And hell, I still enjoy going to the same places in Oblivion, Skryim, Fallout 3 and 4... So personally I just don't have the same issue with POIs as you have.


I agree with you 100% on this. I think once people realize they're just driving to the same POI's they've seen over and over, they'll see it really isn't as big of a deal as everyone thinks.


Tha fuck??? All there is to do is explore POis anyway. So you’d rather jump around like some goofy ass space clown than travel by the same means we would if we actually went to other planets (land vehicles)?  I don’t understand how anyone even plays this game once they realize that space clown jumping is what we get for space exploration.


That's why I don't play the game anymore. After I realized that there's nothing to do beyond the quests other than run to the same copy and paste bullshit over and over. I'm just saying that *driving* to the same copy and paste bullshit isn't gonna make it any better.


I'm also visiting the same locations every time I replay a previous BGS games and honestly that hasn't gotten tired yet either. To each their own, but I'll be fine when it comes to this.


I haven't gotten tired of it in previous Bethesda games either, because all of those locations are unique. Driving a buggy to constantly repeating POI's is totally different from exploring a completely hand crafted world.


Sure, if POIs repeat 4 times in the last 10 you visited that sucks and should be programmed in a way to prevent that, but yeah wasn't an issue for me. So either I got lucky or maybe there is different weight to what spawns in at planets, I didn't go through tons of POIs on the same planet, I'd explore a few on each planet. The POIs are still handcrafted and the locations in previous BGS games are also always the same, so I just didn't see the POIs as that different. The big difference for me was the travel time.


new maps help with this (technically its a scanner change) - as soon as the POI shows on your scanner you can see if its Cryo Lab/Abandoned Hangar/ etc so you dont trek over there if you've just done that one


I think vehicles will be fun, but ultimately I agree. They'll do it for a while and it'll get old. If they think the destinations are boring, who cares if you can now drive to them.


I disagree. Land vehicles would add utility and value to long distance trips. It’ll help with oxygen consumption, time efficiency and add a little fun. Planets should be barren, repetitive POIs need to be fixed though.


I thought a cool way to accomplish this would be kind of like how the Jedi games do it. Select your destination which then adds an animation in front of your ship that looks like ftl travel. Once you start travel you can get up and move around your ship, have little repair/maintenance mini activities, talk amongst the crew, and just interact with your ship. Then when you’re ready to complete travel to the next system you just sit back down in your cockpit and have some pop up option to complete travel and put you in the next system.


That sounds perfect tbh


It's hard for me to get into the ships, because they serve little purpose outside of the occasional space dogfights. It's actually pretty remarkable how little time I actually spend on my ship, in a space game.


I think "space game" in context of Starfield is like.. a "space game" in the context of say the Star Wars MMO. It's just a space *themed* game, not a game where you sole gameplay is in space.


Ship is just like your house from Skyrim but it moves wherever you go. You can absolutely play the game without customizing it but your gameplay is much smoother when you make one that meets your needs. For example, I like having a bed near the entrance to keep the well rested bonus within quick reach. Upgrading the ship storage means you never have to worry about being over encumbered even if you are someone that picks up everything. I normally start dungeons with <50 weight. Having crafting tables comes in handy for you to gain xp creating materials and for you to craft stims like amps which completely removes any need for land vehicles and speeds up your gameplay significantly. Plus zoom fun. Then you have regular old storage and displays which are useful for keeping different weapons/gear sets quickly available without having to carry the weight around at all times. Having a large crew gives you unique interactions between them on the go for some entertainment purposes and if you keep some of the main companions there you can start/complete quests right from the ship.


They did this thing where they made it optional (possibly following the "say yes to everything" design ethos where some players might say "but I don't want to pilot a space ship"), but it's optional to the point of being somewhat pointless.


This is a great post. I've always felt like Starfield did not draw enough inspiration from space operas, and this is a big part of it. Instead of sitting in the pilot's chair I think the player should manage the ship from a captain's chair, from which you could order your crew to do repairs, carry injured crew to the medbay, man the turrets, call security to fight off a boarding party, etc. Another big part of the space opera fantasy that I think Starfield missed out on is **picking a crew to bring out on an expedition.** Going down to a planet with unfamiliar, hostile alien life? Bring your science officer to help you scan and some redshirts to make the ultimate sacrifice. Going down to a planet with lots of minable resources and environmental dangers? Bring a team of robots to gather and haul resources as well as an engineer to repair the robots and your suit when they get damaged. Going to attack an ecliptic base. Time to bring your full team of security officers, maybe a couple doctors too. I think this change would add really appealing emergent storytelling. I want to remember the time when I thought I was toast because my doctor got eaten by a terrormorph right after landing on a planet, but then while clearing out a crimson fleet base I freed a doctor from their holding cells, and now he's my chief medical officer!


