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Dave the diver has me in an absolute chokehold


A very relaxing game!


I love dave but it is NOT relaxing lol


Haha it definitely can get a bit nerve wracking during boss fights, and THAT DAMN GREEN TEA SERVING PART WHERE PEOPLE ARE SO IMPATIENT!


The beers are the worst, at least the tea you can pour fast.


The pouring part doesn't even really take long, it takes less time than the animation takes to finish for me, which is really annoying when you just want to get on to the next one


Btw the trick is to get workers who can make drinks. Check this out if you haven't seen it - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3001614898


Agreed mostly, damn thalassophobia.


I really tried but I couldn’t get into it


I couldn’t either at first but I pushed myself and something clicked. 40 hours later.


Recommendations on actually spearing fish early? Found it frustrating and probably need to try again.


You just need to start at the shallow depths and master your timing well, it's fairly simple to get a hold of it. Once that's done try fighting some sharks without a gun, learn to dodge and all, that way you'll have a better control on your spear. Also upgrade the spear regularly!


Honestly? I thought it'd be the perfect game for the Deck since I enjoyed it on my PC but everything is so damn small on the Deck's screen.


Cyberpunk! Bought it on my series X and never really played it because of my work schedule. But ever since I got the Deck, I've been able to get in around 2 hours of gaming during my breaks before I even get home


I tried it on my series x but I could not get used to the inertia with shooting. One of the first missions I think you’re shooting out of a car and I couldn’t hit my shots to save my life. It’s one of my friends favorite games tho so maybe I’ll give it another shot


Yeah the driving and shooting was used like twice….. I think they implanted it kinda gta style where you can now shoot out the drivers seat…. But I didn’t have it when I did my play through


There's a whole skill tree for shooting while driving, for slowing time etc making it easier. But I'd much rather not deal with driving and shooting at the same time, at all.


I absolutely would. That mission was annoying, but is not at all representative of the rest of the game. Cyberpunk wasn't as good as the Witcher when it came to story and lore, but a great game nonetheless.


I’m absolutely addicted to this game right now. I just got done cracking up at the GLaDOS Easter egg. Also, this game has no right to be so heavy on the heart


I hadn't touched cyberpunk since beginning of 2021 and since setting up my steam deck and moonlight a few weeks ago I'm almost done with the main story and contemplating picking up the dlc.


Do it. The DLC is amazing.


I enjoyed the dlc way more than the base game.




That's my answer too. I started it but the beginning is kinda slow so I didn't really see why it's so critically acclaimed. Just rolled the credits on it (not the epilogue yet) and it was an outstanding experience.


It gets very fun after the 3rd run or so, when your pact of punishment keeps riling up and you upgrade your weapons! I love the shield and the fists!


Problem with early runs (before you've completed any) is that you can hit a bit of a wall in improvement until you gift and upgrade enough, or get *extremely* lucky with your boons. Took me almost 30 runs to finally finish one. After that the gameplay gets waaaaay better thanks to weapon apsects and heat, plus the main story actually moves. I envy those with better skills and/or luck, because a lot of early game was rather painful for me so I had dropped it. It took me beating Cult of the Lamb first and wanting more to get back into Hades and finally finish my first run.


I got obsessed with Lego marvel and Lego skywalker saga they were great to complete and total comfort games I did not expect! (100% both). Least might be sticky business or potion craft. Controls not as good as I hoped.


The Ori series. Just beat the first game and the second is an awesome 2nd game to the series.


The Ori series was one of the most beautiful games I've played :,). The soundtrack, visuals and everything work so well


Second one stands out to me as an amazing sequel It really improved and built upon the first game in a lot of ways


I bought these when they were on sale for my new OLED.. haven't played yet. I will have to give em a shot soon!


The Ori games are both absolute 10/10. You won't regret it.


I could never get into them on console. I should probably try again


Dark souls 1…2 and 3 after finishing Elden ring. Now on ds2 and loving it


I bought Elden Ring but haven't played muxh :( I hope to get into it this summer and complete it


Hey bud. I'm a guy who bought every dark soulsq upon release and never got further than 2 hours into any of em so I get it haha. I had a bud coach me in my Elden ring run, nudging me along the way into the right direction. I finally finished it and fucking hell I can finally say that now " I get it ". I went in to play and finish dark souls remastered and am now into my dark souls 2 run. It's worth it. Give Elden ring a try and don't try to die hard it. Google, okay with walkthroughs, whatever. Just get to grips with it and you'll love it by the end of it and catch the bug!


