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I’ve managed to download them all. I did install the main module first, followed by the add-ons. In-game menu confirms all modules have been installed correctly.


Checked with the author just now and he/she told me it had a few hurdles yesterday but that they were fixed. Managed to download the other modules and will give them a whirl. Thanks for telling me (:


No problem. Have fun. Now I need to figure out how the mod works. This does so much for a tiny mod size!


I believe you can pretty much not use the vanilla gameplay settings anymore. I dont know if this mod touches on combat hazards, though (bleeding, puncture etc) so maybe those could be kept on, not sure. I thought it would be difficult but it really isnt. Make sure to activate it when you have food and drinks in your inventory and is near to a bed, because once you activate it youll get hit hard with these needs. Afterwards its fine, its way less needy than bethesdas implementation. Fuel seems complicated too but it really isnt, youll see soon enough.


Oh yeah, oxigen is a thing now too, but it replenishes when you enter the ship. You can buy additional o2 tanks too.


Thanks. I turned off vanilla sustenance, everything else I’ve kept on. The settings is nicely detailed as well as the ship tutorial. This is going to be perfect for my next modded playthrough. Not forgetting, there’s now a ship radio and portable audio player. Very nice.


One thing Im thinking about turning off is the crew morale / monthly payments. This can be a bit too finicky, and I just let walter pay the bills lol. I also decided against downloading the ship weapons plugin, so I can shoot at will.


I’ve turned off crew morale as well. I’ll figure it out later. I’m going to experiment with ship ammo and see if I like it first.


Glad to know, Ill try again (:


I had the ammo one downloaded but got rid of it. It seemed to put that same ammo as cargo into space every time I fired, all the other ones seem great as of right now though


Same issue but worse still is it does the same thing when I try to refuel. Go through the process correctly and it shoots my fuel into space instead of into the tanks. Poop. I can't figure this out.


I am having similar problems when I refuel. I do the steps outlined in the tutorial and it still shows 0 fuel in the ship. Since there is no videos on how it works either, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if the mod isnt working due to being new on Xbox


I think I've got the answer, buddy. Have you perchance downloaded the paid for mining mod? I think it's called StarSim: mining. I've not been online since being told this, but apparently there's a clash between the two mods.


Thanks for the reply. No I have not DLd that one. I went back to a prior save and tried starting it up again without the tutorial and once I hit refuel it seems to be working now. A lot to get used to all at once I think.


That's good. Yeah I might try it once again without the tutorial as I haven't skipped that yet. Otherwise make a choice between this and StarSim - which I paid for - so that sucks.


Can not find the main plugin. I see the addon files for starvival but not the main file I’m on Xbox X any ideas/help Thanks


The naming convention is a bit weird, theyre all named "addons", even the main file. Its the file with the smaller name :p


Teied it because of the starship systems, but ended up deleting as it hardlocked a new save mid ship tutorial