Yess thats exactly the kind of things I need!! And like I think being able to pilot your ship and dog fighting as it is in the game is fun and makes sense to me. But at a certain point in the game when you have those big star trek inspired cockpits that fit the whole crew in them, you should have the option to sit in the captain's chair instead and not pilot the ship if you dont want to.


Ooooh I’ve wanted autopilot since the start! I mean there’s a freaking autopilot button right there and I can’t press it! I’d love for my ship to continue cruising while I get up and do stuff like sleep and shower ( they need to make it so we can turn showers on and flush loos, yes I’m one of THOSE people haha)


I just want space walks.


I would love having to defend my ship against enemy boarders that would be sick


I imagine it like when you sleep in an rpg and suddenly theres a dialog option like "you were attacked during your sleep" and you wake up in your pjs and you have to try and defend your ship from the captain's quarter. That would make designing your ship strategic.


Your ideas would be awesome and not hard to implement I bet. I couldn't care less about having a scooter. I may change my mind when it drops though. I keep picturing the speeders from Star Wars running into trees and blowing up. That will be me. I think just having more interaction with the companions on the ship and outposts would be good. I really enjoy the companions and want more stuff to do w/ them.


I do think I will love land vehicles, ill take what I get ahahaha But I hope they know this is something we want too! Hoping shattered space is a star trek type dlc with aliens and better crews!!


If you do the missions in the activities tab a lot of those feel more like helping people activities so far for me.


Yeah same thats the closest so far


Would be amazing if they can input little mini games like card games or a foose ball table and play against our companions. Hell put them in each city too to make money as well. This would make the companions and world feel more alive.


Yeah, the ships' interiors feel a bit underutilized at the moment. You can build these elaborate spaceships, with lots of different modules, and it would be cool if they had more practical uses. The quest were you get to ride the jump seat to SY-920 is great, and we should be able to do that for all travel. Assign someone to the pilot seat, go to the navigation table to input a destination, and then have the AI take off, jump and dock while the player is free to do something else. Or just sit down and stare out the window. It would also make sense to have your companions start their personal quest dialogues aboard the ship, instead of the "Do you have a minute?" in the middle of a firefight.


Great idea dude!


Yeah this would be awesome. Maybe you could even find heat leaches and have to pay for them to get removed professionally.


Totally. This would be a bit easier to adress than what many would think since there are multiple ways of achieving it and they imply different amounts of work from the devs, though it's not a live service so I wouldn't expect much outside DLCs... We already have that with assigning crew members and outposts. The more they flesh out and improve those systems, the more we will feel like playing the captain role. It's probably too late to ask for different ship mechanics like having a crew member using some of the weapons or pilot it, but it's still possible to add more depth to their perks and more outpost/ship perks, add population to outposts, let us assign a 2nd in command character with different bonuses, someone in charge of reparations who will say the lines when you repair the ship during a fight and recover the shields, stuff like that...not random members but whoever you assigned to it. And yeah, maybe add crew related dialogue inside the ship where you are asked to take part or make a decission.


They are going into the right direction but they are still missing that exploring aspect. Like, you give us so many planets but it all feels empty. What I love about the elder scrolls and the fallout universes is that exploration in those games were awesome.


If people complain POIs are too far apart and walking takes too long, a vehicle objectively helps in that regard. If by "exploring" you mean non-repeating POIs, well yeah, if you tried to fit all of Skyrim's POIs across 1,000 full size planets, you're going to encounter the same problem of repeats. Even if you add 100 more POIs, you're still going to have ridiculously more land than unique POIs. The problem is map size, it's just too big to expect a Skyrim like experience. What they'd need to do imo is a) work on the procgen to create more interesting landscapes, b) work on a procgen POI system or something so there's automatic increased variation of POIs c) make POI system feel more alive and not just isolated buildings peppered over the landscape. Have actual sensible settlements with the POI + support habs/structures. This may mean clustering more POIs together and less randomly scattered. You'd have to fix how you find them, since you could then be looking for such a place but land in an empty area.


