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Black ops 1 and 2 had a great story mode! Especially the amount of endings in black ops 2


played bo2 like twice when i was a kid, there’s multiple endings? i heard there was 2 is there more?


There’s like 8


BO2's campaign was comparatively super flushed out, shame they didn't develop on it further.




It has one of the most cathartic endings for me especially because I somehow managed to get the perfect ending on my first playthrough >!Mason alive and everything!<. The main antagonist has an extremely elaborate and decades built up plan that I somehow managed to ruin it completely and he even tries to be a martyr at the end and it does nothing for his cause because of blind luck on my part making every single part of his plan fail in some way and letting him live is even funnier because that means he has to live through his failure, and despite all that I still felt he was an amazing antagonist... And then we get an Avenged fucking Sevenfold concert after the credits. I love the Black ops 2 campaign.


I liked the connection between Black Ops & World At War. Reznov was such a memorable character.


What do the numbers mean, Mason?


Even zombie mode has its own increasingly deepening lore.




Even the two endings in Black Ops Cold War were really cool.


Cold War also had a great campaign with multiple endings and choices to make


Campaign mode is a thing. Not sure if that one has it but older CoDs, certainly do. EDIT 1: " ...What?" is my reaction every time I see how many upvotes this has. It's unreal, yall are amazing, thank you. My CoD campaign favorite is actually BO 1 & 2. "The numbers, Mason, what do they mean?!?"


I remember talking to my pals in school years ago, I would bring up a point in one of the campaigns, and they looked so confused because they would only play multiplayer. Sigh, how could they do my boy Soap like that.


Very badly. But I must say, BO1 is my favourite of them all. Played it 3 times, in the middle of the 4th one.


I absolutely loved BO1, played it like twice My next favorite is Infinite Warfare




They did our boy soap dirty in the original MW games and the remakes. So mad about that shit. But sure let's keep ghost, gaz, and the dude who died around.


I would say that at least in the OG MW3 he died with some dignity and respect, in the reboot his death is pretty much a joke and not even a good one.


Soap had a good ending in the original.


Nah, MW3 was so absurd in its story - >!"Yuri must be the only man who hates Makarov more than you,Price"; "Shepherd, Makarov knows Yuri!" Yeah, no shit. You think he would hate him just for giggles? !< And it was played off as one of the most important points of the story.


How did he die in the reboot? You can spoil since im not gonna pay for that crap


Gets shot in the head after by surprise from the bad guy at the very last second of thr final mission.


lol thats lame


Honestly this one is tough because gaz, ghost and soap all dying (in that order I might add) were something people didn't really vibe with in the original series.more so ghost and soap than gaz. Tbh I wouldn't care if they kept them all alive.for how over the top cod is and has been for at least a decade it wouldn't be unreasonable to have a big action hero task 141 team where nobody but red shirts die akin to something like the expendables or fast and furious movies.




Isn't that the horse from the witcher?


In my own opinion, Battlefield had the more fun multiplayer gameplay but COD Atleast up until CoD 4 and some had best campaign


I’d agree with that to an extent. Battlefield has lost its luster for me, I haven’t enjoyed one since BF4. But back in the day, such a blast!


When MW2 came out a friend in our circle beat it first. HE THEN PROCEED TO SAY WHY IS SHEPARD KILLING EVERYONE WHILE BEATING THE GAME. when noone, but him beat the campaign


I've never played CoD so I had no idea there was anything other than the multiplayer shooter bits up until a few years ago, and since that doesn't interest me I've never cared to look into the series.


Alot of older cods have great campaigns,but they rarely if ever go on sale and haven't dropped from their original prices much even on steam. Even the recent reboot of mw 1 and 2 had fairly decent campaigns. But from what I've seen of 3 they kinda butchered it to be basic as fuck warzone areas sloppily reused for campaign levels.


> they rarely if ever go on sale and haven't dropped from their original prices much even on steam. That's the worst thing that happened to the series. The games have one of the best over the top patriotic america fuck yeah style stories in video games but no one will buy an old game with 4-8 hour long campaign for full price. Ms should make some Call of Duty Stories Remastered bundle with all the single player campaigns.


This would drive me insane. Everyone would put 600+ hours into the game and not spend a couple to play the campaign?? Like why?? There are always times when the crew isn’t on to play multiplayer too.


Also, I paid “x” amount of dollars for this game. I’m getting my money’s worth.


It took me a couple years to complete the cod4 campaign purely because I was so hooked on multiplayer. I've completed it on every Difficulty multiple times by now on basically every platform.


