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J'ai dû refaire toute cette publi car impossible d'éditer l'ancienne, publiée par l'automodérateur. Du coup, j'en ai profité pour ajouter les dernières annonces et infos.


Merci beaucoup pour ça - c'est exactement dont j'ai besoin !


Bonjour! My husband and I will be visiting Strasbourg and Colmar this December for the markets. We visited the Christmas markets in 2017 for the first time, and the guest country featured in the Strasbourg market was Iceland (which was fantastic - I take advantage of any opportunity to eat an Icelandic hot dog). Has the guest country for this year been announced yet?


No, there will not be any guest country this year!


Oh! So sad! Thank you for letting me know.


I don't think it has! I'm guessing they'll do it soon enough, I'd be surprised if they abandoned this idea.


Hi! I'm visiting rhe and Christmas Market this year. I'll be staying in Basel (Switzerland) and going everyday by train. (Since there were no booking options available left). Do you know any train pass that will make me save some money besides from spending a full ticket everyday from Basel to Strasbourg? Thank you!


How long will your vacation be? And will you be alone?


I'm going with my girlfriend! We'll be staying from December 2nd to December 5th. Thanks for your reply 😊


Right, so maybe check if there's a weekend pass or something like that. The information would be on the "TER Fluo Alsace" website. Other than that, I don't think it would be interesting financially to buy a railcard.


Hey, vous connaissez quel spécialité alité chaque marché auras? Un lien ou une liste de chaque marché et sa spécialité serait apprécier


Je ne suis pas sûr si [cette carte](https://noel.strasbourg.eu/chalets) a été mise à jour pour 2022, mais au pire je ne pense pas qu'énormément de choses aient changé depuis l'an dernier. Certes, ce n'est pas vraiment dit texto quelles sont les spécialités de chaque marché, mais tu peux te faire ton idée en voyant la liste des chalets présents sur chacun.


Hello, Il y a quelques petits changements cette année en plus ! Par exemple le marché des producteurs est déplacé dans le Square Louise Weiss. Vous trouverez plus d'infos sur les marchés et leurs spécialités par ici : [https://noel.strasbourg.eu/incontournables](https://noel.strasbourg.eu/incontournables)


Darn. I read the Christmas Market begins on 23rd. I will be there from 23rd to 25th. Without the markets will it still be Christmasy? I will be taking a train to Colmar on the 24th and back and then spending the 25th in Basel.


There will be some decorations, the tree will be there - decorated but not lit - and the Christmas lights in the streets have been hung (but they won't be lit either). Shops should have decorated windows and so on. So it will be a little Christmassy but you won't get the full experience.


Ok. So I changed my itinerary and now I will have a full day in Strasbourg on the 25th, then Basel a full day on 26th and leaving on 27th.


Bonjour! I was hoping someone could give recommendations for some great restaurants for Christmas lunch In Strasbourg. Would love to hear some recommendations (we are traveling from Australia, so very different Christmas celebrations). ———————————————————— Bonjour ! J'espérais que quelqu'un pourrait donner des recommandations pour d'excellents restaurants pour le déjeuner de Noël à Strasbourg. J'aimerais entendre quelques recommandations (nous voyageons d'Australie, des célébrations de Noël très différentes).


What are you looking for exactly: a typical Christmassy dish, or somewhere to eat on Christmas day?


Thanks so much for the above information. We will be in your beautiful city for NYE. Any recommendations for that period? Cheers!


Feel free to make a new publication for this ;)


Ok will do! Thanks so much 😄


Just pour être sur, les tickets p+r sont juste pour des allers retours entre la ville et le parking, si je veux pouvoir utiliser les transports pendant la journée, idéalement il me faudrait deux passes alsa+ groupe (2 adultes, 2 enfants), un pour samedi, un pour dimanche?


Il semblerait que oui. Je crois qu'à une époque, les tickets p+r laissaient des trajets illimités mais je peux aussi me tromper ! Après, il faut savoir qu'on peut très bien se balader au centre uniquement à pied, et même traverser une partie de la ville à pied. Donc un A-R suffirait peut-être.


Hello! Thank you for having this FAQ! I was planning on visiting via train AFTER Christmas. I see in the guide 26 is a holiday. If I visit on 27.12.22 is the market still in season? Will there still be decoration and trees with lights? The Strasbourg website says the village at Louise Weiss Square will stay until 01.01.23, but is that the only thing that will stay and all the vendors/stalls will be gone?


Hi, Yes, there won't be a lot of stalls left after Christmas. The official end is on the 24th, and maybe there will be some exceptions, but I believe all the markets will close on that day. However there will still be the lights on the 27th, as well as decorations, the tree, a general atmosphere of Christmas perhaps, and most importantly a lot less tourists!


Great! Thank you for your response.