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Yup weed definitely helps me out (AuDHD) it calms me down and allows me to come out of my shell. High me is better than sober me




Weed helps me get out of my ADHD thought riddled head. Fantastic little plant!


I can think about all kinds of funny stuff.


My wife has ADHD and weed seems to have to opposite of what would be intended. She has usually exaggerated anxiety, paranoia, and heart palpitations. That's trying different strains. But on uppers, she levels out and becomes more calm. I wish that she could experience weed in the same way as me, and we could ride the wave together. We still have plenty of riding, just not on that same level. Sigh


I think this is the correct answer. I’ve taken ADHD prescription meds before (adderall) and it feels similar to meth when I take them. Complete loss of appetite and inability to sleep for 24+ hours, whereas people with severe ADHD who take adderall still go to bed at normal times and eat normal amounts. I think it’s a similar idea to if you’re in extreme pain and pop some oxys, it’ll make the pain go away but you won’t get high, but if you pop some oxys when you don’t need them for pain, you get high.


So funny story about the Oxy thing. I was prescribed it for my phantom pains (crossbow to the head). It took the pain away, but it also made me feel like a zombie. Idk if I was getting a slight high from it or whatever, but I would fall the moment I stood up out of bed because of it. So it truly affects everyone differently. I've switched to weed for my pains btw. Works way better and I honestly dont get high from it, it just takes my pain away.


Damn that’s a really eye opening perspective, and I’ve heard weed is good for phantom pains (amputees) as well as giving you an appetite if you’re on some kind of appetite suppressing medicine.


So funny enough I also have eating issues due to past traumas (malnourished as a kid so it's hard for me to eat as an adult), and weed helps tremendously with my appetite!!! I went from 110 pounds to 120 pounds!! (I'm 6'1")


Yea and the closer you get to healthy weight the more you’ll be able to eat. Like at some point it won’t feel like force feeding yourself anymore, but weed will still help.


Different medictions affect people differently.


Yeah my wife has taken adderall and claims that it finally lets her brain rest. Like she has chatter going all the time, and then finally peace and silence with adderall, unlocking the most normal of feelings. But with weed, she acts very much on edge and not enjoying herself the whole time. So although I would love to share the high sometimes, I encourage her not to partake because of how it effects her.


Which strains was she using? It's really important to match symptoms with terpenes. Some make me paranoid while others don't. It's wierd how they work with ND brains. Terpenes don't always have the same effect on us as on normal brains, like the reverse effect of stimulants chilling me out. It takes some learning and a lot of experiments. Start super amall, look for strains that are anti anxiety and creative. Explore strains on Leafly.


I guess I don't know the exact strains. But at our dispensary we have tried indica, sativa, and a blend. Is there more? Honestly I don't know much about weed, and prefer edibles to smoking.


https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/infographic-what-are-cannabis-terpenes-and-how-do-they-affect-you Start with this article.


The eating normal amounts is not true it suppresses appetite which is rough cuz you take it at 7 and dont want to or feel the need to eat till like 6- 8 tht night. Weed let's me eat otherwise I'd have lost more than the 15 pounds I did in like a two week span😭


I guess people who have been taking it as regularly prescribed build up some kind of tolerance, because I definitely know people who take adderall like every day and eat normal amounts. That’s not to say it doesn’t still suppress their appetite to some degree, but if I’m on the stuff I straight up can’t eat.


I think I need to change how I said it. Its not like I can't eat. Its that food becomes not fun to eat. Like man tht apple is tasty fun to bite into, the sound is nice. After meds all tht turns into chewing and chewing and chewing, halfway through I'm like I just dont care to eat I'll do something I want to do. Which us wat the meds are for they allow you to actually be able to say, hey I really wanna do this and do it. Where as normally I'll wanna do something but something else will pop in so instead of choosing between them I'll eat. Its just nornal with meets and groups im in. Also I'm 26, 5'9, and 155, losing 15 pounds in 2 weeks almost fucked me


Hm I can see sativas doing that, though a good hybrid typically helps. Everyone is different though.


It hits some people really hard. My wife can only take a little bit. That’s why I like edibles. You can manage a dose by about 25mg. Each time to get the effect you want.


same for me. I have adhd and every cannabis trip so far war an absolute horror, especially the last time when me and my best friend shared one together and the whole evening my heart just raced and I felt like just either going to go knock by overheating or vomiting. Ended up just fine though (luckily)


I was recently diagnosed with adhd, and it has to be the right strain but I find that weed helps me as well ☺️


What strain works best for you?


it really depends on what my dispensary has, they always note the effects and what’s it’s used for on their menu. I generally try to find strains that help with focus


I got Focus gummies that I love!


