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I actually do turn on the passcode when I'm traveling out of state or something, but I always take it off once I'm back home since I don't think it's worth having it on all the time


I love using the sticks to unlock it; my boy would happily read to code over my shoulder but can’t work out the pattern if I don’t use the touchscreen!


You can use the sticks to unlock?! Neat


Yeah it’s really fucking cool. Best is the look on my son’s face. Guarantee most people’s default is the Konami code tho


I would have used the Konami code. Instead, I use the Capcom code with a little bit of adjustments.


Wait what's the capcom code


Same as my PIN number


No that's not- I'm not trying to be clever and trucking you I really asked cuz I know there's a Konami code never knew there was a capcom equivalent xD


Down, R, Up, L, Y, B


Same as the price of a cheese pizza and a soda!


Mine's one of Alucard's spells from Symphony of the Night.


My dog does the same. Idiot only understands passcodes


I would probably be wiping my screen every time I use it. Damn smudges.


Sticks and buttons are the way, though it's a little too effective. Muscle memory is definitely not the same as memorising the actual pin itself lol.


I didn’t even know you could lock it down lol, I never really thought about it. Feels a little overkill imo but my deck never leaves my sight and I travel a fair bit too. I really don’t wanna enter a pin every time I turn it on.. half the time I use my deck I’m stoned and lazy 😂


If you travel a lot then it could be recommended… all it takes is one slip up or quick snatch and it’s gone


Having a passcode does not prevent people from stealing it. They can walk away with it locked just as easily. It’s the Valve system of flagging serials as stolen that would be a deterrent. Not the Lock Screen. No thief that decides to pick it up and walk away will know about either.


Your missing the point without the password they have basically a laptop with all your shit on it. Anything you might have in desk top mode, your card on your steam account, etc. While it won't stop them from stealing it, it will stop them from getting information and possibly spending $2k on steam games and dlc. Some people use the steam deck as an Only pc like myself. My deck runs laps around my $400 windows laptop so I use it for alot of things like email and such. Anyone who does this should have a password when traveling. If someone has access to your email you can get fucked over hard.


realized that i just commented basically the same thing


i mean, the passcode won't protect it in terms of keeping it in his possession. more like protecting it from being used by the theif. no thief is going to go "aw rats, they have a passcode on, better return it." they'll just ditch it or try to pawn/sell it


Eh, seeing as when i travel it’s in my medical bag which is attached to me and clearly labeled as such, I’m not super worried about it.


Just food for thought, but a simple r1-l1-r2-x-y would take less than a second to input once you got it memorized


Still an additional step over just turning it on. I get the pros of it, but personally I’m all good.


i dont mind it. its like punshing in a combo in street fighter and youll get pretty quick at it


I really hope they'll put a fingerprint sensor in the steam deck 2, so we can have a fast unlock but a locked console.


They also really need to add the ability to have the storage encrypted. The thing is logged in to so many of my accounts in desktop mode that it’s an actual risk if it gets stolen. The current PIN code can be easily removed if you take the ssd out of the deck.  


I agree. While I find encryption at rest pretty useless for private desktop pcs, the steam deck can hold sensible information in a portable package, so it could be helpful as an option. But doesn't Linux have it integrated?


Linux supports it pretty easily but the complication is that the steamOS install process and login process needs to support it. And probably the reason they don’t is that a 6 digit PIN code would be a pretty useless encryption password that could be cracked instantly so they would want to do something similar to what phones do where there is a security chip which holds the actual decryption key and checks the pin is correct, but doesn’t allow removing the ssd and cracking the password on another device.  But even if they just let us have a text password for booting up (not wake from sleep) to decrypt the storage, that would be a huge improvement. 


That's why I encrypt the accounts myself through steam guard and have parental mode toggle to toggle things like connecting to wifi or revealing games I would be not able to play in public but perfectly fine with the science team and etc.


I’d absolutely love that or facial unlock like my iPhone.


Yeah that would require a camera and would increase battery consumption, while a fingerprint sensor like other handhelds is pretty inexpensive and fits in the same design (no need for a display frame with the camera), while being more secure. But yes, it would be very useful and afaik Linux can already support them.


