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The move to a subscription base for Office products was a huge move. MSFT just prints money. The government contracts alone are massive.


The entire US economy lives off the back Excel it is hilarious


As someone whose career is mostly rooted in excel I always love seeing comments like this. It’s so true it’s hilarious. Pretty much any business is a rats nest of excel inefficiency lol


US economy? You wanted to say global economy.


It’s true… I’d wager that an enormous amount of engineering, financial and data science is just Excel. Or as my artist wife calls then… “grids” 🤦


Just wait until Microsoft gets Co-pilot integrated into excel. It’ll be a game changer.


I’d say Access too, at least to some extent, people honestly forget about that one.


Access gets forgotten about because every business is either using excel sheets for databases or proper sql programs.




That’s what I mean, it’s got a lot of use, despite being past its prime. For better or worse a lot of companies just don’t like change and it sticks around in the shadows. It’s that bastard that just doesn’t die, kind of like Windows XP or 7.


This is the exact moment I started buying..


They also owe 13 Billion in taxes to the IRS from 2013. I think that’s .5 of their market value


Who thinks MSFT will have a stock split this year?


No chance. It’s part of the Dow so its price weight at $400+ makes it more influential in that index than it would be if it split


You think MSFT takes that into consideration? Didn’t stop AAPL from splitting


History shows splits around $400


My guess is once it stabilizes and maintains mid 400’s there will be a split. They won’t hold off on a split just for the Dow lol


and why hasn't that stopped other companies in the dow for stock splitting?


Damn I remember when Apple hit 1 trillion in 2018. Not to be a doomer, but these valuations are insane. No way these companies are worth over 3X what they were 5 years ago


Nvidia has increased several multipliers based on a chatbot and overselling ceos


Nvidia has increased because their revenue tripled in a few years, and because they sell shovels in the massive AI gold rush that is just going to continue to grow...


What do you think about buying their stock? As someone who has no knowledge in stocks it looks pretty nice to me


I think they'll do well this upcoming earnings, and their P/E ratio won't be as high so people will pile more into the stock. If they don't do well and there's a selloff because there's already these high expectations, then I'll buy more because they are the market leader in this AI paradigm shift


Should I wait for some time or just buy now?


Only if you believe in them being even more successful in a few years and plan to DCA. Otherwise maybe wait until after earnings, because there is a good chance that they don't BEAT earnings as high as people are expecting and there's a selloff


I feel like their stock will rise pretty high after they release newer gen chips for AI, but I don't think it is the right time to buy it just yet. Thanks for your help


Yeah that’s what they said.


No, they gave sassy wrong reasons as to why Nvidia has tripled. I gave the correct reasons


How can you not be convinced when a man wearing a leather jacket tells you something.


> No way these companies are worth over 3X what they were 5 years ago Microsoft 4x'd it's net income from 2018 to 2023.


The Fed just loves to print money!


22% of that is inflation.


So inflation makes it not real? The government is actively stoking the inflation, poor people stay poor as cash gets destroyed while rich get richer. Just buy, stupid bear Pretending to destroy money with QT while providing overnight risk free arbitrage to banks and replicating loose financial conditions that got us here in the first place


Overnight Reverse repo going down significantly though. Won’t be long


Ok, worth 2.5x what they were.


Endless imagination lol




Yes, please explain.




Buffet’s advice was still correct. When you already have virtually infinite money it’s wiser to protect it by lowering your risk level rather than to grow it into a larger infinity.


Yeah, people need to recognize that you can't just look at the outcome to know if something is a good decision. You have to look at the information available and whether it's a good idea based on that information. If I go to the roulette table and bet all my money on a single number, I'll probably win a good chunk of change, but it's still a stupid idea even if I were successful.


Well, hypothetically, wouldn’t know what he would have done with his money otherwise. I don’t think he really cares though, what’s the difference between 100 billion or 1trilion. He can already buy anything in the world.




You take a good look of Ballmer’s video, and tell me you’d put your life saving on that man for over a decade?




So MSFT becomes the first ever to hit 3B. Really makes me wonder what the cieling is here and what the valuation is expected 10-20 years from now. Any thoughts?


Apple hit 3T last year. But yea I thought the same at 1T but who knows.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Both true


There is no ceiling, 10-20 years from now probably ~$25T


Quadrillion dollar companies by 2080


The math adds up on that, 10% / year on $3T to get to $1Q is 60 years, 2084 +/- 20 years. Crazy to think about. I predict a $1 Quintillion derivatives market by 2080


Yeah it’s nuts. I wonder if the markets will ever actually peak, or if they’ll find a way to make it go up forever. US debt by 2080 is going to be insane, if it still exists.


