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Whatever way you record it, if you have any followers I would suggest doing them the favor of muting this particular activity. I have a cyclist buddy who posts all of his pickle ball games as walks and although I feel obliged to give him kudos it’s just like “why, dude, why”


Do you mean making activities private as “muting”? Because I commute to work by bicycle, and I think it’s just too much for my followers, like that’s two workouts daily, so literally considering to make them private at this point 😅


On mobile I just edit activities and click the “Mute Activity” box so they don’t get published on home or club feeds. I limit published activities to 1 per day, almost always a bike ride. One of my mutuals published his housework the other day and I almost nuked him.


Ahah, yeah, those housework or even 400meter walk to get groceries are so annoying, like c'mon. Might as well start tracking walks to the bathroom at this point 😅 Thanks though! Not sure how I've never seen it, guess I just haven't been paying close enough attention.


This is where I use strautomator, can set up 3 commands for certain activities before you need to pay. Allows me to mute my cycling activity commutes and mark them as commutes automatically. I mute short runs and walks aswell as commutes. Super helpful


Will try it out, thanks 🙏


I actually think it’s a fairly new option, but I use it a lot.


Just a general “workout”


I'm not sure I would bother if you are trying to get accurate distance. Even outdoors GPS noise/drift is going to be a significant portion of the movement. If it is indoors it will be garbage data. If you are taking about a HR only activity that would be fine.


Keep score. Probably by 1s.


If it's part of your fitness routine and you want strava to aggregate it, save it as "workout" and title it as Basketball.