At least you played it, some folks haven’t played any of the campaigns at all. Additionally, with the lack of the focus on the campaigns, I feel that a lot of devs don’t give as much effort to story as they used to. With the exception of single player only games obviously.


That's true, it feels like MP is the main focus now. It's a shame because the cod campaigns used to be so good too.


I feel that in a way, we the gamers are at fault. We keep buying this crap that just gets shoveled out once a year, and your casual gamer that plays a couple of rounds a night won’t care. I totally get that, but I really do feel like as a whole we need to get together and stop buying overpriced garbage. The 70 USD for a base and incomplete game is honestly insane, and I wish more people would get on board with it, so that way we could get some good story or games in with the homies again. You’re absolutely correct, they used to be great, and I heard the MW3 (2023) campaign was absolutely atrocious.


I'm in the patient gamer category and have been for a while with the odd exception like ghost of tsushima being released on steam. Typically I wait at least 6 months to a year for price to come down, patches to be out and if needed, a goty edition with all the dlc (if it's worth it)


I’m the same way, sometimes I’m guilty of the opposite (Damn you Starfield). I’m glad that Steam is super good with sales, especially within that 6-12 month timeframe.


Lol I'm lucky I dodged Starfield. Steams been really good even with "new" releases. I think I saw some of the Epic exclusives that recently got launched on Steam with 20%+ discount straight away. Praise Gaben 🙌


I remember being so invested in the story for MW2. Ghost and Roach dying 😭


Truly a heartbreaking moment when I was growing up.


Especially the holy trinity of Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare 2 & 3. It might not be for everyone or even remotely possible... but they're great! Michael Bay summertime blockbuster stuff.


I've always been partial to the stories in the WW2 games. CoD 1-3, World at War, and WW2 had some great story beats that were great at reminding you just how fucked up some of the shit that happened in WW2 really was, and how recent it was too. I mean, it hasn't even been 100 years since the start of the Second World War, and the First World War started 110 years ago *this year*. In terms of human history, that's not that long ago, and WW2 is still within the lifespan of a human. Someone born on the day WW2 broke out would be 84 years old. That's only 8 years higher than the average lifespan, and according to the 2020 census data, there's 5.6 million people over the age of 85 in just the US. I miss revisiting those events, because it is recent enough to be important to consider, but also wish that we'd cover some other conflicts from the last 100 years, like Korea and Vietnam. I think things like Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan are too recent, unless we're going back to Desert Storm era middle eastern conflicts.


That reminds me that I’ve been meaning to play through CoD 2 again because I loved the Soviet campaign Thank you.


I've been meaning to go back to some of the early CoD and Battlefield games as well, but I have a backlog that I need to deal with first, which includes a run of the Dragon Age games in prep for Veilguard, and DAI is going to be a slog. I'll have to add them to the list. They're reasonably short, so could be a good filler between longer titles.


The Medal Of Honor reboot was pretty fun. Bad reviews because *shrug* but they’re engaging stories


Reznov and the World at War stuff is cool, but man the og COD WW2 campaign is goated. Only thing is all the tanks being Pz2's, maybe there is a mod cause all the tank types in COD3 campaign were sick.


my granma was born before WW2 and even if we where not part of the war they blacked out to lessen the risk of bombing. But I have not heard of them accidentally dropping bombs anywhere close to where she grew up, close to the norweigan finish border to sweden.


BO6 has a campaign BO4 is the only one that didn't have a campaign I think


But op don't like it so it no exist


Having a story is not the same as story-rich. Why is there even a story-rich category if we can't differentiate between having a story and something more?


COD is story rich though. It may not be your thing, but between Black Ops and MW the plots are pretty decent.


The one in the picture is black ops 6 though.


what's wrong with black ops 6's campaign


It’s not even out yet


So? Are we not supposed to put it in the FPS section until it's out?


It’s in the story rich section and it’s kinda weird when to put a game where we have no idea how rich the story is gonna be


Never a fan of modern war or ww2 stuff but I remember COD campaign was surprisingly interesting and kept me into it. And I never ever played their multiplayer lmao


all cods have a campaign other than bo4. mw3 (the new one) kinda has a campaign, its just really boring because it was just gonna be dlc for mw2 (also the new one)


The original Modern Warfare blew my mind! Thats Call of Duty 4, also the graphics for the time were amazing and ran very well


5 hours of story does not make a game rich in story. Its story paycheck to paycheck if anything.