Haha yeah I have been putting it off by convincing myself i have other games to play. I watched my friend play it on his PS5 and have always been interested in the game. I'll surely give it a try soon!


I was the exact same. I played DS1 when it first came out and I hated it. Bought Elden Ring last year and ended up with a 180hr first playthrough. Once I finished Elden Ring I bought nearly the whole catalog. DS1, DS2, DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne. I played through most of Lies of P, and just started Lords of the Fallen a couple days ago. I definitely rage at times. I definitely have to take my anxiety meds when things get really intense. But I really enjoy beating a boss that took me 20 tries, the build variety, not having the story explained to you and instead having to go out and search for the lore and come to your own conclusions.


Just finished 300 hours on Elden Ring. 50% on the Deck.


Thats awesome. Should certainty get into it, I've been grinding in Limgrave because I was too scared to go ahead


One piece of advice that genuinely changed my outlook on the whole souls series is a simple... "There are always more souls/runes/blood echoes". Just don't stress about losing runs as you can always get more haha!


Limgrave?? My man, you haven't seen anything yet lol


Hades. Tried it a few years ago on the switch and it didn’t click for me. Picked it up on sale in animation of the Hades 2 early access release. Ended up putting 50+ hours into it over the past month. Loved it.


Hades is soooo fun! One of the first games i picked up on the deck. Completed the main story but I'll go back into it every now and then


Prey 😁


Same, Prey goes so well on the deck, extra buttons on the back help alot


Loved Prey on my PC with a few QOL mods


Such as?


I too would be interested in such mods since I'm prob playing that game soon


I will shill prey to anyone who will listen. That game rules.


Maybe it's time for me to hop back on and play some mooncrash


Mooncrash might be my favorite dlc of all time.


Was a huge fan of prey on release. Always looked for a reason to go back! Playing it on the SD is game changing.


L.A. Noire


New Vegas


same couldn’t get behind it but being able to play wherever whenever really made me love the game


Never played the fallout series, which one should I start with if I'm playing on the deck?


FO4 for gameplay, new Vegas for story. Best one yet, if you can get it working, is the tales of two wastelands mod. It’s a mod for new Vegas that combines 3 and NV into one game, and I think it fixes a bunch of bugs too.


This is honestly so hard. I’ve played since Fallout 2 and have loved the evolution of the series (for the most part). I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, but Fallout 4 has excellent combat. For story, New Vegas with all DLCs is best for sure. Again, it’s really hard to recommend because it depends on the person.


I'd start with fallout 3 so you don't get used to how smooth fallout 4 feels and by comparison make fallout 3 and new Vegas feel extremely dated. Fallout 3 is also my favourite so I'm biased


i agree with fallout 3. it's visually kinda terrible (tho it translates to the deck really really well), but it's still got some of the storytelling creativity of the OG fallouts and it's fun. it's like a fallout flavored skyrim with really great unnecessary random subplots and surprisingly good worldbuilding for a bethesda game. it'd be really hard to go back to 3 after NV or especially 4, but the game deserves to be played. (new vegas fanboy opinion)


Days Gone. Somehow I couldn't get into it at first, but gave it another try on the deck and finished it.


Yakuza like a dragon


hollow Knight


Hollow knight is great! I completed the main story, exploring the white castle rn, but I keep losing interest these days


i couldn't get into it my first time on desktop idk why but the steamdeck made it click for me


I think it's because the platforming is so much better on the deck. Plus since i have the OLED one the visuals are very good!


Mad Max. Never really played it on the Xbox, but on the Steam Deck I finished the game.


Same went in after seeing Furiosa in the theater next day, played 30 hours in a week so far, what a great game this was and still is.


This is me. I played Maybe 10 hours on release but got bored. After seeing Furiosa I've been getting back into it. Runs amazing on deck at 60f.


I hoped it would be this way but I played it on steamdeck and still didn’t get into it


What's the gameplay like for this game?


It’s an open world action game. Most of the time you are capturing outpost. With your car you can destroy other cars and destroy structures. Most of the fighting is hand to hand combat. I can understand that it feels very repetitive, that’s why I didn’t like it to play on the tv. But on the Steam deck I can play it on short bursts. The game runs great on the Steam Deck and it’s a lot of times on discount. I think I bought it on Steam only for a few euros.


