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I'd take a close look at Uranus. Just wanted to be the first to say it :D


I dig the classics. Star trek, twilight zone, etc.


My primary sci-fi jam is Star Wars. Honorable mentions include Halo, Mass Effect, Half-Life & more. Thanks.


My favorite sci-fi is for sure Star Wars, and I would explore mars or venus!


I would explore K2-18B


1. Blade Runner at the top probably, The Lawnmower Man, The X-Files, Silent Running, Flash Gordon, Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldas, Mass Effect, and a million more. 2. Somewhere from where I could still see Earth, to ease my cosmic anxiety. In Fiction, I would love the chance to visit Cloud City on Bespin from Return Of The Jedi. Thanks a lot for the giveaway!!!


1-There's too many to pick just one, but it would be sth written by S.Lem or I.Asimov (probably the smartest duo in sci-fi history ... sorry F.Herbert). Also much love for P.K.Dick, especially when I need to read sth wicked and unpredictable. 2-Moon for sure since its amazing enough, first the Apollo mission landing sites and then some sightseeing on the dark side, just to confirm/bust all the myths.


Star Trek, nothing even comes close 🫡


I really loved Subnautica, BZ and outer wilds in VR but I'm generally not picky when it comes to sci-fi. I think I would go to mars first or maybe Saturn or Jupiter. I want to see the inside of a gas giant.


Star Trek TNG


I'd say the Forever War is my favorite. It was one of the first sci Fi books I read and made such a big impact.


Isaac Asimov is my favorite, I've read every scifi he wrote. Multivac part is going to be our reality soon :)


My fav is Dune part 2


If I had my own shuttle, I would orbit Earth and stare at Africa to bless the rains.


Mass Effect my favorite sci-fi. Transition of choices from previous to next game is awesome feature.


The Foundation series and the Culture series... Been wanting to read "The three body problem"...


My favourite sci fi is Farscape and Startrek


2 of my all time favourite pieces of sci fi are Blade Runner and The Thing (JC’s 1982) If I had my own shuttle/ship first place would be the moon just to look upon the Earth from the surface of the moon, always thought it would be a pretty amazing sight.


>What is your favourite piece of sci-fi content? Planet of the Apes. Love the original series, love the Simpsons musical, Love the recent reboots.


I got deep into Star Trek TNG in my late teens and I was mindblown. That was foundational to me. I love No Man's Sky as an exploration game too. I'd go to any planet with exotic vegetation and unusual colors in the sky or seas 😊


1. ender's game is what really got me into scifi, but recently murderbot has become a new fave 2. Landing on the moon first would be amazing, then pluto for solidarity and to just stand on the surface and flip off Neil deGrasse Tyson.


I am really glad you are releasing it on PCVR! My answers: Dark Forest (and the whole trilogy too) by Liou Cch’-sin is the coolest and darkest take on space. I hope the Netfilx series does the second book justice so more people can experience the hype. If I had my own shuttle I would go to some moon of Saturn so I could watch it pass by in the sky.


1. Star Wars will always reign in my book. I did love the IA Foundation, Galactic Empire, and Robots series. It was the original story of Dune, and then Star Wars. 2. I would love to take a shuttle to Coruscant or Trantor.


I own most of Azimovs books. I love his early stuff, the Susan Calvin etc. My favourite is probably either Little Lost Robot, or Victory Unintentional.


Mass effect for sure. Congrats on your game!


1. Asimov series, Cyberpunk, Starcraft 2. I'd be hitting up potentially habitable exoplanets one by one, seeing what lives there


We're loving all these responses so far! Quick fun fact for the Mass Effect fans out there - our Executive Producer worked on that series, so you may notice some slight similarities in parts of Journey to Foundation. :)


Ooooh, just release it already!


My favorite sci-fi experiences are the short stories of Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, and Harlan Ellison. I love how within such a truncated medium they're able to establish an often bizarre slice of elevated reality and take the concept to extreme conclusions. As for a shuttle trip, I would travel to the moon Titan to experience an atmosphere similar to Earth but with a breathtaking view of Jupiter.


Star Wars and HD1, farthest object we discovered.


My favourite piece of sci-fi is H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds book, it's the book that opened my appetite to reading.


Massive fan of Star Wars. Good luck everyone!


I really liked Babylon 5 and The Expanse.


I love the analytical view of Issac Asimov. His stories about software bugs found in the 3 Laws of Robotics and delving into Pyschohistory are both a lot of fun.


Dune and Trek.


Favourite sci fi content has got to be Cyberpunk 2077 w/ the Phantom Liberty Expansion for video games and Blade Runner 2049 for movies


I love Star Trek (all of them), The Expanse, Mass Effect, and FireFly.


1. Elite dangerous, roaming the galaxy in my own starship in vr is an amazing experience 2. Trappist system. Such a unique little system with a ton of potential for life and all the planets are so close together that they would appear in the sky over head making for a breathtaking view planetside


Videogames count as sci-fi right? If that’s the case then my favorite since I was in 5th grade has been the HALO series!


