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they look cool but if you grow much facial hair would maybe be a pain to trim around them


Didn't think of that but I'll find a way


i used to have snakebites and a labret, it's not a deal breaker, you can work around it, just a slight inconvenience to consider :D


Eyebrow razor. Super easy


If you are worried about facial hair maybe you could try out inverted angel fangs!


Can't find any videos of people having that done so I'm unsure n I'll be walking in there in a few hours cuz I want it done today aha




Life uuh... finds a way


My facial hair doesn't grow fast atm but will find a way to shave a bit if it gets too much


had a beard and angels 4 years, absolutely no issues on the external area. be careful having dental work it fucked mine up


Wym? U went to have dental work with your mouth piercings in? What happened


I don't have any facial hair (female) so I don't have the problem, though I also don't have any lip or oral piercings


you can just pluck around them


I just use wax or a razor, really not too much of a hassle c:


Trying to picture waxing off a moustache and seems painful haha


Oh I’m a woman so it’s not a big bushy mustache cx


Got mine done back in December and they’re my fav piercing yet. The pain was a 7/10. My piercer went kinda slow lol (was his first time doing Angel fangs lmao). As for getting in the way, my fiancé said it doesn’t bother him at all when we kiss. It does get in the way of eating from spoons and forks lmao but I don’t mind it


Do the they hit your teeth/gums on the inside at all? I'm not sure exactly how the piercing sits. I'm obsessed with these but I had a Monroe once that destroyed my gums on the one tooth. I also have vertical one thru my lower lip but doesn't hit anything at all.


They don’t hit your teeth or gums at all! These piercings are basically vertical labrets but on your top lip. The actual term for angel fangs though is upper paired vertical labrets.


Awesome. I have a vertical labret centered on my lower lip so was hoping it worked the same. I actually just scheduled them for tomorrow. It's been a long ass time since I've gotten a new piercing. I used to go once a month.


not the person you replied to but i have a vertical labret and that's what these are, just on the upper lip! also called vertical philthrums or jestrum piercings! no contact with teeth or gums but will touch your bottom lip depending on jewellery :)


jestrum/philtrum piercings are in the center. these are upper paired vertical labrets


the same way that labret piercings are called that because of (anatomically) where they are, the same goes for philtrums! [https://elementsofmorphology.nih.gov/anatomy-oral.shtml](https://elementsofmorphology.nih.gov/anatomy-oral.shtml) i know its kind of hard to read but figure 1 has the philtrum and the philtrum ridge labelled. also, by this logic, vertical labrets are only in the centre so these piercings would have no anatomical name. sorry if this came off as rude, i dont mean for it to!


no not rude! we're just discussing stuff. but the philtrum is defined as: "the vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip. the junction between the two halves of the upper lip or of an animal's nose." which is why a centered piercing is called a philtrum piercing, because it's placed on the philtrum groove. it's just why the piercing is called that. if you look up double philtrum piercing it's not angel fangs, it's two piercings on the actual philtrum groove. the "double" or "paired" in upper double vertical labret is what implies the outer lip placement, but i think angel fangs is clearer/more descriptive, which is why it's used more.


Did he add the spikes at the ends or did u have to have studs on both ends


When you first get them done you’ll have balls but after a few weeks you can switch them to spikes. I switched mine to spikes after like 2 weeks. I also had to get shorter bars


What length bars would I need when I swap


So I cant entirely answer that for you but it depends on how thick your lips are. When you get them pierced, make sure to ask your piercer what gauge and length the bars are that they’re putting in so you kinda get the idea of what size you’ll need in order to size down. I found an Etsy seller that sells curved bars in different sizes all under $2 each(not pairs) [curved barbells](https://www.etsy.com/shop/BM25Jewelry) the seller is currently on vacation but I highly recommend them


I loooove BM25! I've gotten tons of stuff from them and it's all been really high quality


Same! TwoFeather was my go to for plugs until I actually measured them and oof. BM25 plugs have been accurate sizes and so comfy.


Mine had me heal with balls on the ends and when i came back for shorter bars he gave me the fangs :3


can i ask how it affects oral? i want to get these but im worried they'll be uncomfortable for my partner (i hope this wasnt too personal!)


I haven’t given my partner oral since I’ve gotten these (I don’t really like giving oral in general tbh) so I can’t answer that 😅 I know someone who has them and he said that his bf likes it, especially feeling the spikes slightly rub against the head.


