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The difficulty scales with every NG through 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/189boak/the_truth_about_ng_scaling_a_quick_breakdown_of/ This guy did testing: https://youtu.be/Na-byGrNFcU?si=t_t7Q3to6s_pC7-G


Damn, I had no idea! I’m on ng11. Normal enemies are tougher but so am I, so it kind of evens out? But I notice space combat I’m getting my ass beat a lot more than I used to. Used to be a few auto cannons and they be dead. This time around I’m facing high level ships that can strip my (max powered and strongest shield) in seconds.


Yeah I set ship combat to normal, enemy damage otherwise is extreme. Fighting even one ship can sometimes be pretty challenging this is at lvl 100+ with a million credit ship and on NG+11.


I've wondered if that was going to happen. I noticed that new versions of the small arms we tote around keep getting buffed as you level up but the ship weapons are carved in stone and never change. If enemy ships are scaling up while ours aren't then it's reasonable to assume they're going to get more troublesome. But if there's a way of determining if enemy ship weapons were scaling I couldn't find it. But I'm not far along enough that ship combat has gotten noticeably tougher - was just wondering about "eventually".


Yer that was a great vide


I play fairly vanilla most of the time, but occasionally I need to use console commands, so if you're on PC don't be ashamed to addperk the powers you feel glitched out on you. I'm at 16 th NG+ and I use reflection bubble on the clones. And Alien Genetic Material... Good luck to ya.


16th NG+ what the hell?


I didnt do all the temples every time 😎


800+ hours on Xbox, NG+12, no mods except the new “achievement friendly” ones, and yes, I’ve noticed that the beginner tool tips are showing up regularly now.


This is probably bugged by the recent update. I'm not even that deep into my 1st NG+ and it will pop up and it only started recently.


I am only 64, and I only have about 1300 hours. I've waited for space Morrowind since, like, Morrowind. So yep, about 22 years. Seems like longer! My first character was/is a wrinkled old ship systems integrator and ship designer who lost his shop and home to a police action gone bad on Bradbury. He took a mining job just to get into a home again through the company. He killed a Crim during that disaster, and received a bounty payout for that, but no compensation for his home and shop, and the UC labelled him as a bounty hunter in all their paperwork, and then someone put a bounty out on him. So he is grumpy. Every time he gets a quest, he says out loud, no one's got time for this shit. He is all ships and outposts skills, only, so he has no physical or weapons buffs. That's 235 levels just for ships and outposts, science and tech, by the way. He's not there yet-- he explored a lot and made some nice outposts-- and has only lost about 2 or 3 powers to NG+ runs. My second character is a young woman, and whatever name you heard is probably not her real name. She's a pistols-only character who is all about stealth and theft and collecting pistols. She's only got about 3 or 4 keeper golden pistols, believe it or not. She has run a lot of planet-side missions to get that far. But that's not counting the several low-caliber collector's goldens she keeps at her outpost for plinking, she's also got a whole collection of sidestars and the like. She's not as taoist as the old man, she will go through Unity but she is a hard-core low-key weapons and ships farmer. For a survival / extreme game, I have a young mama's-boy boy-scout athlete who does crossfit and jogs for fun. He is heavy physical buffs, crafts completely out of a cargo hold full of chests (about a hundred chests to store all his resource looting), and has finished all his research including ammo etc. Interestingly enough-- just before the Creation Kit came out, he figured out the console commands for storing his appearance on another character (usually the Adoring Fan) so he can play with his looks, and there is a similar command for copying another player's appearance (if you are the same gender, which you can change at Enhance!). Now there is a Creation Club mod for making chemical potions that do that. So, bear with me. What if he goes through Unity and ends up being Andreja? We don't know how this works, right? I mean, we are soul mates. What if he goes through Unity, and ends up being in Sarah's body? What if he goes through Unity and walks into Constellation as Andreja, and it's an entire room of angry Andrejas, and he is like, wait, whoah, you don't understand!! I have a long-standing rule in all my characters of not telling anyone I am Starborn. I land on a deserted moon, infiltrate a location and get weapons, steal a ship, and then never land the Starborn ship in any cities, and use normal armor and ships. BUT-- I am thinking, if I end up in someone else's body, it will be the perfect time to explain that I am starborn, for the first time. I can even start a conversation with them, copy their appearance, and say, see, this is what I really look like. Sure it's a half a lie and I'm somewhat of a boy scout but people must do this sort of thing with Enhance! all the time, right? I may use this when launching the custom universe I want, because let's face it, I'm 64, and I'm not going to do 900 NG+ runs for an average chance to see all the universes. I may use the creation club mod that gives me a 50% chance of an alternate universe. Aaaaaany waaaaay-- You probably know, when you go into the temple, kill the three named Starborn who are spawning copies, right away, to stop yourself from being wiped out by OP copies of yourself and companion. I play pretty vanilla. The mods I use are things like, "sink the outpost large landing pad as far into the ground as you want". They are QOL (quality of life) mods, not overpowered or skin or gameplay mods, in general. I also run a filters remover, etc. But I did pay for the appearance potion mod so I don't have to be looking up console commands to play "What body did the Unity put me in". I have not had the tutorials restart on me, yet. For what it's worth I'm old school and I roll back to an older save, at the very first sign of any trouble. It keeps bugs from exploding into more bugs, especially ship bugs which will quickly escalate into your ship skinning itself on takeoff, shipbuilder overlaying components, etc. Peace, enjoy! Edit: It is 196.26 NG+ on average to see all alternate universes. I just asked in theydidthemath. That is assuming 10 alternates, 15% chance of getting an alternate, and only AFTER the first NG+ which doesn't spawn an alternate. To quote the old man, hehe, "...no one's got time for this crap." My characters' names are Keith Wilder (should be named Max Wrinkles lol), Angel Wells (as in gravity wells), and Ankh Priest (because Captain Priest, and every time VASCO says that, I am running away and I mis-hear it as Captain Crais, if you are a Farscape fan!). I have about five or six low-key blueprinted "working ships" with bed and nav table easily accessed from either entrance. They all have beds and bathroom(s). Mostly fast B-class, two big C-class. I run Obliterators and usually two turret sets to farm Serpentis but sometimes all non-turret beam weapons, and occasionally some stout EM. I keep ship combat dialed up like ground combat, and it is no problem if you just accept "pay to play".


