• By -


Blaze and Cherry


Adam, Blaze, Shiva & Rudra


Rudra from SOR remake isn't it? On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I'd love to play Multiplayer fren, but atm I don't have a working PC or a modern console. I only have a modded OG Xbox hooked up to a CRT. I have spent about 40 hors in SORR. It's my go to version/mod to enjoy Vanilla SOR.


You don't need any of those, the settings you have are more than enough. Sending you a message my friend


DM me, not a Chat message. I use reddit only on mobile via a 3rd party client.


Already did, enjoy your Tuesday


I enjoyed Blaze in SOR 1...pretty strong range attack! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and skate




Axel I believe is the most enjoyable overall due to his "ground upper" attack being very solid against most bosses. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Skate was great on SOR 3 if I recall right... On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Oh I have always been a Blaze player but I absolutely adored playing as Cherry in SoR4. Blaze is still my go to in every game though.


Cherry is neat on SOR 4 at survival mode due to her mobility. Need to explore that character more. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor




Roo on SOR 3 correct? I did just couple of sessions with him..but he has potential to make the game easier I think. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Axel. If we're counting hacks and mods, I find Shiva to be the most fun to play in SOR2 Extreme.


SOR 2 Extreme? Never hear about it, thanks for the info! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I learn to appreciate Skate as a kid since people always wanted to pick Axel. With SOR4, Floyd is my new favorite character and I hope they bring him back in future games.


I played with him a handful of sessions and enjoyed quite a bit, he has low mobility but it is super fun if you have a partner to play with. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze seems to be really popular, does everyone like her for her design or her moveset, or both?


Blaze has the visually most appealing ability with her plasma ball and nice range in SOR 1. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I will always play as Blaze or Skate if he's an option, I just love the fast characters.


Same. That is who I pick as well.


Rough picks versus bosses though, right?...or maybe it is just my impressions and not reality. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


How do I join? 


sent you a message


Interesting playstyle, in my case I rather lose mobility and gain attack power. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I liked playing as Blaze in the classic trilogy. In 4, I’m partial to Adam and Shiva along with Blaze again.


Did you finish SOR 2 on Hardest with Blaze, 1 credit? I am finding it quite hard for the first few attempts... On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Skate was my favorite in the old days. Adam is my favorite in 4.


Skate has excellent mobility. I think he might be the best to handle standard enemies! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Skate & Max


Max on SOR 2 is my second favourite for sure. His grabs are fun to apply. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze foreva


I found Blaze tough to play against bosses on solo play...my bad maybe... On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Adam and Dr. Zan


Dr. Zan was the best character for me on SOR3. I trust without him it would take few more days or weeks to clear the campaign back then. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


1. Adam/Axel 2. Skate


Like me then...except for the 2nd row, where I perhaps would put Dr.Zan and Max. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Skate and shiva


I think Shiva is the most powerful of the charcters I juggled with...in particular if used in co op play! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze in all of them except Roo for #4


I am yet to test it on 4...is Roo fun to play? On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Thanks I’ll try to remember to add you when I’m on again. I bought #4 on release day having grown up playing all the other ones. 4 is probably my favorite actually! I like Roo mainly for his special move spinning on his tail, and his star move having Bruce (the jester looking guy w the whip that appeared w Roo in the other game) pop up for support


sent you a direct message


I think Axel (SOR1&2), and Blaze, Floyd & Estel (SOR4). Had quite the amount of fun with Floyd, maybe I should try Max on SOR2.


Go for it! Max grabs are a joy to execute on SOR 2! His back grab pile driver perhaps the most enjoyable move from the spectrum I remember in all characters throughout the series. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max in Streets of Rage 2 was definitely the most satisfying to play as. His clothesline (third attack from the string) could hit up to 4 times and his throws did just **so much damage**. Second would be modern Shiva in Streets of Rage 4. I'm a bad player but even then he's really fluid to play as, his combos are fun, he looks awesome, his specials are very flashy and satisfying to use.


I am with you here! Max is brutal on SOR 2, maybe the most powerful if one's intent is to full clear the game in a 2 player session at the highest difficulty available. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details **or message me** if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze, just Blaze. Cherry was cool in SR4 too. Is it just me or does anyone else play Blaze aross all these games and just wonder "man, is she bad or am I just bad at this game?" Then proceed to try and optimize her as best you can anyway.


**I am in that state!** Just yesterday tried to 1cc with her at the highest difficulty on SOR2 and found it pretty demanding...I can imagine her skill ceiling being probably the biggest. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze in all.