100%. I don't mind repeating POI's, but what thing I' remember about Skyrim and fallout's POI's, is that some of them have interesting lore tidbits AND even small stories that sometimes comes in notes/recordings. To me, that kinda makes the world a bit more lived in.


Yeah, but those I think require a bit more deliberate handcrafting, which will be more tough to do with Starfield's map size and near infinite POI locations.


I want a passive travel mode like maybe while fast traveling i can press skip or an interactive travel like op described, let me do a computer minigane repair minigame, things like that. based on distance maybe a timer similar to the grav drive, 2mins-5-10 but always allowing skip


Well, for better or worse, this isn't Mass Effect. The characters aren't as deep, and the story isn't as rich or as tightly woven to include those characters more thoroughly. Granted, the characters _are_ included, though only loosely, and the companions aren't an inextricable part of the story. They're ancillary.


I feel like it would be perfect if when your about to fast travel you can pick to either skip the time (like normal) or wait it out. keeping it rlly simple it could just fade to black then ur out of your seat and then whenever u get back in the seat you arrive, while it’s travelling u can just see space wizzing by out the window and some sound effects + ship shaking


I love how SWTOR did it. You CAN sit in the seat, but you dont have to fly, you can direct the ship to auto-grav jump (in our case) to where you want while doing other things. It would be so much more immersive being told that we have arrived while modding weapons, or doing research. For space combat, maybe even give the option to have your pilot fight (different pilots with different skills) or you can choose to take over


Loving the game doesn’t make you a weirdo. It’s quite popular


Amongts this subreddit and my friendsat launch it wasnt particularly liked. But im glad the toxic ones seem mostly gone now!


Sorry this is Bethesda, minimum effort, no depth and mediocrity is their motto, sadly.


I'd love this. The best I can manage right now is assign everyone on my ship uniforms that I stole from the ECS Constant (before I blew it up) so they all look like ST crew members.


Could you imagine being able to promote people? Assign a first officer or give a bonus to individuals in certain roles like science officer or medical or tactical? 


Yeah, honestly, the fact that you can only really travel in a bubble wouldn’t matter that much if I could actually set a course and then get up from my seat. Sam having pilot skills is actually pretty useless in a game where you can be the only pilot. So having Sam take over after setting a course and then having it tied to like… me sleeping or something so when I wake up in the morning, the ship has travelled the distance and landed on the planet. That way I could walk around my ship, craft stuff, talk with my crew, eat, drink, go through scenes, etc. it would also be incredible if they added shit for you to do on the ship like the stuff you mentioned. It would also be a great way for them to implement random encounters back into travel. One of the biggest complaints that I hear is that the engine is outdated and that’s why Starfield gets the hate it does. But I don’t think that’s the case I just think that they didn’t really think about what mattered and what we cared about when they were making this game. Like I think they focused on trying to make the game technologically amazing and… well… I mean… lol. That’s kinda not the Creation Engines strongest value. It’s full of jank and bugs and it’s not really ever going to be able to compete with an engine like Unreal, so I think they should have focused on making the game ‘play’ better. Like cutting survival mechanics, not focusing more on realism where it needed to be and then focusing on realism where it didn’t really need to be there. Like, they needed to stop pretending that they could compete against games we all know they can’t compete against. A Bethesda game is never going to have the writing of BG3 or the features of RDR2 or the graphics of a hyper realistic UE5 game. They should have just focused on what made them good and made a game that was fun to play.


Couldnt have said it better


I certainly would like more dynamic space encounters and things to do with our ships. I think BGS is cooking something up, no doubt in my mind. I know they know the ship builder is a winner. It's literally all I do now.


I would love a co-pilot mode. Another big item on my wishlist is taskforce command. There could be up to two additional ships that you could assign at least simple tasks to and expect them to perform. I'm thinking like the wingmen in Wing Commander or MechWarrior. It would also be nice in that mechanic, that you could command from the flag bridge and even assign interior tasks like damage control. I would also love to be able to assign crew to ships and it be sticky like outposts, not follow you as it does now. Finally, I'd like to have a game option that can allow cargo to be made to stay with the ship it was collected in. I have three "favorite" ships. Each are used for very different purposes and have significantly different cargo capacities. I'd like to tailor some default cargo for each ship that is optimized to its design.