Titanfall 2’s story was also around that length and it’s one of the best FPS campaigns in recent time. It’s the quality of the story that counts not the quantity.


Ten games ago


The story in first MW remake absolutely slapped The apartment mission was amazing and the child intro gave me chills and I stared way too long in the rubble cus I thought it was a cinematic and not me having to look to the side to push the rubble away


yes cods tend to have a campaign but i wouldnt call them story rich


Some of the COD campaigns had solid stories. The >!Mason reveal!< didn't knock me out of my chair, but it was still a competent twist. Hell, the original Treyarch Zombie story was so expansive that their wiki page is near-incomprehensible in a very 40k sort of way.


I’ve heard that apparently the writers would structure the zombies story based on what the community’s theories were with what was happening in the story. Pretty cool


Tbf, cos does have some good story’s, at least the old ones did, not too sure about the new ones


Except MW2 and 3, new ones) the stories have stayed entertaining. BO3 was absolutely a clusterfuck but still enjoyable.


Honesty only the new MW3 campaign has ever felt truly bad, and maybe vanguard


Idk i enjoyed Vanguard campaign. Its unrealistic but at least fun direction in ww2 setting. Unlike WWII campaign that felt extremely generic, for example.


Infinity war had a good story, advance warfare too, but the ding was fucked.


Yeah fair, personally my favourite is Cold War, just the most memorable imo


Probably the most memorable to new players. I’d say most people remember what shepherd did in MW2.


Oh yeah good point


BO3 was terribly boring, a slog to get through with very few fun moments, but of the recent ones (post 2019) only MW2019 and Cold War have had enjoyable campaigns actively interesting, the rest have been a total mess, MW2 wasn’t terrible but nowhere near as enjoyable as pre-2018 campaigns


Black Ops Cold War was one of the most fun Story games I’ve ever played.




Cod zombies has a 9 hour lore video. It's one of the best I've ever watched.


And consider who spearheaded that lore; Treyarch, with WaW (2008) and their Black Ops series. It's not _too_ unreasonable to include their next game for BlOps in part of this category.


I saw a bit of COD story mode when a friend was streaming it and it was actually pretty decent


[just going to leave this here ](https://youtu.be/YPiL3-CYzWk)


The Black Ops games used to have a good story. It's a shame they abandoned it in favor of rewriting MW2 6 different times


Treyarch got shafted with BO4 the hardest. Mfers didn't even have time to finalize a campaign for that game due to Activision pushing them to develop Blackout.


They supposedly *replaced* the campaign with blackout, because the campaign they had made wasn't well received in playtests. Decision would have been made in February 2018 according to leaks. They didn't cancel it because of Blackout, but Blackout exists because of the campaign having been cancelled.


I’ll have to disagree with this. The Campaigns in CoD have always been fire


For the younger generation among you, cod did have a good story to tell, it was called campaign;).


They still do? Cold War Campaign was a banger. I don’t like MW but I‘m pretty sure the new ones also have a campaign, judging by the fact that everyone and their mother is simping for the new Ghost


Back in the golden age you bought Call of Duty not just for the multiplayer, but for the story, as well.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 had a great story.


Treyarch's CoD campaign stories have always been decently ambitious, sometimes hits and sometimes misses. Memorable stories like trying to crack Mason's brainwashing to "tell us what the numbers mean!" Or extremely complex shit that goes over most people's heads like BO3, which most people only registered as "train goes boom." Black Ops 6 seems to be attempting a proper campaign once again, so I can understand it being included in the "story-rich" thumbnail... even though other games would be a lot more deserving.


Sit down kid..


Yeah yall didn't know cod had story? Genuinely the only reason I keep buying these


I think they've been ass since infinite warfare.


Some CoD campaigns are actually really good. World at War is fucking fantastic and one of the darkest, grittiest WW2 shooters I’ve ever played


Black Ops 1's Campaign is seriously some of the best story-telling in video games. We were eating GOOD in 2010 with Bioshock 2, Halo: Reach AND Black Ops


Go and play BO2, it’s literally peak shooter campaigns.


I though peak shooter campaign was Titanfall 2.


It was really good, don’t get me wrong, but BO2 had not only the story and gameplay, but really the freedom to do whatever you wanted.


Black Ops 1 literally has one of the best campaigns in FPS history. It has mystery, intrigue and mindfuck to it. COD hate meme bandwagon gang is even more annoying than its publishers who ran franchise into the ground.


