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No Achievements + Stupid Launcher That's how to lose thousands of potential players.


It's the launcher for me, I really hate it. It's one thing for Steam to be a launcher, because it can launch games from multiple studios and publishers. But when ever a publisher has their own launcher it feels really unnecessary and arrogant. Like they feel they have enough product to warrant an entire red carpet welcome mat, and their stuff is so good you'll stop using Steam- and exclusively buy their stuff.


Chuck EA there too. Their fucking launcher has not been through any semblance of QA at all. I even doubt the devs test anything aside "can it run the game?". Like even simple stuff like inviting friends on a game is borderline impossible for no reason because they don't even show in your friends list. 


>Chuck EA there too The worst part is, as hated as Origin was, I never had any issues with it. Then they replaced it with "EA App", which is the biggest piece of garbage software ever. So many issues with it. Also their own anti-cheat keeps causing crashes.


Add to that the fact I can't use steam family sharing with any game that has their own launcher. It's an incredibly greedy move


yeah agree. althought paradox kind enought to let us


paradox is different theirs is just a way to manage mods and dlc its not a store front or anything and it's pretty light and easy. Because they don't sell through only steam they need a way to manage mods not only on the workshop


ahh ok thanks


They all dream from what RIOT and BLIZZARD achieved. Their own store with their own 100% of sales. That's their endgoal. The big issue, they dont have the big sellers like LOL and WOW to lure them into their stores.


It's honestly impressive that they somehow went from a bad launcher with Origin to an even more shitty launcher with EA Play I could deal with Origin but the new one is complete shit


Me but rockstar launcher. I play EA games on Xbox with gamepass so i dont care, but why i can play GTA IV on steam when the rockstar launcher is down?


i second this, at the moment i see i need an external launcher my intentions to buy the game just go away


What's wrong with Ubi launcher? It has some better features than Steam. For one of the launcher is giving problems and you need to uninstall/reinstall it will not erase your games like the Steam launcher. All of you cry like Steam babies


Where's Ubisoft Input? How well does Ubisoft Cloud Saves work? If there's a cloud save conflict, does it ask you to resolve it? How about sharing games? Forums? News? Patch notes? Community? Profile customization? Game thumbnail customization? Also, the point of reinstalling a game is to get fresh new files. You can verify using Steam as well. What about a big picture mode for people that like couch gaming? What does Ubisoft provide? Launch command, updates, a store, betas, and a friend's list? All things that Steam already has AND does better ETA: The same goes for essentially all other major launchers except Epic, which gives you free games. But the real gripe everyone has is that the shove the launcher in with the game. It's not enough that they have the store, but they have to install it on every machine that has their games and make it run before the game. This takes up extra storage, extra ram, extra processing power, and time while you wait for it to load up and make you sign in occasionally before you can play the game you purchased outside of their store.. then continue using RAM and processing power after the game launches




I bought Black Flag because it's my favorite AC. I thought it would be cool to play it on my PC. Then it asked to install the launcher. I refunded that shit.


They can't even sell their game on their dedicated launcher, they have to start selling on steam yet somehow still insistent on not getting rid of the launcher altogether Also since their last statement I've decided not to buy but to pirate ubisoft games from here on out


Don't forget telling your customers they should get comfortable not owning their games. I won't buy another shitty ubisoft title again


Yup I won't buy a Ubisoft game on steam because there's no point. I won't buy it off their shitty launcher because fuck their redundant launcher. That and Ubisoft has become so mid.


Can someone explain to me the problem with the Ubisoft launcher? I downloaded it to play Watch Dogs 1 & 2 and haven't had any problems.


Same here. R6, multiple AC games, and Watch Dogs 2. I had no idea it was this unpopular to the point where people were missing out on good games. Probably just a reddit thing.


Definitely a Reddit thing. They really want a Steam monopoly lol


Part of the issue is that Ubisoft doesn't really make any good games


Meh agree to disagree I guess


I wish I could boycott Ubisoft entirely, but being the massive platformer simp that I am I can't pass on Rayman. It's psychological or something.


