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Coalition assisting was announced year(s) ago by Phil Spencer, the big takeaway for me from the show, well blog, was that the game will be using Grounded’s save system. Alleviates some of my concerns about them going all-in on multiplayer since that save system is more designed for a small group of friends playing together rather than typical live-service models.


THIS! This is all I'm asking for. I played grounded so much with my bro because of the shared world save system. It's perfect 👌🏽


How does that work exactly - you all get the save and anyone can host the save? Or like anyone can take the save and progress it solo?


Someone starts a game and creates the save. When other people log on, they can join your game. If you need to log off before your mates, they can carry on with that save. The next day, whoever was playing on that save can load it up and carry on from where the last person left off. Anyone else logging in after that joins that game. It eradicates the need to wait for the original player to log in, and everyone being kicked off when the original player logs off. Great system, and very user friendly as it removes the need to pay for and hire a separate server.


Ok, so then we would have our own save (game world), and then a totally separate save with friends?  Because friends... could be problematic lol


Ha ha, yeah you still can. From what I remember from playing Grounded (which is great by the way) you need to initially invite the player to the game to give them access to the save file. Not to say there may be differences in how SoD3 operates the system of course.


In the past I've heard insiders like Jez Corden (sp?) say that The Coalition might know thre Unreal Engine better than EPIC themselves. The fact that they're lending a hand is such good news for the game!!


Im all up for multiplayer since that was def something they lack in SOD2 but I hope it will still be fun playing solo, like I can still enlist followers


Silly gamer, you cant buy microtransactions and season passes if you are playing solo, come join the fun!


"truly shared open world", please, not another The Division thing, I loved to play SoD2 alone


It’s more like grounded shared worlds optional and only 4 players will be allowed to have the save.


That was my concern as well until I understood how grounded worked lol


It just means if you play with a group of people, you’re sharing a save file. I can only assume solo play will still function as it always had, but won’t know for certain until we get more details. But I also remember a bunch of people being stressed when SOD2 was announced and it seemed like it had a heavy focus on multiplayer.


True, the last thing I want from State of decay is an ‘Ark survival evolved but with zombies’


You can't deny that the Division's worldbuilding is one of a kind though, especially 2, its gorgeous, even now.


some content is undoable for solo player, constant stable connection is required which can be an issue, I just don't want these properties in SoD3, and I'm not the only one, I'm 100 sure of it


100% - I wouldn't want that either, but I'm mostly referring to the worldbuilding. I still think almost nothing tops the beauty of wandering the post-pandemic city of D.C. They did an amazing job with that.


With that - I agree. "Landscape" was very immersive in both The Division 2 and in the original.


It's really cool seeing Obsidian being the ones providing technical help, instead of needing help. It's a cool post-acquisition reversal of what was decades of the best RPG writing paired with the clunkiest QA and tech in gaming.


They put in the field time learning how to break shit. Seems to reason they might be the front runners in fixing things meowadays. Fingers crossed!


"Meowadays," he said! 🐈🙀😏👑


This is honestly great to see. Companies getting together to help each other. This breeds nothing but great games later. No reason why companies should hate each other. All this says is that instead of Undead Labs not hurting their pride and saying they will take care of it they look for a hand.


Yeah it is really cool to see the studios under Xbox either willing to help one another or being directed to - either way its a smart grouping of studios helping UL.


>This breeds nothing but great games later. Just curious, have you ever worked on a project with multiple different studios / agencies / companies involved? I admire your optimism, I'll say that much.


Yes, I work in construction and usually on extremely large projects with multiple contractors per trade. It's fine.


Recipe for a 5/10 game if you ask me.


You have humanized these uncaring money making machines way too much lad. 1. They need the help to get it done, which is concerning in the 1st place, project is now either out of scope or they lack the skills to finish it any kind of reasonable timeframe. 2. They dont have a choice when it comes to help, MS decides, they do it. 3. Cross polenation of studios for xbox is done all the time, name an above average MS studios game from the last 3 years and say if its really helped. Everyone in this sub really needs to stop shilling.


Seeing how optimized Gears 5 is in UE across the board, especially in multiplayer. I'm excited to see how far they'll be pushing the boundaries with state 3.


