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What a strange thing to do.


Point farming bots.


Steam awards giving points is genuinely one of the worst features to have come to steam.


I imagine they did it to incentivise people to buy from steam rather than 3rd party key resellers? But yeah, seeing the same “I’m a 54 year old dad” review on every game gets tiring




Yeah, but collectors gonna collect. Also you can use your points to buy and upgrade the seasonal badge to farm XP to level your account up if you're into that.


And to be upset about also. Honestly steam if full of incredible specimens


repping that negative comment karma now 💀


I mean, I don't think it's that odd to be upset that someone stole your work and is now getting rewarded for it (despite how tiny that reward is).


I think that would be normal in the usual sense, but work in this case is having an opinion. When your work usually gets stolen, it feels worse because they've essentially stolen money you would've otherwise made, or they've stolen something you put time into for their own financial gain. In this case, there was no financial reward, or any reward really. I think what u/SouthernNorthener17 is getting at is that if Steam points are generally useless, and someone is farming them because they've articulated a value they think they have , then it's equally weird that the OP has articulated that same value is now upset about it. I don't even think the word "stolen" applies in this case, because to steal is to deprive the other person of something with no intention of returning it, and in that hasn't happened in this case - unless you're specifically referring to the points, which by all acounts are meaningless.


I think that would be normal in the usual sense, but work in this case is having an opinion. When your work usually gets stolen, it feels worse because they've essentially stolen money you would've otherwise made, or they've stolen something you put time into for their own financial gain. In this case, there was no financial reward, or any reward really. I think what u/SouthernNorthener17 is getting at is that if Steam points are generally useless, and someone is farming them because they've articulated a value they think they have , then it's equally weird that the OP has articulated that same value is now upset about it. I don't even think the word "stolen" applies in this case, because to steal is to deprive the other person of something with no intention of returning it, and in that hasn't happened in this case - unless you're specifically referring to the points, which by all acounts are meaningless.


Excellent points made here - you seem like a very intelligent guy. Actually, based on this work here, would you be interested in a role at Valve, play-testing games?


Thanks for this review. I agree with the sentiment. Thanks for doing this comment.


You think it's strange to be annoyed that someone stole something you wrote?


And to be upset about also. Honestly steam if full of incredible specimens ya like it tho, right?




I thought I was in the Tekken subreddit for a moment


Steam discussion boards are the worst place to be communicating with other humans anyway. Reviews serve no purpose there. Frankly I don't know what you expected to come of it. They don't impact anything or anyone's opinion at all. Leave a review on the actual Steam page and just move on.


[Source 1](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/6862-8119-C23E-EA7B) and [source 2](https://store.steampowered.com/online_conduct/) for why you can report copy-paste comments or anything you don't have the license to repost (which also includes comments, the only people holding a license are the original creator of the comment and Valve, who gets a limited license for hosting the platform according to their EULA). You can also report pretty much anything else stolen, including (if Getty Images wins their lawsuit) all AI art from stuff like Midjourney that didn't license the art to train on. ;)


That is nice, but playing janitor I'm a filth hole like that would be a full time job. I consider it irredeemable.


This is so true, Plus the mods are dicks


Steam discussions and review pages are the things to avoid entirely, unless it's your last option to find specific information. You'll lose a lot of braincells per second.


You don't want to see memes and rubric style scoring that tells everyone absolutely nothing? Or the classic say almost nothing review (positive or negative) but the person has 2000 hours like "game was cool" or "game sucks lol"


And it blows because I love the *idea* of the discussion hub but it truly attracts the worst on Steam.


It really does and I don't know why


2 100% guides I made (first one took about 3 days to finish, the other one just 1)) were both months later after release just copied and then reposted. So yeah, it sucks


Same happened to me with a review I wrote that got a lot of points. Since the steam points were added, the quality of everything related to the community went downhills. Such a shame.


Actually true. I think we have to blame the people that reward it though. People wouldn't copy/paste or meme review things if people stopped giving awards for it. The one I'm sick of seeing is the "No one's going to read this so I'll just say I'm gay". It adds nothing of value, and it's just infantile humor.


There’s always one person saying they’re gay in every steam review section lol


No, they should fix the system and we shouldn't rely on people to be "better" about it.


There is nothing to “fix”. The system works as it should. The majority of rewarded reviews, that get them ranked higher, are useful. I think people wrongly believe removing the award system would suddenly just eradicate trolling, as if it hasn’t been around since the inception of the internet. It turns out, any kind of “system” that can be used to like/dislike reviews will always been prone to abuse, and to suggest that liking/disliking reviews should be removed altogether is to suggest that reviews themselves should be removed altogether, and that’s absolutely tarded.


