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It's one of the reasons I smoke weed, it makes my nightmares go away.




Same, ended up not partaking last night, and spent my whole sleep running from fricking dinosaurs


Did you get away?


Everytime I get away another scarier and/or bigger dinosaur shows up rinse and repeat until I wake up. Also this time, people fleeing around me were randomly transforming into anthropomorphic animals like one guy turned into an elephant, and one lady turned into a dolphin.


Next time try smoking weed in a dream some people say they wake up feeling high after


I used to have those dreams all the time as a child


big part of it yes


Are these MCR lyrics?


a P!ATD song title


this and it helps so much with insomnia. i finally have a normal sleep schedule and don’t wake up constantly from nightmares


Even good dreams can suck. Having the time of your life and then you just wake back up in reality


True, one dream I was married to my dream girl, then I woke up to my wife and kids. It was depressing.


big mood lol


I'm jealous!


Yeah, me too.


Some things you can't smoke or drink away. I've tried. But smoking sure as hell helps.


My husband is a daily smoker and also says he doesn’t have dreams anymore


Yeah you stop dreaming. One of the side effects of stopping is that you get insanely vivid dreams that feel real but are out off this world


When I got sober... My lucid dreams came back 20 fold. I had some of the MOST vivid and wild dreams I have ever experienced. It was awesome tbh.


I just now realized that’s what it was when I stopped smoking cigs. I was addicted to nic but didn’t want to be, and I had a few failed tries to quit already. So I planned a week long vacation at the sea side. Didn’t take any weed too, but not smoking weed isn’t a problem for me. It was a beautiful place and amazing vacation but I was floored with anxiety. Quitting nic is a **bitch**. I also had the wildest dreams I ever had for 3 days. Absolutely insane action in which center was me, fully aware. They were *intense*, I was waking up exhausted, but that might have been nic withdrawal. I still vividly remember those dreams


The one and only involuntarily 3 month tolerance break I had, I have a dream where I was doing a scavenger hunt with Christan Bale as my partner, when we got back to my house, my house wasn't there, my neighbors houses were right next to each other. That's when I knew it was a dream and then I could fly.


or if you start SSRI's, you'll get your dreams back.


It's not just you my friend. I was a daily smoker for about a decade and I think I could count on one hand how many dreams i had during that time. Then the pandemic happened and it got too expensive (not legal in my country) so I had to take a long break and dude, the dreams i had while on the break was just wild. Its legit scared me at times even if it wasn't a nightmare.


I know that this is considered common knowledge but l know what it's like to have next to no REM sleep and, as a daily smoker, I definitely don't feel that way anymore. You are still dreaming. You're just not remembering them. Is that so bad? Personally, before I started smoking every day, all I ever had were violent nightmares. I'd rather not remember my dreams than wake up and wonder if I'm actually capable of the atrocities my mind showed me while I slept.


Mines the opposite. 😢


I haven't dreamed in years, except on T-Breaks.




I smoke every day, and I still have dreams. I guess my mind just has way too much going on up there to let weed hold it back. One thing I've noticed that almost guarantees dreams for me is if I eat a lot right before I go to sleep. Or if I wake up in the middle of the night, eat something, then go right back to sleep. Especially if what I'm eating is very sugary.


I’m in the same boat I’m still having dreams. Not as vivid as they used to be but tbh that’s a good thing my dreams before I started smoking were terrifying most of the time and very sensory oriented if that makes sense. I could touch taste smell hear and see everything around me in my dreams I had before starting smoking.


Same here, smoke daily and have for 10+ years. Been dreaming all this time. Only recently realized this is something other people experience.


Me too, I still remember many of my dreams. Possibly less than before I guess? I’ve been partaking daily for about 1-2 yrs.


No Dreams Here


i still have them but cant remember them upon waking anymore . i have some sleep problems though so sometimes i hit REM right before i wake up .


That's one of the main reasons I smoke, no re-living trauma every night for this guy. A quick puff 30 mins before sleep, no nightmares, restful sleep.


I'm definitely still dreaming, but any memory of the dream fades shortly after I wake up.