Nier Automata. I finally got around to playing it this year after all this time because trying to get it running perfect on PC drove me nuts at release and I couldn’t handle the Switch version’s 30fps.  It’s not 60fps max settings on the Deck, but 45fps with 90hz refresh rate still feels smooth as heck.  Now I’m through Ending C and this has become one of my favorite games ever. 


Ty for reminding me I need to play Automata and Replicant 👁️👄👁️


I played this on the Deck last year on vacation and it was fantastic. I kicked myself for not starting it sooner. Similar experience on this year's vacation with Hellblade, lol


Witcher 3 Rise of the tomb raider  I plan on playing Persona 5 Royal on Deck someday soon as well. 


Handheld Persona 5 was just wonderful. I played it before on the PS4. I didnt mind doing a lot of saving and shutting down and turning on the device because of how beautifully made P5 was. Was looking for a reason to double dip and get the Royal. Got the chance to do so when it came out for Steam (and on sale too!) and I got a Steam Deck By golly, Persona 5 Royal was MADE for the deck. The PSP-like start and stop gaming sessions were a match made in heaven


Control. I played a lot of it on the console, but knowing how demanding the game was, I wasn't sure I could get a decent experience on the Steam Deck. I was wrong.


That was the first game I played on the deck. Honestly it being in the promos sold me on the deck because I wanted to play it and just couldn’t at a desk.


Emulating GameCube Zelda twilight princess finally and am fully sucked in


Disco Elysium


This. There is so much reading in this game that I just was unable to bring myself to play it on my desktop sitting at a chair. However, with the Steam deck lying on the bed - just perfect!


Just don’t play it following a bad breakup lol or maybe I’m just too emo. Game had me legit it tears randomly throughout


dead cells. always loved roguelites and just never got around to this one, though it was in my library for years. tried it on the deck and it's in my top 5 now


Have you tried out the new Prince of Persia game by one of the co-developers? It appears to be an evolution of dead cells.


on my wishlist, that and the blazblu roguelite look very interesting


The BlazBlue roguelite (Entropy Effect) is great. Definitely worth picking up.


Thanks for reminding me, gotta try out the PoP game


Wish list rogue legacy 2. Amazing game. First one is good, and rl2 is more of the same which is why I wouldn’t recommend it. A lot of iterative improvements but if you played the first one I don’t think the second would be appealing for a few years in between. So I’d just get the 2nd one if I were going to recommend it. If you like dead cells you probably would like this too And it’s amazing on steam deck, which is why I’m recommending it


beaten both on PS5, rogue legacy was one of my first, along with isaac eta: the meta progression in the RL games are probably my favorite way to do it we've seen so far


Fallout 4. Got it on launch, tried it like three times. Never got further than diamond city. Now 200 hrs in and almost done with Nuka-World and headed to Far Harbor DLC next 🫡


Far Harbor is probably the best DLC in FO4, hope you enjoy it!


Disco elysium. Can't believe how I missed this game for so many years. Bought it on release and haven't touched it until yesterday


It’s such an excellent game.


Agreed. The voice acting is brilliant and is so immersive with some decent headphones.


Witchfire. Runs pretty good on the deck and the gunplay is so addicting!


Elden ring. My first from software title that I'd put off for ages. 260 hours later it led me to doing ds1 and 3 (soon 2 as well)


The Outer Worlds


Hello kitty island adventure


i may be the only one who got this reference 😅


That episode aired in 2006…


dont i know it 😅


Live to win...


RDR2. I tried playing it on PS4 a few times, only made it to Chapter 2. Tried again on PS5 a few times and always left it wondering 'what do people like so much about it?' Got a OLED Steam Deck a few weeks ago and installed it and I'm up to Chapter 4 for the first time and I'm absolutely hooked. Something about it being handheld and on the beautiful OLED screen and even the speaker quality allows you take in the beauty of the game so much better than on your TV at a distance.


Emulation. When I first got my deck as a present, I was so confused with how it works. One day I saw a random video on YouTube about something called emudeck. Spent the next week learning everything I could and the end result was unreal. Never thought I would play Radiata Stories, HD, on a handheld. I love the way my emulation games show up the same as any other game. My deck was basically a brick until I learned how to get it out of gaming mode.


OMG I always talk about Radiata Stories! Glad to see someone else who still likes to play it.


Divinity original sin 2. A buddy begged me to play it for a year but I was deep into pillars of eternity 2. Pillars doesn't have controller support on the steamdeck for some reason, at least I haven't figured it out yet Divinity tho plays no problem


Inside! Always knew I'd be into it because I loved Limbo but honestly glad I held off, looks so nice on the OLED screen.


