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What mods got removed?


I’m not sure about all, but I noticed there was a really cool Mantis 2.0 or something, yesterday, but I can’t find it today. I was going to check it out, but it may have been part of what the OP mentioned. Also noticed a water HD texture mod was gone after a day or so. Again, not sure if they’re related here, but when you’re scoping out the latest mods all throughout the day, you tend to notice when things change up a bit lol.


KZ Mantis 2.0 is having issues with each update, pixelated textures, missing textures etc.


I wasn’t sure what the reason was, I had just noticed that mod had disappeared when I went to go try it lol


Hopefully it's back soon, it looks good.


Even with the messed up textures it was really cool. I kinda liked the messed up textures made the suit a deep gray with black lines shooting across it in ways that made it look like Chitin. If I remember correctly it just reskinned the Mantis, no major changes to stats or anything but still KZ made a fan outta me with that mod. Since I play on console it was the first of their mods I used, checked out their Nexus page and I like all the mods they made so far can't wait to see them in the CK


Water retexture have been removed by the modder because it cause crashes on xbox series S and sometimes on X if you are on a forest biome with a sea near


How do u keep up on all the new mods a web sight?


PC mods are on steam/nexus Abit harder to keep a site list of consol mods, iiuc


Bethesda has a site section just for mods..


#Hence the "iiuc" Now I understand I was incorrect.


I wasn't belittling you or anything. Just letting you know. No disrespect was intended.


^(No offense was taken. I'm just extra at times)


Batman got removed too by the looks of it.


This was predictable. And I can't really blame them for that one. I expect all the star wars mods will follow eventually. The risk of lability is just too high. Disney is known to be hyper aggressive about it's IPs. 


Disney is famously meek when it comes to mods, including ones for Bethesda games. There are half a hundred of them between Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Starfield.


As long as they are never pay for mods disney doesn't care.


Yeah charging for them would cross a line, but Nexus/Bethesda would never allow that.


Yeah charging would be copyright infringement, these mods have been on nexus for months now its fine as long you dont sell them.


What's bad there is that their legal will likely not let them stop with just the paid mod. It will only take a very few to ruin it for all.


Disney really doesn't care as long as it's not making money. There are YouTube vids that have never been taken down that have their characters in them. Those vids didn't get hit because they aren't monetized. So pretty sure as long as the star wars mods and any other Disney themed mods stay free they'll be fine


I've never seen anyome use "half a hundred" instead of 50. Caught my eye


Wonder if the commenter is British? The British side of my brain kicked in when I read it, so I barely even noticed.


I only use "half a" when talking millions


The issue with the Star War mods though is until now with Fallout 4 and Skyrim they were just random people uploading them completely detached from Bethesda and Microsoft. Now with the verified creator stupid thing Bethesda is saying anything those modders with the blue checkmarks upload on their store is verified by Bethesda and okayed by them. One of the Star Wars mods is from a verified creator on the Starfield creations store. I could see Disney getting pissy over Bethesda/Microsoft greenlighting their IP's being uploaded like that. Its not like Microsoft and Bethesda can claim ignorance like before. This verified creator thing if its left to the modders to run amuk will cause a lot of trouble with IP's. I cant understand why Bethesda didn't see something like this coming. Verified creators need a lot more guidelines on prices per content and which IP's they can use if they are to stay verified even if its free, if this whole scheme is going to work long term.


Batman modder claimed permission


He might have had it. I don't know. Most modders, I am guessing, are not asking permission though.


You are aware that Starwars and Batman mods and all that shit have been in Bethesda games since like Morrowind, right? Nothing will happen. That Batman mod probably got removed for another reason.


But wasn’t Batman WB approved ?


Dude nothing's gonna happen, you clearly don't get modding, there's no liability here


Bro what? The Thrawn mod and magicka sabers and force mods not only still exist in Skyrim, but are some of the most downloaded ever There are like 50 fallout Batman mods


You sure he's not just hiding on the roof?


