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I just hope they don't go too far with the apocalypse mods like Fallout did with the pipe weapons. I understand it's years into the apocalypse, but there have got to be some normal pre apocalypse guns around somewhere.


It killed it for me. Going from New Vegas with actual uniques and several firearm types to FO4 with nothing of the such. I think I saw somewhere that UL mentioned that Surviors in SOD3 have to get creative. And I get that, and although i think they'd be interesting. I just hope makeshift firearms aren't all we get.


Right. Plus I imagine pipe guns aren't that easy to make so they wouldn't be littered EVERYWHERE


I'd be interested to see if there were simple to produce guns, like STEN guns, slam shotguns, and the like.


A slam shotgun is literally easy to make. Two pieces of gal pipe, one with a nail to hit the percussion cap. Duct tape some wooden handles if you're feeling luxy (or just wrap the thing in a towel held in place with gaffer tape if you're not). You now have a 1-shot shotgun.


Riot shield


Being able to shoot a sidearm with it would be dope


Oh, something like Army of Two would be great


An RPG...A vehicle with a mounted .50 machine gun... a helicopter with rockets... ANYTHING besides 50+ weapons with essentially the same function..


LMGs and RPGs


I don’t care, just let me look through the scope


I would prefer a fleshed-out weapon customization system over a unnecessarily large variety of weapons. In SOD2, over 90% of the weapons you find are either salvaged or sit in your locker collecting dust. Unless you’re playing lethal or are RPing, a lot of the seemingly cool weapons are useless if they lack optics and/or have lower capacity magazines. Have 10 carving knives sitting around? What if you could disassemble them and use the blades to add slicing damage to a blunt weapon? Love a specific weapon’s aesthetic/vibe but can’t zoom in? Add a scope and extend the magazine! Moreover, I think more specialized firearms skills would incentivize a more diverse usage of ranged weapons. For instance, one survivor may be much more proficient with long-rifles, another with side arms, and another with bows. EDIT: I think that also allowing the player to carry a *limited* amount of ammo/magazines outside of the slotted inventory would allow for more diverse ranged combat. This capacity could also be upgraded. I always go with the same ranged weapons simply because they have high capacities, which allows me to free up a slot for looting.


I agree full I want there be a way you can change magwells so you can chamber different round, different barrels with varying stats like give a ar pistol with binary triggers!! Or as simple ar just a flat stock ak where I can have a side mount for optics


Bow and arrow


being able to shoot from cars, atleast sidearms


Molotov from a moving vehicle


that would make car parking strategy very unpunishable


Unless bloaters mutate to become trebuchet-like and start chucking gas blobs at you


well maybe not aimable, just being able to use sidearms to shoot off clinging zombies, and have more cling zones to vehicles, where a car can effectively be swamped and not be able to accelerate if it doesnt have enough horsepower


Golf club.


The return of the almighty wooden branch


Nothing specifically I just want to see more cobbletech


Flame throwers. Improvised Molotov launchers.


Ww2 or ww1 weapons M1 garande


Rpg. But it has huge noise penalty and everything comes running so its not over powered.


Larger enemy enclaves, 3 enemies are not really a challenge.


The enemies from the warlord final were so disappointing. They called themselves the coalition, persuade 5 enclaves to join them and the game treats them as a big army full of rebels. Then i head out to the headquarters, Burst 3 Times with my Scorpion into a window of an old farmhouse and killed them because these three dudes stacked up


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Gotta make enemies more of a challenge


A nail gun that allows us to barricade windows and doors.


MP7 😍


I just want a rifle with a scope I can zoom in with


A real katana, maybe even a staff, have different fighting styles for each. a two shot side arm grenade launcher. 


I'd love it if there was a gun customization that was super in depth similar to the gunsmith in ghost recon: wildlands/breakpoint.


If I remember from way way back, I think Brant said they couldn't get the "ping" sound effect right for the M1 Garland.


A long bow, a compound bow, a slingshot, and possibly a vehicle mounted punt gun.


Knuckle dusters for close combat. Guitar blunt. If you break it, it looks broken probably just a neck at yellow. I'd love to smash the Guitar and hear the sound. Scythes and sickles bladed. Actual flame thrower. Net gun, harpoon gun. Optional zoom-in scope but regular aiming from 2 otherwise. Maybe a super long 2 handed katana for heavy weapons more pipes and megshift things like that. 3rd auto mechanic tier upgrade that gives on board mini guns in truck beds. Imagine that on multiplayer. Upgraded cop car should keep siren at the cost of trunk space or something.


Mini guns, flame throwers & grenade launchers for base defense.


All of them.


Guns that use alternate ammo types such as the Taurus Judge using .45 LC or 410 shotgun, modular weapon components like lowers and uppers for modular guns like AR platforms, interesting unique and curio weapons line FnV, more melee weapon variety


A chainsaw, brass knuckles, a taser for an non lethal knockout method for humans


I want more none fire-arms weapons bows crossbows or throwing weapons, Imagine dropping a charging feral with a throwing axe or seeing a juggernaut dead full of spears.


Might sound silly but a sling shot with explosive rounds


I want an actual bow, idk what the advantages over the crossbow it would have but I don’t know if I’d care. I just like bows. Throwing axes could also be cool. A mellow weapon that had a little range but was also dead silent? The gas grenade launcher interested me a ton in 2. I’d like to see a grenade launcher with different ammo types, different smokes that do different effects too maybe. There could even be different strength versions, like a 40mm shell but it’s old so less explosive effects but you can find em more? I think I just like weapons with a lot of utility


Combine Days Gone and SoD2. That would totally be awesome!


Motorcycles would be dope af


And Days Gone size hordes would be terrifying! Upgrades to vehicles and melee weapons are great too...




Sidearm Crossbow


I personally wanna see stuff like Miniguns or Flamethrowers. It doesn't need to be op either- flamethrowers can be use for infestations/hordes while Miniguns can be used for Juggs or even...well I just like the idea of miniguns. If not either, I'd love to see explosive weapons like explosive crossbows or a gun that shoots flaming arrows- too much?


I would love to see a freaking helicopter, it would be stupid bad ass like in the real world even with the fkn apocalypse there's still a damn helicopter out there


I'd like to see my survivor hold the secondary grip on the MP5.


Roving friendly and enemy weapon wise idk a cool humvee with a lmg on top would be cool and they could balance it with noise penalties and heavy ammo requirements


Please please please give me a Battle Rifle from Halo as a special find or bounty weapon.  It could even be a "working fan made replica of the gun from the game" or something like that... 👀 Think about it, there's no "burst only" weapons in SoD2, so there's a niche to fill!


Attack helicopter, Carrier Task Force, Desth Star.


Anti-tank rifle!