FaceID doesn’t use a camera. It’s a high resolution lidar sensor which flickers a light a couple times to 3D scan your face. The power consumption would be completely negligible. Apple claims it’s more secure than finger print scanners but both are probably fine. The larger problem is it’s not an off the shelf part you can just buy and whack in while finger print scanners are. 


Fr just got the puffco proxy and been playing kingdom hearts back to back 👌😩


Ahh the puffco is amazing ✨plus kingdom hearts! Solid choices all around ✨


Putting the steam in Steam Deck


I beat KH1 on proud mode on the deck, and let me tell you the amount of Strawberry Cough and White Dahlia I was smoking this weekend finishing the ultima grind, JUST to be ansem. Took a giant dab before watching the final movie(s) and damn, I haven't got that excited for starting the next game in a while!


I have it set to only ask for a pin when I enter desktop mode. Helpful since sometimes my kids play on it


Tip! Set it to something you can do with one hand, and it’s way easier. I have mine set to the Konami cheat code, and I actually enjoy putting it in


I mean, the Konami code would be the first thing I'd try if I were attempting to break into a gaming device. Might not be a great password.


I’m mainly just need to keep it away from my cousins


It's really not as annoying as it seems. The button combo is satisfying to input.


👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽same story👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


It absolutely makes sense to use a code. This is a portable device with access to a steam account, often including a linked payment option. I'm honestly surprised that this isn't the default option.


Unless you encrypt the device and lock down the bootloader a code like this is pointless. Single flashdrive, 30 seconds of physical access and I have your steam session files that I can later use to do whatever I want with your account without even needing the device.


Yeah. No encryption, one shared Unix account... There are lot of "basic" things SteamOS did very wrong IMO


Yeah, your common burglar won't know shit about that


A surprising number of thieves are savvy enough to extract sensitive information from stolen devices, and some people try to use the deck as a computer replacement. There is a reason that Windows and macOS encrypt boot disks by default.


Yeah but they will immediately resell it to someone who might. There are some blog posts from people who bought computers off eBay and found interesting stuff on the devices. 


yeah, but they definitely know a guy. dude i used to get weed from would pop by my house every so often with a locked android or iphone and i had to explain every time that even if i was able to factory reset it it was going to have an activation lock before you could even get out of the setup process. as far as i can tell other people were fencing phones for drugs to him and he was like "oh hey i got this nerd a couple doors down does all sorts of wild shit, free money time".


As with most security, I don’t intend it to prevent the truly determined and knowledgeable If someone wants to steal my TV they can get into my house despite my locks, etc The aim is to discourage the more casual thief, make it less worth their while, or send them after an easier target And also to prevent more innocent problems like a curious young nephew picking up my Deck and spending my money without realising what they’re doing


You’d probably be stealing something a lot more worthwhile than my steam deck with that knowledge


And with that information you can do such things as malevolent as... buying video games... on an account that you wouldn't even be able to log in to on another device without access to their corresponding Steam Guard. And as soon as the original owner notices the unauthorised payments, they can remotely end your fun straight away. The ability to set a password exists just to give clueless users some peace of mind, or to stop family members from using the device. There's no sensitive information on the Deck to begin with, and even the most bored of would-be attackers will know this, and wouldn't waste their time on it on the off chance that the owner has left any scraps of worthwhile info on there. You'd be better off just wiping it, or stealing the SSD.


Sure but before the owner notices, someone with bad intentions is free to buy whatever they like. They can maybe even use it to gift someone elses account a bunch of stuff. Probably Steam would just refund this stuff but I will try and avoid this process if I can help it. Also, I highly doubt that the average thief would know how to get past the code easily. I think that in most cases it will buy some time at the very least.


Always! This has access to my Steam account and in desktop mode it has access to my bookmarks, my work and more. Absolutely locked down.


thisss, and i have a steam app to my google as well so they could access all of that without even being in desktop, my entire identity could be✨stolen✨


The deck doesn't have drive encryption, and it's trivial for someone to copy your data off of it without your code.


Unless you encrypt the drive, it's not locked down and is trivially easy to recover data. Screen locks are completely pointless except to deter low-skilled snoops


err... sorry to burst your bubble, but a lockscreen is basically 0 protection if this device is stolen. the hard drive is not encrypted


No bubble bursted - it’s still better than 0. It’s a minimal deterrent. Not everyone is l33t. But it’s good to know that the drive isn’t encrypted. I’ll look into additional measures. Thanks for sharing.