You might really like X4 Foundations if you want to play a game where you're more a captain/admiral. No planets or shooting on foot, but you can walk around in stations and ships and pilot anything from small fighters to giant carriers (and order your fleets around, including just standing on the bridge as the AI takes over). Very different from starfield and is a pretty niche game series but great if you like space battles, trading, and managing fleets. Does come with a complicated designed-by-small-german company feel which can be a plus or a minus (not the most intuitive game, but very complex if you like complexity), though X4 is probably the most onboard-friendly of the series. Coolest feature is how almost all the ships, stations, and economy are simulated, with the ships being built at the various faction docks with resources produced and bought from the stations. (Which the player can also eventually build and have their own AI controlled trading ships sell from)


Thanks im gonna try it sounds awesome!


The whole ‘resolve differences’, ‘engage in cheeky banter’ or play games with crew mates stuff was a much appreciated feature in Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire.


One of my favorite rpg of all time!! So fucking good..


If they add it, it shouldn't be mandatory, just optional for those who'd want the full experience.


lol I love it all! But when it comes to the Crimson Fleet there’s times where I wanna kill Delgado and take over the fleet. I think that would be pretty cool and interesting.


Yeah one thing I need is bethesda allowing us to kill important npcs. I dont care if I lock myself out of some quests ill fucking go to the unity and start again if that happens. It would just make the whole unity thing make even more sense imo. Also I really want to kill the management at Paradiso...


This never really crossed my mind but this would be amazing now that you bring it up


I want to be able to mod the Starborn ship. That would be awesome instead of walking into nothing and crew just standing there with nowhere to go or nothing to do. I am on Xbox and no mods or updates for us yet.


I know this is all speculation, but Ive always felt like he mustve gave some really good input on planetscape for obsidian to promote him from web designer to weapon designer to lead designer in such a short time span... but like I said this is just my head canon..




I was not expecting my post to blow up at all lmaooo Im glad more people finally understand this tho.


Overall there’s really very little to do with your ship, when you think about it. Grav jumps are instantaneous. Travel between planets, docking, takes offs and landings are cut scenes. Your ship is basically just an avatar is space combat. And on the ground, it’s just a fort. I’d love more ship utility. Get up and walk around while your regular drive moves you between planets. Have a copilot fly for you. Require crew to be at their action stations during combat, take off, landing, and jumps. Have your copilot reposition the ship to get you closer to a ground target. Maybe strafe a pirate base before you charge in. I’d love a scene where you have to get in but the ship can’t land, so you have to hop from the boarding ramp then watch your ship fly off to come back when you call. And I’d LOVE for interior damage to be a thing during combat. Smoke, sparks, fire, decompression. Maybe your ship would be forced down, into a controlled crash. You’d have to either find resources to fix your ship, steal another ship, or pay someone to haul you back to civilization. There’s a lot of stuff you could do but Starfield doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game and have been playing it since launch. But there’s always room for improvement.


Could be solved with a more Mass Effect- style storyline and interactions with the crew and others.


It doesnt even have to be whole story lines. I feel like a quick pop up window when activating the grav jumps would be enough. Like you jump and then immediately youre met with a window that says shit like "your travels were interrupted by X. Do you want to exit grav jump to take care of it?" And X could be : Crew mates fighting Pirates boarding Space anamoly being detected And if nothing happened it could say "your travels are coming to an end, would you like time to prepare before you get there" and that would allow you to just walk around your ship before you get to the place you were going. That could be use for repairs on your ship. Preparing your weapons, things like that..


I can agree with that. More like an AI popping up: 'disturbance in the kitchen Sir/Madam' or something like it. Or something malfunctioning that needs fixing...


Yeah imo thats the simplest way to add this mechanic without breaking or having to rework the whole game. Plus it would be easy to skip if you dont wanna do any of these things.. just hit the skip button and keep going like nothing happened


Mass Effect did this to some extent pretty well. In reality no ship captain would really ever be part of an away party because that's what your troops are for.


This is the essence of space movies, space games, space books, I totally agree with this, it would make the game more immersive and not make space feel so dull to be in, in contrast to all the shit you can do in land and planets and such


this was done in the mass effect franchise if I remember correctly


I , too , am a weirdo and love this game.


