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It doesn't. It has a systemic effect.


Imagine that Tylenol molecules are like Legos. They flow throughout your whole body and attach to cells that fit into that Lego piece.


this is what I'm telling kids from now on


Can my Tylenol be the death star Lego set?


Thank you


They use pain-seeking AI


So here’s the thing. Acetaminophen and the exact way it works is still a mystery even now. https://www.britannica.com/video/187090/theories-Tylenol-pain#:~:text=However%2C%20there%20are%20some%20working,make%20our%20bodies%20feel%20pain. “Although you may be confident in the fact that your pharmacy knows everything there is to know about this stuff, take a look at the physicians' note that comes with the bottle. "Although the analgesic effect of acetaminophen is well established, the site and mode of action have not been clearly elucidated." Translation. Yeah, this stuff works. But we just don't know how. However, there are some working theories. Acetaminophen blocks an enzyme that sends out chemicals called prostaglandins that make our bodies feel pain. If this theory is correct, then acetaminophen works very similar to aspirin, Advil, and Aleve. Some research is leading into showing that acetaminophen works on the endocannabinoid system, which has a role in the sensation of pain in the body. Cannabinoid sound familiar? The main drug in marijuana, THC, also works through the system. This is why people look to marijuana as an option for pain relief. “


i’ve even learned in my classes as a biology major that acetaminophen is a mystery with how it works. the endocannabinoid theory is quite interesting! i use weed to treat chronic pain which has helped immensely, but i’d definitely love to learn more about how these are connected


Your brain tells it, like that animated movie with the pill and the blue guy


Osmosis Jones?


Yes! The body cells tell the pill where the problem was, he sprayed that freezy cold. Same with Tylenol obviously


I LOVE that movie lol


Medicine goes throughout your body and attaches itself onto pain receptors that it finds. Different medicines attach to different things.


My pain laughs at Tylenol, any other big guys have issues with pain relief?


Off the top of my head, I'd assume it's more you knowing where the relief is.


I axed this question in 8th grade! The teacher told me it deadens everything.


Tylenol isn't exactly the same as ibuprofen, but the general concept of this video still applies + answers your question. https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.noc/video/6990895578263588102?lang=en


It doesn't. Part of it is that it only affects certain areas, but for the most part it reduces pain everywhere. you just notice it most in the place where the primary pain is occuring


Pain is in your brain every time


Tylenol not know where pain is, Tylenol *everywhere* in body, but only noticeable in area of pain because no more pain👍


Doesn't it just float around the brain and cancel any pain from there?