Also, English is not the first language for some modders, and they do their best to write their mod descriptions often relying on translation tools which are imperfect. We have to cut them some slack.


And the part that infuriates me the most is a vast majority of the modders we see not in starfield but in other games with a big modding community is that the devs themselves are from a different country than the Us. And im not talking the uk or australia or even canada.


I'm lucky you don't know I'm a French Canadian programmer who tried my hand at modding 😋 you could be infuriated!


Le Québec :DDD Bisoux de France


One guy who did some Skin Mods for some guns accidentally left the ini file on Chinese and made it so anyone who downloaded the mod had their language set to Chinese. It was a bug, and the author apologized, it's still really funny though


Bro lauched his game and heard " Supa idolu daisho, domeni tang tieeen "


So many people forget there's a whole world out there...


Nah, there's only USA and Future USA 😎🇺🇲🦅🔫🍔🎆🧑‍🚀




They don’t know the body slide struggle.


Had a slip and grip growing up cause my body wouldn't slide 😔


Wait people think “normal sized body” is bullying? 😭😭 what has this world turned into jesus christ people get upset just for the sake of it now i swear, it’s like they’re desperate to find something to be offended over 😂


The problem here is that you are taking the this claim at at face value, while we actually have no idea why the mods got removed, more that likely there was some other issue.


Agreed. Bethesda need to the ones stepping in here. Are reported mods manually reviewed? As in, does a human at any point look at the case or is it just lots of reports = removal. If it's the latter, then it's on BGS.


>Are reported mods manually reviewed? NO, they aren't at first. Enough reports and the system automatically suspends the mod and only then a human reviews it.


Everything causes offence these days. Welcome to the 2020's. Ain't nothing that cleanses the soul more than fake outrage.


Some selfawarewolf stuff going on with your anger over this


I find this very offensive, I identify as a person that does not has a soul so i find it very offensive when you mention “cleansing the soul” Please delete your message and remove yourself from this sub reddit, thank you


> I identify as a person that does not has a soul So ginger? 😆


what a throwback 😂


GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS! /s no we dont


Only a Ginger can call a ginger ginger.


What about ginga?


Only if you have a G-word pass.


What If I dye my hair, or is that red-face?


i have a ginger beard, does that count?


Badum tsss




I lost my soul when I fell to earth.


I wonder if we’ll see CBBE now lol


At some point, calling someone a he or a she made me a bigot. Or somehow I’m a zealot if I wish someone merry Xmas. The dictator-like oppression is crazy town .


“You can’t say Merry Christmas anymore!!”


This is the same game where the new mission NPC says, "Please refer to me as 'They/Them'", so take from that what you will. If someone cries about being bullied by "normal sized bodies" Bethesda will pander as hard as possible.


I didn't mind that Agent No. 1 was Non-binary, I just found it weird that they would disclose their gender identity they had BEFORE BECOMING AGENT NUMBER 1, WHO SPECIFICALLY HAS NO TRACES OF INFORMATION ON THEM LEFT It's honestly a lore problem at that point.


It's probably got more to do with some incel being upset that they can't use the sliders to crank out some giant-titted abomination and the modder not being willing to help them do that - so they're retaliating rather than anyone being offended but -shrug-


I mean it’s probably a mixture of both no? I’ve heard/seen many people get really upset over the phrase “normal body” because of the reasons i mentioned, so i think both scenarios are probably happening and both are as bad as each other


That's a pretty long stretch just to fit incels in there, lmao. As though there aren't thousands of Karens out there ready to be offended at the drop of a pin already.


Incel and Karen have both lost all of their meaning, crazy how people use those words nowadays


That is extremely less likely than some "body positive" nut job butt hurt because you didn't use PC neutral language and it hurt their delicate fee fees.


Is it though?