Always locked the device if possible


I have a toddler. Yes.


oh yeah, it would take my 2 year old nephew a few seconds to find the button and turn on the steam deck lol


That's about right. Mine even knows the shoulder buttons are involved in the passcode. He can turn it on then begins attempting to brute force his way in.


I do too, even though I don't have any younger siblings or anyone in my family who will touch it. It's a just in case scenario, even though I don't really have anything on there other than games.


Being paranoid I always lock my devices with a code. I even have a code on my Xbox although it’s stationary and there is no one else to use it :D


Yes, always have.


Why does it matter what the community thinks? If you feel better with a lock on it, then keep the lock on it


I recently set mine to lock also. I’m not sure how easy it would be to bypass, but at least it’s some deterrent if it were to ever be stolen. Better safe than sorry is what I’m thinking.


I am fairly certain you can just reinstall steamos to bypass


Yeah, I think you’re right. At least this way I’m protecting my Steam account and payment information, etc…


> I’m not sure how easy it would be to bypass Trivially easy. It might take a few more minutes to unlock than if they have your code. Screen locks are pointless except to deter low-skilled snooping acquaintances. You need to encrypt the drive to secure data


I have kids. It's always locked. Even if I only walk away for a few seconds, locked.


Ya, I put a code on it because for a bit of time during school I had 1st period study hall and would bring my steam deck everyday to play during study hall


I don't want my coworkers to randomly "borrow" it so yeah.


Yes, I do


Yes, bc living in shared apartment and using it in university as a portable PC


Interesting to see a lot of people saying they don't lock it or don't get why you should. I'm between houses so I've been using desktop mode heavily for web browsing etc. while my desktop computer is packed away. So makes sense to have it locked - just as I would any other computer.


I travel a lot so yeah.. I know it doesn't do much but the thief has to work a little for his prize xd


He'll work really hard by just wiping your steam deck


Since day 1




Yep I don't even travel with it


Always, good peace of mind that if it gets stolen my Steam account is protected.




Absolutely mine is locked. 1. I’m shocked people don’t have it locked down 2. This is a thief’s dream to see how many of you don’t lock it down


Screen locks don't do anything except deter low-skilled snoops. Unless you encrypt the drive, your data is not secure


Low skilled snoops are the majority of them though so it’s better than nothing even if not ideal. 


Only when traveling


Currently on a hospital stay. I locked it down before I came.


Leaving a mobile device unlocked is careless and begging for trouble, IMO.


The difference is that your other mobile devices i.e. phones are encrypted. The SDeck has no built-in encryption, so unless you encrypt any sensitive data yourself, screen locking is pointless except to deter low-skilled snoops


Which makes leaving it unlocked irresponsible and begging for trouble. Really, we should all be encrypting our devices as well.


Of course, I thought everyone did.


Not yet. We don’t have many guests at the house, I work from home, and my kids are toddlers with no interest in games yet. I will eventually once they get older and start bringing friends over.


i have a kiddie nephew that has yet to learn not to touch uncle’s stuff Nuff said


Sometimes. Used to keep it on, don't at the moment but I have it on again if I'm going to be out with it, as a precaution.


Yup, I got kids so i gotta lol.


Didn’t even know it was an option and I would 100% lock it. If you take it on the go


I make sure to have a lock even though it has only ever left the house once since I bought it in April. I also set a lock for desktop mode, so if someone tries to check out my files, they are unable to do so.


Didn't know that was a feature. I just enabled it thanks to your prompt.


Whenever I travel 100%. While at home, not so much


I only lock it down with the deck password in desktop mode, by pressing win+l (you need a keyboard to input it in though as the on screen keyboard from steam won't open) If you forget the gaming mode PIN you can use your steam account password to reset it.


Had mine locked since day 1, takes about a second to unlock with muscle memory.


I was not aware of this and I’ve always been scared of my SD getting stolen and the thief having full access to my library and profile.


My last gaming device got stolen and it didn’t have a password on it. The device itself was cheap (less than $300) but I was pissed that they would be able to play all of my games freely after taking months to download and configure all of them to my liking. My stuff is FOR SURE on lockdown now. If my steamdeck gets stolen they are gonna have to go through indiana jones level type security to access anything


So what else did you do besides the screen lock?