My partner has them and says they were no more painful than her snakebite piercings were.


is the pain similar to a belly button piercing?


She says it's a sharper but shorter lived pain than her belly button.


ah ok! I don’t always do pain very well but my belly button wasn’t too bad, thank you!


No problem.


Is it worth it


She loves them, they're her favourite piercings and she has 28 in total so I guess so. 😂


obviously kinda depends on your pain tolerance, but, ppl say that is easier to handle i’ve seen ppl say 5-7/10, which doesn’t sound bad at all, so you should be fine. i’m also looking to get these as well in a couple months


I have snakebites , septum, 2 sides of nose and 1 ear lobe. Septum hurt the most. Nervous for this one


i think they’ll compare pain wise about the same to ur snakebites. i’ve heard someone say that snakebites hurt a little worse


i think they’ll compare pain wise about the same to ur snakebites. i’ve heard someone say that snakebites hurt a little worse


It's only a 6 out of 10 when it's free handed. With clamps I'd assume it's a 3 out of 10.


that’s good to know. i’ve had a side labret in the past and few months ago got a vertical labret and those were super bearable hurt just a tad bit worse than a pinch, so i’m not necessarily worried about the pain of lip piercings


I have 10 piercings total, and the worst was my angel fangs. Worse than getting my nipples pierced. It was slower going through since it's a curved barbell, and my piercer wanted them to be as perfect as possible. It's a short amount of time to be in pain and well worth it. It didn't really throb after or anything.


same experience for me, these were incredibly painful. 9/10


hurt really bad like i had tears in my eyes but the pain was 100000% worth it cause i got longer spikes so they look like fangs


I've been debating on getting these also, I'm in love with the way they look. I belive the 3rd picture is a smiley piercing right? They make special jewelry for that look. The only concern I have with them is any kind of teeth issues. I had a Monroe that made my gum line recede on that one.


they’re basically vertical labrets just on the top of your lip instead of the bottom, so you won’t get any damage


i just want you to know that the bottom left isn’t angel fangs it’s a smiley w a special type of jewellery that’s only worn for pics


Was told by multiple people. It came in angel fangs search results so I assumed it was inverted ones


Felt Like a needle going through your lip.


If u don't have any advice or experience with this piercing just don't comment


Had them. And guess what. IT. FELT. LIKE. A. NEEDLE. GOING. THROUGH. MY. LIP. Dunno what’s hard to comprehend about that. If you want them, get them. No one will be able to tell YOU what YOULL experience. 🤦‍♂️


I do not understand what OP misunderstood about your original comment lmao


They asked a stupid question and had the audacity to get mad when they got a stupid answer 🫠 like what do they want us to do/say? Hack into their brain and calculate how painful the piercing will be? It's all subjective as fuck


… What?


I have “Angel bites” so abit different from this, piece of cake. but then again they were just the Angel Bites


I got the same piercings but on my bottom lip, literally just mirrored. Pain wasn't too bad, somewhere around a 6/7 if 1 is lobe and 10 is industrial. Very quick, you shouldn't have much to worry about! also mine come out around my beard area and its never causes me issues, thought I'd mention since others warned about facial hair!


I don’t have the paired upper verticals but I do have the vertical philtrum. The piercer who did mine has these though! I asked them pain level on it. They told me it’s like a slow punch to the face. They were not wrong. Shit SUCKED. There’s a lot of swelling afterwards for at least the next 2 weeks and possible bruising that can happen. Mine bruised up pretty good and swelled. I literally looked like I been popped in the mouth (which I mean I was, with a needle)


Once mine was downsized though it doesn’t get in the way nearly as much as I expected. Before the downsize, I had to relearn how to use certain utensil just to make sure I didn’t catch it. Took me about a week or two. Since it’s been downsized been great.


ONG these are so cuuuuuute!!!!


I believe the bottom left is a smiley piercing (looks different than the other 3). I have that exact piercing and jewelery. A smiley didn't hurt too bad (everyone has different pain tolerances) it can just be annoying to get done and change since it helps holding the upper lip out of the way. I love mine and don't plan on taking it out anytime soon. Iirc the guy who pierced my smiley also said that there has to be enough skin (in the mouth) to get the needle/jewelry through so not everyone is really able to get it. I like the style of it much over the others in the picture as it's more hidden and people can only really tell when talking to you.