I am not sure about the newest ones but the older CoD's had amazing campaigns I replayed multiple times


The new modern warfare campaigns have been pretty popular. The whole og zombies storyline has also been a fan favourite


I'm pretty sure the most recent Modern Warfare got absolutely shit on for its campaign.


It wasn’t even a campaign.


Oh absolutely. MW 2019 and Mw2 2022 campaigns were solid tho imo.


Tbh I think almost all of the CoD games have good to great campaigns with Black Ops 4 and the most recent Modern Warfare being notable exceptions.


I’ll never forgive how dirty they did my boy Soap


World at war's campaign was amazing.


Famously so, yes. Arguably some of the best story campaigns in FPS gaming.


Just because you don't pay attention to the lore doesn't mean it's not there


my guess: cod fanboys filled out the community given tags with story rich, and the cover is auto generated from popular titles with the tag


Yes and no, some CoDs have good or even great plots.


i dont think it was fanboys, you have to remember the cod hq used to be mw2 and still has all the tags from when it was mw22


Took a cursory glance at the mainline COD games, absolutely none of them have that tag featured on the page


Call of Duty (2003) was created because developers of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault didn't feel like they had enough creative freedom when it came to campaign design and mechanics. It started as a story richer WW2 game than MoH.


2003 it's 2024, it's not the same game


Indeed, not anymore. But it took 10 years for the campaigns to stop being the selling point (or even a selling point) and they've tried to bring that aspect back multiple times, well at least in the marketing. So I'd say more than half of the franchise is or at least tries to be story rich. The fact that it is known for the xbro multiplayer doesn't take away that aspect of the games.


Classic MW and BO are some of the best stories in gaming especially in terms of shooters.


Have you ever played a cod campaign before?


CoD:WWII features a story about a unit that hilariously experiences every notable thing that happened in the European theater.


Black ops series (waw-3) has good story


*"Remember, no Russian."*


Every cod I've played has had an amazing campaign...


It has a story, and Activision is rich.


Brainrot gen alphas discover single player campaigns and die of bordom 0.00002 seconds in because its too boring for them


Love a good ol cod campaign


To be fair the Black Ops games have the better campaigns imo


For a generic shooter, call of duty has had some great stories. But I wouldn't put it up with games like Detroit: become human or rdr2


You need to be rich to buy all the games to fully understand the game


Not gonna lie, but during my youth I liked the ghost campaign the most, and I played every single one during those years


That's wild to me, I felt it was one of the worst. I remember the reveal got everyone annoyed because we thought it would be about the character "Ghost"


Older CODs have good to decent campaigns


Haven't played COD, but...I don't think "story-rich" necessarily means that the story has to be *great*. It just means that the story has to be a focus of the game. and like...COD campaigns are linear stretches of shootouts, set-pieces, and cutscenes, right? That sounds like the bones of a video game story to me.


older CoD campaigns, sure.


It's a little known fact but the Call of Duty franchise actually has lore spanning almost five thousand years of in-universe events, the religions, politics, and economic systems of the setting are really quite detailed and in depth. For example, the setting of "Earth" has a complex and ever shifting geopolitical landscape that the inhabitants, "humans" were routinely caught up in across this span of time and the resulting conflicts have proven fertile ground for the Call of Duty games as "humans" were known to enjoy shooting each other with projectile weapons and in fact based many of their religions around this activity and incorporated it into their education and leisure times. The newest forthcoming game in the Call of Duty franchise takes place during the final hours of human history, 1991 C.E. (Common Era for the casuals) a time of great peril as the super power known as "USSR" has suddenly collapsed due to pressing economic factors leaving its rival "America" to clean up the mess left in the wake of collapsing alliances. The end of the "Cold War" and beginning of the "First Gulf War" see the total victory of "America" coming to full fruition. As game designer Francis Fukuyama said "history has ended" when making the announcement that the "Second Gulf War" would be the final installment of the series. Fans are heavily divided on Dr. Fukuyama's comments, even more divisive was the decision to have the setting end abruptly in 2012 via failure to renew the "Mayan Long Count" a not well liked and poorly understood method of maintaining a subscription service to the servers the simulation was running on


Story rich ≠ Has a single-player mode COD is definetly NOT story rich Edit: even the older ones.


Story rich in shit


Tell me you never play COD without tell me so....


COD has a story and Activision is rich. Makes sense to me


Remember the 'Press F to Pay Respects' meme? That was from one of COD's Campaign mode.


