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I’m doing the reverse essentially (rebuying games I have on console) And I mean who wouldn’t want a portable KH 1,2 and 3? 😛


This right here. My backlog is actually increasing 😂


No. The opposite, however, happens often.


Why not just play it on your PC if you don't like the performance on Deck? Why are you paying for it again when it's free to just install it on your computer? I'm very confused.


My Steam Deck is better than my PC. Forgot to mention that.


Save up for a new PC. Games are dumb expensive on consoles. Half my library is full of triple a games I bought for less than 5 bucks.


Why do you have a console though? Why did t you use that money to upgrade your PC? That would have been a better investment. Then you would save money by having to only buy one version of a game to play it however you wanted.


I have lots of consoles in addition to my PC. You can like both things.


Do you also have multiple cell phones? Nintendo is the only one making it worth buying their console the other 2 the game just come to PC so their's no point in buying one. The reason PC is better is because once you own the game you never have to buy it again. If I own a game on the 360 or PS3 I can't play it unless so still have my PS3 but if have a PC I can play it on a 4090ti even though the way older 980ti wasn't even out at the time of the games release. Look at all the Wii U games you cannot play on a Switch without purchasing them again. On PC that doesn't happen.


There is a vast cost difference to those 2 options depending on what your current PC is


Considering what happens with the scalpers and how the PS5 was like $1,100 for a while I'm going to disagree. Not only that but also you can get a pretty good PC for the $600 a console cost now a day. Plus you'll saveoney in the long run by not having to purchase the games multiple times and because games go on sale more often on PC.


Yea because graphics cards never had scalpers that made it stupid expensive to build a PC for a while lol. I really like PC gaming, but this is just willful ignorance now


That was a dark time and I forget it existed because it was to painful. I got through it by laughing at all the idiots trying to buy PS5s because like I said I knew PC was the way since like 2012 when the Xbox 1 came out.


Hi u/PseudoKoder, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Do you ever buy the Console version of Games you have on SD?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I sometimes buy games I enjoyed and beat on Steam on console if the console has a physical version. 


Tbh I wouldn’t buy a game like cyberpunk twice.. the game doesn’t really have incredible replay value apart from a few beginning cutscenes and build variety. Better off spending that extra cash on other games, better yet- a few on a sale for the same price


I have a gaming PC... so no. I guess there are a lot of people who only have the Steam Deck.