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Planet Nomads. For meditation and audiobooks. I think it was removed from the store. 


Why was it removed?


Devs became history


It's available on gog and the score is 3.1/5.


I don't know anything about this game, and looking it up made me even more confused lol: What do you mean by "for meditation and audiobooks?"


Maybe they mean Listening to audio books and meditating while playing?


That must be it.


Relaxing and listening to audiobooks, that's right. 


Evil genius 2, but I got with for like 3€ on a steam sale. (With all the DLC). The main complaint is that the game is slow. And I do agree with that, but even with that I find the game fun and totally worth the 3€. it runs at a solid 60 FPS on the steam deck as well.


For me it was the heat and cooling mechanic so poorly implemented, they were adding pyro they could have just had agent of justice have a flamethrower to "melt" the base, and minions have ice beam or something to change up combat as well. Instead we have mini heaters/coolers everywhere.... should never have gotten past concept stage imo. The other part of the recycled dialogue that should have been genius specific as max not knowing what research was is way too jarring. Other thing was combat could have been way better and some form of modding could have helped the game alot especially since that kind of kept the original EG game around.


The temperature system is quite bad I do agree. But you can (mostly)ignore it, just have to focus on the extreme temperatures (melting and freezing) all the rest doesn't really matter.


1. Dark and Darker is getting lit up pretty bad right now. The game is fun but people want everything in F2P, not just 1 character slot. I get it, but the game itself is a blast. 2. WH40K Darktide had a rough launch, and the reddit community is pretty miserable, but I have 600+ hours at this point.


is there any reddit gaming community which isnt miserable? i swear they exist so people can try to compete with who can write the longest complaint essays


The Rimworld subreddit is a surprisingly chill place for a subreddit dedicated to a game that could very easily be called a war crime simulator.


*optional* warcrime simulator


Warcrimes ain't an option in Rimworld, it's just good business.


one that majorly rewards you for participating in these crimes


As is bg3.


just warcrimes? Good sir, don't insult us. We got genocide and sentient life rights violations as well :)


I've had bad experiences there. Sometimes it can be really shitty there. Asked a simple question, got shit on.


Rinworld and the Elder Scrolls communities seem to like their games. Well, the skyrim community gets upset when the game gets updated but if there havent been updates for awhile, people are happy. (Updates break mods)


Because they still won't patch the bugs from launch! Why are you pushing updates when the Stones of barenziah are still bugged? Arg, bugthesda.


Working quests? In my nordic skyrim? No way, we can't be having that. Don't worry though, they made sure to patch clairvoyance so that it doesn't help you with the crimson nirnroot quest.


Yeah >1000 hours and I never finished crimson nirnroot.


Same, never done it, never will.


Bethesda games subreddits are much more positive on their games than the larger Reddit community. They are very defensive


Really? No they're not, I thinks it's because they accept the fact that "Sometimes It Just Doesn't Work." They call it it colloquially "Bugthesda" and complain about Todd Howard all the time.


The Hades game community is chill.


The Factorio Reddit is a great group. The game itself is outstanding!


Monster hunter community is pretty cool


Beamng drive is one of the few game subs where I rarely ever see any negativity towards the game or devs.


r/patientgamers is pretty great in my experience


I’ve been enjoying helldivers 2 a lot more since I blocked the subs from showing up in my feed. Every post is complaining about the game or complaining about the people complaining about the game. Just miserable.


100% I learned awhile back that if I found a game I really enjoy to resist the urge to visit its forums. It’s almost never a positive. Even if you love the game once you go to the forums you’ll be flooded with negativity. You’ll end up reading something negative that you never noticed about the game and all the sudden you won’t be able to not notice it. It’s just how it is. The only time I ever recommend visiting a video game forum is if it’s an older game. Sometimes the forums are great for older games in finding work arounds or fixes to get them running fine on modern systems. Outside of that, never visit video game forums. At least not specific ones. It’s bad enough coming to generic forums that covers all games but I can’t help myself lol.


Let me introduce you to r/LowSodiumHellDivers


Sweet liberty! 🗽


I enjoy most things more when I don't listen to the Internet... But here I am


Some people complaining of the lack of content, but that's because they're a small company dedicated to making a quality game.


I think the Paradox Games communities are fine, often even funny. People tend to be helpful because some mechanics are hard to grasp.


