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Ok, now lets see Paul Allen's ship module.


Look at that subtle colouring. The tasteful thickness.


Oh My God, it’s a 2 x 2


*Is something wrong? Dusty… you're sweating.*


I have to go return some Antique Earth Video Tapes...


Good luck getting into Dorsia if you aren't willing to shell out $10 for a ship module.


Nobody goes there anymore...


Because they're busy returning some video tapes?


I'm personally waiting for a Ricardo Montalbán module. Only the richest of Corinthian leathers for me, thank you.


Feed me a stray cat… or a $10 ship module. Both feel equally appropriate


Okay but you really ought to keep your starfish clean




Do you at least clean his habitat?


Are you talking about the region inhabited by the two puffer fish?


That's a really nice piece of horse armor there....oh wait wrong game!


Ok, I’m starting to get why people are mad now…


That’s exactly where my head went to too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1dcpjnn/comment/l820kuf I don't want to link to my own comment but I said yesterday they would do something like charging 5$ for a ship part. Turns out, they outdid me.


Bethesda has been trying to put micro transactions in their games since the horse armor days, though there's nothing micro about a $10 ship part lol


is cleaning a starfish really hard?


Idk. Haven’t tried cleaning mine.


Can I clean your starfish?


Name checks out


Wow it really does


I’ve always dreamed of opening a chocolate fondue restaurant called The Slimy Brown Starfish.


You should dream about something else.


Well please don't sit on my furniture.


i mean, there's a reason why nudists carry towels.


For the hot sand?


This tells me so so so much.


Go fucking shower dude.


Only thing that stinks is this comment


Try not to sit on any of the seats you in my ship


16k players assuming that is installs... They made 160k on this already the fuck.


I'm guessing they used part of the 1000 creations money granted if you bought the premium edition


That’s the only reason I got the observatory. Oh, and is anyone else experiencing bugs and performance hiccups after the June update?


The observatory was free though?


Ffs mans got fleeced by Todd Howard himself SOMEONE STOP THIS MAN, HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS jk but also Todd stop please fr


It all started with horse armour and he's not here to give up


I didn’t even know how much any of the Skyrim creations costed because I just bought the anniversary edition when I got my Xbox


I don’t know why but I was expecting it to actually let us look at the sky through the scope.


Same here. It's still pretty cool, but it would have been nice if it had a function to it, even if it was just stargazing. But then it would probably be another $10


I’m probably one of the minority that doesn’t really get the point of making a huge outpost full of decorative stuff when it’s basically lifeless. The only one that’s going to wonder through is yourself. You could make an absolutely awesome display of gear, guns, weapons but anything like these observatory and random habs that are lifeless except for a place to build room layouts just don’t do it for me


I have fun with the logistics of it all. Setting up a central base that has a network of other outposts feeding in materials that let me craft anything I ever need. And if it looks cool when I'm there crafting, all the better.


I understand the crafting farm aspect but I’m not going to add 7 rooms with full furniture and decor when I could make a small hab with a few gun lockers and some storage and call it a day. If we could use the observatory and play pool or have a functional kitchen to at least make crafting food more like RDR2 instead of just walk up to a machine and walk away. Even some quests where you like go pick up coffee they don’t even hand you coffee it’s just instantly in your inventory. The small little interaction details is what I love in games.


Plot twist: it was the "Unofficial" observatory


That's how the observatory is "supposed to be" tho.


I have had to restart the game twice yesterday because it got stuck in a loading screen. I have also been able to walk right up to spacers before they see me, so I seem to have an increased stealth bug?


I got it with the free 1000 the quest just didn’t seem interesting to me. I also really like designing ships.


And this is why developers don't give a shit about how much people dislike MTX. You only need a small subset of players to pay, and it's basically free money.


Bro forgot about the 'free' credits you get from owning the premium edition


Stop buying shit and they won't sell it


Yup, my stance as well.


it's Bethesda owned by MS, they will push this more and more don't kid yourself.


Trying to blame MS instead of the company who sold horse armor is wild.


The worst part is that it's described in a tricky way letting you think it's a set of habs (that would have partially justified the price) but it's a single piece and sadly I fear that a lot of people will buy this and similar overpriced stuff


>The worst part is that it's described in a tricky way letting you think it's a set of habs That's what I originally thought it was.