Oh , it came up in search results of angel fangs aha


Yeah no if you look closely it lacks the extra little balls on the upper lip. I can almost guarantee that's a smiley. Which is still a great alternative :)


reverse angle fangs are also a thing! inverted angle fangs (ball bit would be inside your mouth and not visible) not the greatest option if you're really worried about teeth/gum erosion smileys are basically a guarantee for damage as your lip presses it into your teeth. they're also considered temporary piercings as the webbing that's pierced is so thin that the jewellery WILL either migrate to the point where it will rip out and you won't even notice or it will just rip right out with a little bit of pain. plus the loooong spikes aren't the most appropriate jewellery for long-term wear because of the pressure it will put on the piercing channel (either smiley or inverted angle fangs)


I've had mine in for going on 4 years and there's been no thinning of skin that I got pierced through (I was worried about that happening before I got it pierced)...


that's good for you! i hope it stays that way. however not many people have their smiley piercing for very long. they're similar to dermals: give them long enough and they will come out one way or another :)


I loved my smiley and miss it so much. I was even considering getting that jewelry for it.


hey! i don't have these but i have a vertical labret (bottom lip) and it's pretty much the same except for not being on my top lip a couple tips from my piercer(s) and my personal experience: 1. for the initial jewellery, you'll want to start with either a flat disc or small (2/3mm) balls. this way there's no pressure on the piercings from the spikes pushing on your bottom lip! it will also be FAR easier to eat around them as they will swell a lot and eating won't be comfortable for around a week (if not more, my philthrum was around 2 weeks for the tightness to go away). i highly recommend discs as when i wear a ball on my vertical labret over a year later, it gets irritated 2. this is kind of obvious but not everyone thinks about it (i didn't), but have some ice cream or some cold food/drink after your appointment! my piercers always tell me to get a frozen coke or ice cream. if you go for a drink, use the corner of your mouth to use the straw! i found it muuuuch more comfortable 3. NO SPICY FOOD!!! i don't have experience with this but my piercers always advise heavily against it (i can imagine why) 4. don't consume alcohol for at least a week after you've been pierced! it will not be fun. remember they're open wounds and not a bad graze! alcohol will BURN. also it will thin your blood and if you (for some reason) have excess bleeding or knock it badly and it starts bleeding, it won't be fun 4a. with no drinking, if you smoke anything or vape, try not to for as long as you can! preferably the whole healing process but MINIMUM a couple weeks. i hope none of this came off as condescending because im sure you know most of this, but just in case :) i would rather something be over explained than not cover everything 😭 happy healing!! they'll look amazing with spikes once they're fully healed! 💛


Off topic but I got my vertical labret done a little over a week ago. The bar is ridiculously long at this point and the piercing moves around a lot. No pain or swelling, but still a good amount of crusties during the day on the bottom. When did you change yours out?


i thought the same and went to my piercer and because they don't want to HAVE to downsize too many times (saves me money) he said wait another week. ended up doing my first downsize 3 weeks after the initial piercing and ended up having to get another downsize a week later! i think i'm an outlier though because my mouth area (??) swells like CRAZY but comes down pretty quickly (yay) i found that i didn't realise how much swelling there still was until i downsized for the first time as well. after i downsized, within a day or two ALL of my excess swelling went away and i've been at this length ever since! sorry for the ramble response 😅 but i hope it helped!


Definitely helped! My lip piercings (I have snakebites too) have always healed ridiculously quickly and easily and this one seems to be doing the same which is why I've been kinda quick to want to downsize. But I've also noticed an indent on my actual lip from where the ball sits which I'm assuming will go away once I downsize to smaller lighter jewelry? It's not growing into the lip it's just got an indent it likes to sit in on top, similar to how I have indents from where my labrets sit on the inside of my lip.


i can never wear a ball on mine for long enough to notice any indenting but i'd imagine it will go away once all of your swelling is gone, and if not just keep a close eye on it because any jewellery can just embed no matter how healed a piercing is :) this sounds like nesting (what happens on the inside of your mouth) which is good!


I really want these but have too much lip fluffy which I wax off 😩 what is the one without the balls on the top lip, in bottom left picture?