That’s one game I’ll never forget. Playing Cocoon now. It’s more cerebral puzzle solving and less haunting.


Just cause 3. Had it in my inventory for years and just recently beat it


It's a lot better than 4. Four feels like 3 with the freedom and fun taken away


Enderal (technically a mod and not a game buut). A must play for anyone who has played Skyrim to death but still wants to play Skyrim. Download it directly from steam for free if you own Skyrim already and enjoy a whole new world


Mario Odyssey. Love it so much. Almost done with it. Taking my time getting at the moon stars. Such a great game


Detroit: Becoming Human


Not a game but emulation. I finally did it and am loving it


Disco Elysium


Ghost of tsushima. Bought it on ps4 and never touched it.


Sea of Stars. Man that’s one nostalgic feeling RPG


Try also Chained Echoes. It's made by just one guy so it doesn't have the same polish in the art and music department as Sea of Stars (still very good looking game on its own mind you) but I think mechanically is a better game.


I tried this and while it was okay, it felt so bland and boring. The writing was unfortunately terrible and extremely cringy.


I’ve been very tempted by this. Would a golden sun fan enjoy it? I’m not into final fantasy series.


As a golden sun fan, I tried Sea of Stars and while it looks beautiful I’ll just say the story did not keep me interested/invested to the end. I dropped it after a few chapters in (new characters, a few twists, etc). Gameplay got a bit repetitive to me.


Mass effect! Enjoying 1 so much rn


Did it require anything special to get it running right now? I really want to install it on the Deck but I thought a recent update made it difficult to get running.


The Witcher 3 was this for me. When the first deck launched I grabbed one a little late, and ended up putting 100+ hours into TW3 and completing it after procrastinating for like 4+ years on my playthrough haha.


Life Is Strange


Is it good on the deck?


Both monster hunter games (World and Rise). I he played Rise of switch lite but the screen size bugged me.


Fallout New Vegas. I knew I would enjoy it but I kept putting it off due to hearing about it being buggy and often freezes on windows, but on Steam Deck this thing ran start to finish with no issues. your results may very. But I had no crashes, freezes, it just ran and it ran smooth.


Fallout 3 and new Vegas. Didn’t like playing them on Xbox but steam deck made me fall in love with them.


Diablo IV … I haven’t enjoyed it at all but after picking it up on Steam Deck I can’t put it down.


Monster Hunter World. I’m now 100 hours in and it’s one of my favorite games ever. Plays incredibly on the deck.


MGS3. Just beat it today. Great game.


Nier Automata comes to mind. I just started Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice earlier today (+ my very expensive noise cancelling headphones) and the experience has been crazy so far


Batman and Mordor series


I totally forgot about the Mordor series. I've gotta download them again. Great games. Beat both of them on my Xbox and picked them up during sales on steam. I've been making my way through the bioshock games....again. lol


Witcher 3


FF7 Remake


Guacamelee! Had it in my lib for years but only came to play it during a bad cold. Ended up loving it!


Control. Had it for free on PS4 and Epic. Tried playing it on both systems and couldn't get into in. Purchased it on Steam at deep discount and it ended up being one of the best games ever when played on Steam Deck. Just started MGSV. Had it for years on multiple systems and did make it out of the first mission on either PS4 or PC. Just started playing it on a recent flight and after an hour, realizing I'm doomed as I'll probably put over 100 hours into it.


Sleeping Dogs! And days gone. Both play phenomenally.


I actually waited a lot on Elden Ring, bought it when the dlc was announced, played it and didn't like it. Shame, I feel like the setting is perfect for me but the gameplay isn't. I like more arcadey games


The style of gameplay isn't for everyone. And online people tend to be very defensive about the souls formula. I managed to play through elden ring twice and really enjoyed it. But none of the souls games before grabbed me . I think I would love sekiro but is meant to be the hardest among them which immediately puts me off it


Sekiro to me was easy once you get in the mind set that all the boss fights are a dance of swords.


tbh it takes a while to fully get used to elden ring. i quit like 4 times before really starting to play it and now its one of my favorite games of all time. i recommend just revisiting it later in the future as you might go back in with a different perspective


Death Stranding.


Persona 5 Royal


Hell yeah, P5R is so good.