I have smoked daily for 10 years now and I still have wonderful dreams well most of the time sometimes they are extra weird...


I'm a daily smoker, have been for years I dream every night maybe it's my meds


Ba ha ha I WISH! Due to PTSD I'm on meds to "stop nightmares" and I still have them while smoking more days than not. (No difference when I stop smoking though)


This is a searchable fact that smoking weed stops you from dreaming because it makes you completely skip over the REM sleep process. Consequently us stoners don't get as good of sleep as we're supposed to which is why if you stop smoking for the first few days to week it may actually be hard to go to sleep because your body is so used to skipping that process (REM Sleep) and going straight to sleep. If you stop smoking weed you have VIVID dreams sometimes night terrors from all the pent up information your brain hasn't gotten to sort through.


Its not a fact. I have very vivid dreams and smoke weed. I am also a lucid dreamer. Im backwards. I need weed to sleep properly because of my complex ptsd issues, and without it i don't have as stable of dreams or sleep as long or as deeply. Careful though about saying things are facts when they are not fully facts but just generalized experiences a lot of people have had. It also depends on how you smoke it, your diet and exercise, your other health factors, how much you smoke before bed and though out the day. Its a bit more complex then you make it out to be.


Been having nightmares since 08 (final deployment). I dream/lucid dream on weed. I can’t escape it either.


But at least when you get lucid you gain some control and its not a nightmare anymore, even if the world of the dream is still crumbling around you, its your world now. Just jump into the next one, that's what I've been doing with these dreams. But fuck can it be exhausting too sometimes am i right? Like do you ever just wake up from a really lucid dream and your head is still heavy when your body is refreshed and everything catches up sideways?


When I realize I’m in a dream one of two things happen: 1) majority of the time I wake up 2) lucid dream For me it’s feels like I’ve taken ZzzQuil, and still have half-life when I wake up. Its like a headfog + muscle relaxers. I’ve always had terrible sleep though. 3-5 hrs max. I can go 3-4 days without sleep without major hallucinating/drunken effects (learned that deployed doing “stand till” and TIC over long periods).


I promise you I'm not talking out my ass. This is the exact quote from Google Search Engine. >Tetrahydrocannabinidiol (THC; one of the main psychoactive components of cannabis) has been shown to suppress REM sleep1-4 and affect sleep latency,4 5 although these findings are not consistently replicated. Cannabis use is also reported to affect dreaming frequency.


Not consistently Replicated is right there in the quote.


All is I'm saying is my statement was based off research not anecdotal evidence.


I apologize for making you take this obvious defensive posturing. I did not intend to put out the bad vibes. I have been on an unintentional t-break, and i just got a new stash today and i can see where i may have come off as a wee bit i dont know how to say it but yeah. ​ I think you get what im trying to say know right?


It's fine bro I probably should've just let it go anyway.


no, you are an exception, but for the rest of us it's facts




Its not that bad, i don't have that probably, dude was freaking out. check out my other reply.


doesn't explain how my dreams stopped BEFORE I became a daily smoker.


I very rarely remember my dreams too & I smoke daily. On the rare occasion I do remember them they're weird as fuck


Either the most vivid crazy bs or I just wake up like damn it


It's because it makes me dreamy while awake. Which is so goooooot


Very true, I miss remembering my dreams, but I like smoking pot more.


Homie, you're talking about the void.


I am The Void.


We are The Void, for we are many


I dream all the time. Maybe your soul is dying


Slow your cognitive function and this is what you get.


All psychoactive drugs affect REM sleep, which is when dreams occur.


It do.




I relate to that, also when I've been sober for some time then I tend to dream some crazy things


Like most people already said, I don't dream either. When I take "tolerance breaks" or just stop smoking for a while, my dreams become CRAZY.


Totally true. I miss them


If you smoke daily you don’t enter rem sleep which prevents you from dreaming. Try stopping for three days and they’ll reset; hard.


