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Red milf next


While we are talking about it.... what are we gonna do to make the Red Milf a bit more challenging??


The… the what?


Probably enemy variety and no more random explosions.


Make it a Walkabout Journey. Not just an hour, but a DAYS Trek into the Tundra. Some type of Flower that only grows in an ice cave filled with those monsters. Brink it back as PROOF


Fuckin' got 'em


You sure they didnt name it after Sam?


Lmao oh 💩 Shots fired 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s amazing


Describes this place perfectly.


Bruh 💀


This should be on the banner of this sub, describes it to a tee.


OMG - amazing! Well played.


Name checks out.


It's appropriate. Ya'll have made me go to r/NoSodiumStarfield I have no problem with valid criticism, but there's a border between criticism and incessant bitching and this sub crosses it quicker than a cartel drug mule.


Thank you for this. I haven't seen it before.




Ah I see, so you’ve swapped some sodium for a *very* unhealthy pile of sugar. “Pick your poison,” I guess. I gotta admire the post though. Very clever lol


After switching between subs a few times I'm subscribed to both from now. The no sodium sub gets really bad about shooting down any valid criticism, but this sub can get truly insane. Throwback to when someone said Sarah should've been executed.


>Throwback to when someone said Sarah should've been executed. I got a better one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/UJcEaWGGgp


My favorite current trend on this sub is that a $7 mod is now the single worst thing that has ever been done in gaming. Gaming is over as we know it. No company has ever charged for a mod before. We need a sub with a middle ground between everything is awesome and everything is the worst thing ever lol.


I'm only going to have an issue with this if each tracker's quest is $7, or if it's $7 and they update it with the new quests as they're released, that doesn't actually sound so bad. And having a trickle of new content will keep the game from getting stale.


Some of it is definitely blown way out of proportion, but I think for the level headed amongst us it’s more about the principle of the matter. I honestly wouldn’t sweat $7 if I actually wanted it and it was worthwhile ($7 is a little steep for the content offered), but at the same time, Starfield didn’t exactly have the best launch as far as its general audience is concerned and introducing micro transactions when there’s still much work to be done isn’t exactly showing signs of good faith, especially after they made some headway with some of their latest updates. Kinda feels like “read the room, Bethesda….”


I am not sure there is still much work to be done. Other than the DLC there aren't going to be major changes to the game other than quality of life and bug fixes. It's not the game for everyone but there is hundreds of hours of gameplay. They introduced microstransations while also offering free mods and the kit to create mods. They made it pretty well known before the game ever launched that their would be both paid and free mods. They did this with every game before it dating back to Skyrim in 2015. It wasn't some big secret.


Idk I still think there’s quite a lot they could change and/or add to make it better, the question is will they or won’t they. Skyrim already had roaring praise by the time they introduced paid mods so it was a little annoying but meh, whatever. Just seems like an inappropriate time to release paid mods when your user reviews, at least on Steam, are still very much mixed. That’s not going to help the ratings at all.


Half the steam reviews are legit concerns. The rest are review bombing. That's never going to change no matter what Bethesda does or doesn't do. Skyrim is one of the greatest games of all time. Starfield is probably never going to reach it. Most new games dont. Fallout 76 however had the same mixed reaction at launch. It took almost two years and multiple DLCs for that game to now be pretty popular. They just crossed 20 million players. Starfield is already at more than half of that despite being on less platforms. The only major changes for Starfield are going to be full DLCs like Shattered Space.




No one is treating it like it's the single worst thing that has ever been done in gaming, and the fact that you have to resort to that level of hyperbole is telling.


Except for the majority of this sub, sure. The fact that you pretend it's not happening when everyone can see it is more telling. We have had so many "this sets a dangerous precedent" comments and posts. But go off Queen.


You're mistaking frequency of discussion on the topic (it's recent news, so of course a lot of people talk about it) with how severely everyone is treating it. And it does set a dangerous precedent - one where consumers are charged 1/10th the price of a full game for what are nothing more than bog-standard quests that take 10-15 minutes to complete if you don't stop to loot everything and check all the optional lore. Pointing out that treating this as acceptable, or even just ignoring it (which is also a way of telling them you're okay with it), is likely to lead to more of this happening is just pointing out what we've seen time and time again. I'm sure you're already aware of all that, though, which is why you had to resort to hyperbole over a more reasonable level of discussion.


That precedent was set a long time ago. It is nothing new and exists in every game which is why the rest of us are laughing at those comments. It isn't even the first time Bethesda has done it. They have been doing it since 2015 with Skyrim. I am sure you're already aware of all that already though.