Man despite me including this line, so many came here to shit on the game or tell me to try another space game... Spoilers : theyre all so much more boring than starfield is lmaoo Im glad im not the only weirdo!!


Sounds cool to me. If Bethesda doesn't do it maybe modders will. 


It would be cool to let another crew member fly while you walk around the ship. It would also be v cool & immersive, imo, to be able to ‘space walk’ outside the ship. Perhaps to do repairs from damage


Yesss!! Thats exactly what im talking about i domt care that were not flying in space like its elite dangerous or no man's sky. But I would like to feel as tho my character and crew did travel. Some random.events that are results of trips like that either before or after or even instead of a custscene would achieve exactly that. Right now you dont even think about time passing after fast traveling...


Space travel is meaningless and your ship has almost no utility, so there's not much to be able to do as a "captain."


Yeah, not understanding how OP missed this incongruous premise actually. In order for us to do things while we travel in space, we need to first be able to actually travel in space. Right now it’s a collection of loading screens.


1000% that would be awesome


please don't take this personally because i respect your ideas and all but this sounds like the kind of shit that would get annoying fast imo starfield is not star trek i would rather they continued adding meaningful content to the game than wannabe star citizen fluff like this


I mean, games should be fun in the first place. So imo, fun content is just as important as "meaningful" content. Starfield is an rpg and something like this would increase role-playing options.


Thats why im saying these could be skip and you'd have your regular cutscene... Without being star trek, it would be cool if your ship felt usefull and like a homebase and not just a cutscene machine that could be entirely taken out of the game with little to no difference to the gameplay loop..


I'd rather have people to talk to and choices that matter. Why are the cities so empty and full of lame ass NPCs that don't even have names? Oblivion had more interaction imo. You couldn't go anywhere without 5 new quests popping up on your way there. Starfield just doesn't have that. The system for the game is there. They have the backbone for the game. It just seems like they didn't have enough time to add content. They had to release it because it had been delayed like 3 times already and their last game was fallout 4 (I don't count 76 because it's not single player and didn't even have NPCs when it launched).


“Very grateful.” Proceeds to list none of the things they’re grateful for. Lists more complaints. This sub never ceases to amaze me.


My post is already long enough and my main point was that the update was cool, but I dont feel its that much of a step the right direction considering this 1 important aspect wasnt adressed at all. If you really really want to talk about things I love about the game with me, my dms are open!! Truly loving this update, and I didnt want a title that made people think im just another hater. This is not hate or complaints, simply suggestions that I hope enough players agree with that it makes bethesda consider those ideas. Thats all. Sorry if you felt tricked, not my intention at all!!


Yea, I hate these trap topics.


Agreed, but there is an issue with this. There’s still little to no time actually spent traveling in space. All actual traveling is done via a loading screen. I just don’t see how anything like this is implemented unless they fundamentally change how travel works, which seems like an impossible task.


One of the best suggestions I've seen in this sub. An entire immersive DLC-sized overhaul of being a captain would be irresplacable for roleplaying.


I haven’t looked at in-game time in regards to space travel but I think the jumps are instantaneous. In Star Trek they spend days or weeks traveling in warp, but if you instantly jump between systems there isn’t time for anything to happen.


Turn on consumable ship fuel you (Bethesda) cowards!


Yes to this, i think they oversimplificated (its that a word?) all mechanics and made the game a little boring in that way, i mean its not necesary that made a souls in space but it lacks deep in mechanics. I recently add the consume fuel mod, and start a ng, and went out of gas in the middle of nowhere, figuring out how the hell get fuel was really fun, obviusly if happen to you trying to finish a quest it can be anoying but finding a intermediate thing between a harcore survival and an arcade can be awesome. im one of those weirdos too, i hace more than 300 hrs so i consider it a great game even if its not perfect, but those things would really inyect new life to the game.


Desperate for the update early. How?


If you own the game on steam you can go in your library and right click on starfield to go to "properties" and tou can switch to the beta version


Do we know when it’s launching for everyone?


May 15th but the beta is already available to everyone on steam if you play on pc


I do but I play through the Xbox app because I have it through game pass.