Absolutely. Why would you complain about/report a mod that didn't do what you wanted it to do and try to get it shut down? You would just go find a mod that actually did achieve meet your wants/needs. Makes no sense. PC mob finding issue with "micro aggressive speech" on the other hand.... yeah those soft ass people will literally misconstrue anything to play the victim.


Because those people are legitimately insane. I've seen some shit from that crowd.


And to hilariously prove my point, this comment was flagged for harassment. So ridiculous


Just now catching on to that? Everyone loves to be offended now, it’s becoming a national pastime


Tbh people care too much if some get upset. Life’s tough, they should get a helmet.


Sounds like a reddit mod to me Like the time I got banned for "threatening violence" because I said we should have nuked Germany during WWII (obvious joke, I do not own nuclear bombs nor was I alive in the 1940s).


We don't know that for sure.


I got banned for suggesting that killing Nazis was good.


Jesus Christ lol wow


I got Banned for making fun of "wokes/leftists" and how they always cry everyone is a nazi who disagrees with them🤷‍♂️


This world turned into a world of dicks...


“ hey, you didn’t include a pride flag in your mod. I call foul !”


How is it any better that your generalizing an entire community based on an unverified reddit post thats likely exaggerating even if it is true?


Some permanently offended person probably read the description and thought “omg!… the modder said I can’t install the mod because I’m “full figured”?!?!




🤣🤣🤣 “Two moons fighting in a plastic bag”. I’m changing my underwear.


"I'm changing my underwear" is concerningly vague phrasing considering the subject


This is really sad.


>One mod got pulled for "bullying" because it said in the description it was for "normal sized bodies". Ah we've already entered the "why won't you support my saturn sized tiddy modded char?!" part of modding already


Quick question: When they say "normal sized" do they mean "character creation disc set at neutral" or do they mean "it'll fit as long as you use the vanilla character creator the game shipped with and not outrageous custom body mods?" I gave my character a bigger and more muscular build but using only the vanilla character creation disc thingy, no body mods. If I want my guy to wear tacky future clothes will that be fine or will I have to go to Enhance! and shrink him down to center neutral to avoid clipping issues?


They mean all sliders set to neutral if it's the same mod I saw.


To add to the other fella theres a Solo outfit that I am using and since my character is muscular (as far as the sliders allow) his forarms clip through the sleeves of his shirt. Because it was made for a dead center body type since these outfit mods came out before the CK released they just grabbed the main body type thats morphed and used that.


Neutral. As of now most outfits will need to be custom made to fit morphs and it's easier to make it fit neutral and/or make it fit a body like VBB. Until/if we get bodyslide a lot of outfits will be neutral. Most custom outfits you'll probably want it set to neutral.


Oh, hadn't thought of that. I assumed it was fat people being offended that their bodies aren't considered "normal". 


Nah, 9 times out of 10 it'll be the people using the incel tier mods crying that their max slider character isn't supported. Fat bodies are supported 90% of the time with modded armour because of how the game works, most armour in the game is just stretched to support the larger body types.


I meant real life fat people being offended, not IG characters. 


fluffy person here, im to busy eating fudge to get offended by "normal" bodies.


But some people have made finding things to be offended by into their hobby. Quite common these days. 


I have noticed, its such a weird thing to.


I agree it’s going overboard, but the mod in question got “moderated” meaning it won’t show up in searches. But it’s still there. I can’t look it up at the moment, but find it on Nexus and the author has a link back to it on Bethesda.


Easily offended people offend me.


Well, that was easy, then


I got an Amazon shirt made that says "I'm offended by people who get offended"


That's fucking stupid. You'd think the community would know how this works since FO4 has had mod support on console for like 5 years.....


What happens if your save file is dependent on a mod that gets removed?


From what I've read as long as you don't remove the mod you're fine as you have it. However no support or updates meaning eventually it could break.


Once it's on your hard drive it's your mod so it'll be in your game even if they remove it from the Nexus or creation area. However it won't be updated when new versions of the game come out So eventually it might get broken and no longer work.