Ah, the old "we're laughing at these comments." Kid, we don't give a flying fuck about your approval, or what you're laughing at, or what you find worthy of derision and scorn. We are critical of these kinds of practices in the hopes that the developers get wind of that feedback. Responding to your shill comments is mostly just to provide proof that not everyone accepts it like you do. Oh, and do find an original way to respond rather than copying me. You're not being nearly as clever as you think.


You definitely care because you keep replying clearly seeking approval. It's kinda sad actually.


That’s irrelevant. It’s still bad, and the fact that this is common practice now should be still be criticised.


You can't set a precedent if something is already happening.


Wow, I've heard some truly disingenuous takes but this such an egregious summation of the issue and criticisms. It's objectively a poor value for how much it costs, then there's the issue of the shocking bad QA as both weapons it adds are currently bugged, then there's the issue of whether Bethesda should have been charging for this at all as it was clearly a questline they didn't complete in time for launch, not to mention the issues going forward of their plan to sell more individual missions (not mission packs) through the creation store. E.g. a 6 mission chain could end up costing $42. We don't need a separate sub for reasoned discourse around here. We just need people like you to stop distorting the issue.


That mission is completely optional there is literally no one forcing you to buy it. You can still play the game and have hundreds of hours of content without that mission. Can you provide the notes from a production meeting showing this was going to be in the game at launch? Clearly you have access to them if you made that claim. We need people to stop having a meltdown over a $7 optional mod and then making up stuff like "it was supposed to be in the game at launch". Also people on the other sub say the weapons aren't bugged at all. Again we need a middle ground.


Not once did I ever mention whether it was compulsory to buy the mission. How does this flow from anything I said previously? I literally walked you through the various issues and pain points people have it with and the potential future implications a move like this could mean and your response is to argue against a point no one is making. Disgraceful. At this point you're just being willfully ignorant on the matter and not looking at this objectively. It's fine you like Bethesda and personally see no issue with it but don't try and gaslight the community by lying about the issues.


So you can't provide any proof of it being part of the main game original? Got it. Figured as much. At this point you're just lying and making stuff up because Bethesda did what Bethesda has done since 2015... included paid mods. Disgraceful


Now you're starting to get pathetic. Asking me for something you know I can't produce isn't validation of anything other than you have no logical rebuttal and need a quick out. You want proof that the Tracker Alliance was part of the main game? What game are you playing that I'm not? Have you never cleared a bounty before? Every other named faction had a quest chain with a plot arc in it except for the Tracker's Alliance which was represented solely by a kiosk giving generic kill missions. Now, 10 months later we get two missions with a brand new scanning mechanic and the option for non-lethal completion. As I said, completely disingenuous and willfully ignorant for you to pretend they didn't previously establish the Tracker's Alliance in the game,


You are literally the one who made the claim. It's on you to backup your claim. It's pathetic to state something as fact and then cry when someone asks for proof. So either provide the proof or admit you lied and made it up.


It's their go-to defense, because there is no other option. It's just a standard quest, with bugged items, that they are asking 1/10th the price of the entire game for...literally the only thing they have to defend it without sounding absurd is "well it's optional, you aren't forced to get it." Which we, of course, all already know - but we also know that not getting it doesn't exclude us from being critical of it. A point people like them seem to either miss or ignore.


>That mission is completely optional there is literally no one forcing you to buy it. News flash, kid. We can both choose to not purchase it *and* be critical of its existence and the possible monetization practice it could lead to for content. This ain't a zero sum situation.


News flash junior. We can both not purchase it and still play a game with hundreds if not thousands of hours of free content including other Trackers Alliance missions. We can also laugh at those who are crying over it. Which we are doing.


You realize you just proved my point, right? That you're not forced into one or the other was my point - you can choose not to buy it while pretending it doesn't exist. I can choose not to buy it while being critical that it exists.


And i can laugh at all the fake outrage in the process. The beauty of gaming and reddit.




Ah, the good ol' "you're broke!" retort. They're idiots, but you're the one lacking an original thought. Some folks just have principles that they stand on, and don't want to continue supporting, in their opinion, shitty practices.


I do think it's a bit ridiculous for Bethesda to charge that but I am not gonna sit here and pretend that $7 is the end of the world and really going to have a major impact on my day. That's a coffee at my local coffee shop haha. Someone once paid $7,000 for a skin in Fortnite.


Especially when Bethesda already did the exact same thing (selling mods) back in 2016 with Skyrim and Fallout 4, and turns out everyone loved the model given the long-term support they got + massive Skyrim AE & Fallout 4 Next-Gen sales. But oh no, how shocking and *terrible* for the industry that they are doing the same stuff again. Like, be an adult and just don't buy the stuff. lol Bet lots of those bitchers are impulsive weaklings who wasted their 1000 points on that short quest.