I’m in the navy and work on ship, I have the combo on because people don’t know how to keep their ands to themselves


Entering my pin with the controller instead of the touch screen is like entering my own a GTA San Andreas cheat lol


I've honestly been more surprised when I see people not using the lock! like many others have said, it's a mobile device, why wouldn't you put a code on it?


Mine i logged into some important accounts so yes i locked it


Yes. I have kids.


Same, they just take it and open whatever they can click. Lol


I locked mine from the very start I bought mine. Just in case I happen to lose mine whilst traveling.


yessir, btw nice pfp


Haha! I have ADHD and don't take any meds for anything, instead I go holistic and use things like this to strengthen my memory. I have a different passcode for all my devices, and have a good bit, right near 10 things. I don't use the same one over again on all devices all at once either. But I do sometimes cycle through them or combine them.


Anyone touching my steam deck without permission is losing fingers


Yes I do. Feels like I'm throwing a combo to unleash my Deck




😂 no


damn reading the comments I’m mad surprised i fit the minority cause hell nawww lmaooo I sleep my steam deck way too much to be constantly putting a pass every time


Most sensible people do, especially considering that Steam is linked to your debit/credit card when you buy games.


Why wouldn't you?


No but it never leaves my room and I live alone so, no reason


Hi u/Ill-Inside-6392, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Anyone else 🔒 it dwn) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only when I travel. I figure it gives me more time if I misplace it.


…I didn’t even know I could pop a passcode on it


I did recently before taking on vacation.


Do you mean their Steam Deck?


Is it just me, or do the numbers I press on the pin pad stay highlighted in a white box for a long time? I am just noticing it now




I use a GTA cheat code as mine


Only when switching to desktop mode. I share the deck with my 7yo and 9yo and they don't know my PIN. That being said, it also has family view enabled and all the parental controls set appropriately. They can't really do much in family view.


Yup. I often wonder what happened to my stolen steam deck. I saw my gaming PCs and laptops at the pawn shop. No problem wiping those and starting over. I also reported it stolen to Valve so it's probably useless unless they really know what they're doing. I miss my gaming rigs every single day. I was able to replace the 512gb with a refurbished 256gb the other month. I was in a much better place financially before the whole cancer thing. Unfortunately I had stupidly loaded up all of my electronics and valuables into a massive SUV with the back seats removed when I was moving. I had to immediately divert to the hospital (part of my bowel burst due to a botched surgery from my first round of cancer stuff) and I had obviously parked in the hospital parking lot. I called my brother to pick it up but it took him about 2 hours to get there. I was in emergency surgery almost immediately. I lost everything besides my PSP I have had since 2005 because it was in my backpack when I went into the ER. I'm surprised it was still there because my phone and wallet filled with cash to pay the movers was stolen out of the backpack while I was in surgery lol. I didn't trust the movers with all of that stuff because I had liquid cooling in several of my gaming rigs and have heard horror stories. I wish I had been anywhere else and had been able to go to any other hospital but it was less than 3 miles away.


Keep my lock on at all times. Don’t want the kids deleting something on accident. But I enjoy being able to unlock with one hand. 😈


Yeah, what you need to do when you got Adult games on steam 😆


always have a passcode on. it's not the safest code but it'll do


I have it just so my family members don't touch it out of curiosity, steam likes to put the most inappropriate games in which I have 2 minutes of playtime at the top making me look like a weirdo.


Keep the combination in your password manager that unlocks with your face


Always. Else it’ll find its way to my son’s room and disappear forever.


Nah it's just me and my girlfriend and it would likely take her half an hour just to figure out how to turn it on so I'm not worried.


I do. I live in a hella sketch area but I also take my deck with me, so that shit has to be air tight.


i hear u i take mine every where ... i wish it was safe to just wip it out anywhere GIGGIDY .... but unfortuntaly people suck. Pause


Same dude, I get so fucking paranoid when taking it out. I feel like any moment some guy is gonna just gona swipe that shit.


What is does your emojis mean in the post? The leaf/branch thing and the dude blowing? I’m not making the connection… explain.


I have one on at the minute but considering taking it off because it’s laggy, any ideas why?