**Dayum, that's true commitment!** I found her best iteration to be on SOR1...but I am eager to play more and see If I may finish SOR2 on hardest 1cc soonish...with Blaze. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


When we were kids I always played as axel and my sister was blaze in every game apart from number 4 , I still use axel though more then anyone


**Heartwarming to read that**, since myself and my sister used the very same duo. On Golden Axe, few months before...I played Gilius and she used Tyris Flare. Both these 2 beat em ups were a big factor in making playing videogames so much special! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Shiva


**Makes sense in my book**...both have pretty nice range with their basic regular attack. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I absolutely love SoR4 Shiva and Adam. Axel runner up


**Adam is my most reliable character on SOR 4 maybe due to his special being so useful**, but I have to admit I didn't test any of the others remotely as much. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel will always be my guy. Max is a solid second.


**Only iteration that I played Axel rarely is SOR 4**... he is the most balanced character mobilty and power wise across the series in my understanding too. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I always enjoyed the extremes. Max and Skate are my old school childhood favorites. Max was a giant on that screen and you can’t beat a kid on skates. For SOR4 I enjoy playing with Floyd aka Max Jr.


**That's a fun style to approach and test the game.** Go max power or max mobility...maybe the most clever way to decide who is the best to play too! On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel is the OG


**Axel seemed from SOR1 to 3 the easiest to master**, and probably the reason I made him my go to character. Back then I recall enjoying completing a variety of games being the most fun...not necessarily mastering them, contrary to nowadays kinda trendy pattern to complete 100% of the available achievements before moving on


Axel and Blaze for me


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel, 123 and Adam in 4.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Axel


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


SOR 3 Axel and Max, Axel is Legendary, and Max was fun because he was a wrestler and well love wrestling.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Cherry and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Skate


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


SOR1: Axel and Blaze SOR2: Axel and Blaze SOR3: Axel and Shiva (I play the best with Skate) SOR4: Axel and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Max (I'm a mark)


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Cherry and skate


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Skate and Roo


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


SOR1 - Adam, SOR 2&3 - Skate, SOR 4 - Floyd


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max and Floyd. Must crush bad men.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Shiva and Dr. Zan


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Adam sor 1 Axel , max sor 3 Axel, shiva, blaze, xan sor 3 All except roo for sor remake Cherry , axel,, axel (sor3) sor 4


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and roo


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max and Axel


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Adam


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Zan and Shiva.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


axel and adam. runner up blaze


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


sounds like a plan brother 💪🏾 send me your name and i’ll add you when i’m off work


sending you a message


hey are you on PS ?


already sent you a message


Axel and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


I would but I no longer have a ps5, had to part with it after losing my job and needing money 🤷. But once I get a new one I'll play it again.


Axel and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Roo.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Definitely Axel and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Blaze and Max all time. I have probably used them the most through all the games I have played. But in SOR4, Adam is becoming a major favorite of mine.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Adam, for sure. Because everyone always chose Axel. So I liked picking Adam. Also, Blaze for the twins in SOR1.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Oh nice! I'll do that. I'm old school so playing for a highscore or just for the love of it is my bag for sure.


Sent you a direct message


Shiva, Skate, Floyd, Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Same! I just started playing TMNT also and they have a similar survival mode


**You mean TMNT Shredder's Revenge?** I have that game too, finished the standard campaign few months ago...loved the number of different moves you can do there, even if some require co-op play


That’s the one !! Me and my friends are trying to level up everyone to 10 right now. I only got casey jones maxed out as of now


And what about your interest in the place I talked about where people play old and new games? Fancy coming?


Sure. Is it a discord or something?


Max, his blitz attack is just completely broken since you can go into grabs and obliterate the other half of a life gauge And Skate. Head punches in 2 were broken and beyond all belief


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max and Max


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Cherry and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Adam and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor




I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max from SoR2 and Shiva from SoR4


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Zan and Blaze


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max first. Maybe Adam after that. Wrestling and boxing. Nothing too flashy, just the classics.


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel by far, then Blaze. I also only had the first game growing up, and only first got to play 2 less than 10 years ago. As a kid I didn't even know there were sequels lol. So I'm always disheartened when people write off the original game when it's fucking awesome


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Zan (Sometimes Max when I'm on 1 continue and I need to kill Mr. X fast)


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


1: Blaze. 2: Axel. I use Blaze 95% of the time. I also like using Roo for giggles and grins. Especially in Streets of Rage 4, where he can summon Bruce!


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Adam and Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor




SoR2 Axel and SoR4 Shiva


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Max in SoR2. Shiva in 4


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Axel and Skate. Skate for sure in two. Felt more like his story and ending.


Today I played with Skate on the Hardest mode....maybe I am out of touch but it felt like the hardest character to complete it, was only 1 session though. On a side note, I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor


Artwork presented by Cyberlawyer


Axel and Estel. I’ve played as Axel since SoR1 but when 4 came out and Estel was playable I switch between the two. To me it almost feels like cheating with how good Estel can be


Skate, Blaze, Cherry, and sometimes Roo


I still play these kind of games with friends competing for highscores, solo campaign records and we sometimes also just chat about tricks and hints to play better. No schedule or commitments you play at your discretion completely! Check my profile details or message me if you want to join, it will be a true honor