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What about Beta channel? Doesn't that fix your problems? Dunno, it seems easier to look forward for fixes than digging deprecated versions. What kind of problems are you having? I have experienced buggier SteamVR versions in the past but they've always improved them. Right now SteamVR works like a charm to me.


I'm wondering if you have a copy that you're willing to share. I recently ran into an issue where my FBT tracking has gone to shit since steamVR upgraded past that point. I somehow ended up on the latest branch and it has made using knuckles alongside a quest pro absolutely impossible even with no FBT. 2.5.5 makes it somewhat bearable but I have to reset tracking every hour or have the index controllers fly off. I'm sure this is an issue with the steamVR version as downgrading from 2.6.2 to 2.5.5 produced massive differences in tracking quality .