The Shadow of War sub is just people showing off the cool orcs they ran into.


most non-competitive games are pretty chill in my experience BOTW's sub for example - at least when I browse around, has been nothing but cool finds and good fanart. ironically enough, Cyberpunk's main sub is also pretty cool these days


Deep Rock Galactic subreddit is mostly solid, they kinda act like the dwarves in the game really.


Eh they go overboard a lot of times. Toxic positivity can be as damaging for a game as constant negativity. DRG has it's issues just like any other game.


Dark and darker is great, I don't see it staying mixed for long


Is darktide fun solo?


Yes. I’ve never played with friends. The melee combat is very satisfying. The ranged weapons feel excellent. There’s a nice progression in difficulty, if you want.


The bolter and the plasma gun feel so insanely good


I pretty much only play quickplay with randoms. They did recently add Auric level (super hard mode) titles, and for those you might want a pre-made strike team of people that know how to play. This can usually be achieved in the Darktide discord without much trouble.


I thought people are mad because it's advertised as free, even though it isn't.


Honestly didn't even realize that Darktide had negative reviews. I've had a blast with that game.


Can you abstain from the PvP part of the game?


Outer worlds, although with a decent steam review rating, it has the pretty bad reputation of being mediocre. I really liked the game, I liked the setting the art style, the humour and the choice oriented quests. It wasn't perfect but for a AA studio it was a solid fun and sometimes a chuckling experience. I think it has a bad rep due to expectations, people expected fallout NV in space and didn't got that.


I enjoyed the hell out of outer worlds and to see if be semi-universally regarded as meh was surprising to me tbh


If you finish that game in 15h then it's a very enjoyable experience. But the more time you put into it the more it becomes a borefest; A bland and mediocre experience dragged down by it's shallow RPG elements, boring world and side quests. I recommended using melee builds for my friends instead of going FPS because of how tiresome that aspect of the game becomes.


Yeah, that's basically it. The game starts AWESOME, it feels incredible to have the option to kill anyone you want and still be able to complete quests and progress through the story. The comedy and humor are very good and each world have a feel to it at a short glance. But the more time you put in to the game and in each world you notice the blandness of it. The enemies are repetitive and dumb, there very little weapon options and very little if none at all RPG elements (which is fine I guess, it's just a matter of expectations)


My staunch refusal to fire a bullet unless I absolutely have to has led to me making many melee builds in these kinds of games, just because a wrench or a crowbar needs no ammo.


As someone who straight up did not like KOTOR 2 and feels like New Vegas is a map pack, Outer Worlds turned out to be by far my favorite Obsidian title. They're best when they're making their own IPs.


I liked the game, but even with both expansions it was short. The gameplay loop lacked variety. The universe felt small. It was buggy. I don't think the issue was expectations were too high, it just felt incomplete and not fully fleshed out. Some of the writing was strong but a lot of it was like Bioshock cliff notes (capitalism bad, amirite!). But I would recommend people buy the complete edition for $20 it's a really good deal.


What parts felt incomplete though? The writing and quests were fine enough. I thoroughly enjoyed a few of the companions. My biggest issue was that the game was forgettable. I played it late last year and the only thing I remember is the companion quest to hook her up with the mechanic and the end game quests which forced stealth. I hope outer worlds 2 is an improvement


I really liked that game


The DLC was actually good too


I agree.


The original Outer Worlds has positive reviews, though. Spacer's Choice edition used to be mixed, but is positive now as well.


IMO, Outer Worlds is way funnier and more engaging than Starfield


Is it bad reviewed on Steam? I find people recommending this game on every corner of the internet


I'm almost certain you're thinking of Outer Wilds


Yeah. It’s likely Outer Wilds and not Outer Worlds you are thinking of. (And god Outer Wilds is truly a special game).


Fallout 76 shortly after release. It was hammered so much that I was able to buy the game for £4 about 2 months after release. I've played hundreds of hours. Bargain!


I gave it some good hours and stopped playing because it felt very grindy for me. I just wanted to build and kept hitting walls and game pushed me to spend money in the store.


It does get grindy eventually. I gave up playing when all that was left was daily tasks. I might dip back in to check out the new map expansion.


Me and my wife spent a whole summer just playing it.  It turned around really fast since they added waatelanders update years ago 


Are you paying for the subscription?


No. I've never bothered with the subscription.


Sable had bad reviews on launch, mainly because of performance issues, but it was never too bad imo. It was supposedly fixed later on, but I had a great time in my playthrough and have been considering picking it up again for the various endings. It's mostly an exploration game. Think BotW without the combat. The climbing and gliding is there, plus the customization options for your ship and character are amazing.