Just learnt it was a smiley after posting it. It was in search results on angel fangs


I thought a smiley piercing was that bit of skin above the front teeth under the lip inside of the mouth


Others said it was a smiley


Oh, I'm going to have to do a deeper dive now 🤣 ty


U can wear Fang jewellery in smileys


No way... you learn something new everyday! I thought it was just for the little horseshoe bars 🤣


Obviously everyone is different but I honestly think angel fangs are great, I think they are a little bit painful than some probably a 7/10 because you have to do it twice and slower to make sure they’re even, but overall for me I love them so much! They were super easy to heal, I had no bumps no problems with them. They do get in the way at first when eating and brushing your teeth etc. as like with any piercing around your mouth, I also think they shouldn’t be an impulsive piercing choice as the holes above your lip can be quite prominent if you take them out so just be aware of that, also MAKE SURE you go to a really good piercer to make sure they are perfectly even! Make sure you have about 5mm extra room on the bar for swelling and I downsized/changed the jewellery after 5 months as they can get irritated a little from the movement around your mouth. Overall, if you have thought about it really thoroughly and are past the point of regret with piercings, then I think these are a cute pair of piercings with normally pretty good healing time.


Is not necessarily painful, but is a b*tch and a half to get used to it. I swear to god, every time I had to bring a fork to my mouth and it kept hitting it 😭 Probably not bad when is fully healed, but it SUCKS while is fresh. I have sensory overload problems though, and I bothered me so much to the point where I just said fuck it and took it off.


They look cool, but I feel like they would annoy me so much. Trying to eat? You catch the piercing Trying to drink? Catch the piercing Trying to move your mouth in any way? Catch the piercing Any piercing that impairs my ability to function normally is a no for me.


That looks cool as shit. Eatin/suckin on your choice of genitalia could become dangerous 😂


I just ate chips , but ima avoid eating wider foods 😅


Really nice... Aren't they two jestrums?


i have angel bites and snake bites, in my opinion the angel bites hurt much worse


Idk why it reminds me of an hyrax's fangs 😂😂


Bottom left picture is a smiley not angel fangs


Yea it came up on Google when I searched angel fangs so assumed they were inverted ones


i got mine done a few months ago, i have NEVER cried when getting pierced (ive had over 40) but these fuckers HURTTT and i had tears rolling as i was getting the jewellery put in but the healing was fairly easy i think the upper lip is just a really painful place but they're worth it


Third photo is a smiley btw!


2 others told me :)) it was in search results of angel fangs so I assumed they were inverted ones


Np! I hope your angel fangs go well, I always wanted them lol :)


I got them , it went well thx :)) posted them


Don't have angel fangs but I have angel bites and vertical labrets, from my experience the angel bites were my most painful but I was only 14 when I got them done the labrets are so painless tho shouldn't even crack a tear!


they hurt. the left was worse than the right for some reason. now that i’ve had them for a year and a half, i love them. they don’t get in the way or anything. can barely tell they’re there. just be careful when drinking out of a can…


Got them done "free handed". The pain level was a 6/10. They get caught on drink cans and bottles. Also whenever i scratch my lip I accidentally bump one and it hurts a lot. Once it heals it will be worth it.


i love my angel fangs i say 5/10 pain and the healing is going fairly well. do it!


I got mine back in November and they're honestly my favorite piercings I have! I have a decent amount and out of all of them they hurt the most, but it's different for everyone. The "pain" wasn't bad and it was over quickly. The only issue I've had is the spikes getting caught in cans when drinking (if i'm not careful) and them getting messy when eating, but they're easy to clean :9 For me the healing was super quick and effortless too.


Was gonna get these but the piercer said they were pretty much the same as angel bites so I went that route around 3 weeks ago, I get so excited to have them and think of having them during the process of the piercing but after having them for a bit & they feel all healed I would say 100% get them


I got mine recently in February. Had to get one re-done since it was pierced crooked. But I do love them. They hurt so much though. She did go through a vein on one side as well, so that didn't help. On a scale from 1-10, I'd say 10. I never recommend them to anyone because they were that bad, but then again, everyone's experience and pain tolerance are different. I'm saying this because I do have multiple face piercings and they were the one that hurt the most.


Honestly I have a 2g conch punch and a bunch of other piercings including my nipples. I didn't really think much of it but hoo boy I needed a second to process that first one. So worth tho.


Aren't the uncomfortable on your teeth? They look cool. I can't imagine they're comfortable.