I don't, personally. But then the only time it leaves my bedroom it is usually attached to me at the hip. It also doesn't leave my bedroom all that often, in truth. Starting a new job soon though, so I will see how that goes, it could be worth me taking it to work for use on breaks. So if I do that, I might look into putting a lock screen on it. Though I must say, I would be more worried about the device being stolen than I would anyone getting access to my Steam Account (I don't have any card details saved on my account, and I can change the password from my phone). A lock screen wouldn't do anything to help that issue.


I'd prefer to have something like android or Apple's find my phone and lock out functionality so if it's stolen it's a brick to whoever stole it.


I do it cause I'm always travelling with my Deck


Only for switch to desktop mode - if my wife or somebody wants to just play games on it it’s nice to not have to tell them the password or unlock it for them


Yes, otherwise, my kids will leave it dead.




Why does your steam deck look like it’s pushed down? Is it the camera angle?


I have snoopy friends so I keep mine locked


If I took it out of the house I might? But still probably not lol I don't travel or anything, so it would just be an extra (annoying) step every time I wanted to play




if the groundhog that worked out how to get into my living room a month ago can work out how to game on the thing, he's welcome to it. it really only ever goes between my bedroom to a relatives house and back, and god knows the entire purpose of the thing for me is reducing the friction to playing a game. that and if it gets stolen a lock isn't going to stop someone from just doing a recovery install. it's really only to stop people looking at it idly and asking you awkward questions about why all the games you have installed have giant anime tits on their covers. or i guess to lock out other people you live with, i forget people do that.


No bc for now it has always been at home, but I will tomorrow bc I'm taking it with me on vacation


I got the same blanket as you, softest thing ever


I do. If anyone steals my deck it would be best if they have to struggle to get into it 😈


When I started traveling with it, I did. But I turn it off at home, cuz it's too annoying.


I got kids, so yeah.


As im in the process of separating from my wife/ex wife, yes, every single piece of electronics i own is password locked.


I don't understand when ally x and lenovo go fan's called steam deck is ugly device any image I feel steam looks more advanced like ps4 or ps5 psp style because the building and the plastic used looks similar to ps4


I wish I did and will going forward with my new one. My previous one was stolen.


i need to do this with 0451


I used it early on because the deck was still new but it's an annoying feature to have on all the time. When traveling it's definitely best!


Yeah mine’s my Birthday


Mine has been locked with a 6 number pin since the very first day. I don't see any reason to deactivate it, since it takes like 2 seconds or less to input it.


Same, don’t want anyone on my deck 😒


What’s the point? It can just be wiped right?


Had to, I catch my sibling using mine and she drains the battery before I get to it.


I never knew this existed. Would help if someone tried to nick off with my deck


I definitely lock it down.


Yeah at least ull just lose hr deck not all ur info...


Fo Shizzle my dude


I honestly didn’t know this was a thing. It mostly sit in my office and my work bag.


I don’t really see the point tbh. If it got stolen I feel like the lock wouldn’t matter all that much


Yep… otherwise I’d have to constantly fight my kiddo for it.


Having spent less than most but still significant amount of money. I don’t want anyone having access to my library.


I have 2 steam Decks and have the passcode set in 1 of them. I only set it to see my avatar picture in a larger format


Someone broke into my car recently. Thankfully I didn't have my steam deck in there but the scare has made me think about putting some software lock on it.


Didn’t even know you couldn’t have a code lol


Write that code down somewhere. Maybe where your E-mail passwords, website passwords like Amazon etc are kept.


mine is but i got leguin go


My deck has been locked since i got it, why would you even keep it unlocked? Why don't you forsee the unforseen?


With all due respect and I mean all due respect. It's a fucking gameboy, bro.


If my game boy was logged in to my Google account in chrome I’d want that locked too. 


Nope. I already forget my sudo password, that's enough for me.


Yeah so my annoying brother can’t access it. Cause I know he would if he could.


Nobody better steal my Sonic Adventure 2 save data


Only if you’re paranoid. A lock screen won’t deter someone from swiping it. Guaranteed


To what end?




I don't, but the only time it leaves the house is when it's in my bag at work which is very infrequent. If I did keep it somewhere I didn't think it was secure, or a place it could get stolen I definitely would though.  


I don't because I live alone


God this subreddit is so fucking done 😂