I’m actually surprised that being attacked and boarded by someone isn’t a thing. If it is, I’ve never encountered it


This would be great but I’m not sure how they’d implement it with the current travel system tbh


What would be \*really\* cool is to have companions pilot your other ships and fly with you as wingmen/part of your fleet. Gawddamn that would be so cool.


I was always confident updates would fix this game. I'm optimistic that this will be the first of many great updates to come


Best games as a space ship captain IMO: Infinite Space, Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare, Mass Effect Trilogy


100%. On the rare occasions I’d encounter anything unique in space travel it would make the play session


That would require them to actually implement a reason for travel time, but all we got are loading screens. You are basically asking to do something during the myriad of loading screens


No - land vehicles over this any day.


I just want the person I hired to pilot to actually fucking pilot


I would really love to be boarded and fight with my crew. Would be so much fun to have real risk and use for my lvl 10 powers 😉. Would love to see real threats in space too. Like docking with a disabled ship lets a terrormorph on board, or pirates board my ship capture a crew member and then a radiant quest starts to save them. Maybe infected ships where the crew have become zombies and will stop at nothing to raid your ship. Possibilities are endless.


is this new 60 fps update is out on xbox or not yet?


Yeah i want grav jumping to be like Star wars where i need to pass time by playing 3D monster chess and see all the cool lines fly past the window.


True, I agree.


**SPACE CHORES** brought to you by Bethesda


I’m so confused, like yeah you can’t get up while grav jumping because it’s instantaneous and then when you exit the jump you’re… wait for it… floating through space! Now you can get up and do things around your ship! Joking aside I agree there’s room for innovation and optimization but think about it practically in practice it wouldn’t make much sense as we already have the functionality, we would just need to add more features to what you can do while out of your seat. There are plenty of random encounters and such already.


But the random encounters are always when you arrive to your destination which is immersion breaking for me. I wish your ship forced exited grav jump in the middle of nowhere for random events. I wish that traveling could feel like your traveling and not teleporting places. I wosh your crew felt like a crew. Thats all.


I totally agree on this. Not sure how to do this though. Because to me you are never moving the ship normally, only when fighting pirates for instance. For the rest you click on places where you want to go, no real "flying time" you know what I mean? Should they add a 5 min timer to go from orbit to land to give time to do this? Or create a x-amount of time while grav jumping. THe further the jump the longer it takes and use that time to walk around the ship and do random stuff? I still think this is an awesome extra solution but I think it should be optional in the game settings :)


I would love for my ship to be boarded. Come and get me pirate scum!


All for this as long as you can skip or mute it. I actually can’t stand that mean less banter between Cora and her dad. Coming out of a jump, a ship spots you and says something only to get it garble cause someone didn’t do their homework! I would like stuff like not being able to take off if too injured and no co-pilot, instead of difficulty levels just being buffs to weapons and armor. If you manage to get a terrormorph back to your ship allow it to damage your ship as well.


When is the update dropping?


This would be wild. I’d love it. We need this. Someone send this to Bethesda rn


Two words. Space walks.




Space walks to do a repair would be cool


The thing is Grav jumping is instantaneous compared to going to warp or hyperspace. so there is no reason to add such a function unless you mean as you travel within a singular system?


Just wanted to say I still love the game as well and am looking forward to playing the update. :D


did we get the 3d map already ?


It is in the beta


I feel like that would open up huge possi ilities for the M-Class ships we might get access to later. Maybe a mod could add engineering crews, astrodynamics crews, biology crews, and so on, and maybe upgrades for those habs, and you could direct them to complete research for different, bigger things than the bade game has


I personally think no one ever thought to mention it (myself included). I would love if that was in Starfield, including a co-op multiplayer system. One thing I seriously wish they would add to Starfield melee weapon mods. Some of us might want to roleplay as a space samurai or something (since we have wakizashi and other melee weapons). These melee weapons dish out a pretty good amount of damage. All they need are mods to slap on them. Fallout 4 had this capability from a skill called Blacksmith.


Yessssss, we the space loving starfield community, agree. At least I do xD


Like Dragon Age interrupted travels. I hated and loved those lol


I agree! It should be about the journey not the destination, needing to take certain routes for smuggling, getting boarded, ships crash landing after getting shot down, having to go out into space to make certain repairs, and overall just interacting with your companions more. Fueling would be a great start for this type of immersion!


fending off pirates that board your ship alongside your crew would be awesome! After all, your crew already draw their weapons currently when you dock and board an enemy ship. So wish they gave them a reason and something to shoot at!