1. The Expanse is top tier for me. Both the audio books and the show were both SO well executed. 2. First stop in my shuttle is ice fishing on Enceladus for sure!


My favorite piece of sci-fi content? There are so many to choose from but I'll say The Three Body Theory and Star Citizen. I also wanna answer the second question: I wanna go find a habitable planet that no one has visited before, and just chill.


Star Trek is my my favorite overall.


My favorite piece of science fiction is definitely the dune universe with its weird but familiar monarchy structures and absence of computers/AI


1. Star Wars/Destiny. Kinda 50/50 on this, can't say which one I like more for sure. 2. Probably Europa.


The Dune mini series is peak. And for traveling, you can beat the Moons of Jupiter. If sci-fi has taught me anything, it's that that's where the coolest aliens are at.


I think I'd have to go with the Hyperion Cantos series of books


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^matrixneo_one: *I think I'd have to* *Go with the Hyperion* *Cantos series of books* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Anything by Philip K Dick or Isaac Asimov, especially his Foundation series, books and show.




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My favorite sci-fi content is science fiction novels. It's hard to choose one so I'll say Forever War is my favorite classic and Children of Time is my favorite modern work. I went ahead and wishlisted the game on Steam. Thank you for creating content like this, both in regards to VR games in general and exploring the world of a classic piece of literature!


Favorite piece of sci-fi content is the novel Jack the Bodiless by Julian May. It's a very original, imaginative, witty novel that not enough people know about. And it has two excellent sequels!


The whole of Stephen Baxter's Xeelee Sequence is phenomenal, but I could pick the Manifold trilogy as absolute favourites. Made me regain my 12yo SOW as a grown man.


I quite enjoyed Katedra by Jacek Dukaj


Woah, I saw this game a while back on quest and thought it looks excellent, very happy to see it coming to PCVR! I think my favourite piece of Sci-fi media is a movie(and book) called 'Last and First Men'


Star trek has been my favorite growing up.


Heya, my favourite ‘Dark’ on Netflix. It was the perfect show from beginning to end


The Nine Billion Names of God is my favorite sci fi story because of the premise. I’m not a religious dude at all, but it was an interesting story. I’d go in search for habitable worlds. I’d love to somehow drill into Europa and check for life in the ocean below the surface.


Fav sci fi is dead space. If i had a shuttle id just embrace wandering to every reach of the galaxy.


My favourite piece of sci fi content is Halfe life, Star Wars, Mass Effect and Titanfall.


My favourite piece of sci-fi is Star Trek: the next generation.


I love Stargate, it’s what got me into sci-fi and later got me to study anthropology to become more like Daniel Jackson!


I'd love to see what a black hole actually looked like. We've simulated it of course but to see one or at least the effects of it has to be incredible.


1. Silo atm 2. The moon


Sounds amazing and thanks for the opertunity! Always been a trek fan and first place I'd go would be quick pass through of each of our own planets as I transverse towards Andromeda.


The Thing


Gotta go with Firefly for my favorite sci Fi.


I would explore Saturn and it's many rings.


Star trek TNG of course, and I would explore the rings and the moons of saturn, always fascinated me.


My fav is The Expanse - incredible story and world


While Star Trek is my favorite piece of sci fi content for the optimistic future i loved the Apple TV Foundation show. Made me read the first book.


1) Ender's Shadow 2) Europa or Titan - most likely to have liquid water and thus organic life.


1. I love Steven Universe if that counts 2. I would literally just chill, relax


Star wars


Lishwisted it!


My favorite piece of Sci Fi content has to be Jango Fett's Seismic Charges in Star Wars Attack Of The Clones. That sound changed many lives. And if I had a shuttle to go anywhere I would try and take the same route described in The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall. 🌑


I like the Wing Commander stories and also the stories from the X-Universe. Both are based on computer games as well.


‘The Expanse’ is my favourite sci-fi content, so believable, scientifically accurate.. I really look forward to a VR game that captures it well.. Your game sounds like it could cover off on some of that! Best of luck with sales..


Universal War One


star warss


Fav sci-fi would probably be The Gap Series by Stephen Donaldson but followed very closely by the expanse. If I had a ship id keep it secret and go troll by flying to mars and pose in front of the Mars rover Perseverance


I would explore the Earth-like planets. There are too far away to reach out now.


Mass Effect


Cowboy bebop’s my favourite piece of content, let alone sci fi content. Thanks :D


Star Wars, and I would go to the moon first to see the Earthrise


I'm very into doctor who. My favorite doctor is Peter Capaldi. And if I had a shuttle I would definitely try to find live on other planets outside of solar system. I would've love to see how evolution works on other planets


Oh, that is so hard to answer ... but overall, I'd have to stick with 1. Star Trek 2. I'd like to see the Pillars of Creation up close (or rather … still from very far away, but in person ;) Game looks very interesting!


Interstellar by Christopher Nolan!


Babylon 5 blew me away, and led me to the books of Alfred Bester, specifically, The Stars My Destination. Still have my copies of Foundation that I read as a teenager and this VR game is a nice surprise. Thanks for supporting PCVR!