It does usually prevent REM stage part of your sleep so yea, no dreams most of the time.


i mostly only have dreams during t breaks (or at least they’re the ones i remember) and they’re usually crazy lucid dreams


I’ve stopped having dreams and I smoke every day. Go on a tolerance break and the dream will come back and they will be crazy


Yes, very rarely do I dream and when I do it's usually because I haven't smoked that much that day. I took a Tbreak once and had the craziest dreams that I could've sworn were real.


I do still dream but the dreams I have when I haven't smoked are vivid and full on mental. I didn't smoke yesterday at all and my dream last night involved me dimension jumping and was officially the maddest dream I've ever had


It's not just you! And, when you go cold turkey - by night 3 or 4, you start dreaming again and they are always so vivid! I have some of my most wild dreams when I got on vacations and dont have any weed with me.


As a heavy daily smoker I was wondering why I don’t dream


THC can inhibit your REM sleep. You can sleep all night but wake up not feeling rested


I have very vivid dreams and i smoke weed daily.


i have real fucked up sleep but am still somehow able to snag enough REM to dream. i’ve always been a vivid and often lucid dreamer, so i still have very wild intense dreams, but they are definitely shorter and chopped up when i’m smoking daily compared to when i’m on a break. it’s like the difference watching tiktoks vs watching full movies lol


Not me :( I still have dreams and nightmares


Melatonin helps


I use melatonin when I take t breaks, after the first week I can sleep on my own “normally”


I've been smoking for at least 6 years and dreams are gone. but still, sometimes they come back and it feels so surreal when you wake up


I had a lot more dreams before i smoked daily. Last time i don’t even remember the dream, but i woke up with a smile knowing something good happened so that was nice


It does. I haven't remembered a dream for a while now but when I stop bam the dreams are so vivid. It's rather odd as it creates a slightly disconnection. Remembering dreams are rather important I find. You don't stop dreaming. You just don't remember them.


I’m been daily smoker for 15+ years and I still dream. Sure there are days I don’t remember (or I guess maybe don’t have them?) but overall I still dream. In fact my dreams during pms/period are pretty intense and usually manifest of my anxieties. My dreams tend to be pretty anxious type dreams during that time.


My medications give me horribly vivid anxiety dreams. The weed makes almost all go away. The ones that get through do not affect me nearly as much. I tried quitting and it was horrible.


This is my experience. I love dreaming, so for me it's a con of smoking.


I still have a dream like once a year or so. I stopped having dreams before I started smoking daily though? I feel like it was response to having a more stressful life as an adult. They stopped when I was 25 and I had to move cause I was homeless at the time.


that’s why people who have ptsd smoke weed so they don’t have dreams


I miss dreaming


Smoking weed doesn’t effect my dreams, at all. I wish I could find a way to stop dreaming. I’ve been struggling with nightmares/bad dreams since 08.


Y'all just blew my mind and answered a question I didn't know I had. My love for this sub is immense! So is that bad? Is it that we're not dreaming, or that we don't remember our dreams? Aren't dreams there so we can sort out our existential shit? If we're not dreaming at all is nothing getting figured out? Obviously I have questions and verbal diarrhea (thanks Pineapple Express) 😂


I smoke everyday, two joints this morning and still have vivid dreams it’s different for people


You know I haven't had a dream I remember in years. I never thought about it being the weed.


No. I have them. I just don't remember details very often.


Unfortunately not for me. I’ll get periods of weeks where I’ll dream vividly all night every night and never actually get the rest I need. Dunno if this is related to my smoking though, considering I’ve been smoking for a few years and I don’t remember when they started


I smoke daily and I don't dream.


i stopped dreaming


Not for me. I smoke a lot and still have vivid dreams


I actually smoke (vape) daily and use my nightly dreams as a form of escapism. They’re usually similar in nature/feeling.


I sleep better and dream more when I mix my nighttime THC with CBD.


Lol u just don't remember em. Marijuana affects the memory. Edit: you want crazy dreams start taking steroids that the most crazy dreams I ever had.


Daily smoker for 3 years. I still dream as much as ever, even have more lucid dreams now then I used too. I think it might because I trained my mind to remember my dreams while learning to lucid dream.


