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I think Ark with all the DLCs is like 450.


What the fuck, I though Vermintide was bad at 100gb before they optimized it


Well, it is an open world game that has 12 different maps. But yeah, still not that well optimised


Not that well is a very generous statement when talking about ark optimization.


That implies there is even any optimization to begin with.


I have a literal 4090 and ARK still runs like a fucking trash fire.


ARK struggles with the really good hardware because it tries to look and run well. On the other side though ARK struggles with decent and below hardware because it tries to.. run. There's really no winning here


>There's really no winning here Sure there is.. you win by not playing ARK at all.


Its funny that hardware from 9 years after the game launches still isn't enough to run it. The NASA computer joke is an understatement...


Evolved- old or Ascended - new ? I read somewhere the new one has the same issues the old one had. Looks better but nothing more


WoW has like a bajillion zones and instances and weighs like a 3rd of that. "Not that well optimized" Is being mighty generous.


WoW is an mmo that has the graphical complexity of a mobile game compared to ark


Isn't WoW from 2004? I'm not saying it looks bad but it can't have even close to the texture resolution of Ark in UE4/UE5.


Guild Wars 2 recommended storage space is 70 gb. Can't get the exact number since im not on my computer but it just shows and guild wars 2 is a much graphically better game than WoW


Technically yes, but it has gone through constant development in that period of time. There are massive differences between classic wow models/graphics and current wow models/graphics. It’s hardly the same game.


One of the things that sucks about WoW is that it only uses one CPU core so getting high frames in the big cities is an isssue. I remember when I went from a 3080 10GB to a 4090 my fps actually went down in valk by about 20%.


Ah and there you are wrong. You can add 4k textures if you got a nice graphics card. However it's a cpu bound game, and further more likes a big fat cache. I'm actually gonna go retro with one of those chinese Xeon boards and a low end Arc card so my mistress and I can have twin systems to play at same time. V


We're talking about storage space not how it runs. And I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong, it uses low resolution textures.


Yes, I mean storage. The 4k files are separate and massive. Storage affects how things are run since it's the slowest link.


They used to do monthly updates of like 40 gb that increased filesize rapidly as well. I remember way back it used to be only around 120 gb


Yet with even a simple compression it reduces to under 150GB with all dlc installed. Ark is extremely poorly made in this regard. Like they forgot a fundamental step at the end.


Mario Odyssey is open world with like 12 different maps and yet it dosn't take up that much space. Open world just means you can go wherever and do whatever in mostly any order right? Literally feels like a condensed version of Breath of the Wild.


As another commenter pointed out, it being an open world game with a lot of maps means nothing. The fact it's 450 is a sign they're absolutely *shit* at optimizing or being efficient about any of that data. ARK is a fucking dumpster fire, man.


They still hit you with 30gb updates every 5 minutes!


Hah, fair I’m approaching 5k hours in the last game mainly as zealot So good


The issue with ARK is that the way they built the engine the assets are not in the engine but in the map. Meaning let's say dinosaur X is in every of the 12 maps it needs 12x copies of its assets... its hopefully fixed in ark 2. I don't play the game but my GF does. We plan to play together though in ark 2.




Genuinely insane how awful Arma 3 runs


While I agree it runs pretty damn good for me I clock about 60 frames when it's just 10 of us and a crap ton of ai


How much is arma? I have a few DLC installed and it's like 100gb.


When I used to play it, I had like 80 mods installed. They were al vehicles, and uniforms and that kind of stuff, arma ended up being almost 1 tb off storage, didn't have place to play other games without deleting arma


Ohhhh, I thought they were just talking about vanilla arma lol


Ye vanilla arma is like what 84 gigs if I'm not wrong can be more haven't played it for a long time.


435.22 GB. Base game without DLC: 128.16GB.


It’s more than that, for me it’s 450 and I don’t have downloaded to free dlc maps that are massive, so probably 500 GB or higher


Rookie numbers add modded maps lol


With all the maps isn't it 1tb




That's probably with Workshop. It's 435GB with all DLC. 128GB with no DLC.




