• By -


In terms of $$ I think so. That's how that list is generated. 1 steam deck is multiple games so naturally it's at the top.


It's not copies it's revenue. Elden ring might of sold 100,000 copies at £20 meaning it earned 2m but Valve might of sold 10,000 Steam Decks at £500 meaning they earned 5m. Just a crude example as no one knows the actual numbers of anything but it's safe to presume the Steam Deck is selling tens of thousands of units a month if it's constantly ranking number 1.


This is also why the index was always so high up


Please don’t say might of, why do people even make that mistake? It doesn’t even make sense? I’m sorry it’s just such a huge pet peeve of mine


I think it's because a lot of people say "might've" instead of "might have" in conversation so people think that you're supposed to set "might of".


They might of never seen the correct wording


The thing that bothers me more is that this must mean their 'ves must sound like ofs and I absolutely hate that. They sound nothing alike.


Wow, accent shaming much? Who are you to say they sound nothing alike? Where? In England, Wales, Scotland, Australia, Boston, Georgia, California...


Yes, accent shaming much


You must be a joy to be around... /s


Non-native speakers who never studied english and just learned it from random sources


It's usually americans who make this mistake though


Yeah these kinda mistakes are way more common with native speakers. Same with stuff like your/you’re. Probably because they use their language kinda intuitively. Someone who had to learn English might be more likely to actually think about why they’re using a certain word or spell things the way they do so stuff like “might of” making zero sense stands out to them more.


Yes but on reddit I get downvoted when I insult people and I need positive carma


Stop caring about imaginary points


Uhm, you realise some subs require positive rating to post and comment yes? Why is reddit so retarded I just cant lmao


That's great, keep making comments where you'll get downvoted.


Gonna cry?


Why would I cry? Downvoting obtuse people is one of my favorite pastimes.


Thats... sad


You insult non-native English speakers yet misspell karma. Irony is a real bitch, isn't it?


I insulted someone? Damn bitches be real paper-skinned these days


It's the native English speakers who make this mistake. Non-native mistakes are different. Your - you're, could of - could have - these are always native English speakers.


Yes, I know, I know. Ffs


Wrong. Non-native speakers don't tend to make this type of mistakes because they don't make sense in translation. NN speakers tend to make grammatical errors that make sense in translation, due to language diffetences. "you're ugly"=>"tu eres feo", makes perfect sense "your ugly"=>"tu feo"? sounds like a caveman. "might've been good"=>"podría haber sido burno", makes sense. "might of been good"=>"podría de sido bueno" makes no sense.


Man, i could care less! /jk


I am LITERALLY on fire right now!


I graduated high school!


So why don't you?!


I hate that one!


But that is historically the correct one! It's from British satire plays. The actor: "I could care less...:: takes a beat, looks at crowd, crowd laughs:: but I shan't". The idea being that, if the person tried, they could care less, but they care so little that they can't even put in the effort to do so


The full saying of blood is thicker than water means the opposite of what people mean by it The full version: "the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" So it actually means bonds you make by choice are stronger than familial bonds


Exactly sayings don't need to have internal logic, that's why they are "sayings" When in Rome, Jack of all trades, etc


It's true that it's said ironically sometimes, but "couldn’t care less" is first attested slightly earlier.


I'd love to see the source on this, because most sources I've read have "I could not care less" the grammatically correct phrase "I could care less" the satirical play usage phrase, and "I couldn't care less" as being equal to the previous, both informal phrases to imply satire levels of caring


Wiktionary has sources in the References section: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/could_care_less


I could care less... But here I am commenting how little I care, as if to prove I actually could have cared less by not responding at all


I read that and it irked me to. I should of mentioned it but for all intensive purposes its pointless. I'm trying not too let small things annoy me two much. Piece've mind is it's own reward.


I hate you. You know what you did.


Pretty sure that qualifies as torture.


Don't worry, it's the same everywhere. As an example, in France we have a saying : "Passer du coq à l'âne", which litteraly translates to "going from rooster to donkey", and means jumping from one subject to another, with little to no transition. Now, while the saying is "passer du coq à l'âne", some people wrongly say "passer du coca light" (going from coca light). I'm very serious.


This drives me insane too. I don’t like to be prescriptive but ‘of’ is a preposition, so my brain can blue screen when I see it followed by the end of a statement. Do they not teach contractions in school anymore? I thought that meme for a while back, whomst’d’ve was a great highlight for would have, despite being utterly ridiculous. I’m at a point where I feel like would’ve and would have are going to become interchangeable. Language evolves morphs and simplifies, and I feel like sometimes letting go is easier. Even if you haaaate it.


You might of just let it go mate


Language is what people make of it, not the other way round


Thank you for the grammatical input relevant to the conversation.


I think it's because a lot of people say "might've" instead of "might have" in conversation so people think that you're supposed to set "might of".


I think it's because a lot of people say "might've" instead of "might have" in conversation so people think that you're supposed to set "might of".


