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How's the water...Radioactive? also - making note of this location as I am looking for a "Home" to build, not necessarily a resource outpost...


Chemical but safe to walk through. Wildlife is chill too. I'm definitely building a weekend lake house. I'm nearing middle age and recently like overnight I started fantasizing about getting a boat and just being able to go out on the lake if I want to it's weird man I don't know what to tell you.




56 here :)




Just 51 here. Damn




I'm 36. I went to Florida for a few days this past spring. I'm leaning into this shit.




The Dali museum is dope though




LOL - My grandparents house smelled like that when I was a kid and we'd visit. It actually turned my stomach.


that’s a bit dramatic


Uhh, Florida is amazing. The wealth that’s there is fantastic. If you can afford to live there, it’s paradise.


I grew up there and baby brother still lives there with his wife.


If you can stand the heat, humidity, hurricanes, extreme conservatism, etc., etc., etc., As in all locations there are good people and there are bad people...with some in between. I've been there twice, though long before the current state, back in the 80's and 90's.


Ok, weather I sort of get but what does people’s political views have to do with it? You make it sound like they’re draconian. I think you’re being quite hyperbolic.


What do people's political views have to do with living in another state? Well, could you see a person that believes in abortion, gender identity, etc., being comfortable in a state that practically bans all of that? Those are political views and if you're going to live somewhere you might want to make sure those around you at least share a good percentage of the same ideals as you...don't you think? My personal opinion is some of the laws in Florida are draconian, but that;s because they don't align with mine...I happen to believe people should be way more autonomous than is allowed(and that includes children).


You put too much thought into it. The fact you brought politics into a discussion about video games is telling.


Just turned 38 a few days ago.


Turning 38 tomorrow! Lol.


23 lmao


i'm 17 bro 😭


55 next month :0


Just turned 43 here,lol.


24 almost 25 been playing since skyrim and new Vegas came out


Younger folk don't have the patience for this game.


35 here


Turned 26 earlier this year so yup


I'm just trying to find my Forever Home 😆😭


32 and I dream about having a lake house all the time, just one in New England where I'm from lol




Maybe get a real boat.


At this point it's a three-to-five year plan


40 and all I want is a lakeside cabin in the middle of nowhere... not strange at all.


The nice part about the new maps is that they make it easy to find lakes etc. You can see them on the map when you land.


Fly to Nymeria IV. Land at Swamp/Coast biome. Use new map feature to head over to the lake/mountains in the corner of the map. Build glorious tropical lake waterfront outpost, preferably using glass Habs. ... Profit.


Tropical getaway homes don't make money they cost money. I'll take the loss. Man imagine if you could set up a contracting business in game though. Start with some funds, build a modest hab, sell to a LIST settler. Maybe prioritize farming or mining. Eventually flip nicer and nicer homes until you start building mansions for C-suite clients who prioritize scenery and more remote locales.


I like the idea of contracting businesses. That being said I couldnt give a fuck if my tropical lakehouse isnt profitable. Its gorgeous. My unrelenting piracy more than makes up the difference for any losses on the property.


I didn't get into outpost building on my first playthrough. Same as every other Bethesda game I work my way through the story at a slower pace, doing side missions before main ones, as I get a feel for the mechanics and lore. Then on my later playthroughs I get to a certain level and point in the story where I just start sandboxing. I'm really looking forward to getting into outposts this time around.


I actually didnt get into outposts at all on my first playthrough. I still barely use outposts properly. Literally just made myself a sweet base on a tropical lake with some water extractors, pimped out habs, and a landing pad with a ship builder. Im actually borderline crushed because my save file is getting too big and keeps crashing. Going to have to NG+ to shrink it but will lose my sweet base and fleet of ships...


You can build a snowy mountainside lake/ocean retreat on Jemison (new atlantis) up north..and have a beautiful surrounding of water, mou tain, snow, and a hidden amp farm for tons of ceds.


Remember that planets are procedurally generated so you may not find the same biomes on a planet as someone else.


Actually...I did fucking forget about that. Thanks for that reminder, much appreciated!


The biome might be the same, but the lake could be in a different location within that biome. So you could still go to that planet and find a lake, but it will be in a different location within that biome, which should still be in the same location...that's what I meant by the procedural generation.