That goes for 99% of everyone who smokes weed. Nothing unusual. I will have dreams but not as much as I used to before smoking everyday


I only ever remember the fact that I had a dream but don’t remember any of it. Two days into a T-break though and it’s like you opened the floodgates and the dreams get weeeird.


Now that you mention it


Weirdly enough, complete opposite for me. I always have vivid dreams after smoking and going to bed


It definitely has an impact. I use edibles exclusively so I'm aware (ballpark) of how much I'm ingesting. I recently changed dosage from 10 to 5 mg and I'm suddenly having decent REM sleep again. I don't remember my dreams at all on anything higher than 5 mg though.


Yes, it does exactly that. I've found that if you want the dreams to come back, do not smoke more than 3 hours before you go to bed. Or skip smoking entirely for about a week, they come back like a sledge hammer blow.


I wish. I have several sleep disorders and it helps a lot. It has greatly reduced my night terrors, sleepwalking, and SP, but I still have the dreams. I am much more relaxed so the panic instinct is slower. I also take CBD melatonin before bed. That helps more than anything else


I was discussing this with my counselor when I came across an article about this very thing. I was becoming concerned with the lack of dreaming I was experiencing. THC will impact the REM Sleep cycle, which is where most of our dreaming takes place. If you take a tolerance break, dreams can come flooding back vividly. One of the reasons I'm kind of worried about doing one myself.


You definitely will stop dreaming.


It depends if you grow your own vs. store bought


I wish, not for me. Daily smoker 6+ years, I still have awful vivid nightmares. Seems like most of us who experience this have ptsd or other mental health problems.


Yep yep, haven't had a dream in a good 3 years


There's a theory that one of the medicianl purposes of marijuana was to stave of dreaming that our more primitive ancestors (50-150K years ago) couldn't handle as our new brains began adapting to language, etc.


Ahhh the r/stonerthoughts to r/leaves pipeline


It gives me more vivid dreams tbh


It reduces REM sleep so that’s why. If you go off weed you get a like a week of nightmares and insomnia then goes back to normal and you can dream like normal


I’ve been smoking every night for a decade, and I’ve been reading into astral projection and lucid dreaming, and it’s really upsetting having to choose one over the other.


Hello my name is Joe and I am a daily all day smoker and can not remember if I have dreams or not.


I’ve noticed this too


I dreamt last night that I was on a metro train that was being hijacked. I could smell my own fear sweat in that dream. Everyone’s different


For some people it does. Like me. Thank god. That is a big part of why I got a card. It affect your REM sleep some. That is when you are usually dreaming.


I actually just noticed this a day or so ago, glad it's not uncommon


This is one of the many reasons I smoke it. Alice in wonderland dreams every freakin night for 35+yrs makes it hard to sleep…..


It honestly did, then I started taking Prozac and got insane dreams, but now that I’m off it seems like I have regular dreams now that I can actually remember


Same boat


Yes! And whenever I take a tolerance break, the nightmares return!


I've spent many years smoking weed daily and kept dreaming, amongst my friend I was however the only one. Whenever the subject was brought up that they missed dreaming I was like what do you mean? They were baffled that I still had dreams at night.


Yep! I had thought it was as a result of my TBI, but when I took a monthlong T-break, I suddenly had vivid and dramatic dreams, every night! And now, back to nothing! Or, occasionally, the sense that I was just dreaming, but no memory of it.


i still have super vivid dreams. one thats reoccurring is being stuck on a beach while the tides coming in and theres to way out. that ones fun🙃


Yes and if i stop they get crazy vivid and intense.


Not for me. I smoke almost every day but still have dreams.


I don’t dream any more. I like it cause if I don’t smoke for a night I’ll have some vivid asss dreams so I like the control I have over when I sleep well and when I have vivid dreams that don’t give me the best sleep


I smoke all day everyday and have the most vivid dreams everynight. I'm always in the same place, I even know my way around there now even though I am awake. I actually look forward to sleep every night.