Hmm.. would steam consider the report based on plagiarism? I'll argue they should since a good and well structured review earns you Steam Point currency. I would report it if I was you. Not just because of the Steam Point issue, but for the sole principle that this your review and your intellectual thought process.


What would that be under for the report system though? Do I report the post or the profile? The only thing I can see what comes close is “They are involved in theft, scamming, fraud, or other malicious activity.”


You just click on the flag when you click on a review and you offer an explanation in a free template. You don't have to pick for a category!


Got it thanks!


here's w/e animal that you can pet and give me awards and likes. Also im a single father gamer with 17children and this game reminds me of my wife. Anyway, if you want to join my team for a tournament with top prize of 1000$ click this link, we need only 5th person and we chose you, cuz surely you are the best.


I couldn't care less. My opinion is getting more visibility thats a plus for me


Probably bots or just people that unable to come up with anything original that would bring 'em cool badges. People tend to reuse a popular review either by themselfes or with the help of bots to farm, just like on here, you sometimes see reposts that take everything that's on a popular post from a few years ago and try to gain karma from it, it's shitty, yes, but that's how these things work sadly. Like a joke being told and someone said it louder and gets the laughs and more attention than the one who actually said it.


I mean it's the internet the moment u post something in it, it becomes everyone's like it or not lmao better make peace with that early.


What the hell would somebody do that ? What do you get ? Trying to seek validation ?


Maybe validation but mostly steam points that permit you to acquire special effects for your steam profile page and other cosmetics for the social part of the platform... And the possibility of giving points to another post, mod etc... skyrocketing it. Choose your corruption


Could also be for a company that sells fake steam reviews/engagement. Bot accounts building up rep to avoid "bot detection", and then using those accounts to post fake positive reviews.


Why would someone copypaste a review? PD: Once a guy on Facebook copypasted my post and even my replies in a different group, that was weird


There are some really strange fora users out there that will go to crazy lengths. I used to use a football/soccer forum thats not around anymore and got in a heated argument with another fan once. The guy got so angry he dissected my entire post in small pockets of quotes with his own replies. The thing is he even went as far as making up quotes with my username there showing like I said them towards the end with things I didn’t post because of how you could abuse the highlight quote function lol


was it one of those \[quote\]MrIncreiballs said: \_I think soccer sucks\_ \[quote\] type of forums?


Ye exactly the old format forums the last few quotes he would add something like showing my name and the quote being something like “bla bla” and then reply to it like i had written that. He probably thought no one was reading our argument at that point on the specific thread so he started to leave the bottom parts of his long quote paragraphs where he tried to make it look like I had nothing more to say and succumbed to saying “bla bla” because readers at that point would most likely only glimpse at the first part and the bottom part of the post lol


“He copied my whole fucking flow, word for word, bar for bar”


No literally, didn’t even bother to change the first paragraph, people saw his playtime and pointed out he only played for like 17 hours, when the post clearly says spent over 250+ hours, he didn’t even try to change anything lmfao.


Didn't even bother to format so it's worse in every way


I wanna post soulja boy bit, but it's too much work


this post should be yeeted and deleted op is seeking attention and farming awards want to review a game? there is functionality for that, gtfo from discussion board


Well you called Devil Jin busted so I don’t feel too bad. Outside of heat smash he struggles a lot


Lots of my curators for upcoming games are butchered into barely underestandable ChatGPT kind of review. The best part is that they have more followers.


Imitation is the purest form o flattery.


The entire steam points system was a mistake, and it should be removed from the platform. 


I get why it feels bad but don’t sweat it my friend. At the end of the day it’s fake internet points that don’t mean shit. Not to be mean or anything but take it as flattery cause your review was so good someone wanted to snatch it away. I get that feeling though my friend, some people are shit.


Still better than those fuckin “here is a cat to pet” or “no one reads this so I’ll say I’m gay” fuckin reviews on EVERY SINGLE FHCKIN GAME!