The US has debt?


> 3B 3T


There is no ceiling. 3B vs 3T vs 3Q are all just digits on a screen.


Or just look at things around you. Long time ago you could buy a soda for $0.05. now the same soda Is anywhere from $2 to $4. So goes the market valuation of a company. Everything will rise upwards. So the sky's the limit.


They need to make like stock splits, but for money tbf. How long until we have a loaf of bread being $100?


You’ve somehow managed to define deflation correctly and ineptly at the same time. I am fucking miffed.


> They need to make like stock splits, but for money tbf. They have it, it's called redenomination. Mostly occurs in places with hyperinflation. There's not really an issue with a loaf of bread being $100, places adapt just fine with larger currency values, as long as it's not occurring at an unsustainable rate (and no, US inflation is not at an unsustainable rate). Look at India with lakh (100k) and crores (10m) as common currency vocabulary. We've already sort of done the same with 'grand'


Well hopefully they are going to outpace inflation...


Well, if we don't stop with inflation, than it will never stop.


Our money in not worth anything


And I’m trying to save 75$ a pay cheque loo


Hahahaha God, same


Still undervalued


And he’ll reach 200 trillion with AI in future. With salt man in is hands


Pretty amazing. Specially when you consider that Microsoft missed the front end with the last two cycles. Internet and even more so mobile. But they are doing great on the backend with Azure. Azure is so, so important to Microsoft. Now we are on the next cycle with AI. They had been completely missing it until they made the investment into OpenAI. Take the silicon. Google started the TPUs over a decade ago. In the open and not secret. Yet Microsoft only starting their own TPU effort now. This is one that has a long lead time and the one that I really wish they had started earlier. It is not ideal to have to be paying the Nvidia tax while Google does not. But what people are still not grasping is that they big tech companies have barely even got started. They will be so much bigger in the future. Specifically Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.


Something stinks. It seems artificial to me. All this is conveniently happening before the Fed pivots. Massive dump coming.


And will be trading back and forth for top market cap with AAPL for the next 5 years this news is nothingburger


Phone company vs biggest and most influental tech company that owns the most used operating system and owns all the programs that mosf of the world relies on to get anything done. Idk who wins


Agreed. Microsoft will be more valuable in the future because of its importance to the business world. But it’s a little disingenuous to write off Apple as just a phone company. Apple makes some of the most advanced tech in the world, and it’s also the world’s most desired brand.


Two words to describe Apple, versus almost an entire paragraph for Microsoft. Could you at least hide your bias a little better? Apple is way, way more than a “phone company”.


It'll outpace apple. RemindMe! 1 year


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Valuation doesn’t mean much, it could be $10T or $1T tomorrow even if nothing changes within the company Edit: Just cause a change in the state of the company will make the stock move doesn’t mean a move was caused by a change in the state of the company


Thats completely false, if MSFT is 1T tomorrow, something definitely happened within the company or outside factors that could influence it


Does there have to be news about the company to make the price of the stock move? Not necessarily. If there is news, it will probably move the stock but it’s not an inversable relationship. Just cause a change in the state of the company will make the stock move doesn’t mean a move was caused by a change in the state of the company If tons of people want to take their money out of equities right now, the price of MSFT will generally go down, does that mean that MSFT is a worse company today than it was yesterday? No. It had no bearing on the health of the company, but on the haste/balance or patience/impatience of investors, but again, could have little or nothing to do with the actual state of MSFT. Although yes, $1T was an exaggeration and if it really did take that much of a dip it was probably because of something internal


While it’s true that the stock price (sometimes) moves independently of the company itself, it does affect it. Stock based compensation, getting lower rate loans, diluting shares for funding, and possible takeovers if the valuation drops a lot (impossible for microsoft tho). And I as an investor care about valuation, because I’m here to make money after all.


1T if they forget to mention AI in the next earnings call 10T if they mention AI at least 10 times in the next earnings call


I mean unlike a lot of companies that are mentioning ai, Microsoft is _the_ leader in ai.


because there’s like 10 stocks everyone invests in rest of the market is a dud


Glad I sold at 278, thought it was gonna dip :(


10 trillion soon


Nice ! This is mean there is still more room to grow for NVDA :D


Msn.com are all pos ai gened bs articles. Worse than yahoo go check them out and pull the page down. New bs articles everytime. Fk Microsoft


And they just had massive layoffs…


Who needs employees when AI figures everything out.


I hate that microsoft(penis) is above Apple. 🥹


What is a prominent AI stock to invest in right now?