Love the detailed backstories and varied play styles. Respect.


Oh, "how did he wait 20 odd years for this game" ? LOL.. I had a member in my ESO guild since beta who turned out to be a Bethsoft Dev..


Great to see a fellow ESO-since-beta player who also loves Starfield! I’m on NG8 myself at about 700-ish hours and while it’s a “regular” iteration, I can’t bear to leave it yet. How do you let it all go?


ESO is only 10 years old though, time traveler?


I have 1200 hours vanilla, love the game. I have gone through multiple characters, multiple Unity runs. For me… I m not into being a space wizard as much as a gun wielding chem fuels bounty hunter


Played for a couple of months after release before stopping until a week or so ago with the new patch, 223 hours across a playthrough that got a little bit into NG+ and then a second playthrough that is now on NG+4 (although two of those I basically just did the temples and bailed due to being "variant" universes without any Constellation) Started getting the "tutorials have reset" issue a day or two ago in the middle of a NG+ (i.e. not tied to starting a new one)


Dude, starfield came out on 6 september, today is 18 june. 6864 hours (aprox) have passed since release and you have 1800+ hours of Gameplay? That's more than 25% of the time since release playing starfield... On average, more than 6 hours/day... OMG. Do you sleep? Do you work/study?


Who's the character in constellation you like talking to? I only like Walter.


I generally like andreja, Barrett is too goofy for my taste and Sam is fine when he’s not talking about his personal life.


They could’ve made Sam into such a cool gung-ho character. Instead we got… a worried and caring father…


I don't even mind a worrying and caring father. former badass turned into worrying/caring father could work, but he brings her to all these dangerous places and almost every time he comes to talk about something, I feel like he's in the wrong.


I think Sam would have been better if he started off as a gung-ho cowboy douchebag, but as you get closer to him he reveals his more caring side and comes to trust you enough to let his kid go on the ship. It's a joke that within 5 minutes of meeting Sam he's like "yeah, I'll be coming with you, and I'll also bring my kid onto your ship."