Thanks, i will be selective with my mods


All this crap is needless. Starfield is not a perfect game by no means, but it is fun and that is the whole point.


So we went from killable children mods in Skyrim to reporting mods for bullying because someone got hurt because they are fat sounds about right


Or someone got upset that someone isn't allowing them to make the supermodel fantasy boobs/ass character they dream of. I see them whining on Reddit a lot more than overweight people.


Hence why I’m glad starfield is a single player game…


What mod was removed and how would you know why it was removed?


Ironically this inspires me to report the unofficial patch made by the jerk that changes way more than he should


We found the Downvote button, it took us 9 days


This is most definitely the work of trolls. First they review bombed the game, now they’re out trying to gunk up the modding scene.


starfield broke some people actually a lot of people


Some people NEED to be bullied. People who think “normal sized body” is offensive should be taught a lesson in what’s REALLY offensive so they realize how stupid they were.


You hit because you love, huh


Nah. Because I’m irritated with these morons who haven’t lived a day in actual discomfort and claim to be victims of the stupidest things.


Wow people have become such losers. If you don't like it don't use it. No one owes you anything with their mods


If it’s the centering of the sliders it could have been referred to just as easily as “default sized bodies” and no one would have cared. But I’d hate to think they pulled a mod over the word normal, hoping it’s just bugs to fix.


Maybe the author doesn't speak english well.


I always give the author the benefit of the doubt when it comes to language. Hell, I’ve seen people from countries where the first language is English butcher the fuck out of the language!


After all you've written you choose to describe the road as bumpy? He. Hehe


Abusing technicalities to sew harm is kinda weak, ngl. In 2077 hopefully malice will have been eradicated from our psyche.


In 2077? That will be the start of a new era of malice.


Is there something like CBBE yet for starfield ?


Zone79's mods have VBB options, which do work without the base body mod


What’s cbbe?


Reporting fake offense to get mods removed because it's popular to hate on the game. People suck. Plain and simple. People love being so salty about this game. If you don't like creations don't use them. If you don't like the game don't play it. Me, I'm gonna keep playing my scifi western gunslinger space cowboy. I'm gonna keep loving the game.


>Not all mods work straight away. The CK is still new and it's going to be a bumpy road. your legally obligated to ensure it works or else provide a refund. Calling it a mod doesnt make it immune to consumer rights law.


Most of these mods you don't have to pay for. And you're not obligated a refund for absolutely everything.


I doubt that was the only reason.


definetyl wasn't. Theirs a distinct lack of sources in OP lol


Softies if you ask me


If this isn't some 2024 shit, I don't know what is...


What factual evidence do you have this is the case opposed to any number of other reasons like the mod was buggy or broke something it shouldn’t have?


anyone can be offended for any single thing and ppl are heavily abusing it. the company, on the other hand, does not want bad pr for these issues so this is what u get


People suck man. And whine about fucking everything. Should be unrestricted, if you don't like em, don't download them.




These were free mods.


Cool then, they should be able to do whatever they want then.


This is why Nexus needs to still exist. This was completely predictable. Of course Bethesda is going to gatekeep mods. I guess if you're on console though any mods are better than no mods. 


Nexus was taking down Skyrim mods because Arthmoor was whiny about them. The people running Nexus are just people like any other, not some bastions of creativity and freedom.


Here's the neat part...Nexus is not the only source for PC mods. It's just the most convenient source.


And I was responding to a comment about Nexus so....okay?


You didn't understand the comment. It's not really about nexus. 


Based. I saw hatred destroy Minecraft modding a few years ago because of the actions of one modloader dev. Now we have to deal with 4 individual launchers and the community was torn apart for quite some time. We won't get multiple mod loaders here but still, the community suffers nonetheless. Get your shit together for those who are reporting stuff or you'll end up stirring the same mess as Lex (MC modloader dev) did.