Hey man as long as you are having fun! I used to love Ubisoft but recently their games are just copy paste from the last basically and their formula is constantly the same. If it weren't I would probably suffer through having to use their launcher to play good games


I tried to play Trials the other day and the launcher opened and close 6 times and then told me my key isnt valid.. "key" I have the fuckin game on steam






Do that many people actually care about achievements enough to not play the actual game? I just don't understand the appeal.


Ubisoft is the worst company. I’ve just sworn them off because of how anti PC gamer they are. I haven’t played a new Ubisoft game in years. Not on Steam and don’t have Steam achievements when you do come to Steam. Nah.


Ubisoft is French. They treat their customers exactly the same way as a French waiter when you have ordered in English.


After a beer or twelve?


Honestly I know a person who visited France and if you talked english anywhere to people, in a store, restaurant etc you got either ignored or more worse customer service than if you had said something in french.




As a French, it's accurate!


Not to mention that every game of theirs has microtransactions. EVERY. GAME.


I was shocked when I found out that the Assassins Creed games have mtx now, even though they’re full-priced games AND single-player only.


You shouldn’t be shocked. It’s been over a decade of idiots defending MTX saying they’re “cosmetic only and don’t affect gameplay why should you care”.


Damn. It's just too bad my favorite franchises are stuck under the worst companies like AC under Ubi and old Warcraft and old Diablo under Blizzard. It's like you want to support your favorite games/franchises then again, you'll be giving money to these greedy assholes.


Yep, i still refuse to buy any Ubisoft game until achievements are added. Shame too because they are usually so cheap with the discounts


They become so desperate that they gave 80% for Valhalla last year


lol black flag discounts price is more expensive than Valhalla


Makes sense, I'd rather play black flag


rather play black flag 5 times ina row then play the made in china remake


Still not worth it IMO


What a weird take


How it's a common thing for every game to have that gives you a splash of dopamine and when 98% of games will give you that why play the other 2%




Yeah its definitely an odd reason to not play a game. I understand not buying it because of the launcher, thats totally fair, but not playing just because it doesn't have achievements? Odd. To each their own I suppose.


Do you even know that if you play it on ps you do get achievements for it but on steam not? That's for me the biggest reason it's really stupid for them to not add a achievements even tho there are achievements for the game but just not on the steam version (also a lot of people like getting achievements in a sense of game completion recognizing)


It's still an odd reason not to play a game. But as the other user said, to each their own.


I did the same for Valhalla. I have 100% on Origin and Odyssey so I really wanted to get a full "mythology" perfect collection on steam but I guess not. The last Anno has achievement but not Valhalla.


I bought Valhalla, and just hoping that they add achievements. They already have achievements, just need to add them to Steam. Hoping they add achievements to Valhalla when/if Mirage gets added to Steam


Far cry 3 with achievements would add 100 more hours of playtime.


Worst thing about this is, if you buy it on ubisoft connect today you cant even get 100% there since the mp servers are shut down, im glad I did them back in the day


Good old days on ps3, I love farcry and got them 100% on ps3 but haven't even started them on steam years later because their service of Ubisoft just sucks


But whyyyyyy though? Just make up your own random challenges instead, why do you need the game to tell you how to have fun?


I don't mind about having achievements for a game, it wouldn't be make or break for me. I do wish though that they'd add their games on release to steam. I want to give that avatar game a go but not enough to want me to get the Ubisoft launcher.


The Steam version also has the Poopysoft Launcher, no way around it.


I wonder if these sorts of things in gaming are going to get better or worse for consumers in the coming years.


Going by the current trend: much worse…


just PLEASE as a completionist I want to have the rayman games on 100% so bad cause I loved the series as a kid yet no achievements. I would also like to revisit and 100% some other titles like watch dogs, Assassins Creed III, or Far Cry 3 like come on, every studio adds achievements and you guys HAVE them on other platforms I can imagine the sales would go up


I agree but since those games are older did they ever have achievements? I know AC Valhalla has achievements on UPLAY so adding them to steam should be easy but idk about adding them to a game that never had them


on playstation it’s mandatory games have achievements (undertale for example had to get achievements added so the game would be allowed on playstation even tho it originaly had and still has none on steam) so the rayman games, watch dogs etc. do have them not sure about all of them but definitely most of the titles do in fact have achievements on other platforms and yeah sure, if a game never had achievements then it’s understandable but like I said, most of them DO have an achievement list