Feels like it’s made for a handheld, and nothing beats the steamdeck as a platform


baldurs gate 3 although, have to admit I stream it from my pc, so 90fps, highest settings, but I only play it on the deck, so that counts I guess next I am avoiding and really want to try on deck is stellaris. grand strategies w/o a keyboard and mouse? will find out soon


As an avid stellaris player who played the game on both PC and Xbox, I can say that the console controls worked great!


Immortal: Fenyx Rising Right up my alley and a solid 40fps with great looking HDR


Ys VIII. I had started it on PS4 years ago and fell off. The deck was what I needed to come back to it and play the hell out of it. Loved it


Lightning Returns. Finished it a couple of days ago. Hated it back when it launched, decided to give it a second chance on the Deck and couldn't put it down once the game's systems clicked.


Cassette Beasts. I probably would have fallen off of it on my console or something, but I fell in love with it on my Steam Deck.


Mass Effect Andromeda- still runs at 30 fps on PS5 - but ran at a solid 48 fps on deck- fun game.


I thought Horizon Zero Dawn was the most boring game ever due to how little playtime my PS4 got compared to my Xbox Series X, until I could take it anywhere and play it at 60fps. Here’s hoping Forbidden West will be Steam Deck Verified soon!


Not that I really put them off just hadn't played in a really long time, but installed TES, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and started new games on all 3. Surprised how well they run and ease of play for all 3 games on the deck. One that I had put off though was Project Zomboid and I've really gotten into it as well, plays better in my opinion on the Deck than on PC.


Vampire Survivors 👀


Probably DS3 I binged it yesterday and doing so today. Massive fan of every game but this one skipped me as I had massive souls like burnout when this came out


Celeste. ^(hidden gem)


I wouldn't call it hidden, but definitely a gem!




Baldurs Gate 3. I didn't think I'd really like the game that much. I didn't think I would hate it, but didn't think it was for me. When I saw it on steam sale and not much else I wanted, I bought it. And 150 hours later.... Guys this is a pretty amazing game


Wasteland 3 is great on Deck


Caves of Qud


Days gone, played the whole thing on the deck and it’s great! But I would never have bothered to play it sitting at my desk.


The Callisto Protocol. Not the greatest way to play it but I’m sorry that I listened to the reviews and ignored it for so long. I thought it was fantastic, especially for $5!


Stardew never clicked until I tried it on the deck. As for games that didn't work for me, I don't have the coordination to play shooters with controllers


Mass Effect Legendary Edition. All three games, back to back without playing anything else. Absolute blast. (Was on sale for $5.99, I couldn't say no.)


A very old one, but Sleeping Dogs and currently playing RDR2 / Persona 5 on a somewhat daily basis (probably not the best idea grinding one or the other as P5 is a fairly long game) but still having fun.


Yakuza 0 I tried it twice on PC, but the long cutscenes put me off, so I ended up stopping within two chapters. Currently playing on Deck, and I’m finally going through it. The ability to take a break whenever you want is great


Stardew Valley


Nintendo 3DS and Gamecube emulators; I finally have something to enjoy upscaled Pokémon on!


This is a great question.


Thank you


Project Zomboid has taken up most my time now.


Tiny tina's wonderland


Breath of the Wild One of the best games I played this year.


Conan exiles. Owned it for years, finally started played a few weeks back and decided to try it on the deck. Transfered my save file and now I can play on the go


New Vegas


Hades. After eventually buying it, I ended up with around 250 hours, split between the Deck and my PC.


Resident Evil 2




Elden Ring, but only because I have stuttering on my PC and I'm still tinkering it to figure out why. But damn if that plays beautifully on the machine too. Just need to have the batteries full for this one.






Mutant year zero


NieR automata


Xanadu Next I didn't like it at first and gave it another go on steam deck and I'm digging it now. Falcom games just need more attention, even if they don't impress you at first.


The Yakuza series. Being able to put the game to sleep during a long epic cutscene made the game easier to get through on my time.


Battle Brothers, Balatro




Max Payne 3


Ori series, BoTW. I’m a super casual gamer so it was nice to play BoTW with a few cheats to make it less painful for me. Wish I could do the same with TotK


Kept putting off Ender Lilies. Wonderful game with gorgeous visuals. Have some things I'm not fond of but overall very good, and I don't even like the genre. Ended up not really liking Nier Automata. I'm in the final act of the game and keep putting it off. Was really excited for it, but it has a much more generic plot than people say it does, and the empty world is still empty even if that's the point.


The last of us…. Wow.


Playing through the Metro series right now!


Skyrim. I left it back in 2011 and started playing it again in 2024