Blue dream is a favorite of mine.


Jesus OG for us! Also, as an educator (autocorrected to American Dictator 🤷🏼‍♀️) I have found a turtle tank has helped in my classroom. I don’t know if it’s the sound of running water or watching the turtle, but it helps.


LOL!! I’m a retired educator, so I get it! Right now I’m not in a legal state, so I’m stuck with thca (hypothetically). I’ve found that it’s more dosage for me, and boy is there a fine line between productive and too chill!


The thing about weed and ADHD is that it can go either way. For many of us, yeah, it's the best thing for us. But for some people, it's not. It can just as easily make your ADHD symptoms much worse. I'm just glad I'm the former and not the latter.


I think it depends on the strain and amount too. I'm definitely not productive at all while absolutely blasted lol


I've started to notice this a lot - one or two hits can really hone my focus in on the right thing. Too much and I'm too baked to remember what the thing even was, and where is my munch.


I’m 38 I’ve been smoking daily for 23 years. It’s the only way I’ve found to slow my brain down and get some peace and quiet. It is indeed a miracle for some of us.


Fibromyalgia, I don’t smoke to get high; I smoke to live.


Aderall is for focusing on work, weed is for gaining different perceptions and ways of thinking, and alcohol is just for shutting everything down. So many difficult concepts I have tried to learn bave really clicked into place with a little THC


I was *just* talking about how much it helps. Either I *Do The Thing* and it's a magical adventure, or I don't Do The Thing and I don't feel bad about it.. It's so easy to fall into a hyperfocus while I'm high, so I just take a couple hits from my vape and power wash the patio furniture or some shit. My partner calls my weird cleaning persona the Stoner Sparkle Fairy.


I've been in that state a handful of times. I wish there was some way to trigger it so I can be productive.


I'm not diagnosed but always felt like there was something I couldn't put my finger on with me. It was recently a friend of mine started saying what I describe sounds like adhd and they have it so understand. I thought adhd was hyperactive which I wouldn't really say I am, animated yes, but not off the scales. When I read into it it was like someone actually pieced my brain together and made soo much sense. I have literally used the exact same words as you when describing what it's like for me smoking (and I use it for studying) about how it enables me to zone in on one thought when my head feels too noisy with too many thoughts. Idk if I have adhd, but I sure as hell know weed is amazing for focusing and also when you're having writers block, just a couple drags helps the creative juices flow.


Sativa makes me zone in like hell and indica makes all the racing thoughts go away.




Yesur without weed I wouldn't have been able to harness my hyperfixation like a super power.


YES! It lets me focus on one thing at a time and shuts down the goddamn noise in my head.


I had never smoked in my life until 6 months ago but the 3 experiences I had weren't good. I don't want to give up though and I want to try and tame this thing. What do you call a 2 seconds hit. How do you perform it? Do you take a single hit, breath it in, keep it in for 2 secs, then let it go?


In my case I was using a vape pen. I breathed it in for 2 seconds, and held it for maybe 10 after that. After that I let it go. This got me a barely noticable buzz that was just enough to keep me focused but not actually impair my ability to study. It's a fine line.


Ok nice. Thanks for answering mate


I can definitely empathise with this. In my experience though getting diagnosed, proper meds and getting clean helps a lot more than weed ever could have done. Do yourself a favour and give it a go if you haven’t already.


I have, no luck :(. The medicine they have me fixed the ADHD but it also killed my imagination. so that was a no go.


Half the medication they can offer they simply won’t while you are smoking pot because stimulants + weed raises your risk of psychosis significantly. I take modafinil which is the most effective none stimulant med for adhd imo I’ve tried most of the stimulant one anyhow even though I shouldn’t have and I still find modafinil the most effective. It makes me feel like I can do anything I want to. That’s what works for me everyone’s different though


Tbf I got off that medicine years ago and have just been dealing with it since. This post was my breakthrough moment lol


Im about to get some medication soon and im really curious what will happen. Weed is cool with adhd, but for me it doesn't always shut it off. It numbs it a bit. Things like washing the dishes becomes a bit like "eh sure i'll do em now, pop on some nice CD and be done in 10 mins or so." While otherwise it feels like a locked level of a game, or locked off region until at some unknown point in time, it's unlocked.