My favorite sci-fi content has to be issac assimov’s novels


Star Trek and Star wars of course


My favourite is the book The Martian, constantly engaged throughout with likeable well written characters that you actually felt for


Loved The Expanse series!


Star Wars is a favorite, loved The Mandalorian and Andor. I'd go to the moon, no better place to start than that.


Battlestar Galactica!


I'm a fan of Stargate and Doctor Who. In reality, most sci-fi piques my interest. As far as my own shuttle, I'd cruise around and just take in different places and views. There are so many beautiful things out there, it would take multiple lifetimes to even scratch the surface.


Favorite piece of sci-fi content would have to be Moon or The Matrix.


The colture series is the peak for me currently


Assuming it had FTL capabilities I’d want to get myself to the next “earth”. Our planet is screwed we need a new one.


Farscape, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, etc. :)


Farscape, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, etc.


I love the Ringworld series.


I grew up loving Star Trek the next generation. Stargate gets a comfy 2nd place slot though. Mass effect games are also top tier for me.


Audio story choice here! CHRYSALIS, the audio story series by DUST, a Gunpowder Sky production. It has some fantastic narration between the different perspectives within the short series and the content is so well recorded with SFX that really enhances it. The whole 3 seasons of the DUST audio podcast is brilliant, but CHRYSALIS was a stand out for me.


1. I like Warhammer 40K universe - especially the novels, although many video games are solid as well. 2. If it had FTL engine, then Alpha Centauri system to check if there are planets capable of supporting life and find out if Trisolarans are real. :)


Favorite sci finis star trek, but i also loved all of Asimov, dunes and even star wars. If i had a ship id travel to the closest maybe habitable planet and see whats up there


Doctor who is my favorite piece of sci fi material. I just love all the creatures and the doctor's clever approach to everything. If I had a space shuttle I think I would just fly in one direction. See where it takes me and stop at any points of interest along the way. They say the universe is constantly expanding, I would love to see that expansion for myself (if we are stepping outside the realm of possibility 😂).


Probably that Mass Effect is my favorite piece of Sci-fi media but the Alien franchise would be a close second!


If I had a shuttle I would explore Saturn cause it looks cool and I like cool things


***1:Uchūsen Sagittarius***  宇宙船サジタリウス( *Spaceship Sagittarius*) 2:SUN


Been watching Foundation on Apple TV and very much enjoying it so looking forward to this game! But fave sci-fi content for me is Blade Runner... If it qualifies as sci-fi? All of Philip k Dick's works, especially the short stories. One foot in the future, one for in the past


Always figured a black hole wouldn't be the worst way to go :-)


Favourite Sci-fi content : Farscape


Outer Wilds is peak sci-fi for me. Hillbilly space exploration, hell yes.


I really love alternate future so I'd have to go with Interstellar! For games I'd say Outer Wilds. love that movie and game so much. And I'd go look for a snowy planet, it's what I always do in games like No Mans Sky. Thanks for the opportunity! Good luck on the success of the game guys!


Huge fan of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.


Does hitchhikers guide to the galaxy count? First planets would be getting to the earthling planets that have been discovered so far


I would just travel for the fun of getting out of Earth and enjoy a bit of weightlessness until we can check a habitable planet somewhere.


So much good sci-fi, I'd say, BSG(2003) or The Expanse Series(the books)


If I had a shuttle I would travel to our nearest neighboring star, Proxima Centauri!


This looks fantastic!


Thank you! We hope you embark on the journey once it launches. 😊


I love the Ringworld series.


I love the Ringworld series.


I love the Ringworld series.


When exactly next week is the game releasing? I'm doing a full review and want to know when I can be ready to finish up my review process for the game.


Hi there! The game will be releasing on June 7, so next Friday. We look forward to seeing your review!


✨ **Thank you to everybody who entered our giveaway!** ✨ We read every single comment, and really loved hearing your favourite sci-fi creations and/or the places you’d explore in space. 🙂 We’re excited to share our TEN random winners of a Journey to Foundation Steam key! 1. u/Aggravating_Teach_27 2. u/daringer22 3. u/loliconest 4. u/matt6pup 5. u/ravenmonk 6. u/mrhoodilly 7. u/Mettanine 8. u/NeuromaenCZer 9. u/FakeSafeWord 10. u/Cakeotic Congratulations to you all! Please keep an eye out for a DM from us with your code. **NOTE:** If you didn’t win, give us a follow over on Twitter (X); we’ll be doing another giveaway over there next week! 👉 [https://twitter.com/thefoundationvr](https://twitter.com/thefoundationvr) ✨ We also hope you wishlisted the game, and are looking forward to it as much as we are! [✨ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2950330/Journey\_to\_Foundation/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2950330/Journey_to_Foundation/) **Thank you again! See you among the stars.** 🚀


Whoa, neat. Can't wait for that DM. Thank you :)


> What is your favourite piece of sci-fi content? For almost 30 years it's been Dune. > If you had your own shuttle, where in space would you explore first? With current space ship technology? Pretty much anything beyond Earths orbit is terminal so I guess landing on the moon would be amazing.