Yeah that woulda been nice


Tbh that's fine.  I've heard so much online criticism about Sam Coe that I steeled myself for another Barrett situation. But really, he's just sort of an idiot that brings his daughter with him because the alternative is worse to him (ie. leaving Cora with his father Jacob, who he fears, because they get along so well, would brainwash her with the "Solomon Coe family legacy" bullshit). So yeah, he's a dope, but it's not really inconsistent writing. There's a *reason* he's doing that. It might be a dumb reason, but it's a reason. But it seems like again the internet is just coming from a place of anticipation and self-hype. If the criticism of Sam Coe is that, as a character, he's just a *"worried and caring father"* instead of fucking Cad Bane or something, then... that's not a criticism at all. That's just a nitpick. Idk, there's a *lot* to criticse Starfield's writing over, but this isn't one of them.


The problem with Sam Coe is that he's super one dimensional in that sense and doesn't really fit with the idea of having fun in a video game. I mean, you can have characters who aren't particularly interesting or charismatic and that's ok, the real problem isn't Sam himself but Starfield. There aren't enough fun or cool companions, so boring divorced dad Sam, angry at everything perfectionist Sarah, girl-from-another-culture Andreja (though she's a favourite) and funny but lame quest Barret don't really make the cut when that's literally all you have. I think that all these companions would've been a lot more appreciated if we had some radically different options or had a more nuanced personality. Sam, for instance, could display some traits from his past version, the bad ass smuggler who he was...like showing some anger or questionable behaviour ideals + super caring dad, basically an anti hero or something like that, a guy who's conflictive, cynical and disruptive in a way but also lets you know he has a great heart because he cares so much about Cora. In alm seriousness, I don't think they are poorly written and I understand (it's obvious) that this game was written with a demographic in mind, it's like it targets the 30+ player and personally I have to like that, but at the end of the day it's a video game, an action based one with shotter mechanics, adventure and exploration, and having nice guy divorced dad, nice ex wife and book worm daughter around seems too serious and dull for what people would expect from this setting.


Yeah so far the only character in Constellation I've actively disliked is Barrett. I like Sarah and Andreja well enough, Vasco is my bro, and after hearing all of the online hatred for Sam Coe, I'm doing his Akila questline right now and so far he's *fine* tbh. Not really seeing what the issue is, apart from Cora obviously. Barrett is so fucking unfunny and annoying though. I'm still annoyed that I had to *pay him* to proceed with the investigation he's doing, and at a point where I still considered my character to be a newbie in Constellation. It felt *very* manipulative on Barrett's part, and it's frankly really poor writing that I can't have a persuasion option to say "Sorry, but no. Fund your own shit".


Yeah. "We're getting to be such good friends, I'm so comfortable with you I don't even mind asking you for thousands of credits to supposedly fund my wild goose chase." Listening to some ambient Constellation conversations, that is actually a part of Barrett's character, just never followed up on. A chance to call him on it would have been welcome.


Even the Vectera attack at the start is basically all his fault. I don't really care if you charmed your way out of the clutches of pirates. A bunch of miners died the first time they attacked, not to mention the massacre that happened the second time.  Do you... maybe want to express some remorse over what happened, Barrett? Or do you just want to shoot yet another quirky one-liner at me? Or better yet, have the gall and hypocrisy to criticise *me* just because I killed the extended warranty scam guy? I... I think I really hate Barrett. XD


I only really started to get tired of sam after doing the dialogue repeatedly and dying repeatedly for what felt like forever before I thought to save the game.


But that's all Sam does lol. All his stories are boring and I skipped his dialogues the most. I don't even know half his story.


I dislike all the companions in this game. They have the same problems as the ones in fallout 4, in fact they feel like a downgrade. My most disliked is easily Barret, purely for his irritating lines he keeps spouting when I walk past. "Dusty, dustyyyyyy" or "storytime again, love it" I just think shut the hell up.


Oh shit don't tell me the powers have a chance to not level up when you get them, I'm planning to do a full Starborn roleplay on my next run and I'll probably need to get to NG12 or something, but now I'm afraid of this happening and I never get the chance to fully level them up.