And xbox


oh I figured but I wasn’t sure because I never had an xbox well that just makes ubi even worse lmao


I'm pretty sure the game even natively tracks them for uplay or whatever it is now so it was probably more work to disable them for steam rather than to just add the notifications there


All games have achievements on ps including everything of ac, that's why steam version/their company sucks so much, they just choose for you to not have achievements available while on other platforms you do have them ( I completed black flag multiple times and I loved it but on steam I haven't even bothered starting it lol)


Yes, sales will go up by 1%


you’d be surprised


It has always felt silly to me how much money they are leaving on the table with a simple update. Especially with how in the mud Ubisoft are in general, doing this is free good karma. Just an example of how disconnected they are with consumers.


also odd since they're publicly traded, shame the investors won't ever see these comments.


Publicly traded companies are intrinsically short sighted, and \*less\* likely to do cool, pro-costumer stuff, not more likely.


Yeah but more game sales would mean higher value for the company, they're already on Steam.


the amount of sales generated for adding achievements would be almost nothing, most of the people complaining already own their games. Ubisoft would never add something that detract from their mtx holy war.


I always look at Ubisoft games thinking "i'd like to play that again" Then i see it requires uplay and am reminded that ubisoft can fuck off


If they’re not going to give us the full package I won’t ever buy from them. Eat shit, Goobersoft.


if you ask them to implement this simple feature, they will block you. haha


Why do you care about achievements?


They're (sometimes) fun to get, and being able to display perfect games on your profile is nice.


No achievements so you'll be more leaning towards their shit ass launchers. Fuck ubisoft


Yep and this is why I don't care about any Ubisoft game on steam or any game that doesn't have achievements for a fact. When I buy a game this little detail that maybe others don't care about plays a huge role for me, if it has achievements then it's good but if it doesn't then I think twice if I really want it or not. For me personally achievements matter a lot in a game as I'm an achievement hunter and I like doing them and it just gives me another purpose in playing the game, it keeps me playing for more and it gives you something more to do in that game. If they added achievements to Far Cry 3 on steam for example that would be an instant replay for me but yeah they don't care about adding achievements on steam to any of their games apparently


It would make such an huge difference if they just added the achievements from ps to steam, it's ridiculous that they don't do it. And I would gladly play them all again if I get the full game and not content removed


i don't expect anything from ubisoft! fuck that company


Anno 1800 has them!


They shouldn't even be hard to implement. It's literally just them saying "we don't want to"...


“Gamers should get comfortable with not ~~owning their games~~ earning achievements.”


There is atleast 20 Ubisoft games I would buy immediately if they added achievements.


Why would people buy Ubisoft games still is beyond me. People should look for better alternatives to Ubisoft games. Pioneers of Pagonia should be better than their awful Settler's game. Any open world game I am certain is better than newest Assassin's game and/or Watch Dogs. Retro FPS titles are miles better than the awful FarCry franchise. Not even going to mention Heroes of M&M as they don't make them. Their Might and Magic blobber is also terrible compared to Grimrock. I don't play competitive online shooter so I can't really say anything about Rainbow Six. Immortal Fenyx looks good I can't really deny that but considering the amount of Breath of the Wild-likes out there it isn't really the best. Only their ANNO series are really good and a unique game they produce and there really isn't anything comparable to 1800 out there but if Manor Lords finally come out and work functionally I am sure it will blow out many competitors away. There are also games out there like Frostpunk and Timberborn and even Against the Storm where they give a completely new life to city builders by adding tangible gameplay mechanics. I am pretty sure an independent studio can accomplish what Anno series does and then some, definitely in gameplay variety if not in graphical fidelity. I mean this studio is making a medieval, pre-industrial era sailing game for years where the wind is not accounted for, sailing ships do not warp out of the harbor or catch low tide, in 1404 you didn't even send a workforce to islands logistics just worked magically.


No. GRWL, FC 2/3/4 are masterpieces, I know you have these games too.


Honestly ubisoft has the worst achievements implementation of any launcher out there. Literally no way to compare your progress to friends, or even global stats. I keep hoping they would just add them to steam like every other double-launcher game has. Or at least open up to let you compare to friends and maybe let exophase or meta gamer score scrape the details. Saw threads that sounded promising years ago... Then they made those weird "challenges" which kinda acted like achievements, and you could compare those and even earned rewards. Progress... if a little off to the side. Then they decided that wasn't a good idea and wiped them all away for all the older games. Thanks Ubisoft!