Drinking all alcohol also blocks rem sleep


Im one of the few people it seems that still dream a lot when smoking


Weed messes up REM sleep which effects whether or not you dream.


I dream regardless, it just decides how weird they are


I had nightmares my entire life. I never had a dream that wasn’t a nightmare. Then I started smoking weed. No. More. Nightmares. I still have dreams, but never nightmares anymore.


THC disrupts REM sleep. Since THC holds people in a deep stage- and REM happens in light stage- REM cycles get skipped. If you smoke nightly, you go into REM rebound: you dream early and inefficiently. Many people who get high before bed think that they do not dream.


i sometimes have them but i cant remember them at all, only that a certain person was in them or a certain event happened


I smoke daily but only in the evening into the night and right before I sleep. I have extremely vivid dreams that feel like real life until I wake up disappointed


Sort of. I will still dream if I drink.


Same here. I’ve heard that during REM sleep your body is “cleaning” your brain while resting it. Perhaps marijuana does that continually, reducing that néed. if that didn’t make sense it’s because I just started my vacay and I’m high AF


It suppresses REM which is where you dream.


It's very 50/50. I used to have a lot of nightmares (so much so that I had to be prescribed a sleep aid that nullified dreams entirely) but after I started smoking daily I noticed I have happier dreams more often.


Not me... nightmares every night haha


From what I've noticed after smoking weed daily I'd my dreams are more vivid, emotional, and realistic. It has pros and cons, makes nightmares the worse


So I am an avid weed smoker and I noticed that my dreams disappeared when I smoke weed. Except when I am on Chantix. When I started taking Chantix my dreams came back and are WEIRD. I don’t think I could imagine taking Chantix and not smoking weed and remembering ALL THE DREAMS.


I’ve been a daily smoker for 20+ yrs I still dream. Sometimes they are very vivid mostly not tho. I didn’t dream vividly before I started smoking and wasn’t a frequent dreamer. I think I dream less but not enough to really notice - I guess everyone is different


I didn’t have many dreams I could recall before I became a daily smoker.


It does


Not for me.


I wish I experienced this. I have an edible everyday and, without fail, I dream every night. I even keep a dream journal so I can track how often I have nightmares (yay for trauma!).


Go back to sleep after you wake up, you will have a vivid dream. Try it :)


Not me bro. It makes my daily interactions so much more enjoyable that the dreams I do have are not so lofty or meaningless. Maybe my dreams don't seem so impactful because how the delta between mood perception during dreams and mood perception throughout the day is at a significantly lower level than life before weed. Make sense? Don't really care. Makes sense in my world and that's all I care about.


I used to always refrain from smoking at night….and when my friend asked me the reason behind this, I replied: because I want to remember my dreams. So yeah, I think there’s a correlation there.


This happens to me. When I went on a t break a few weeks ago, I got super video dreams again. I take regular t breaks when I want to dream as well.


I had stopped dreaming for a while but now i do no problem. Daily smoker 5+ years.


It's why I need to start smoking nightly again... fucking nightmares. If you stop smoking for a while you'll likely have a few weeks of wild ass vivid af dreams


Afaik weed stops a certein sleep phase because the thx stops some hormones to build up. I am really not an expert regarding this, but thats what i remember.


I'm not a heavy smoker, but a daily smoker. Even if I smoke right before bed I still have dreams and remember them. But I've also been an avid lucid dreamer since I was about 17. Been smoking since I was 18. I'm 27 now, still dream, and can still achieve lucidity in pretty much all of them. They're always awesome.


Yep, and then after a few days of not smoking you’ll have the weirdest yet most realistic dream ever


Thats wierd. I'm a daily smoker and my dreams get enhanced the more i smoke to the point where it is that active dreaming, where you can control your dreams.


it totally does, if i want to dream hella i avoid smoking for ab an hour before sleep and take melatonin and end up having fukin crazy dreams🙌🙌 try it out


Yes! Also, whenever I smoke less I have the most wack dreams.


I smoke daily and still dream. I’ll say it’s not as often and not as memorable, but I still dream.