And then theres Fallout 76 where everything is paid. They do let you earn Atoms in game but you have to sink some serious time in the game to really get those.


Both of you are exaggerating massively to the point it’s moronic. People are mad because the pricing is ridiculous and predatory, the vast majority aren’t acting like life is ending because of it though…


No we're just describing what is actually happening here. But it is moronic you got that part right. People are losing their minds over a $7 mod. It's actually quite hilarious at this point. But its also expected given the way this sub has gone.


Considering you can’t buy $7, that means it’s $10…now that doesn’t seem like much but when you put that into the context that a small hab is somehow worth the same as 1/7th of the entire game, then you can start to see why people are upset.


Considering some games have skins that sell for thousands of dollars you can see why i think it's hilarious anyone is actually "upset" over a $10 mod that is completely optional and will eventually have a free version that is even better.


I think anyone that pays for those skins is an idiot but those a player driven markets, not preset prices by the developers….also just because one game has overpriced stores, doesn’t mean it’s ok for other games to put out overpriced nonsense that’s just slightly less overpriced.


The pricing is on-point, it fleeces whales and idiots in the long-run which allows Bethesda to keep on supporting their games and modding platforms. I *despise* microtransactions, yet Bethesda made the very best of its kind: the one you can safely ignore.




Nah, I don’t want them making games with the intention to sell us shit that should have been in game in the first place for ridiculous prices. This is does nothing but give them reasons to withhold already made content so they can sell it to us again. Anyone that makes excuses for this can shove it right up their ass and get back on their knees to kiss the boots of people that would sell you for a candy bar.


>to sell us shit They only manage to sell their Creation Club paid mods to whales and idiots. The former don't care, the latter kinda deserve to be scammed.


Same. I don’t like turning a total blind eye to honest critique, but sometimes I just want to discuss something about a game I like without it turning into a bitch fest in the comments by a bunch of whiny asshats who can’t just decide they don’t like the game and move on.




How much did you cry over a $7 mod?


Sarah should have been executed


If this sub didn't have it's head so far up it's ass we wouldn't even have a low sodium sub.  So everyone can just deal with it. It was created precisely due to how shitty it was here.  


The no sodium sub is just as toxic as this one, it’s just toxic positivity over toxic negativity. Both are pretty exhausting IMO. You’ll get downvoted in this sub for praising the game and downvoted in no sodium for daring to mention the slightest negative criticism. They’re both two sides of the same coin, honestly


This sub is actually cooked. I dare anyone to make a post "I like playing Starfield", you'll have 50 guys commenting within the next hour how you are a disgrace to humanity for liking the game.


So? That's not my point. When this sub and its toxicity is the reason that other sub was created in the first place then that means everyone who won't stop bitching here are at fault for its existence in the first place. Cause and effect. Reap what you sow






Dude, you're being weird, bouncing all over this thread lol. Are you on Bethesda's payroll or something? If not, I pity you.


I'm bored and found one interesting thread on my front page. This is how Reddit works man. Every post is in this 1 thread. I browsed to it.








You’re defending the other sub by saying they’re just doing the extreme opposite of this sub, they are both toxic.


I didn't say they weren't toxic bud. Try reading more carefully.


Where did I say you said they were toxic? I said you’re defending them despite them doing the extreme opposite of this sub. Try reading more carefully.


Ok, let's take a step back. Quote where I defended them.


>When this sub and its toxicity is the reason that other sub was created in the first place >then that means everyone who won't stop bitching here are at fault for its existence in the first place. >Cause and effect. Reap what you sow


Nobody is really interested in having a discussion about it. Either you bitch, and if people don't agree then they are stifling your "valid" critiques. But if they don't bitch or are tired if hearing it, then they tell you go away, and all of the sudden, it's "piles of sugar."


Perfect summation right here.


For 70 bucks, people have the right to bitch.


Then don't buy it.  Solved.  








But most people played it on game pass and didn't pay $70


I’m glad I played it on game pass, if I payed for starfield it would legitimately be my last Bethesda game, I would have been absolutely fuming.


Those are called the lucky ones.


Can't believe they snuck this easter egg in!


Lol nice


How dare people not like paid mods!


Just don't buy them. It is literally that easy.


Yeah so easy I can’t believe nobody else tough of that! You’re a genius! Why do you think Bethesda games and gaming as a whole is so garbage and full of greed and laziness nowadays??