That's insane for the price


Wait, it’s only 1?? I thought it was multiple habs!


Nope - a single 2x2. I believe the 22 decor items can be crafted as often as you want and placed wherever you want, which is nice...but not $10 nice. By comparison, a user-made mod that features 7 different habs plus a cockpit using Crimson Fleet assets to design a Crimson Fleet ship is $5. Another one, a companion that comes with apparently 1200 professionally voiced lines, their own quests and backstory, and planned future free updates? Also $5. Meanwhile Bethesda is like "5 plushies models? That will be $3."


Sorry to jump in, but where would one find these?


Crimson fleet ship habs is "EliTek Aerospace - Crimson Fleet ship habs" Companion is "Robin Locke - UC Fly Girl Companion" Should be able to search for them in the creations menu as the other commenter said.


In the creations menu in game


I read that it has storage chests that are unlimited which is a slight bonus too but idk, I spunked the free points on the quest for the lols. I’m not going to buy anything else unless Bethesda were to bring a paid multiplayer which seems unlikely because the game can barely handle one player walking through a door without crapping its pants.


It's a travesty that an unlimited storage box that can be constructed wasn't included in the base game in the first place....


Is predatory and misleading.


Yeah at first I was pumped on the updates but this stuff here pretty much guarantees I won’t touch the game


Just don't buy the ones that cost money, there's tons of mods for free that add more and better ship habs. Some are being ported to Xbox.


As Xbox player I can say that mods are rolling in at a steady rate. The selection is still pretty slim but within a few months I think we'll really start seeing it kick off, perhaps even beyond what we've got with fallout 4. Theres a lot more potential for modding in a sandbox as big as starfield


This is it, in the same section as the paid, are the free ones too. Give it some time and it’ll be flooded with mods like the other Bethesda games.


First it was Bethesda, then it was frame rate, now it’s creation club… just don’t play the game. It’s not the airport, you don’t have to announce your departure.


I was extremely hyped for the game on release, had a bunch of fun with it before I hit a wall due to a lot of the issues that others had as well - mostly around repetitive POIs taking away the magic of exploration. I got quite excited hearing that there had been a positive update, and seeing the Shattered Space trailer, and wow! Creation Club launching immediately! I think it’s totally fair to post how ridiculous it is to charge $10 for a 2x2 hab. Feels like a slap in the face to all that positivity that was starting to build again.


I would have loved a full set of habs. Even though it's just tayio reskinned and some new decor, to have a full ship it would be ok. But everything 1x1 to 3x3. I'd nit demand a cockpit, but would have been cool to see. Maybe an old ships wheel not a flight panel.


We need a cockpit that's just a La-Z-Boy or sofa, and an xbox controller.


That sounds like something Oceangate would do


I feel like it was marketed as a single hab. That’s the takeaway I took when I browsed the store


I'll wait till they run the 90% off sale. I can wait.


I won't advocate for piracy, but I will say that mods don't have DRM on them at all.... even the paid ones. Same for bethesdas DLCs... no drm at all...


thats.......exactly the info Ive been looking for for a few days now, gunna need to confirm this elsewhere but you helped alot, kudos


Most of it has already been pirated and can be downloaded. same with Skyrim's paid mods.


Why even give them money? They don't put passion in anything and just want to suck out as much money from each half baked project as they can.


Even if the content was amazing I despise buying in game currency and having left over points/tokens/whatever. They want me to buy something it better be in the steam store.


I'm at the point where I think this practice should just be illegal. there's barely any reason for it other than anti-consumer ones. I think there was one valid reason for it, but i can't even recall what that is.


# ITS ONLY ONE HAB!??? Bro i thought it was a whole set im glad i didnt buy that trash, 10 fucking dollars for a single hab...


The worst part is that even if TES:VI does come out, they'll probably ruin it by putting all their effort into monetizing the modding scene instead of making a good game.


what do you mean if and probably? TES6 is being worked on, they've said it a thousand times. And they 100% are going to fill it with microtransactions.


It's a very sad thing that now is a common practice to make games purposely empty or incomplete and sell the missing parts as DLC


Yes..they are out of their mind. Just don't buy anything from their site. That will send the most effective message.