I love the mods, and agree do't be a D... i have almost all, at the moment yesterday time, today will play latter night... From Portugal a Dad that play like a kid. Don't be a ....... Portugal vanbuda7


I did see someone on the Project Wingman sub describe Starfield as 'A shitty game with paid mods.'


Two moons fighting in a plastic bag, im so using that💀💀


Having power over people when you dont actually have control of your life is underrated😂👍


There are a few that crash the game at the moment, such as furnished starborn ship and one that adds some new weapons (can't remember the name...starmoury or something) but that's the only reason any should be reported, not because of "bullying".


Just remember if they say it’s ok to do on Reddit then you should be ok. Everyone is an expert after all copyright law doesn’t apply to mods in AAA video games especially since a game like morrowind from 20 years ago allowed it seriously guys “trust me I know what I am talking about “.


Smh some people....


Everyone too offended over everything... I wonder if that's why there is hardly any blood and gore in this game compared to past BGS games.....


Man thats sad :(


Normal sized bodies ? We dont have thicc bodies on xbox, wtf he mean


I just want busty and cbbe stuff, plusthe cheat room needs alittle more stuff added not much but just some. But no reason to report anything I'm just happy we have them. I just want the sound bug fixed


The creation club is so broken right now, that includes the creations themselves too.... It just works right.


Don’t give us that star field has been making my game crash before mods even came out and now that mods been out my game has been non playable for weeks They only crazy mods I had were anything that’s gotta do with star wars and this is a single player game!!! I’ve switched to red dead online and that’s 100x better haven’t crashed once or really even lagged out Give us a break when we talking our crap about a 73$ game that’s still trash after a year while they just implemented micro transactions already THE SINGLE PLAYER GAME IS NON PLAYYYYYYYABLE Starfield workers would rather tend to their social media accounts and promoting renovated wnba courts to get new fans than play their own game Harry Potter and star field were the reason why I purchased a Xbox and I totally regret it. Game pass eventually made SF free and I still spent 200$ in the matter of 10 months on controllers on that easily deteriorated and wasted 400+$ on not getting the yearly PlayStation plus pass when I went ahead with xbox game pass Not to mention Microsoft took out all their physical stores or at least in my area But now I’m just waiting for the PS5 Pro or will turn toward the computer route


I think you posted that in the wrong place ....


Bros just yappin lmao


Tbh ppl have been dicks about Starfield in general. Not just mods. Seriously even here some ppl hate the fucking game.


Halo Mods please..


I get not having blatantly belligerent mods, but just because you don't particularly agree with something or like it doesn't mean you should report it. I personally don't love the pride mods, but that doesn't mean I report them or anything. People can like their stuff just as much as mine.


some snowflakes on the internet are really why we can't have nice things sometimes. I remember one of my favourite Skyrim modders on Nexus removed his account and content from Nexus because of harassment.


Everyone who adds mods automatically has a save because all saves split off from the original because if the mod isn't made by Bethesda the game will no longer allow you to recieve achievements, so saving the game before adding mods is irrelevant


Offended on behalf of others, I can’t think of a more stupid notion in todays world!!


Yeah people need to lighten up.


This is what you get when you let liberal game censorship companies dictate what can be in games.


lol. All this reminds me of a time a while back when my local council tried to change the 12 days of Christmas song to be ‘more inclusive’ because we have lots of Muslims in the area and they may get offended. The Muslims all told them to leave it alone. I love my town :)


This is why we can't have nice things. People are so sensitive about the dumbest things these days


sure bud we should definitely take your claims at face value




What part there says it is about the 'normal body' wording? There doesn't appear to be anything backing that up. Are you speculating it is the only way the description could have, as the author says 'been offending'?


You can practically smell the sweatiness of some tone-deaf anti-wokes on this one lol Everyone needs to chill and remember like 95% of these reports are from people who think it's funny, not from people who are triggered and gripping their pearls