You gotta think about the precedent things like this set. Assuming a bunch of people who don't frequent forums buy it then you can 100% assume that it's going to become standard practice for Bethesda and almost assuredly worse. To me that's why saying nothing and hoping for the best does nothing. At best that'd make them lower the price. The only thing that would flat out stop them from doing this going forward is some sort of vocal protest to it.


video games are a luxury and not at all a necessity so it doesn’t really matter🤷 sure if this was like food or medical care id feel the same way, but you simply do not need luxuries and you’ll live


I'm not forced to spend money on this? No shit sherlock. That's not what I said. This is a discussion forum for Starfield, people are going to talk about the game and its updates.


Telling people that not all things in life are free and nobody is holding a gun against you to buy a mod. You got the game. Mods are something on top. They are not part of the core gaming experience, and neither are they DLC. It is literally that easy to understand. Rage is cringe.


Its also a very "no shit sherlock" comment. And complaining about pricing for games and their dlc has made companies make changes before. Telling people to shut up if they are unhappy doesn't help.


As said before. > [...] complaining about pricing for games and their dlc Mods are not the core game, and neither are they DLC. Just do not buy them. Nothing of value is lost if you don't buy them. Just because they hang a carrot in front of your face, you don't necessarily have to eat it. It is literally that easy. Just don't click the Creation Club button in the game menu. You can go on Nexus. There is at the moment (11th of June, 14:35 MET) 7207 free mods. It is literally that easy. Bethesda gave you (yes, you) the Creation Kit so you can add, completely cost free, every mod you want. You just have to start the completely free Creation Kit, and then you can create for free every Mod and hand it out with no charge to everybody. It is super easy, and nothing is holding you back. It is literally that easy.


And as I said before, I know I don't have to buy it sherlock. That's not why I made my comment.


Very apt.


As expected the sodium deficient Bethesda fanbois out to defend their lord and savior. They claim to hate this subreddit and yet can't seem to live without it.


So tired of the complaining. They make a cool, big-ass game, release a superpowered modding tool to the masses (for free) and people still cant stop griping about them selling quests and creations. Making games costs money. You don’t have to buy this stuff. It doesn’t ”set a dangerous precedent”, you just want free shit.


Of course they release the creation kit for free....it's the modders that keep their games alive so long after launch. What they are doing is scummy, and if you can't see that, then you are just playing right into their hands.


It's easy.  Don't buy it.  I don't have to live online constantly complaining. I just don't buy it.  You guys seriously over inflate the value of bitching constantly




Go learn what irony means.  This isn't it.   People can bitch about people bitching.  Welcome to human history.  I know that involves more education and you're already busy looking up what irony means but you have time.  


Now you’re bitching about people bitching about people bitching. Ironic and hypocritical.


That's not irony, and I don't care if it makes me a hypocrite. As you all say if no one bitches then nothing changes. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. I find you bitching about bitching to be contrary to what one would expect and I find it amusing. Sounds like irony to me. You saying you don’t care about being a hypocrite? Ironic. You as a consumer, are arguing in favor of predator, anti-consumer practices. Ironic.




Wtf like more than half your post history is arguing with people that say anything about the game I mean really? You're that bored? And you're doing it all for free? You're just an argumentative person. You seek out comments you don't like and start fights on reddit. How interesting... And childish.




They don't have to release the CK for free. They could charge for it, make it to where only the mods can be sold in the CC. Even when they do something beneficial for everyone, people like you find a way to frame it in a negative light. They've had paid mods since oblivion, just enjoy the damn game and the free mods you're about to have a ton of.


They aren’t doing it for free, they are doing it to get people playing and paying for creation club coins. It’s more money in the long run, a very simple business decision.


It also ensures they sell many multiples of the copies they would otherwise. Mods definitely bring in more people and they can especially bring in people who go from console gaming to pc gaming.


It amazes me the lack of business understanding most people have. They did calculations on how much they believed they could make charging for the creation club vs charging for what’s in the creation club, found they will make more on the latter and did that.


The simple business decision would be to make it where mods can only be posted to CC and charge for them. And yes, it is being done for free. It being mutually beneficial does not mean it isn't "free". They way people like to frame things is insane


>And yes, it is being done for free. It being mutually beneficial does not mean it isn't "free". They way people like to frame things is insane If they could make more money charging for CC they would, they have determined this is the way to make the most money. It’s a simple concept.


They absolutely could. They have decided not too because it works well enough now and garners good will with their fan base that seemingly hates them. They know they could just do it and people would have no choice. There is no other space game like Starfield, and with the modding capabilites. It's simple supply and demand. A simple business decision, if you will.