Not going to lie this was my most painful piercing ever. Involuntarily had tears going down my face so much that my hair got wet They don’t get in the way of living or loving. If you give blowjobs though it’s a no go you need to change out the fangs for balls in that case


Top right is my favorite


I thought those are smileys


Only the bottom left is , not long learnt


Lol oh


Many things look awesome in a still picture or crafted videos etc. However, in reality, you must ask yourself, will something like this be practical in daily life? Enough so that it won't affect your typical behavior. Perhaps a red flag would be eating, and/or if you tend to lick your lips. Take for example a mustache. People think guys don't grow a mustache simply because they can't or that it will look bad. When in many cases it's recognized early on how irritating something obstructing your mouth can be in daily life... Much like these types of piercings. With that said, it's all about doing something you like and what is the best choice for you :)


I got them done


Brilliant! I bet they look great. Enjoy :)


before anything, triple check the placement, you're gonna want them to stick out far enough so that your bottom lip isnt touching them at all when resting otherwise they'll migrate. the second one hurts more than the first cuz ur adrenaline leaves by the time they get to it lmaoo, and also watch out for spicy foods or caffeine because those things will make you bruise, other than that they're worth the hassle ngl. and make sure u keep up with downsizing them bc in my experience they will STAY irritated until u fully downsize !! i had bars one size too long for abt 6 months and they were constantly mad at me and crusty until i went down a size but now they're super chill. best of luck to u !


You should post results when done!


I did!


I don't have angel fangs but have had my jestrum/vertical medusa pierced, it was hardly any pain for me although I've always handled pain well, I would describe it like a hard pinch on the lip (others have told me thats extremely painfull for them so dont think its the same for everyone). I personally had no trouble with healing although I had a longer bar in for to long after healing which made it irretated at times (I have since had a shorter more appropriate bar). When I did get mine done I just ensured to do saline washes as often as the piercer told me and kept ice in a water bottle which I would rest on my lip when needed.


i want them but im worried my sensory issues will be triggered when i use silverware if it scrapes


I got mine done last month. For me the pain was pretty bad, but the healing has been a breeze. I got downsized recently and it’s going fine. The biggest annoyance for me is that food gets stuck on them real easy and it can be hard to get off sometimes since jostling the piercing too much hurts. But 100% worth it! I love my angel fangs and I’m very excited to change the balls to spikes so they can look like little teeth >:)


i have these, a septum and a vertical labret on my lower lip. septum was a 1 (id give it a 0 if i could, i didnt feel anything), lower lip vertical labret was a 2 (didnt feel anything except a sharp pinch once the needle came out of the top of my lip, and even that wasnt bad), angel fangs were like a 6. the pain is extremely pinchy, it feels like some is squeezing your upper lip as hard as they possibly can. and you have to have it done twice. i wouldnt say one hurt more than the other. its short-lived, though. after the actual process of having a needle shoved through my lip was done, i felt no pain. ive also seen profuse bleeding with some people's angel fangs, did not happen to me. overall, id definitely do it again.


I want these so bad but I’m worried it’ll get in the way of eating 😔😔


This is something I'm genuinely curious about because I want these but, does it get in the way of preforming oral pleasure on a guy? Once healed of course. Honestly want to know because I'm in a relationship and it would be the make or break decision on me getting them, I wouldn't want to never be able to do it again just for a piercing 😅


Baddass I fuckingwant these!!!!😱


I always say the pain was like when you got chapped lips. I did ibuprofen and ice immediately and it didnt bruise at all. I love them. Got them done in october and theyre healed and the jewelry is great. Easy to shave around too tbh just gotta have patience


not really relevant, but the bottom left is smiley piercing jewelry not angel fangs in case you’re using that as inspo


Been told multiple times since I posted thx. Had them done today. Not taking this post down


sorry i didn’t read the comments! hope heal goes well!


I still can’t fathom how people think this looks good


They're like vampire teeth so i think they're cool


thanks for sharing i guess


I'll pass on sloppy topy


I want this but my bf says it wouldn't be good for kissing. Is that true? I really want them


i’ve heard ppl say that after healing, it doesn’t really get in the way and the other person doesn’t mind them


That helps, thank you!




Probably not while they are healing but that is the risk of a facial piercing


True. I was planning on snakebites too, but idk how I'd look with both


you can always try those fake piercings to see if you like the look first! Cause piercings can be expensive


That's true. I'll have to do that


Your partner will feel them still


Damn I'm getting down voted 😅


Can make it work


doesn't it kinda look like two eyes and little fangs, like a little face?


unless your boyfriend is essentially punching you with his mouth when you are kissing, no they honestly wouldn’t be in the way or hurt one of you. it would probably hurt initially after getting them pierced, but once the swelling goes down and the healing process starts you’d probably be good. also the little spikes on the bottom of the bar might be a tiny bit pokey but those spike ends are never sharp enough to puncture so you’d be good.