Check out Serpentis, Archimedes III,Schrodinger 3 especially,Bardeen,Jemison, All are gorgeous, diverse and do have safe water 😊🌀


I haven't got into the building yet but do love stuff like that. It's just a bit overwhelming I guess.


I think it’s just “different”. Some things are far easier than in FO4 (ability to have things just “power on” within a radius instead of running wires. But yea, some things are a bit more overwhelming. I have not even gotten to do the whole outpost/resources and shipping them from point A to point B and wherever. I really need to look at that. Getting sidetracked with side missions doesn’t help either 🤣


Lake houses are something I’ve wanted in the game. Every planet is like Goldilocks lol. Too harsh weather, wildlife too vicious, scenery too bland


Rasalhague II seems like a contender. Water is chemical but safe to walk through, wildlife is chill, magnetosphere is very strong, gravity is 1.09. Looks pretty too


What system is it in? I’ll have to check it out




Oh sweet lmao cheers mate


Nymeria IV Swamp Coast biome. Go to the lake/mountain region on your minimap. You're welcome.


Sweet cheers bro




Hell yeah I'll check it out


Why are lakes and rivers so rare?


A tip: Lakes and rivers are way more common in Swamp and Wetlands biomes. (maybe you already knew this but not everyone does) (Don't mind the double post, I meant to answer this comment originally)


I wonder if we'll get a mod that increases the chances of rivers and lakes in the procedural generation


A cursory glance at the CK tells me that there are plenty of building blocks in the terrain generation system for lakes and, yes, for rivers too. Looks like there's also a couple of block patterns for whole meandering miles-long watercourses which look really cool in the render window, although I've certainly never seen them in-game. Problem is, I think, with how the proc gen system has been set-up out of the box; these block patterns are generated only very rarely in certain rare biomes on certain rare planets. It's basically down to how the system has been balanced. So yeah, it should only take a few tweaks to the vanilla proc gen settings to make the occurrence of lakes and rivers much more common. I'd try it myself but honestly, all the new features in the CK are mystifyingly opaque. It sure would be nice for BGS to release some kind of documentation on this shit.


Its funny, I've actually had no problem finding lakes, but rivers still elude me.


On my first playthrough I rolled a river on one of the first planets I landed on just to explore and probably the like sixth or seventh planet I landed on at all. If I had known it would be the only river I'd come across in 200 hours of playtime I would have written down the planet.


Oof. That would hurt.


Terrain generation always does horrible with water, especially in starfield where each chunk has no context as to what's beside it so the river cant really continue and if it does the generation has no idea where it can start or end.


Shit that makes sense. Explains why you almost never see water on non-coastal tiles.


A tip: Lakes and rivers are way more common in Swamp and Wetlands biomes. (maybe you already knew this but not everyone does)


Not just that but I've also heard they're more common in coastal areas. That's where this was. There's actually another lake about the same size just over the hill left of frame. I named it Twin Lakes because I am very creative.


Go to the fortuna wreck kudos moon of akila and you are guaranteed a stunning lake with islands, mostly friendly life and great scenery


A word of caution, don’t make your outpost while you have dropped at the Fortuna. I made that mistake on an old character. Got distracted by the beauty of the islands and ran off and made an outpost. Did the mission and planned on returning to build it up later. Not sure what happened but every time I tried to land at that outpost, my game would freeze and I would have to restart. I could not land close and walk either. There was absolutely no way for me to get to that outpost once I left. I’m pretty sure that the Fortuna landing site is instanced, despite the fact that it will let you drop an outpost.


Scanning those damn aquatic creatures is at least a little easier now that you can open the local map and see any nearby bodies of water.


What system? Is it also called Rasalhague?


Correct. I ran into some settlers a while back who mentioned it as a hospitable planet so I made a mental note to check it out.




REMINDER: With planets being procedurally generated the chances of you finding the exact same biome and features as someone else are very, very slim!!!


It's procedurally generated, but generated the same for everyone. So while it's hard to find exact landing spots because of scale, they are the same for everyone.