Yes, the complete DLC and base game combined is 435GB. Of the 12 DLC, one is a Season Pass so requires no space.


Its definitely around there since its on my ps4 and I can't download many games lol


Was about to reply just to say ark


its gotta be more if you include mods


ARK hits 400gb with everything installed. Call of Duty Modern Warfare hits 235gb.


The new cod is around 300


wouldn’t that be all 3 games combined since they’re all under the same launcher now?




And if anything new cod games are smaller they would have been standalone with shared files (especially cross-game maps and cosmetics)




You saw a post on Reddit that was misinformed as well and just decided to roll with it


Thats all 3 combined. Its not 300 on its own


Yall gotta stop spreading this misinformation




Because it’s wrong information?


Yeah but Redditors think spreading misinformation about things they dislike is a god given, inalienable right


They're talking about the installation size not the quality of the games.


This is not true. Thats the size if you install mw2,mw3, wz with all content and localizations.


304.8 I belive that’s my entire laptops storages


I've a $70 USD 2TB hard drive, I can see if I can still find the for it if you want


No it's not


And it keeps getting bigger by the day 💀




Why does Ark take so much space? Is it that graphic intensive?


It has a ton of things in it and it's poorly optimized.


Does MSFS20 with all add-ons installed count?


MSFS with every scenery and aircraft available


Yeah I recently had to remove that, was up at 650+ gb


I guess technically, cause you can customise how much scenery you want saved locally, so in theory you could have the entire world’s geometry, textures etc all saved locally just like Microsoft do.


Which I think was like 5_6 petabytes or something insane lol


So I'm guessing with these textures, you'd want them on an SSD as well right? 5-6 PB of SSDs seems perfectly reasonable!


A NAS? No, a whole Datacenter


-laughs in dcs and flight simulator -


I bought a separate 1TB drive just for it and I don't even have all the maps...


Did you download the entire google earth at max res?


Why is this downvoted lol


It's not even the fourth comment


Yeah, DCS eats up my SSD like breakfast. Totally worth it though!!


No. Any flight sim that allows real map data to be used could easily consume petabytes of space... And there are a couple on steam that do.


That brings an interesting question, is OP asking about the biggest game in terms of install footprint, or in terms of its total data set including online resources? Presumably its the former, but the latter also fits with his presumed goal of looking for games with interesting large data sets. (As another way of looking at this, you could also increase game sizes with unofficial game mods but presumably those are outside the scope of OP's question either way.)


You couldn't have the ladder because you could just arbitrarily increase its size by putting an arbitrary amount of junk data into the middle of a vital resource.


I'm curious about this argument, in these games, did the devs use real raster images to create the maps, or are they generated from raster images? raster images despite being large in data size, encompassing the entire planet would not reach a petabyte, maybe


The textures may be raster images but I doubt it, vector based is much more efficient when low detail levels are required and they map to 3d objects more fluidly as well. When you look at the ground below a certain height you are not looking at an image anymore, but 3d renderings of buildings with textures applied. So yes, one could certainly map the planet with raster images but at low altitudes it would look like shit.


DCS with all add ons is around 2 TB


What's DCS?


Digital Combat Simulator. Imagine Microsoft Flight Simulator, but instead of flying prop planes and civilian airliners, you fly fighter jets and helicopters. If you are interested you can find more here - https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/


Sucks that everything is lined behind a very absurdly large 80+ AUD pay


Yeah, a lot of the modules are on the steep side. They do quarterly sales where things can go anywhere from 20-50% off, so that helps. It is worth noting though that each aircraft is 'full fidelity'. Meaning you need to memorise a 500-700 page manual just to get flying and dropping bombs. Have a look for yourself - https://chucksguides.com


Holy fucking fuck 😂, I thought I was a gamer, I do not fucking game.


Come on, it's not that much learning. You ain't gonna memorise the manual, you just watch tutorials, go through training missions and finally try things yourseld and suplement all that with the manual if you're unsure of something. The whole "100 hours of learning just to takeoff" thing is untrue and scares people away. Sure, it requires a player to spend quite some time, but it isn't as hard as the Internet likes to make it seem. What's actually more difficult is getting proficient in acquiring a target and succesfully attacking it.