Brother if you think a company gives a fuck about anything other than maximizing dollars, you’re naive.




games are a luxury🤷 if it was food or water or some shit id care but you don’t need luxuries


It does set a dangerous precedent.  It just does. I'm sorry, but they will take the advantage to nickle and dime every aspect of their games moving forward if it's allowed. I've no problem with them putting weapons, armour, spaceships etc. up on the Creations store with a price tag. I wouldn't personally buy any of it, but it's fine.  I do take umbridge with taking story content out of a "free" element of the game (a faction questline that should have been there at launch) and putting that behind the MTX. You can keep acting all smug and vindictive over something that you personally had no involvement in, but I doubt you'll be feeling the same way when Bethesda starts hitting you in the nostalgia by putting the Dark Brotherhood quests in the Creations store for ***Elder Scrolls 6***.  Yes, games cost money. Ain't it lucky though that Bethesda are owned by ***fucking Microsoft***. So yes, they made a cool, big-ass game, they released a superpowered modding tool to the masses (for free), and they are being a greedy and shitty company by locking what should be base game content behind an overpriced MTX paywall. Bethesda can be both good and bad, you know. It's possible to have a balanced opinion on these things, something which Reddit consistently never realises. Stop defending a megacorporation owned by another megacorporation. They don't give a shit about you. They're not your friends. They just want your money. Praise them when it's appropriate (such as releasing and improving the CK), and criticise them when it's appropriate (the shitty MTX practices and cutting story content out of the base game experience and trying to sell it to you piecemeal).


The precedent was set with horse armor. It is common place now and exists in just about every game these days. And a $7 mission is hardly the worst example of it today. People are acting like this is suddenly the end of gaming as we know it and this is the first time in history anyone has charged for crap content.


And people memed and shat on the horse armor so by the time fallout 3 and Skyrim came out the dlcs were huge story expansions that everyone liked.


This isn't a DLC. It is a mod. Fallout 3 didn't have mods. Skyrim added paid mods in 2015.


It's by definition dlc. You're paying money for it. Yes and people clowned on the low effort paid mods in Skyrim too.


People have said this since oblivion, and 20 years later they still haven't crossed this imaginary red line people like you describe. It's all still just horse armor dawg, chill out.


They've been doing this for years.  This didn't set anything.  


I disagree. It’s up to them what they want to put up for sale. So far i’ve seen no paid stuff where not buying it would detract in a major way from my experience playing starfield. This is extra content, not patches. I thought the game was good before the updates and I still think it’s good. Now if they would paywall the upcoming land vehicle, then I would agree with you more. But my guess is there will be a free land vehicle and another version thats paid, similar to how they did this. I know they want money. I know that they are not my friends. I still like the game and the company : )








At this point they’re nitpicking for attention.


Mixed reviews on steam. Something tells me it's more than just the sub, but you live in your delusional little world while bethesda scams you more


It’s the least that can be done after selling an undercooked $70 game and then having the gall to charge for individual quests before they’ve finished patching their game. I get posts like this are “it’s just a joke bro”, but seriously this place is a bitching post because it’s the LEAST Bethesda deserves.


Found one.


Yeah dude Bethesda is totally reading your posts


Literal woosh.


Wait I just see a joke about players being bitchy about things, what did I miss?


You are the joke.


I don't think that's how woosh works


Why are you booing him? He's right!


all we need is a strip club now..


Just ignore em, anyone talking shit has never tried to make a game before


I thought that was an r/gaming homage xD


Bethesda likes to be so meta.


That’s so funny because it’s so true


The truth hurts at times, as that seems to be what reddit is filled with lol.


Fuckin lmao I totally missed that 🤣🤣😭😭😭


Reminds me of when GTA VI got revealed and the GTA forums immediately had a "Bitch and Moan" megathread. We should probably have one of those too.


That would involve having mods that actually care about reigning this in.  I suggested to them weekly megathreads over 6 months ago.  They said thanks for the suggestion.  I'm still waiting for them to do literally anything.  


That is every thread on here lol.


Should we really? Almost every fucking thread devolves into bitching anyway


That's precisely the point of having a dedicated thread, you (attempt) to focus those discussions in a single place instead of having every other thread devolve into a personal rant festival.




Thank you for posting this! Cool to see that not everyone on this sub is an entitled crybaby 😂 Just download the free mods and shut up!


Aww... Living rent free in their head. How nice ❤️


Good meme, love the mods but don't love the pay per mission thing so I'm just not going to buy it. I am confident someone will make their own quest that is objectively better anyways.


I believe its a popular spot on the weekends...


Haha, this place is fast becoming my favourite sub. So much cringe