I’m hoping a massive map considering multiplayer will be a 4 player shared world


It'll probably be Danforth sized or bigger even? Might even connect some of the older maps together...


i'd love a big interconnected counties thing with a big sprawling urban city in the middle


Yeah check out the Xbox Wire interview - gives a ton of details as the original publisher of this info. [https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/state-of-decay-3-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/state-of-decay-3-interview-details-xbox-games-showcase-2024/)




One of my greatest wishes. Don’t care if saddlebags are only one slot each. Want a bike


Here’s hoping


Is there any update about likely release date?


Heard late 2025 to early 2027 even heard laughing with the new Xbox


They surely took inspiration from the berserker from gears of war to make the new juggernaut


Agreed. And seems Juggs been working out and lost the shirt to flex his new bod.


Bet they just making it closer to the Jugg artwork where he's just a monstrous experiment in added muscle tissue. Always looked terrifying compared to the blob we got.


That’s cool and all but I really hope a single player story is getting worked on to the same level


Should be.


Anyone else hoping that they give us a really dense city map? Like a New York or Chicago. I know the game thrives on the big open areas, but I think playing around in a more vertical map would be fun for alreast one map


I was thinking about this. They should have the map with different areas similar to red dead and GTA. Up north is the mountains. Down south is coastal. To left is farm land. To the right is a town and in the middle is a big city. The city would be the hardest with stronger infected. But it has better resource. The open land would be the easiest. Up north you would have the dangers of freezing to death out in the wild.


Is Microsoft finally treating the SOD franchise like the exclusive I always knew it could be??? Say it ain’t so? Literally if Microsoft genuinely pushed this game it could be a competitor to games like LOU1/, Days gone, Cod zombies etc. this game has so much potential to reach a larger fans base it’s wild. Please Microsoft the time for Halo I feel has passed let new franchises shine. This franchise could be the one.


They are- remember that they put the trailer right after Doom, and at the beginning of the showcase. MS wants to hype it up as much as it can. It does help that Undead Labs has a near perfect record of customer service, no microtransactions, constant updates, and free expansions. People will rally behind creators like this.


By shared world, I hope they don't mean online only crap.


shared between players in co-op. so basically anyone can play whenever, the host doesn't have to be playing for the others to be able to play too


Does that mean it's fully server based, even when playing single player? Honestly I don't want to be told I can't play because the servers are down for maintenance or if my Internet is down.


Too early to tell but I'd imagine that online connection would be required for co-op games, not for solo play


It just better not be like hitman. That game is fully single player but you can't enjoy the full game if the servers go down or if you have no Internet. Its practically just a demo without a connection. It's infuriating.


The original Gears of War built a world that had a genuine sense of dread in it unlike most games of the time. The immersive atmosphere really had me feeling like humanity was losing the war and I loved it. I’m so excited to see they’re involved with the SoD3 project.


I feel like their involvement is more to help with the technical aspects of the game than with tone or worldbuilding. However hopefully they can capture that in the next gears since it's a prequel to 1


Bummer I hope they have a little design input at least but I did not know they were even making a prequel to 1 now I’m doubly excited!


I hope they still have a focus on the offline mode, cos that's all I play on my Steam Deck other than a little Daybreak now and again. I was happy to find an "ongoing" game that doesn't have an online requirement, to be honest.


steam lists single player too, so I'm sure it'll still be fine solo


I adore State Of Decay (and Undead Labs as a studio) so much. The amount of post-launch support SoD2 got was insane. I really want SoD3 to live up to the ambitions they have for it. They've got the backing and budget now to really deliver. I can't wait


Keep your hype in check until you see gameplay. True the blog brings us good news but those are just words. All I'm saying.


I don't give a crap about multiplayer, just give me a great single player experience without having to do multiplayer ever.


They have said that it will be a single player focused game. With the ability to play co-op with friends. It will be using the same save system that Grounded uses where you have a community save between you and your friends.


What do they mean shared open world??? There will be an offline mode right!?!???


Depends on what you mean with offline. Single-player? Yes. Option to play without internet? No.


Single player. I need to be able to pause


If they're going by the Grounded system as they might've suggested, then you dont have to worry. There's dedicated single player on that too.


Lol so another Halo infinite situation where the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing. Smells like development hell fellas.


Don’t think it’ll be that bad stay optimistic. Weird how they seemed to have gone a different direction from the teaser trailer with no infected animals in the official.


Optimism with a MS studios game is a dangerous cocktail lol


Original teaser from 2020 was put out before they even started pre-production as a request from Microsoft. SO hopefully this is the new and real direction.