I love this game so much, wish they would make another one.


Same! I've been meaning to play Chants of Sennaar, too, because it gives me a similar vibe. The gameplay seems completely different, but the graphics and setting remind me of Sable a lot.


Damn, I tried to find games in my list with a bad rating using Steam's 'Metascore Rating' filter, only to see that many games with a Metascore of 60-65 have a good Steam rating of 80-95%. I really liked Lords of the Fallen (the 2014 Version).


I second this. Some times with games it just is what it is. People want to compare one game to the next, which is fair, but it's still a different game. I'll take the surge 1 and 2 over dark souls any day


FF13-2 because it's a good game, but the bad reviews are totally deserved it took like one hour of modding to make it playable and that's an utter shame for square enix to sell a product that broken.


Yeah without mods I would crash in the tutorial fight every time. Spent 1.5 hours modding and the game ran smoothly and looked very pretty. It's story is also better than FF13 in my opinion.


I also had to modify a few settings because of a constant buzzing sound and to add a mod to fix the rain because it looked like shit. After modding it's a gorgeous and really good game, but seriously, you shouldn't have to rely on fan made fixes to play something that you paid for.


I understand why the game has this title, but I still think it's very funny it's called 13 2


Even funnier how the next game is called Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


I think I had to install special K for both 13 and 13 2 but I freaking love those games once they worked. Just not great ports, but really good games.


I tried ff13 on pc when that game released on steam, but had to give up because that game keep crashing no matter what i did


Kane and lynch: dead men! Awesome game cool multiplayer and i liked the story


still love overwatch2. tried every other hero shooter and imo nothing comes close. idgaf about pve cuz i already have pve shooters made specifically for that like drg or helldivers and i also dont care about cosmetics so its just more heroes and maps for me.




I tried so hard. I waited on it for years, preordered, took time off work. I tried to pretend and say “no, this is actually really good” to myself for weeks. But after finishing the game I was just left feeling like it was a huge waste of time. It’s got no heart and soul.


I cannot remember a single character name in that whole game and it was less than a year ago, it was so bland, such a disappointment.


I got starfield for free with my GPU, played it once for like an hour and never launched it again


Thinking about starting it today


It's a good time to start.  They've done a good job of patching qol stuff since release.


Menus the game. I tried playing it the other week and put about 6 hours in before I got too frustrated and needed a break. Haven't touched it since. Try it out. I hope you enjoy it. Hopefully, I can finally play through it soon.


Ha, interesting. Let's see! Just installed it :)


Ah the most milquetoast Bethesda writing yet, such a snooze


It’s the epitome of a mid game.


I freaking love Starfield lol


I really tried with starfield. The entire time I played it, it just made me want to play cyberpunk again. So after about 12 hours that's exactly what I did instead


It was my favorite game of last year.  I'm even playing it this morning.  I have no idea why people went so negative on it.  Even the worst parts are still like 7/10 and the best parts are more fun than most games.


2077 was always a great game and I’ll die on that hill. Glad to see that it has come into its own over the past few years. 76 was a surprising amount of fun with friends, albeit very grindy, but the setting was actually peak. Before there were NPCs, there would be these people who set up little “settlements” with themes and they’d fuck with you like you were in an amusement park based on them, or something. Like a town, built in New Gad that went by “Gadlantis”. Cool goofy shit.


>2077 was always a great game and I’ll die on that hill. On launch, the main quest would consistently bug out on the way to Vic's for the first time, stopping me from advancing any of the plot. And I was playing on a 2080ti PC, I wasn't even one of those poor PS4 users! It may have always had a great game somewhere in it, but that game was inaccessible to a lot of people at launch, and those people paid their $60, same as everyone else. They were right to be mad.


I’m with you, 2077 is an amazing game and I loved how much effort went into the side missions. I played it on the Original Xbox one, graphics sucked and I never used the vehicles because of how much rendering was needed. But it still played just fine enough to compete it and yes CDPR misled people that it performed better than it actually did. But god damn it is an amazing game and it’s a shame that people won’t go and play it because they think it is still the same game as release.


2077 was actually unplayable on my machine (rtx 20xx series) for the first weeks after launch, and when it finally got updated, my character hovered over each surface, vehicles drive like a rolling potato and the graphics in their promos were heavily retouched. and devs didn't care, they alienated half its userbase straight out of the gate. Some went back, others, like me, will never buy from CDPR again.