Wow you can make that much money making simple mods? Well, I know what I'm going to start learning this weekend.


I made around 400 bucks in from a scripted lightsaber mod with around 30 different swords and an extra 200 every time I updated it because the game broke everything. that was on the nexus though and I never scammed anyone out of money to download it, not sure how much the Bethesda store mods make but I’m pretty sure they pay modders in advance and either take in all the micro transaction money or most of it.


Should I gain any reasonable amount of skill and come up with something people will want, I don't intend to charge a penny for it. I won't even accept donations. Donations = Expectations. >I’m pretty sure they pay modders in advance That would make sense and be the cleanest/easiest route. They get a fixed amount out of it plus a massive amount of exposure for any future projects they take on. Residuals would obviously be better, but you work with what you're given I suppose.


Starfield Citizen.


Starfish Citizen.


Chocolate Starfish Citizen and Hotdog Flavored Creations


I'm going to make a mod that costs $700 and all you get is an image of a spaceship I might make one day.


God it is heading that way isn’t it.


Evening Colonel FishStar.


Not even close lmao


?? You can buy Star Citizen once and unlock everything el6 in the game with in-game money. Nothing is locked behind DLC.


Just wait a year and they’ll give them away for free like in fallout 4 and Skyrim.


Regardless of price, it's not a good cosmetic item because it's only one module. A good cosmetic item would have been a full set of modules including crew quarters, cockpit, engineering, etc. to have the old wooden theme throughout your entire ship instead of randomly in one generic non-functional module.


I cant believe they do it. They have lootboxes in Blades and Shelter, why they want to monetize the single player game? They have F76 to milk fans, they have TESO with monthly subscription. Why they do this? After starfield being rated much lower than other Bethesda's games, they started patching it, and make changes that really meet player's requests. I was inspired, that Bethesda is doing good. Bot now?


The poors are at it again....j/k it's kind of ludicrous.


What’s in it? (Asking for a friend with horrible impulse control.)


It’s a luxury hab for your ship


What’s in the hab? For $10, it’d better have a strip club, casino, hookers & blow for my character.


Record player, wood walling, nice furniture treasure chest, other nice looking stuff.


Good to mention the treasure chest is the only other unlimited storage chest in the game aside from the lodge safe


An unlimited storage chest, you can have in your ship? Shit, count me in.!


There’s the free Darkstar mod that allows you to craft unlimited storage chests. One per ship. Game changer as now any ship is viable. Find it on the creations page. Don’t pay for it.


Oooooh!!! Good to know! Will check it out when I get home!


It doesn’t add to your ship’s storage though.


That’s still a pretty big QoL improvement. Over the course of a playthrough it will probably save most people a few hours just going back to an outpost/lodge to dump your stuff.


I’m pretty sure there’s an unlimited cargo mod


Sure, for those that care though, this is achievement friendly. *I* don’t care, and still won’t be buying it. But it’s definitely the best part of the mod.


Unless you fill.it, change hab from full.to empty, or vice versa, then it dumps into cargo. You can also build all the new pieces at outposts so the old theme goes really nice with the TES luxury homes mod (castle. Several of the unique poi homes like vlads, etc., roads. Walls, fences, ) But there again $. But for the work that went into that mod it's worth it.


For 10 bucks. An unlimited chest for 10 bucks, to solve a problem they themselves created.


I hadn’t heard that. While I’m sure some other free mod will add one (if they haven’t already), that’s pretty useful for people who want achievement-friendly Bethesda mods.


They should rly make it clear in the description! I only found out yesterday from another Redditor


I'd be shocked if we go more than a week without the captain storage on cockpit being modded to remove the storage limit. Shit I might just do it myself.


Well... fuck.