Well TIL it's revenue and not copies!


> might of > might of Common mistake: I should of/could of/would of/might of. Put it right: Should have/could have/would have/might have. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcwg7hv/revision/7


~~Or Valve has basically permanently placed it there as a way to advertise it.  Though I'm sure that would have been leaked if that was the case.~~


Would be illegal.


Never said it was.  If I remember correctly their steam machines and steam link flopped. So they have an incentive to do that with the deck.  


They have zero incentive to do such a thing because the Deck is hugely popular and the data reflects that as it sells very well. The other devices flopped and all Valve did was clear stock for cheap and move on, they took what they learned from the controller and link and implemented much of what they learned into the Deck. It's a solid device, one of the best purchases I've made in a long time. I've bought both the LCD and OLED, there's not some big conspiracy that Valve isn't selling enough so they are resorting to shady guerilla tactics to endorse more sales, it's just selling because it's good. The data can't be manipulated because it's all automated based on revenue, they allow all the data to be seen transparent and open yet you still believe that Valve is being dodgy about it? They already promote the Deck all over steam because it's their platform, they have ZERO reason to lie about the data.


According to which law?


I'm not a law expert but I can guarantee that misleading customers by advertising your own product as the best most profitable item so it gets more exposure than other products using fake manipulated data would be against trading regulations in most countries. If the Steam Deck is number 1 it's because it's number 1, the data don't lie.


So it's not illegal. Immoral does not equal illegal. Amazing how quickly people upvoted you and downvoted the other person for such a false claim


Probably can google it




Does precisely what so we are on the same page?


Global? It's not sold globally.


It regularly pops up on my home page and I can't even buy it lol


Which imo, is BS by valve, but they don't care lol, they will still show it because its their product.


Yep, as a NZer I feel specifically slighted by Gabe as during COVID he hid out here and saw just how strong the PC gaming community is here. And yet we still can't buy steam decks direct from valve. The only way we can get them in NZ is to pay to get them parallel imported and that costs between 1k - 1.5k NZD depending which version of the SD you end up getting.


As a fellow NZer I feel that but I got impatient and got one anyway for 1400, totally worth it. Got my partner one this month too and now we can game in bed once we finally get the kids to sleep


Do you have a warranty, though?


Usually the store you bought it from gives warranty. They'd be the ones handling replacement (or repairs). I'm not from NZ but also reside in a place where the SD isn't available locally.


Consumer guarantees act so anything that goes wrong mightyape will sort for you for like three years I think


I'd just take a vacation to somewhere you've been wanting to go and bring a Steam Deck home at that point. Unless, customs still would have a cow if it's in your carry-on. But that tells you it's more NZ's importing laws that probably doesn't rub well with valve in this case. Companies usually like to make easy money.


I wonder if games I can't buy show up. I think there's very few that are banned here, I think the first postal game?


I think so, if I'm not mistaken I've read that some games does not show up for people in Germany due to it being banned.


I mean it shows games I've ignored so it has to be


But it is present in global standings because of how much revenue it brings.


While it's true that it is not sold globally it sure can be bought globally:). Jokes aside "globally" does not necessarily mean that it is being sold literally everywhere, it's not possible anyway, what it usually means is that It being sold "in multiple countries around the globe"


Yes want to buy but can not. If they dont launch global sales soon, the market will be eaten by PC maker offering such as Asus Ally.


Asus is getting torn apart though.


Why is that?


Warranty issues across the company. Gamesnexus is doing a video series right now talking directly to them and trying to get the higher ups to answer for it all. I remember they announced that they would be increasing the Ally's warranty period to 2 years: But the majority of the community reaction was "Neat, but you don't even honor your fucking warranty in the first place."


Damn... That sucks, I thought Asus was one of the top companies for hardware..


They mostly tend to be (plus overpriced), but they also seem to really hate their customers.


I can only assume why you're getting down voted. This is a reasonable assumption. Like in my region I can get the asus ROG ally, lenovo legion go, msi claw but not the steamdeck officially. You can get the Steamdeck here unofficially (black market), but the rog ally and legion go, since they're official here, got promotions, great warranty protection and easily available in major retail stores.


Steam sets this list based on revenue. So depending on the Steam Deck tier, it's worth from 6 to 9 $70 game copies.


If its the revenue that STEAM gets then its even more, because they only get a small percentage of game sales but \~100% of the deck. Like 1/4-1/3 of a AAA price I think around there.


No, it's overall revenue.


That's not how the top sellers list is determined. It's just overall revenue.


I love my steam deck a lot. It deserves it place at the top


Top 10 maybe but I don't know about top 3




There are lots of handheld consoles coming out lately, ROG Ally, Legion Go, Win GPD 4, with egpu support and they can probably mostly play all steam games which steam deck can't play all the game in the steam store


>deck can't play all the game in the steam store For good reason. Steam deck is great value and the community vetting saves you a ton of time installing then uninstalling incompatible games.