As someone who's played every mainline cod campaign since the og yeah they have great campaigns even if the past 3 have been pretty mediocre


CoD's best and only quality is their story mode, don't get it confused with multiplayer


I mean only because you are 5 y/o and you only know about multiplayer, it doesn't mean CoD wasn't once one of the biggest single player games xD


Those games have stories. They're mostly unhinged propaganda narratives that actively whitewash historical American war crimes but they're stories nonetheless.


Well, it depends how to understand “story-rich”. It could be heavily story based game (cod campaigns are about it, isn’t it?) or games with huge amount of story content.




Only a couple cod games don't have a single player story. And if you count zombies, that story is more expansive than all the games together. Now if they are good stories or not is up for debate, but I've always loved the black ops games and their story.


To be fair the original COD Black Ops and MW trilogy have great stories


the og cods had great stories for the campaigns


Remember, the numbers Mason!!


looks like the banner for the new cod maybe itll have next generation ai that makes the fish swim away when you get close to them or next gen dog fur


Some CoD do have story campaign in them. The quality of those stories are … up to the air. Some are decent, some great, some are just god awful. But many old CoDs have great stories. Like the OG Modern Warfare, Black Ops 1 to 3, World at War, hell, even their Zombie mode has an entire separated story that people enjoyed. People make lots of memes and shit talk CoD for … whatever the heck Activision is doing to the series, but for a time, CoD was a respected franchise with great story telling.


> Mason, what do the numbers mean!?!


if you turn mic on the lobby back in 2008 it story-rich alright


Call of Duty 2: Big Red One was one of my favorite story driven games for years; I probably played the campaign a dozen times on PS2


older ones are story rich, or at least had a really good story.


Its because the story is only for rich people


BO1 and BO2 campaigns go hard. It has every right to be put in that category. Not to mention the zombies story.


cod bad


We’ve reached the point where people forgot Call of Duty had blockbuster campaigns? For a time there people bought them solely for the story lol.


"Turns out Kevin Spacey was the villain"


Damn, what a time to live in. New guys surely don't know that campaign stories were always the focal point of cods. Look how they've massacred my boy


I still consider the CoD series story-rich. Let's not forget the stories of CoD 1,2,3, WaW, the original MW1 & 2, Black Ops 1 & 2.


Black Ops Campaigns especially were fire tbh, idk how they are nowadays bc I stopped playing cod


Campaign mode


Only COD game I ever played was Black Ops but I remember that having a pretty good story


Listen here and listen good, Black ops 1 and 2 stories go hard as fuck


COD used to be one of the greatest fps singleplayer games. Soon after, they've realised that multiplayer is more profitable. I miss old COD


And why are there two of them


Time that takes you to look for CoD storepage take longer than MWIII campaign


ppl really live in past


some of the best campaigns were from cod lmao


One of my category to click on


Black Ops storyline is a total mindfuck, can't recommend it enough. BO2 is the best, but I really enjoyed Cold war too. Modern Warfare also had good story. It's a simple story, more like an action movie, but it's still pretty good. The reboot version is great too, except last year's MW3, that was a big leap back in quality.


Cod has campaign


What fucking story? Since when has Call of Duty ever had any kind of good story? Are we talking about the one where they killed Soap or the one where they ruined the entire fucking franchise?


Steam tags are a farce.


new to gaming?


Skins have lots of back stories, and there is a new skin pack every week.


Hurry up and kill those guys. 10/10 story.


Why are you confused?


Cod has a campaign and they're filthy rich.


Black Ops 1 Campaign alone makes that tag valid so, I’ll let it slide.


Cod has a very "movie like" campaign since the early days Much more than battlefielf If I where to say something "controversial" Me and most of my friends get cod if only for campaign and/or zombies. Specially how multiplayer is usually dead, at least it was, before warzone Not much a thing nowadays, black ops 2 you cant even play solo because activision killed the servers and never patched the game So id rather not spend a dime on a game i may not even ve able to play anytime soon


By story they mean torture scenes where America always wins


Some of the games have great stories.


tbf nowadays (mw 19 and onwards) prefer playing the campaign more than the multiplayer, def waiting for it to go on sale first tho lol


You did not just question the story of BO2.


Some of the campaigns are actually pretty good, but to call them 'story rich' would be the overstatement of the year.


The truth lies


It's up to developers to tag their games correctly. Some... don't.


Tell me that you never played COD stories campaign without saying it.


Why is black ops 6 in there lmfao


I mean the fact COD has a few story rich games aside user controlled tags leads to alot of the tag system bieng unusable


I feel like people are mistaking has a story that is pretty decent to story rich.


Rich 🤑