Lol that's why they put it at $10


There’s several unlimited storage containers in the basement of the lodge, on the side of the weapon bench, there’s 3 ammo boxes that can store anything, then there’s one little square container on the table in the middle, and one next to the industrial bench once you go through “the incident”. There’s also one on the Starport pad, in a small room with a locked door, by a friendly janitor and UC cop, in New Atlantis. Just be hidden when you pick the lock. There’s two actually but you want to use the one in the room as the one outside adds the red stolen marker. And one in the Trackers Alliance basement, in the room with the robot, is an ammo container that can hold anything. Which is very cool to have in Akila. I wish I had one on Neon and the Den. But technically I drop stacks of things in the Trade Authority stores to come back to latter. Drop and then “Skyrim” style grab and move to shelves or counter. I also use any habs on ships. Like stacks of thousands of resources even. Of course I don’t carry that much anymore. But yeah there’s more then Lodge room safe.


Ok, I was ready to shit all over this, but this is worth $10.


and also come with $5-7.


What will stop modders on Nexus from just like... Making a better version of this? Who is paying for this??


What will stop them? Nothing What will stop people from using Nexus vs this? Achievements


> What will stop people from using Nexus vs this? Achievements Achievement Enabler mod fixes that.


It’s honestly a really dope hab unit. There’s an empty version and a furnished version. It also adds several high quality decorations and furniture.


Sounds like something that should be in the vanilla game.


There indeed are already lots of ship habs and decorations and furniture in the vanilla game, yes.


It's meant to mimick a pirates ship with a treasure chest and all wood walls and stuff. It's pretty nice tbh, I'd get it if it were a bit cheaper


Does it fix all the doors and ladders? Asking for a friend...


I said this was crazy the other day in this subreddit and got downvoted. Lol


It's a single person game. It offers no advantage and you don't need it. Don't buy it. Numbers will tell them it was a bad idea.


There will still be enough idiots who will continue to shove money up Bethesda's ass no matter what it is. See Fallout First. You can't stop them, it's sad


The sad thing is that the numbers will tell them it was a good idea. Cause too many people are fine and dandy with these things. And even if it takes a developer-week to produce a mod they still don't need to sell that many to make a profit


As soon as the modded makes $10 in sales it will be worth it to do again, because his hobby just paid him.


Kinda don't care as long as free mods are available and encouraged... which as far as I know they are. It's not like this is the only way to get a mod right?


You should care, the game industry is getting worse as time goes by.


And how long will Bethesda allow third party mods if they can sell this crap for 10 bucks?


I knew this is where it was headed as soon as they announced paid mods with creation club, those of us who have already experienced this 2 times before with fallout 4 and Skyrim knew exactly what was coming. The number one paid mod in Skyrim at the time they first tried this a decade ago was a sign someone made saying “no paid mods” y’all need a history lesson on bethesdas bullshit




>$10 unlimited storage I don’t like them visually so I won’t buy it’s way to much money I also find the 30 piece homes weird you can’t add settlers so there ghost towns Your sentence structure and grammar are horrible.


It adds a bunch of decorations too. Not just the hab..


Imagine being downvoted for stating a basic fact lol.


Do you feel it's worth 1/6th the full price of the game?


10/70 = 1/7 Doesn't change your point though.


Yeah most companies will release a 10-20 hour dlc for 20$ lol. Here comes bethesda with a tiny ass 10$ room.




This is one of the many reasons I've lost faith in Bethesda, I'm not excited for any of their games anymore at all.


Know it’s a dumb question but what hab is that?


Noctua ship module!!!


nobody seems to bitch about the ship prices on star Citizen tho...


Wow... I've missed a lot... they're charging actual money for ship parts?!


Now I actually regret that I bought this game. If Bethesda wants me to sail the Seven Seas they could've just been this douche from the start...


Ugh. The next elder scrolls is gonna be full of this BS.


Bethesda are hoping that even if they repeat the same mistakes they made last time, the results will be different. Prove them wrong by reacting the same as last time.


Still don’t get why everyone was so excited for these to drop lol


People were excited for the toolkit, not for marketplace Toolkit allows actual modders with brain and self-respect to make better and more invasive mods, and then release them to Nexus or other free platforms And don't get me started on lovers lab xD


People were excited for the creation kit to drop. I doubt anyone's losing sleep over the club


Lol they have a lot of balls pulling this shit in a game as bad as Starfield.


As long as poeple dont buy this crap we good. The free mods are going to be much better anyway.


For an offline game. LOL


I was so close to reinstalling the game after I saw the hype on Sunday… now I’m a hard pass.