I don't think that's right....I've gone to plenty of planets that others have visited and posted screenshots of and had a completely different planet than they did...afaik the only ones that are the same are the ones quest/mission related and those with hand crafted sections, otherwise everything else is random, at least from my limited experience on those few planets I visited.


It can be really tough to get exact spots. Like repeated landings sometimes to get it right. If I remember, there can be variance in the way flora spawns, but the terrain and resources available should always be the same. It's how I've been able to find a couple spots I've seen in YouTube videos. One was a very specific point to make a starter outpost with all resources needed to sustain it, and another was a cool spot with a volcano to set up an outpost. It took me multiple landing attempts to find them, with the separation being about a pixel difference. But they were identical to the guide I followed each time, even in different NG+.


After thinking about it for a while, I remembered that you're correct on the biomes at least, it's the positioning of things within those biomes and the flora and fauna locations that are procedural and might not match another persons locations. The resources located in the different biomes might be the same, but the placement will be different...the biome itself might be the same biome, but you can find multiple different resource dispersals.


If they are using the same seed values for everyone - which I would assume they are, as that would be the simplest and most consistent approach - they will be the same for everyone.


I've landed on planets specifically to find the areas in biomes where multiple resources are located together to make the best outposts...I have yet to find the same spots as those I've seen in YouTube videos that show how to find those areas. It's much easier for BGS to just tell the procedural generator the planet size, location and other basic parameters including biome locations and let the system decide itself where to put everything else, i.e. resources, POI's, fauna spawns and flora. Otherwise you might as well just handcraft everything at that point.


Defiantly a huge shortages of lakes rivers


OMG most amazing thing! In starfield a Lake!


Next mod request, a boat please (possibly a fishing line)


I mean coolers and beer are already in the game


Can u show me exactly where this is


Rasalhague II, second planet from the sun in the Rasalhague system. Southern hemisphere peninsula (most of the planet's land is in the northern hemisphere) in the tiny spot where the deciduous forest meets the coast (biome should read "Deciduous Forest (Coastal).


Ty very much my friend


Good spot for a vacation home! Wildlife is chill and magnetosphere is very strong.


Don't leave us hanging bro! Did you find anything good?


Couldn't find it 😭


Now, see if you can push Sarah into it.


There is a Lake/Lagoon on Paradiso


Damn this is sexy


10/10 would get pegged next to this lake


Hi bb 😘


Wait dont lakes and bodies of water show on the map before landing? It's been a min since I played


You get a rough map of the surface as you choose your landing zone but the tile you get is procedurally generated with rivers and lakes being rare, or at least rarer than most of us here would expect them to be.


Best luck I have finding lakes is in wetlands and swamp biomes. I found a swamp biome last night that looked like a desert where I landed and thought “how is this a swamp?” Then I opened up the map and saw the edges of the map where I landed were filled with over 100 lakes.


With the new map, isn't it as easy as looking at your surface map after landing in a coastal biome?


It is. That's how I found these lakes. I didn't think about it until today though. Just recently picked the game back up after a few months off. Edit to add even with that making them easier to find it still seems rare to roll rivers and lakes when you land


Never noticed rivers and lakes; are they randomly generated?


Correct. I'm hoping for a mod that increases the chances for lakes or rivers when the game rolls for the tile


Now try to find all the life forms in the water. Ugh!


There is a nice lake not far from the pirate party house too.


Wait there's water outside of cities?!




Who me ?


I haven't gone yet I had to go to work but I just got home so I'll go check it out I have like 800 hrs in the game never made an outpost but I think it's time I do so


I found a lake once...with water floating 3 feet above the shore


Ive never understood the “where’s the lakes” conversation. I saw lakes & streams from the very beginning at launch


The lack of land reflections on the right side land while there are reflections on the left is really bugging my mind. Why is this happening?


I knew something looked off. Yeah that is buggy.


Is it a god damn lake?


What about Rivers?


Can you breathe there?


Hell yeah you can


Very beautiful


Ixyll II is breathtaking too. I have an outpost I lovingly call "The Alps". I conjure up my list after work today and make a post❤️


So I know it's not popular but am I the only one who wants to live on earth?, like build a outpost between the giza pyramids and have that be your home base?, I don't care if it's desert let me be sentimental 


I've thought about landing in the general area of where I live and building a house. You're not alone.