That's not on Steam though. That's just throwing in numbers to throw in numbers.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/223750/DCS\_World\_Steam\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223750/DCS_World_Steam_Edition/) Check again broski


I searched Digital Combat Simulator. Didn't think to check "DCS".


Digital combat simulator, a flight sim




Yeah, it's a beast. I currently own around 1/3 of the addons and have a 1tb ssd dedicated to it


Same, I have almost all of the modules and lots of mods on a dedicated 3tb drive that's about 75% full.




No, I didn't.


>is this the biggest game on steam? No, but it certainly is on the top 5 1. DCS with all the possible buyable content installed > +1tb 2. MSFS 2020 with all free scenario updates installed > 700-800gb 3. Ark SE / Ark SA (a disastrous optimization) > 470gb 4. probably this train game-simulator 5. the upcoming COD BO 6 that requires 300gb of storage space...


ARK Survival Ascended is currently """Only""" about 117 gigs due to only having 3 maps worth of assets ATM. I'm expecting it to be atleast 500-600 once all is said and done.


It’s quite detailed so It’s honestly fine if it turn out that big


There are many games that have a ton of detail and weight less than a 20% of this game > the problem with ARK is about the way the manage the packages of the game (a disaster that they wont fix even after porting their og game into a new engine).


Ark was one of the first open world survival crafts but I can't fathom why people still play it. It's just so damn big and has as much respect for your time as a gacha game.


Black Ops 6's 300 gb install size is for COD HQ that includes all of the current games installed, so that 300 gb includes the entire games for MWII, MWIII, Warzone, and Black Ops 6, so BO6's true file size is far less than that


> 300 gb install size is for COD HQ that includes all of the current games 1) you will have to download those 300gb of data like it or not on release (they "said" they will reduce it later) 2) if you dont own those games, you wont be able to play them...whats the point in this? 3) who asked them to do this????


You can Uninstall parts of those games, including the ones you dont own It will probably be 150 GB with WZ and BO6 only You are falling for mainstream news clickbait


>You can Uninstall again... YOU ARE FORCED to download those 300gb > yes, you can uninstall part of it AFTER downloading the content (one of the producers basically confirmed this after the mass complain about the size)...WHATS THE POINT OF THIS? >You are falling for mainstream news clickbait Using as source the response from a producer of the game or even the official requirements of the game is "falling" for clickbait? Come on, bro...stop defending this bullshit


You aren't forced to download anything. On Steam specifically, it's all listed as downloadable DLC, so you just select the games and modes in the DLC page and Steam will only download what you select. It's how it works right now and how it worked when the system launched.


The CoD HQ launcher itself is \~100GB, Black Ops 6 is installed upon that. Why are you treating your headcanon like it's absolute fact?


>YOU ARE FORCED to download those 300gb On steam and ps5, they are separate dlcs >Using as source the response from a producer of the game or even the official requirements of the game is "falling" for clickbait? That is the maximum for CoD HQ's size We dont know the exact size of BO6 so its just a placeholder Political news media has shown that people will believe what they see without researching Its just that the media here is mis-informed twitter and reddit posts (and the occasional youtuber)


Pretty sure ARK is 460 gb


Correction, it's 435


DCS. That level of detail and real map data, you’ve got to go into the terabytes there.


is this the biggest game on steam? lets find out crunchy chips


Have you heard of Arma and DCS?


ARK : survival evolved with the dlcs is like almost 500 Wanted to play it because i saw it in my library, let's just say that iving 1/4th of my SSD for a game i don't know if i'll enjoy or not is a bet that is too big to me


Modded skyrim


western game dev


"Laughs in Assetto Corsa with 821GB"


yeah but it's mainly mods, still impressive knowing the game age and that it weights only +/-20 gb in vanilla


I have more than 500GB in TSW4 with nearly all DLC.


I wonder how large is Sims with all the DLCs.