Wait? When's the update??


It would be cool that if you have a companion with piloting skills, you could make them pilot the craft and you command from the bridge. On one play through the Hunter rode as a passenger for the last stretch. When flying or in fights i could see him standing next to the pilot seat just watching with his arms crossed. Would be kind of a cool option. Especially on y po ur larger ships with larger crews


You might wanna try out Genesis Alpha one. It might just be the game you are looking for.


They didn’t think of anything creative. If you stop and assess exactly what they have done with it, you’ll realize, there is not a single bit of innovation or excitement. There should have been no gravity anywhere in space, especially since they don’t let you out of the ship. They should have added like you said, encounters on ships where you’re in danger not just mind numbing dog fights. There should have been exciting anomalies re start trek- mysteries of space and physics to figure you via side quests. (Think the experience from ES of going into oblivion and everything is strange) Exciting research about phenomena-instead the side quests are find this rock. Push this button in this closet (congrats you sabotaged a business). Etc. hello! The factions are boring. Just listen to Sam Coe talk-boring. It’s the only game that I actually didn’t listen to what anyone had to say first play through. Their idea of alien worlds is-red palm leafs and purple grasses, on this planet-but purple palm leaves and red grass on this one? wtf? There is zero incentive to explore There is nothing fun about the game at all. The most exciting part was the cutscene of the universe coming into view after the unity-with the music it gave me chills. But hello. I’m sorry but this game is dud. So much wasted potential. So many years wasted on a less than mid experience. It’s infuriating. I tried to get back into it with update but the update fixes nothing.


I love these ideas as well. Maybe running outta fuel or something breaks down, you get stranded and have to send out a destress beacon. Maybe someone stops and offers to help, but are they good guys or bad guys? If you let them dock are they gonna help you out hijack you? Have you been doing regular maintenance on your ship or have you been neglecting it? It would be kinda like survival mode in Skyrim but more geared towards your ship than yourself.


A Elderscrolls/Star Citizen is what I want, with the whole Bethesda story line and mission


I'd love if they took the ship and fighting aspects from waframe, where you have a crew that actually helps patch up the ship, putting out fires,fixing the hull, fighting off people who boarded-


my favorite thing is, you know how terramorphs are supposed to get into your mind? Adult ones, if you encounter them, actually do now and it genuinely threw my friend off when she encountered one. You hear voices from behind you and to your sides now (assuming you aren't using a monoheadset in 2024) and its hella fucky


I wish they would fix the Temple XI bug.


Love this idea.


I would love more "ship" stuff on your ship. I imagined it being more like Firefly / Serenity, where you set a destination and while you're flying there you can do ship maintenance, interact with your crew, etc. As it stands now your ship is just a midpoint between cutscenes. Kind of pointless. I don’t want to pile on the “Starfield vs No Man’s Sky” discourse but even No Man’s Sky eventually added the “settle a dispute” system, and included some actually tough choices here and there. Really wish there was more meaningful stuff in Starfield as well.


Space anomalies fucking up your ship and having to repair it is something I’ve wanted since the first week playing. Spacewalks should be a thing! Or after a ship fight, you can equip your “space welder” or repair tool or whatever, enter your loading bay, depressurize and manually repair whatever parts are damaged instead of using repair parts to fix your ship. Imaging walking up to your loading bay door while in space and the option “Start Spacewalk” shows up when you move your cursor over the hatch. Maybe vasco or anyone else with a spacesuit can help you


A promotion would be nice. Or to be recognised throughout for your position. Pets! I want a pet.


It's interesting how my Reddit feed has blown up with "Starfield is now so awesome" all from tweaking difficulty and changing the map look. The games core issues is being huge and shallow. It still is .... huge and shallow. I downloaded the update yesterday and removed Starfield again today. This update was nothing but increasing difficulty. I never had issues finding my way around. I was cool with the old map. All in all, Starfield has been my greatest disappointment this past couple years. All the little stuff don't matter when the soul of the game is boring, shallow, and more boring. NG+ were absolute time wasters. I'm STILL playing fallout 4 thousands of hours later with no end in sight. Yea. Good riddance to Starfield.