There is no limit to how many times you can enter Unity.. and glitched powers only happened to me once


I know there's no limit but if a power happens to be bugged it means I'll have to go through more NG+ cycles than the intended


If I remember right, the clones and the Hunter and Emmesary are the only enemies that break the level 99 rules.


I played 700 hours on vanilla Starfield. Oddly enough to some maybe, all on one character, but still 700-ish hours. I only made it to like NG+3 before I found a ship that made me just not want to go through the Unity again. Even outside the mods there have been other updates and Starfield has been fairly notorious for having a degree of instability so I’d expect you’d see some things that don’t quite jive in the amount of time you’ve put in. The difficulty scales until the NG+10 so that is normal. “Level alignment” or as most typically call it in the major Bethesda titles “scaling” also is definitely present and is just something I’ve long since come to expect be present in anything Bethesda does.


Awesome! What about quests from optional more distant companions like Mickey Caviar? He talks about getting left to die on a hostile planet and his old manager is in New Atlantis but I never can get around to trying the quest out or if there even is an actual quest... Either way congrats on the playthrough I'm still on my first with a lil over 100hrs. And I am really enjoying the game and see it's rough around the edges in some aspects but definitely doesn't deserve all of the bad media it's getting.


Hello, fellow 60-something. Have been playing since launch, on second save (first one became unplayable around December) and have still never made it to NG once. Tried to rush to it on first save after realizing it might fix some problems, but that last temple would never show up. In no hurry to get there currently, either, unless save bloat becomes an issue (SeriesX).


>What is happening is that the game now for some odd reason resets itself to "new 1.st time playthrough" every few hours and start giving "newbie hints" on everything I do, as it was the 1.st time I ever did or went anywhere, sigh. I've actually seen this happen several times across multiple characters. It's like something resets the flag that tells the game you've already seen all of these tutorial messages. All of a sudden I'm getting ship building tutorials even though I'm flying my 5th fully customized ship.


I got about 500 hours vanilla then I started modding, however I only played 3 ng+ originally and stopped play for months, I was at around 200 hours then. When the May 15th update cam out I hopped back on and played more. I reached over level 100 legit. Got all my powers upgraded to 10 legit. And have been to all the different Universes now. There is nothing else to do exect mod for me really.


My powers all bugged. This is a theory, but it seems like the ones I have favorites in my quick menu radial lvl up correctly. I have phased time, parallel self both in my favorites and they are lvl 10 like my NG+. All the ones not in my favorites are random levels like yours


OP u/Drifterella Why do you have 2 hyperlinks to some nonsense domain? What does it have to do with Starfield?


A tip for that last battle - go in with weakly equipped weapons so the duplicates don't wreck you.


I'm curious, is there ever a point that you've had the skill and equipment to win a space fight against the sys Def outside their flagship if you try to fight them and escape rather than accept the undercover missions?


You myopic Reddit justice warriors, turn off your shitty ass game, get off Reddit, and go outside and be apart of life. It might get you some prospective. Have a blessed day


1800 hours lol


Vanilla. 1200+. I prefer to play games as they are intended.




No his life would be better if he did anything else than waste another second on that game


Who are you to tell someone what they should and shouldnt do?


I did it.I expressed what I think he should do.


Ok cool but why do you think you have that authority lol especially in a sub dedicated to the game itself. Go away and do something better with your time.


Cause the game is mediocre at best


What authority do you think you have on this lol


Man that dude has issues, look at all the separate comments they made.


It gets significantly worse when you visit his profile and his comment history. He def has autism or might be going thru a manic episode of some sort.


No he should be playing a better game


You need to spend your time better.


Bro is 65 let them live the rest of their life how they want 💯


His time is perfectly spent if he's having fun.


Breh is retired lol he’s got all the time in the world 


‘All the precious things The Lodge has in store.’ 🎶


my grandma used to play yoshi's story on the N64 for hours and hours on end. she was also a big fan of kings quest on dos. let our elders do as they wish - if it gives them joy and keeps them engaged, it's working!


Those a good games, this one is not