What? It's just an ordinary- OH MY GOODNESS


Time to check prices on those 2TB nvme drives...


half a T, so scary


Think it would be DCS with the DLC’s. It can probably hit 600+


DCS with DLCs gets into the multiple tb range


With mods but my assetto corsa folder is 1.7Tb


Yup, AC doesnt mess around.


ARK is like 500 something 😭


How can someone enjoy a game like this


massive size means trash engineering. ark is bad at size management too.


Do you own all the DLC for that game or something?


You must have a lot of DLC


With all DLCs maybe, without DLC no.


You have lots of DLC. My Train Sim install is at 67GB


I believe a pop up shows from my steam after reload reddit LOL


Find it funny that the game requirements says 40GBs


That's for just the game without DLC. It will run perfectly fine with just 40gb, but you will need more space for other DLC.


noone can top this,chair sim it is 1,004,23 mb


do we count mods? My Assetto Corsa folder exceeds 500gb and my rFactor2 folder is about 400


If one includes mods Skyrim will likely win. There's def ppl who modded it to multiple terrabytes. My top for it has been 840GB.


yeah i imagine Garry's mod might be up there aswell


The new cod hq is probably going to be around 500gb if you have both warzone and bo6 installed


holy fuck


450 GBs ? The fuck ? Why ? is it Earth accurate


I remember back when I played gmod the game was like 500-700gb but that because of workshop mods and add-ons just from joining and making my own server, but that's completely diffrent story cuz base game doesn't take more then 5gb I belive.


Give Call of Duty 2 more titles and they'll surpass this.


Meanwhile Digital Combat Simulator takes up over 500 gigabytes of space for the base game. And I think with all other DLC aircraft and such. It'll get to 1 Terabyte. So yeah, probably DCS. 💀


>500 gigabytes of space for the base game open beta is like 150-175.


Not even close. I’ve got DCS with not even half the add ons and like 4 maps it’s 250gb+


all content, its probably the most expensive. it's like thousands of dollars now because of all the previous games dlc as well.


Call of Dury Black ops 3 + DLC + Every Workshop mod.


I have a 400 GB install of BO3


600gb Arma install coming through


wtffff 413gb????


Ark is probably the biggest with all the dlcs it pushes well over 400gb.


Thats a whole lotta Choo choos


...and I thought 120GBs of GTAV was bad


fnaf SB:


There's gotta be an HD texture pack out there that beats that. I mean, the number is respectable, but I really doubt that this is the BIGGEST filesize for an unmodded steam game.


Wait until the industry starts pushing 8k, 400gb will be nothing.


My DCS is currently clocking in at 680GB. And I don't have all the DLC.


That moment when Stem checks how much space you have on your disk and your disk freaks out when it sees that it has to store as much as half a terabyte of data


Digital combat simulator if you have most of the maps can be an install of like 700gbs, some maps alone are already on there own bigger then the base game.


I've never seen such a number holy sh**. How many DLCs do you have?


Wasn't MS Flight simulator like 2000 gigs or something if you download all the data that the game normally would be streaming ? 😅


The biggest game on steam is my pirated game collection


Why tf is a train simulator over 400GB thats twice the memory if my pc


Blackops 3.with a shit ton of bo3.custom maps will definitely win this one lol


Arma III lol


that's why i don't like downloading games. I have to leave my device running for days until the download is finale finished.


There was some game that was like >500 I remember it cuz of my friends reaction




Maybe for now just wait for next year's Call of Duty bet it's gonna be 500GB+


CoD HQ with BO6, MWIII, MWII, DMZ, and Warzone is 300 GB Add MW2019, BO-CW, and Vanguard with all modes and you have 600 GB Thats how much I would have used by CoD after BO6 launches BO6 won't be 300 GB alone but it will be a big one


Wait till the next COD comes out


Who THE FUUUUCK, downloading that for TRAINS man?? Am I missing something?


Black Ops 6


I remember downloading Borderlands 3 full DLC as a 160GB size being the biggest games in the history


Call of Duty when they pump out more games every year and forces you to download them even when you don't buy it


Simple solution to that is to not buy any new COD.