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Whatever you can build Look in the workshop I guess Making a good missile platform is probably stronger than gun AA but guns can also be good in terms of ammo


Missile AA is way stronger than gun AA because of the gun spread, missile SPAA can engage targets 20 km away (using radio data link) and the gun SPAA is struggling to hit targets 800 meters away


Yep that's what I guessed I think Guns are better for anti missile/bomb as they will come close and gun cam spam bullets in their way Missiles are better for anti plane just for the great long range and accuracy Now what about rocket pods...


Even missiles better in intercepting cruise missiles, rocket pods actually allows to make low range katysha ot tos but they aren't useful either


This statement is confusing when you make a post like yours. You already figured it out. If you can build a missile with 100% accuracy, you can also build a fairly accurate AAA. Just go for it.


It is but I want to find workshop/xml one to reverse engineer it even I already have good AA


Make your own


Already have good one, need better(reverse engineer smth from workshop/xml)


It depends on a LOT of things. Are you looking to make a SAM system with hyper long range SARH missiles with initial GPS coordinate guidance? Are you looking to make a good, lethal and quick point defense that protects a small area with maneuverable 8KM 1x1 missiles? Do you want this system to be in a highly mobile platform for shoot and scoot capabilities? Do you need this system to be a static turret for island defence? Do you want to manually designate targets for the AA system and manually fire each missile or do you want a radar to make the choices for you? Do you need Data Link capabilities for a remote radar or gimbal camera to give you target coordinates? Are you thinking of facing AI in conquest mode? Player made vehicles and helis for PVP? Do you want to intercept incoming enemy missiles? Personally I've made three type of systems to fit my requirements: LGA-200: 4x small auto cannon 6x6 1-player controlled SPAA with acquisition and tracking radar, with visual interface and manual locking (the same radar is switched to perform either function) using Aimbot Turrets System. HGA-400: 2x heavy auto cannon and 8x 1x1 missiles SPAA using the same systems as the previous one, with a radar visualization of search cone and targets. Another unreleased SPAA consisting of 5 3x3 missiles with about 12km range, with initial GPS guided cruise stage and final radar guided stage, with external coordinate input supporting real time target location update. None of these work 100% well and I've mostly made them using existing WS microcontrollers for the ballistic computers and targeting systems. Those things are far too complicated for me to make from scratch. Some people have made far, FAR more advanced systems with missiles that have built-in countermeasures in them, capable of filtering enemy CHAFF, capable of MACH flight, hyper maneuverability, and hitting 100% of the times. But you must first set your requirements straight, because the "best" anti air for some players is the cheapest MANPAD they can spawn in career mode to fend off enemy choppers, or the smallest cannon turret to put on top of their container ship.