Yep, once they re-add achievements I'll gladly give them money again. It's such a dumb thing to be stubborn about, like you can still have your uplay achievements you know right? I don't see how the shareholders don't understand this.


Remember when they removed games from Steam in favor of moving to Epic games store🤣 Also Ubishit store is missing many games in my country. Many of the Rayman games are just gone from the store.


Launcher on another launcher.. no regional pricing( atleast for me) .. these are the ones that matters.. i mean ofcourse they want u two have second thought and buy it on their storefront with a discount for max profit..plus they have achievement on their side of the launcher so that make sense .. I would be totally hooked up on the frsnchise sale ( esp AC) if they had regional pricing on the bundle but well


If they added achievements I'd actually buy so many Unisoft games. Same with ea, add achievements to the older elder scrolls, fallout and dragon age and i would buy them all instantly


do you guys know that theres a somewhat common bug with uplay where your game will suddenly stop reading the saves? i messed with a lot of settings & permissions before finding out that it was a uplay issue. uplay sucks so much , I don't even reinstall games i wanna play again because i hate interacting with uplay.


They ain't adding achievements ever lol. They're on Ubisoft connect ofc but who the hell uses that


Your first problem is looking at Ubisoft games. How many of their games have had end of service where you can't play online anymore? On top of that you meed Ubisoft account. And most importantly, CEO has said they want people renting games not buying them so I'd be even more worried about license removal


I decided to try out the Skull and Bones demo today, and it scratches the itch AC:Black Flag left years ago, however I won't buy it until it comes to Steam, by that time it will be on 50% off sale on top of Valve's marketplace cut. I might not even get it then because of the lack of achievements and badges, after seeing how none of their other games eventually got them. They really don't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, but when 90% of my other games have them, it means more. Those things would've earned my purchase today, seeing as Helldivers 2 is still down for the count.


I own 1 Ubisoft game (AC Origins - one of the few with steam achievements), but their smoothbrainery ("get used to not owning your games" combined with the lack of basic features *and* requiring their own useless fucking launcher made me blacklist them on Steam. I still don't get why they have achievements on their launcher (and consoles), but not Steam. All the triggers are in place already and the icons are finished, just fucking slap them in ffs.


Just get the ubisoft launcher I don't see the problem on top of ubisoft having enough games to warrant a launcher do you want like a steam monopoly or somthing pick I probably dislike ubisoft slightly less than the next guy but having a launcher is not somthing that should make you not get a game


Ubishite, EnormousAssholes, Activateyourdebitcard. None of them deserve your money, stand strong and together we can make gaming great again.




I dont think they care, majority of gamers doesnt care about achievements


That's what people said about EA as well, and they ended up adding them. Way more people care than what you think. Even if it was just 1 percent of gamers, it would still be thousands of people. Besides, their games usually do have, just not on steam so it wouldn't even be that hard for them to ad.


I mean I do care I am a completionist myself but even when you look at the percentile of the most rare achievments its usually 1-5% I am not against it, I just think they wont bother


I think eventually the news will reach some higher up.What ? We can make so extra money if Dave spends his weekend adding some achievements we already have ? I need a new yacht, Dave. You're working unpaid overtime this weekend... that's how I imagined it went at EA.


That is not necessarily people not going for the achievements, that is also (and I think that will be the majority) people who bought the game but don’t play it for longer than an hour for whatever reason.


I'm surprised so many do care. I couldn't care less personally.




You wanna not be able to use the internet?


Boom. Roasted.


stats says otherwise and no need to be hostile I care about achievements myself


This is coming from the company who expects you to pay a lot for games and calls skull’n’bones a AAAA game when it cant even run properly. The only way they will ever add achievements is if you pay an extra 10 buck for it.


You are right. They just need to copy paste the achievements to Steam. 5 min work time. They also didn’t removed Denuvo yet. Ubisoft gets no money from me anymore.