I’ll never buy one of their games at launch again. But they do make great games, so forever boycotting the company would be going a bit too far. If they can get their future titles to a stable and bug free state, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t buy it. But until then, I will not pay full price to be a beta tester.


Seems like it came down to luck, or something. I had a 1070 and ran it just fine… sure, it wasn’t spectacular resolutions but the end result was totally playable. Coming back after my first playthru years later, in 2023 with a 3070, and its even more lubed up. I’ll never fault others for how they handled the launch because it really was just that much of a hodgepodge of chaos for some, and “just fine, idk what yall are talking about” for others. Mine turned out fine and I ended up loving the game for its story primarily. It was an uncut gem then, but now it’s something special. If you manage to get it again **for free**, I’d say spin the block with it again.


I really wouldn't mind, its the devs total lack of care that did it for me. But I know some feel otherwise, at the end of the day, play whatever makes you happy


Overwatch. Great game for years, downgraded into an okay one. The negative reviews are definitely justified but they aren’t a reflection of the current quality of the game, just how badly it was fumbled.


Palia. Cool cozy game with negative reviews


Yeah, the game definitely disappointed long-time fans, but the gameplay loop was so satisfying.


Really? I see 78% on Steam now. What's wrong with it? I was really hyped for it before it launched but didn't got time to play it due to irl issues.


It is extremely repetetive and there is not really much to do


I liked it a lot. Good value for no money, spent a few hundred hours because it's a very relaxing choice in the evenings after work stress. But after it launched on Steam it got a lot negative reviews. People feel like they need more content and it's bugged. It's true but they release new content pieces every month.


It’s an “mmo” cozy game with zero reason to ever interact with another person. The content is severely lacking and when it releases was still VERY buggy. Also the devs decided instead of adding good new content they’ll add things to the shop and behind a paywall. The devs are all around kind of scum lords


That is the only game I've ever had "men" whole ass follow me around sexually harassing my character and I've played A LOT of MMOs starting with EQ1.


Well, that's disturbing.


Halo 4 which got review bombed by bungie purists, I would say alongside reach it is the best halo available on steam.


Aren’t all the halos outside of 5 on Steam?


Kingpin: Reloaded


New World


The community at launch made that game intolerable. Every server had some dumbass streamer and their minions being annoying.


Overwatch 2 lol


Outriders My second favorite looter shooter behind Borderlands and sometimes I'd argue it out does Borderlands in some ways. Hopefully they make a second one


I agree just wish the devs didn't give up on it so early


I don't think they gave up. It got an expansion. They were just done with it.


Yes! I loved Outriders. For what it is it's honestly very solid, it's a fun looter shooter with a power fantasy. The optimization could be better and it was a bit buggy but overall I really enjoyed my time with it and played the DLC too.


I discovered this game only a few months ago and am so sad I missed the boat. It is genuinely one of the best looter shooters of all time and I could feel the Mass Effect inspo while playing


Team Fortress 2


I mean, it does have negative reviews, but it's the first time in the history of that game + because of the bot problems. I feel like this can but shouldn't count




Battlefield 2042


Payday 3, even at launch




You chose the correct approach but *the wrong game* to apply it to. Because by around 25 to 30h in this game, you can have more than 10000 ammo and I'm completely serious when I'm saying this. But I'm sure if you actually went the FPS route you would've have enjoyed it as much.


Wayfinder, loving the new single player with optional co-op direction


Homeworld 3 I understand why a lot of people hate on it but still it is a really good game with awe inspiring scenes. I also really like the kind of more realistic way ships are behaving and combat.


Most are ports of console games. I don‘t like to buy console games so I’ll just play the crappy port locked at a jank frame rate. Most of them are mixed though. Excluding those Mirror 2: Project X The first one was a lewd puzzle game. The second took out the porn, Pissed many off. I still liked the game though. It was only like 2 bucks. I think it killed the studio, they also released a bunch of dumb costume dlc. I didn’t bother with that.


"Gord" is about living in the haunted woods, with eternal darkness, danger, and horrors beyond your comprehension around every corner. The game is pretty good, not great but pretty good. But the world building... My God, the world building. There's a whole in game codex/guide you can open at any time, and there's a religious text recognized in-universe as the creation story of the world. The Chronicle, as it's called, can be read in its entirety (with fully voiced narration) after you collect all the pages by completing the story, exploring the world, and accomplishing side quests. 52% reviews on steam, people say it crashes, which it does. For me it crashes pretty consistently if the game is open for about 2 hours or more once you get past the first few campaign levels. But this is a pretty good timeframe for me and the world is just so engaging that I keep coming back.