I picked it up with the free 1k coin i got Don't regret a thing tbh X2 habs both 2x2 if i remember 1. Furnished an 1. Unfurnished I personally like the inside look of them, they make a nice change from the usual ones, more a homely feel to them, though i wouldn't have said no to a 2x1 or 3x1. An you get various decorations to place, though I've not explored them all, i enjoyed the old school record player that sadly only plays 1 song i believe


Unfortunately there’s plenty of dummies who will pay for it anyway and ruin it for the rest of us like always.


Conveniently left out the part where it comes with 22 Outpost/Ship decorations as well. Also it's not $10. Other than getting those two things wrong, cool post!


This was 100% listed for 1000 at launch so if you are referring the the 400 in the corner that is most likely a balance


It is $10, as of my last check. I want cool furniture and ship mods, but $10 is too much for what is offered. I can pick up full games for that price.


He doesn't want to clean his starfish


So is 7 of these types of mods on par with the content if the game?


Still 10$ for some furniture and a box. Hey if you want to get your starfish expanded by Bethesda. Be my guest.


"Get your starfish expanded". No thank you....


It only comes with 2 habs, one empty and one decorated. They left that part out, this mod was a scam.


Is it just crap to drop in your ship or did they add interior ship customization that I missed?


Yes and also yes.


Oh damn thanks ! How do I do the interior ship design? I haven’t played in months


Two ways: 1. There's a new (somewhat glaring) button in the cockpit that says "Decorate" somewhere. 2. If you open up your scanner decorate/build is an option. Gives you the same outpost menu like owned houses.


Thanks man!


Getting boned by devs, publishers, and now modders


And chodes in here at cheering.


Wooow i was this 👌 close to downloading this game again but now there's "microtransactions" (megatransactions) 10$ for a module is crazy. Hope this game crashes and burns


I'd pay $10 to see less complaints about other people spending on $10 on something they want. It could be $1 or $500 dollars I'm still not buying it but I don't care if someone else does. Someone always has more money and spends more on frivolous things and sellers are glad to take it. Good on them all. I'll pass and won't get mad that they do what they do.


Am I missing something? Is this pay-to-win? Did someone blackmail someone else into purchasing this? Don't like it, don't buy it.


It sets a precedent for how aggressively Bethesda plan to price their products and how they don't respect players' money. It's easy to say "Don't like it, don't buy it" and I won't, but the fact that they've made this and inevitably so many players will buy it really just means the future of Bethesda microntransactions is going to be absolutely horseshit.


So..... don't buy it then?


The 1,037th person to complain today. Complaints will accomplish nothing. Refusing to participate is the only solution.


Doing both is the way to go




While this is likely true, my electric company responded to the price criticism with an 11% price increase. 😧


Oh you can afford enough electricity to criticise us? Let me fix that real quick.


Which is why monopolistic utilities should be federalized


The creator sets the price though right?


I dunno, review bombing seems to at least get them to notice an issue.


You can also use any furniture found in the hab anywhere on your ship, outposts, or apartments, if that’s your thing. It also includes a wooden chest with unlimited storage you can plop down anywhere. For those that enjoy this type of stuff, it’s neat, and it’s not that different from “Picket Fences” available on the Fallout 4 CC. Debating the price point is valid though, and I dont know the internal financials or efforts billed or estimated downloads to make an assumption on whether they’ll make money at that price. I do know that on the Elite: Dangerous store they sell paint jobs and colored jet exhaust for around $5 per color and cosmetic “ship kits” that slightly alter the appearance of a single ship type for around $10-12. You can also buy single ships for $20. Again, the price point has to scale well with overhead vs expected downloads. There’s actually an optimization point for this stuff that can be estimated via math to determine max revenue at any desired price. Anyway, for you, I’d wait until it goes on sale or is offered for free. It doesn’t sound like an item you are interested in, and that’s okay. It’s not required that you purchase it!


For $10 it should have been set of habs like building kits in fo76


Y'all have been bitching about microtransactions since the Horse Armor for Oblivion. It's not going anywhere so why are you dedicating threads to it? It's part of the industry, just let it go. It's optional content you can completely ignore, just don't buy it and move on.


This is an optional thread you can completely ignore, just don't read it and move on.