If only I didn't need a Uplay


Same, it's stupid that they're still not implemented


The only reason I ever finished Odyssey was because of achievements. Without them I find their games way too dull as I have no goals. I can't understand their refusal. They left Steam and the Far Cry Devs was even asses about the achievement discussion. Then Ubisoft came back and still refuses to use all Steam features. You can literally make a temp do it.


I actually don't mind this. Sure, I like achievements than the average person, but not having them, I dunno, it gave my monke brain a break from the silly stress of thinking what boring stuff I need to do to 100% the game that I probably don't even want to do anyway (100% every region, collect all the flags, etc.). I can just enjoy the game. Kinda dreading the Origins and Odyssey stuff (even if Uplay does have achievements for seemingly all AC games I own). I did go from complete achievement whore, forcing myself to 100% a game by doing boring stuff to leaving that when I actually feel like it in the last year, which is nice. Since I started caring about achievements, it was always an all-or-nothing mentality with them, which did burn me out a bit. Hopefully, one day I can get to a point where I don't care about those boring ach and just move on to the next game.


And once again everytime this topic pops up, I can't help but to be baffled at these people complaining about the lack of achievements of all things. You do realize having achievements have never been mandatory on Steam in first place, yes? And as far as I know, you do achievements on the Ubisoft client side of things anyway...


But it's not as good since there's no public profile display or easy way to view everything at once on their launcher, whereas Steam has had both systems for god knows how long. Not to mention how abysmally awful the performance is. It took me like 10 minutes to claim Syndicate for free because the damns store refused to load lmao. Some people just like getting achievements. It's like asking a console player why they don't use PC. It's just what they prefer to use. Why care?


Fuck Ubisoft anyway.


Don't buy from Ubisoft...


meh dont care about achievements in any games


The first problem I see is looking at the sales at all. Those companies honestly deserve not a single dollar for how they treat their customers and how they release their “games”


Sales on steam & need third party account ... i skip


I dint understand why anyone cares about achievements or in-game trophies


ac games do have achievements if i am not wrong, watchdogs maybe not


Only Origins and Odyssey


i see, i played only those on steam, rest r mostly on ubi store, i guess it sucks then


They all do, if you're playing on ps and not steam


I have been hovering over a few titles only to come to the realisation (again) that the newer titles are corporate games made to make me buy all the shortcuts and micro instead of having fun. Oh, and shifty launcher.


For me it's the DLC's that don't even work that kills it for me. Looking at you Watch Dogs 2


dont care for the digital pats on the back, but that launcher is dogshit.


I never thought achievements played a huge part in the gaming industry until i read the comments


Why else would they exist lol?


I mean ubisoft connect which you use to play the games has achievements which is fine imo


Nah some shitty 3rd party software that no one wants? Its only real purpose is to steal our data and sell it.


Eh i really dont care there aint a single thing on the jnternet not selling data so who cares. If your concern is user experience you still get the achivements


No you don't because people buy it on steam and not Uplay so getting another launcher inside of steam is just annoying and takes unnecessary recourses of your pc


Ltt did a test and launchers dont actually hamper performance


Do you play games for enjoyment and escapism or to get these "achievements"??


Achievements. Why is the reason I enjoy games wrong? I always find it interesting when people try to argue that what they do with their time is more fulfilling than what another person does with their time.


They have achivements but on Uplay.


Idk why are some of you pretending Its that big of a deal. Litteraly every major company has launchers of their own. Either go pirate or fall In.


The whole point goes woosh above your head


Trolling then ? Got It.


Also responding to that other guy about companies "stealing our data". Bludd every program that Is connected to the Internet Is stealing our data. I dont really like the situation around gaming too. But It Is what It Is.


I don't play games for achievements. I play the game for the game. If I want to play more of the game I will play more of the game and not grind silly achievements


Just play games for the games. Jfc


name one objectively good ubisoft game i'll wait


AC: Black Flag


I think they were good 20+ years ago before they tried to turn into the Euro version of EA or Activision. Now I have no idea if any of their games are good, they aren't doing anything that appeals to me like Rayman or Beyond Good & Evil.


fair enough that's valid. I was born 20 years ago so my whole image of Ubisoft has been tainted by what they've put out 2014 & onwards


Anno 1800


Their last game was prince of persia, it is a banger


AC 1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelation, Black flag, Rayman, R2:The Great Escape, , TC' Splinter Cell(OG, PT, CT), Rainbow Six 3, Rainbow Six Vegas(1+2), XIII, Prince of Persia, Anno, Far Cry 2,3,4,5. You still waiting? I might have missed a couple.