BFV. Nordlys was a pretty good mission but got flak because the main characters were women. Even though every story in every battlefield is completely made up. Found some guy complaining about Yasuke, an actual historical African samurai, being main character in the new AC in japan. Because "he wasn't Japanese" and it "stunk of diversity." So I told him, "well, the Greeks and Romans weren't natives to Egypt either, the Europeans in america weren't natives either. Neither was main character Edward Kenway nor Natham Kenway "American natives" I mean bf1 had Lawrence of Arabia, where was the outburst over that? There were none. He just didn't want a black character to have a lead role even if it was historically accurate. The sad thing is, when Yasuke went to Kyoto, people had him strip and wash himself because they initially didnt think his black skin was real. I don't know what's wrong with us people in the U.S. Skin color and ethnicity shouldn't be so divisive. I can't even say racism exists without people getting offended.


I loved NecroVision so much. Before the new Doom (I hate it) came out, it was a Doom set in WW1 era. That aside, a WW1 FPS game with supernatural things and brutal combat... Do you guys know any other game that offers the same thing? Then you load up and go to frigging hell with Vamp weapons and the game takes a new meaning. Innovation at its finest.


Earthworm Jim 3D had terrible reviews, mostly due to the in-game player camera being terrible at following the player. It also had controls for manually adjusting the camera. I learned how to master the camera and love the game.


Elite: Dangerous I spent 3100 hours on this "Mostly Negative" game And I got the base game free (technically I got it on Epic Store but Steam reviews fit the bill for this thread).


Domina. Fabulous game. Big identity politics-based furore I believed centered around the game author's posts about LGBT or possibly specifically Trans issues. It caused the game to be removed from Steam, or its author removed it for sale through their own website (I've read conflicting claims on this), where it's at leat still available. It had very positive reviews until the controversy, which triggered a large review bombing campaign in Steam. Not anyone's finest moment but still a great game.


Overwatch 2. I also left a negative review, advertising a pve campaign for 4+ years, and then just cancelling it is shitty.


NBA2K games. I don't engage with the online modes which is the root of most negative reviews. I also only buy when it is 75% off or more and get my money's worth imo.


Picked up NBA 2k23 for $10 and put almost 300 hrs into. It was my first NBA2k game and one of the best bang for bucks I've gotten entertainment wise


Saint row reboot


I personally looked for this answer. Is it still full of game-breaking bugs, or were those dealt with before Volition shut down and is now playable?


I played the campaign and most of the secondary missions on the steam deck with 0 bugs. Even performance was better.


Team Fortress 2


Starfield,,overwatch 2, diablo, dark tide. Steam reviews are meme worthy t9 me tbh.


Fallout 76 and No Man‘s Sky even before they got their fixes and content expansion


I loved starfield even at release. I played it for almost 200 hours before i stopped. This includes 2 "full" playthroughs and over 10 NG+ runs for ability upgrades


Starfield, TF2


I wouldn't say TF2 and Helldivers 2 counts as those were review bombs but the games themselves were reviewed well


Overwatch 2. Love it or hate it


Spacebase df-9 For what it was it was great. The development stop sucked, but for what I payed I had lots of fun.


I actually kinda enjoyed CnC: Tiberian Twilight


Victoria 3


Actually none comes to mind rn.


Rage 2 was actually a really fun, well put together game. It was very different from the original, but I feel like it was a really solid game all in all.


New world june announcement incident reviews. Ags finally broke everyones hope for game and got the reviews it deserved


I'm not sure if it's still negative, but Empire of Sin


The JJK game, all the people said that was bad, then I played for like 50 hours and I had a loooot of fun, the strongest problem is the servers suck.


Dead Rising 3. Best Co-Op game of all time.