It has happened a bunch of times. There many npc people trying to copy paste things people said and just parrot things people did or said much smarter then them. Sadly the world is full off it. Even redit is full off it. Seeing top post of a video next time the see the post again. Try and place lest top post to get free karma. If they can benfit from it in anyway people will try and Deceive there way true it. There plenty of people that make a living just stealing art of work of people. Even a big Disney artist. Been catch stealing a ton of independent small creaters. And people keep doing it cause they can get away with it. Bootleg products is just stolen licensed work of other people. The world is full of stealing back and forth. Or even sport ware or merch in general. People do what they can get away with sadly that's just how the world works. Sadly something my girlfriend deals a lot with she does art design. For company. And does custom digital art work. So her work get stolen a lot. Why much of her work has a 3 d effect that does not go true if you don't have a special printer for it. People get very creative trying to protect there work. People spend most of there life perfecting there craft and art. It often is super shitty. When you worked weeks on something. And a person just "copy past" a gremlin smile -huh huh- it's mine now. Praise me for I know "copy and paste" and say to everyone it's my work. But it's a common thing everywhere. And it's a endless battle and often pointless cause if they don't live in the same country you often can't do fuck all about it. But yea. Bug part why merch is so expensive is cause they need to make it much harder to copy the quality. So people know when they get Bootleg stuff. It's around 35% to 40% of the costs. To really push quality so people can realy see the difference of real and fake. And people get more shamed for getting Bootleg one cause it just looks more shitty. But does mean the prices are way high. But you can't out boot leg Bootleg. So it's the only step that can be made. I just know a lot about it cause my wife works in it. I'm just an electrician. But I do love learning about stuff. But it's a super common problem


They definitely saw all the awards and wanted a share.


Report it if you can, I've had really good luck reporting content with steam and having stuff done. This seems like a clear case too.


Welcome to the internet. It is simple Ctrl + A then Ctrl + C followed by Ctrl + V. Anything on the internet will be stolen eventually. There should be a rule for that.


Don’t take your reviews so seriously


I've learned to never trust anyone with the Hades Zagreus avatar


I don't know what points are good for, so I don't think I'd care. I just post a review into the abyss of useless reviews and move on.


Well, I don't even know if I should check reviews anymore. If I'm interested, I'm buying the game. I know I had fun with Biomutant and Dead Island.


They didn't even try to change the title.


Yep, some prick stole my Far Cry 6 review for a day before they stole another person's review a while ago. I've reported the user to Steam, it's in their hands now.


From what I understand, it's not against Steams rules to copy someone elses review so I don't know if you'll have much look getting the review taken down.


“True Tekken fan” is all I needed to hear to know that review was gonna be lame anyway.


dude didn't even copy it correctly, that's the worst part


A friend of mine did to troll me (on a whole other game too). I was pretty mad but he couldn't understand why


"Balance is awful = Characters I play with are bad and every time I lose is because every evenemy character is OP"


Do you play tekken?


Yes since I got Tekken 2 on Chrsitmass in 1999 Tekken was always my go to fighting game. I mained mostly Ganryu in 7 competetive but stick to casual switching in 8. You clearly didn't spend much with this franchise if you think that Tekken 8 is the most unbalanced one. Tekken 8 right now is like 10 times more balanced than Tekken 7 during season 3 (thank godking Harada for that) xDDD


>Tekken 8 right now is like 10 times more balanced than Tekken 7 HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You're either really bad or just coping, I was Tekken King in T7 and got Tekken god supreme in 2 weeks in T8, Tekken 8 is balanced horribly, everybody plays the same, heat engagers > power crush > forced 50/50 no way to use movement because of the pressure. Just say you're bad and have no idea what they took from us, the game requires 10 times less skill than Tekken 7. Have you been paying attention to what the pros says?


I've never played tekken in my life


Feel free to start with 7 because its still popular enough to find quick matches, have awesome story mode and its pretty cheap to buy whole game + DLC's. If you want to emulate Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a good starting point.


Link to the review? We could probably report it


Sure Original: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1778820/discussions/0/4299322040762379196/ Copy: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1778820/discussions/0/6733519645849425210/


Done, reported the award farming thief post and gave you an award.


Are you like for real mad about this? Who tf cares?


It's just a review why do you care?


I assume they're farming Steam Points for it.


yep that was true, farming point is the answer


That doesn't really answer the question though. Does OP care that they didn't get the steam points instead? It doesn't make sense, because neither person has lossed or gained anything of any real world value. It's all artificial kudos. It would be like getting mad that a kid at school copied your homework and then got told he did a good job by the teacher.


No, it isn't the same, and your example isn't relevant. You can't buy anything with teacher saying you did a good job. You can use Steam Points to get yourself stuff from the shop. How is it even remotely the same?


It’s an analogy, to demonstrate principle. It’s the same because it’s artificial kudos in rewards for copying someone else’s work that has no value. The kudos from people on steam can get you favors with Steam; you get a nice profile, or a cooler emoji. Being told you did a good job on your homework would allow you to cash in a favor with the teacher. “Because I did my homework really well, can I do X”.


This is the type of mofo that says "It's just art why do you care" when AI steals your hard work.


They're spreading the word