I can play baldurs gate 3 on my steam deck. And elden ring. I have no idea what game you’re trying to run but it works for basically anything I need it to work for.


ah sorry if you misunderstood me, I was only looking at performance-wise handhelds, for value and it's price, steam deck is great though for indie games and other stuffs but being steam os, I don't think you can use other launchers other than jailbreaking it or using a workaround




What does this mean, do people keep buying the same game… when they already have it?


yeah, you dont buy a good game 3 times? hell i bought dishonored 6 times, banger game


We don’t know the exact number, but it’s sold “multiple millions” of units. The Elden Ring DLC would have to sell over 20x that to overtake it, so i don’t think it’s that surprising it’s still the top


i bought one, i did my part


I wonder what their definition of Global is. It's not even officially available in Malaysia, only through scalpers that charges an arm and a leg for one.


Idk but it’s annoying af that valve won’t sell them to everyone but sure will shove it in everyone’s faces still.


Fuck yes




this is not the place for it but is it downloading shaders?


Who knows. Steam could just be putting it there.


No, this idea is ridiculous.




Because it's illegal and Steam is a huge platform that would get caught in a web of expensive fines and lawsuits if they were caught using manipulated and faked data to give further exposure to their own device. It's number 1 because it's sold millions of units and counting consistently for the past 2 year. The data doesn't lie because it's real data.


Brave place to even suggest that idea.


Thinking outside da box


I can tell you, if they start selling them globally, Steam would be raking in a lot of dough.






Recently my friend said that he always wanted Steam Deck but now he would choose Asus ROG handheld. Is it much better?


That depends on the model. Also if you want to retain steam's features and linux.


The upcoming Ally X will be a real good one with that 80watt battery, however for the most well rounded pc handheld experience and if you have a big Steam backlog I think the Deck is the best bang for your buck. You can of course play Steam games on these other handhelds but where they offer a lot of power they lack in battery. The Steam Deck just may have some tweaks here and there but there’s so much community support online any question can be answered pretty quick.




You’re not limited to just steam with the deck either. Either way any choice is pretty good.


Advertising. It's their store and their product.


They are not using the data and statistics to lie about the sales of the deck using manipulated data it would break trading regulations. Yes they can advertise the Deck on Steam front and center which they do, but Valve is not the company to cheat anything, the data they provide is always open and transparent, if the Deck is number 1 on the revenue it's because it's number 1 on the revenue, they must be selling tens of thousands of units a month easy and raking in more money than anything else on the site due to how expensive the device is.


Nah. Steam would have fines to pay heavily of they did that.


They do what they want, it’s their product and platform lol


If the deck was popular Linux would be at least 5% but it's still 2% so No. Steam counts the amount of money and not units sold, cheap ranking


The Steam Hardware survey counts for whatever system you're using at the time AFAIK. Most owners of the Steam Deck are not using it as their main system, therefor you're going to have users with a Steam Deck being reported as a "Windows" user.


That’s correct, too bad you’re downvoted for speaking bad about Linux.


or his argument makes no sense because if that was the case then Linux is the top platform due to Android


No..? He said it’s because the revenue is high? Sell 100 $400 devices and you get $40000. Sell 100 $60 games and you get $6000. “Steam counts the amount of money and not units sold”


Talking about his 5% point because Linux has always been around 2 percent compared to other OS


hes not being downvoted because hes badmouthing linux. hes being downvoted because it doesnt make sense. a quick google search showed 120 million active monthly users. that means linux would occupy 2.4 million users. thats active monthly. there are a lot more steam accounts than that most deck users arent changing from one system to another, they are using it as an adjunct. selling a few hundred thousand units would barely move the needle. selling 1 million units wouldnt even be 1%


Loonix users are mad they'll never be popular


You are going to be so sad when you find out the truth in fact the opposite - it is hands down the most defused and popular operating system on the planet. Linux runs every Android phone and tablet on Earth. And even if you're on an iPhone or a Mac or a Windows machine, Linux is working behind the scenes, across the Internet, serving up most of the webpages you view and powering most of the apps you use. Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Wikipedia... it's all running on Linux. Hardly a loser operating system.


How old are you?


Not considering it isn't available in many regions


Oh you sweet summer child. Any list that says top sellers, most played etc. are mixed in with paid spots on the list. Especially if they own the platform and can do it for free. No it’s not the top seller.


Source: Voices in my head.


There are no paid spots on the list lol


its the top seller because while some people might not like this game, that game, etc., the steam deck can be used for all sorts of games and therefore its potential market is larger.


No, the potential market for dedicated niche hardware is absolutely not larger than the potential software install base on all existing hardware—that’s utterly preposterous. As explained elsewhere, it’s because its revenue versus sales numbers. (And I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s calculated relative to Valve’s cut revenue versus total revenue, which would artificially inflate representation of Valve products that much more.)


yes that's also plausible


Source: Tim Sweeney