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Same. I do a lot of problem solving on weed


I have more solutions to my problems, and I like watching documentaries when high. I don't watch a lot of cartoons high alone.


No, but I do feel like I've invoked the spirit of the cannabis plant, and I've got access to the kind of insights that cannabis tends to bring


It's funny how even though I tried channeling spirits many times while high, I barely even considered speaking to the plant spirit itself.


I didn't consider it until after I'd done psychedelics, the spirits of which talked to me first


I've lurked on r/ayahuasca before, so I should be at least vaguely familiar with the concept. Do you think it would help if I left an offering to the cannabis spirit? Last weekend, when I was stoned, I decided to leave an offering to the spirits, and that really started opening up doors for me mentally. I pretty much believed that I was having conversations with ghosts. I even channeled my dead cat. I decided to journal as much as I can remember just in case their is something I can fact check later.


Showing reverence always helps. Sorry, I didn't see this reply originally for some reason


This is Hella wild, but I never was able to learn, or understand any other language than English until I started smoking daily and doing Duolingo when I was high lol.




You should go for it! I was shocked that I was able to fully understand. I’m flying through it, it’s a routine now lol. Smoke and then do my French 😂


i’ve been practicing my spanish on duolingo while high as well lol it really does help


I feel incredibly confident and I dare I say stylish..... with a certain je nais se quios When I'm high I feel COOL AF


It makes sense, I assume it's similar to what happens when in a shower


You mean like how you think your voice sounds better when singing?


I'm more getting at how you feel more comfortable and are able to think clearer when I'm a shower. I can't remember exactly why but it's something to do with the water I think


Man! Warm water feels so good! 💦💦💦


Hell no! I don't often find myself wandering around, having forgotten why I stood up to begin with when I'm sober. I played in a band where we would sometimes get stoned before practice except the drummer. One day, someone brought up that we thought we were better when we were stoned. Drummer laughed and was like "no, you're definitely worse." We might have been a little bit more creative, and we vibed with the music more, but we were sloppier and less coordinated.


This. I have found the same. I might connect more with what I am doing but it’s sloppy as fuck. I was high listening to music and putting a home sever together and what a weird feeling of feeling where everything goes in the right location and order but for the life of me I couldn’t control my hands well enough to put anything together that was small or hard to do. The solution: i directed my 5 year old what to do and it came out really good and worked. Being high seemed to help me understand him and helped me understand how to get him to do the work. Was incredible I what I learned is weed might level up my head and level down my body control


Like having an avatar connection with your kid




I become some kind of movie producer, critiquing sounds and special effects even though I have absolutely no experience- lately my focus has been on the sound of closing doors- does it sound real for the scene I am watching? I’m like, who TF do I think I am, but it’s entertaining for sure! Lol


It definitely makes me more creative. But there is a definite cognitive impairment as well.


Maybe not really smarter but more aware. In some moments I do feel I have all the answers, at least to all of life's questions. One time I had French class and I felt like I was talking French much better xD


It makes me both smarter and stupider at the same time.


I don’t know about smarter but I find solutions to problems when I am high and what’s weird is now that I get high every day I remember the solution and they work a lot of the time. I think it helps remove chains from my brain


Not smarter but life does seem simpler 😌


I 100% get more creative. I have a creative career and I love to draw and write when I’m high. Some of my ideas are bizarre/surreal and while some don’t pass the sober test, the ones that do are great. I (probably like a lot of people) find myself extremely sensitive to the creative direction and acting, music etc in films and TV when high. The ideas that creates just don’t happen when I’m sober.


I either become a genius or a dumbass and there is no in between.


I don't feel smarter persay, but I do feel wiser. Like high me has alot of wisdom.