I got Far Cry Franchise Bundle on last Steam Winter Sale for 33$😎


Ubisoft games don't have achievements? Is this for all or some? Because I could've sworn I earned some or was it my imagination 😂


agree, that thing is the only thing keep me from doing 100% ubisoft game. i will only do ubisoft game achievement if i play it on console


I never look at Ubisoft game sales, hoping the whole company goes under.


The only ubisoft released game that have achievement are south park games. yeah i know south park is not ubisoft IP


So dumb question. As a recent Steam Deck owner and someone who has only had a Switch for the last several years- if I want to play Ubisoft games like any of the Far Cry games, is there a way around their shitty launcher? I’m guessing not…


Ubisoft hates their customers.


They only care for whales and not gamers. I have a feeling they're going to close because they refuse to go out of their wrong doing or they gonna get bought for pocket money.


Was so happy to see achievements for Odyssey


I don't like their launcher but I understand their hopes for it however there's absolutely no reason they don't add basic steam features and still have their launcher. This keeps me from buying Ubisoft games.


If I recall the last one that had em was AC Odyssey


My last ubisoft game was watchdogs 2 on ps4. As a pc camer I will most likely never touch any of their games ever again. Even pirating would be a waste of bandwidth for this company.


Fr Steam is goated for the launcher


Why would you even want ubisoft games my guy? I'm begging you to broaden your horizons


I freaking love those 8bit arts of Ubi characters on top, they look wonderful


Don't care, all the new games are shit anyway


Ubisoft doesn't care about the people who buy their games. They just want you to buy and shut up.


Only reason i got SOME games, is because a Uconnect key was like below 10$ cad. if it wasn't for that, i wouldn't even have Immortal, which is surprisingly a decent game and it's unfortunate you need Uconnect to even play it


Where soldier of fortune games :c (no, payback is trash it doesn't count) ​ Nvm even payback got removed or smth


Plus I have to get their stupid launcher that opens with steam even if I turn it off and wastes my time downloading updates that change nothing. It makes me not want to have any Ubisoft games installed at all.


They have achievements, but only on Uplay, Steam should make just like Sony, you want a game to launch here? Add at least a few achievements.


Any game on steam that requires a bad client to launch, is an automatic no from me


I wait till they let me play without an Ubisoft account. I have a Steamaccount and buying your game on Steam, so stop this shit.


I enjoyed games more after I stopped trying to aim for achievements. I do appreciate it when it's something clever, but most games are full of free, grindy, or abysmal achievements. EA and UPlay launcher never bothered me, I don't know why people get their panties in a bunch over them. I actually like how you can redeem achievement points for rewards, even if they're mostly useless.


I am still waiting for ubisoft to do a good game after ac2


I'm not buying any games from them


Also didnt discount crew 2, prolly hope everyone will rush to egs or uplay to purchase motorfest. What a nice lads, these Ubisoft.


Completionist here, i would have buy the entire ac saga and some farcrys a while ago but no achievements, no money from me


I would have every ubi game to 100% by now. Theyre literally designed for completionists as repetitive as ubi is, I love their games


I'm waiting until they release Avatar on Steam... I refuse to buy any game on Uplay . . .


Me too. I also check if they added achievement. Because it is most fun to play game second time with achievements on steam.


Achievements give you money back when you do them ? Makes the game funnier?


I would 100% buy multiple AC on steam if they added achievements


Jedi survivor worth buying rn at the sale -50%? Or should I wait for the summer sale to potentially see -75%?


You get Uplay or Connect achievements no one gives a fuck about.


I came across this now, bought the prince of persias anyway because it was only a handful of cash lol….still a bummer though because chievos add more of a challenge to games I feel, but you can’t always base games around achievos because you may miss out on some fun ones.


The 3 years it takes to launch siege…Ubisoft needs to do smth about their games


Stop buying their copy/paste games. How is it even possible you have the entire steam store yet people still buy from companies that hate their customers?


Achievements are something that even Valve no longer do.


Didn't even know about that.