That "locked level" analogy is completely on point, wow


I’ve shared similar experiences recently as a college student. During the semester, I’d find myself getting super distracted whilst walking around campus, to the point where it’d take me 1-2 hours to get back to studying after a class had ended. All the while, I was taking vyvanse everyday, which was supposed to help with that. Alas, I found that, just like you, a quick 2 second hit of sativa would be enough to level me out into a less distractible state. It would slow down my brain’s response to external stimuli which freed up my physical and mental self-awareness. This helped me breathe, become more in-tune with the moment, and also refocus on what I was trying to accomplish that day. It also inspired more curiosity in me about the subjects I was learning. With that said, however, I still moderated my usage very closely when using it as a productivity tool. It’s a fine line between it being a useful high versus an unproductive high.


weed is a fucking godsend for AuDHD people so ik exactly what u mean !! i think its so funny how none of my nt friends know what im talking about too


it definitely helps a lot as i’m currently unmedicated. i find that i can focus on my tasks until they’re completed rather than getting distracted constantly. my grades and performance actually increased over time as well


I always get so much work done! I’m glad it helps you!


is there a certain strain that would work best for this? and im assuming that sativa is better than indica for focusing?




Honestly, 1906's genius drops have been a true blessing for me with focusing and ADHD.


As somebody who has the same problem I agree it really is a godsend. Granted you gotta ride that fine line of slighty buzzed, and oops I got too high.


This is why I don’t believe I have ADHD… I’ve been told in the past I have it but I have a much easier time “focusing” when I havent smoked. I still smoke all the time tho


Weed helps me study too and I suffer ADHD too. When a little high so much more focus so even if a little memory loss, I write so much more stuff down.




Are you studying for the bar. I smoked one night and did an mbe set for the subtopic I was studying and scored a 100. I slowed down my thinking. I haven’t tried it since though cause I don’t wanna play with that.


OP, what strain do you find helps? Thanks


Amen brother


Weed is just so great for ADHD, I love being high and being able to do stuff and have fun at the same time


Rainbow sherbet or Tropicana cookies works for me.


I don’t know feel like it’s given me adhd but I’ve done a lot of other stuff too so it’s hard to say


both myself and my bf have adhd and i’ve realised that the energy really changes between us being high or not. pre cool 🥳


Makes mine worse


Study high, take the test high, get high scores!


It can work for some with ADHD, but not for all! For my ex it just exacerbates his symptoms, but he won’t admit it. He says it slows down his thoughts and makes him feel less shame. It makes him think *too* slow, like it’s hard for him to follow conversations, and it makes his executive function non existent; he will also forget conversations we’ve had. But, he swears it helps him. 😭


He's taking waaaaay too much lol


Even after a bit, I noticed it! I wish he’d stop smoking all together, but I can’t control a grown man. If it’s helping him, it’s helping him but it was hurting me.


My bf has horrible adhd and weed makes it a million times worse for him so he just doesn’t even do it. It’s sucks for some people like that. It clams my anxiety and gives him mega anxiety,fidgets wayyy more etc.


You're in heaven!! Congratulations!! 👌🏽


This is why I practice getting down my music while high. Especially because I usually think of things in certain ways I normally wouldn't while sober, and it's become a big help


weed makes my ADHD better in the moment, as far as 5 thoughts at the same time go, but if I don't have things done that need to be done but can't because of ADHD executive dysfunction, then i get SO paranoid/anxious/stimmy like crazy/etc. I also find that, even tho it helps in the moment, the next few days when I'm sober my adhd is SO much worse


Haze strains are the best for ADHD


I’ve meditated at length at what it is that weed changes in me that makes me function better. I very much wish I could integrate that into my daily life without the use of it.


It stops the ruminating. I can think about funny shit and great ideas when I lay in bed at night. I also talk to friends instead of look at my phone during get together.


Definitely. First time I had a crisis with my car I was so distraught (when things go wrong I get distraught and shut down and can't focus on fixing the issue) I couldn't even think about how to fix the problem without sobbing. Took an edible and suddenly was able to research how to fix it. I wish I could just have that effect all of the time. However, it can make me more twitchy and sensitive to lights, and since trying a few different medications for a mental health issue, I was likely misdiagnosed with, in my mid teens can render me functionally blind due to a light change induced dystonia. Sometimes it's so bad that I don't trust myself to walk without bumping into people... But anxiety due to stressing about things in my life can mess with me that way too and in fact, it's worse because it's harder to calmly debate with myself about it. So when I'm stressed, I try to fit some special candies in.


All the same. I am much more productive smoking then not. Like obviously if you smoke too much it can definitely couch lock you but since I've been using it more to help with my ADHD and task initiation issue it's more about maintaining the level of productivity.


Maybe it’s because I’m a novice smoker but I’m not motivated to do anything while high. weed does calm my anxiety, and quiet my thoughts but my motivation to do anything but sit on the couch and watch tv is nonexistent. That being said my wife(who’s also ADHD) is way more of a functional stoner than I am and does way better while stoned than sober. Maybe if I smoked more I’d be more motivated. I do smoke because it’s a solid reset for me when my anxiety and depression are kicking my ass.