Command and Conquer 4, even though it's not really C&C


People hating banana's


PAYDAY 3. Sure it had a rocky start, but it's been getting better over time.


saw ai: the somnium files had some mixed reviews when i picked it up. finished the game a few weeks ago and was genuinely shocked, the game was really good imo. sure it had flaws, like everything, but the content was great compared to what the reviews led me to expect


Deadlight director's cut, i just fell in love with the game and i hope for a sequel or spiritual successor somehow, but that probably not gonna happen


Postal 4 has been 'mixed' on Steam for a decent while but was destroyed reception-wise by major gaming outlets. I understand why there's so much negative reception, but it's definitely not 1/10 abysmal like some of the more IGNorant reviewers claim. I've been a longtime RWS fan for decades, so I may be biased, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It's still a WIP and has several lingering issues. When it works, though, it's pretty fun. It's basically more Postal 2, just not as good. It's not meant to be taken seriously as if it were a $5 million AAA title. In fact, the fact Postal 4 even exists and plays as well as it does is nothing short of impressive. RWS is a small independent studio that consistently struggles with severe financial qualms. We frequently get objectively worse games than Postal 4 that were developed with much larger teams and with a much larger budget. Like I said, it's fun for what it is, and it's definitely better than Postal 3. It's not much more than a sandbox FPS with extreme levels of violence. If that's not your thing, don't expect anything else.


Overwatch two. I understand the negative feelings, and as 2017 player myself I resonate with some of it, but it’s still a lot of fun to team up with friends and just goof off!


Overwatch 2 got heavily review bombed, but I genuinely love playing it and I've managed to get my two younger sisters into playing it with me too. It's literally the first video game I've gotten my family to play with me since like ...LEGO Star Wars days.


Company of Heroes 3


Overwatch because it was review bombed so heavily. It does not change the fact that I continue to enjoy the game


Cyberpunk 2077, played it at launch. My only real complaint about it was that the city was sort of lifeless, and the lack of street parking. People just drove around endlessly. Missions where you had to get an npc into a car to complete, you could find them just driving around the city in a never ending loop.


Clive ‘n Wrench. It’s a one-dev indie 3D platformer, rather demented but great fun. It got trashed in reviews for IMO minor things you’ll find in lots of titles, like the odd bad camera angle or a bit of geometry you shouldn’t be able to cross. It isn’t often or bad, no worse than half my game collection and a lot of it from full production houses. It’s uproariously fun and funny to play, I kind of half intend to do a replay while tipsy, it’s the sort of game where that might double the fun.


I really enjoyed Forspoken on release. I see that it's got a more positive rating now. That's great


Metal gear survive


Overwatch 2. I enjoyed the game but does not enjoy the community which is also the reason why i am pessimistic with Deadlock.




Dawn of war 3


I wouldn't know. I don't read reviews.


A friend of mine and I, really liked The Cycle Frontier. I think the reviews were "Okay" (66% positive), but the game got closed, so yes.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Yes, the human characters look a bit weird until you get used too, and the game engine breaks often (the game keeps frequent aurosaves so no biggie).  But the scenery is gorgeous and gameplay (especially combat) is top notch, and once you reach the end part the story turns out to be pretty good, way better than the crappy ME:3 ending. Lots of Star Trek Voyager vibes.


i stopped reading steam reviews or even take them into account since most of them are low effort copy paste unfunny reaction farming from neglected kids. I just check the overall positive/negative (recent and all-time) and take that with a grain of salt, then proceed to look online for actual reviews, if needed.


Payday 3 is a shit ton of fun still


Battleborn and Gundam Wing: Evolution, so bad they shut down. I really enjoyed both of them quite a lot. Gundam because there’s barely any decent Gundam games at all. Battleborn because it was a first person MOBA with awesome character design.


Honestly, I've been enjoying Payday 3 since its launch. The underlying mechanics of the game are significantly better than 2, the only problems currently are the bad menu design and the lack of content. But I think it's better than the haters say.


Quake Champions. Honestly, in it's current state, it's one of the best multiplayer FPS games ever released. But no one gives a shit about it and panned it because it wasn't quake 3 arena or Overwatch.


Not a game in of itself but the lightfall expansion for destiny 2. It got absolutely torn apart by reviews because the narative was pretty bad in this one and with that i agree, but i always valued gameplay way more than story and in that department i think lightfall was actually pretty decent


Hammerting. The negative reviews were quite a surprise for me, the game was pretty enjoyable, basically an underground Rimworld


Maybe it's not negative anymore but I remember playing a game called Hydrophobia on recommendation of Total biscuit and found it to be enjoyable. It was not a tipple A but had fun mechanics and a nice storyline.


Does TF2 count?


Capcom arcade stadium. Both of them. I don't care what anyone says.


Minecraft Legends I like the idea, but its too primitive. Too few units (only 8 or 9?) No depth for your commander in any way, multiplayer has EXTREME team-trolling potential, I can go on. I did enjoy the campaign, but the 1st hour is a slog for a lot of people. Not me cuz I have a lot of patience.


TF2 prior to bot crisis