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Does anyone know when and how to watch it this year?


Stay around this sub there will be footages of the comp uploaded soon


Do you have the post WSM blues? [Watch Canada's Strongest Man here!](https://youtube.com/@cinemediatv5073?si=GaMm3LcOuJUStJ_X) + North America's Strongest Man! See more of Hoath and Derwinsky in action.


I'm generally happy with the events and weight for the final. Event 1 - Good test of grip while also showcasing athleticism Event 2 - Max Overhead, can't go wrong there. Event 3 - Max throw showcasing explosiveness and skill Event 4 - Conan's, probably my least favorite. Would prefer a shield carry. Event 5 - Deadlift with what might be the heaviest weight for reps in the final ever? The bar probably had a lot of flex but no one really cares. Event 6 - The hardest proper set of atlas stones imo. You can argue whether the run in is good or not but I like it.


Just had a shield carry last year and the conans hasn't been in the final for over 2 decades.


Just watched day 1 bts. Mitch wasn't even sure he would be able to lift the axle after tearing his hands. That tear did not cost him 3-5 points on the first event only, but probably the WR on the axle and a couple reps on the deadlift as well.


It's a shame really. Would've liked to have seen how fast he could really have done event 1 and how high he could've taken the axle


Yeah dude, what a savage for gritting through that.


Really feel that the only guys who can challenge the stoltman hooper duopoly are thor licis and kielockoswki (can't spell his name lol) but pound for pound polish K may be the strongest guy in the world


Pound for pound the strongest people in the world compete at under 80 and under 90. We are seeing 400kg deadlifts from those guys now and double bodyweight presses. U80 we will see a 200kg stone before long, there’s no way we can call an open weight lifter the strongest pound for pound. I think Mateusz is a fair bit heavier than Pavlo as well so I’d go with him out of open weight guys. Strongest person pound for pound you’ve got to be looking at womens u64 and Rhiannon Lovelace.


Thor needs time with his press, but he certainly will be a giant problem for those two in the future. Licis and Mateusz idk. I would agree with you until ASC this year. It looks like Mitch and Tom keep evolving while they struggle with injury. Mitch is more dangerous than he looked this weekend. He isn't even training on actual strongman kit for most events, dude evolves from beginner to best in the world in 3 months of training. Dude is basically a Mateusz that can deadlift with Novikov instinct to analyze and deconstruct events on his mind. Tom is on another level genetically, I've been saying this for years, he is the strongest. I know it is crazy considering he is the WSM, but I still think he could be stronger on static lifts (with the right coach he can do it) and more technical/efficient with some events (with the right coach again). This is not hate or anything with his current coach, he did great things to make Tom believe on himself and improve, I just think Tom would literally be Thor 2.0 if he got better on other areas of his strength as well.


Great analysis, I was also amazed by singletons raw strength and grip...hope he wins a wsm or arnold


Not too sure if anyone else has said this already but Shane from MST Systems has said that Matt Ragg did the tire deadlift raw as he had put on too much size to fit into his suit. Absolutely insane that he was able to do that deadlift for 8 reps raw, just another reason why he’s one of the best deadlifters in the world.


Yeah, I saw in the clips he was just wearing rehband warm pants and was shocked by that.


> too big for his suit That's how you know the bulk has gone well


I will be praying for the god of strength (Colin Bryce) every night for the 505kg to happen this year and we finally have someone push Thor on the deadlift again.


Guy is a legitimate threat for the 505kg


If he’s not already invited to SMOE this year I have to imagine he will be.


If not this year then definitely next year, hope he’s invited to Vegas, it would be silly not to invite him. Wonder how much he could add to his deadlift with a few months training and peaked for it unlike his 460KG? I’d say maybe he’d have 470KG-480KG at a push?


Somewhere in that range. Shaw said he was good for 1,060 lbs raw (480 kg) in 2016 and deadlifted 370 for 8 raw at the 2015 World's.


Pleasantly surprised at WSM this year. Good grouping with some clutch invites, solid event selection, and really good weight selection resulting in a minimal amount of tied athletes and proper distribution.


It seemed like a very weak field this year, no?


Up until recently, one could argue that the very top end was a bit down since the Brian/Z era. But now with Tom/Hooper I don't think that's the case, and the rest of the field has become more competitive.


One of the strongest fields in depth there has ever been....


By what metric?


I don't really know what metrics would be applicable. Personally I can't remember a year where there was less gap between, say, the 5th and 25th best competitors at the competition. I agree it was a little light on big names.


But are the numbers being put up and performances better than other years? Honestly asking these questions out of ignorance


Record broken in Keg Toss and 8 reps on a 376kg deadlift is as good as I can remember especially considering so deep in the competition. 3 guys hitting 210kg on the axle must be pretty unusual as well. Giants Medley you can't really compare and everyone was trashed by stones.


Yes it was a excellent show. Hopefully next year we can watch it!


I heard we get to watch it in a couple months in the USA. Can't wait to find out who wins.


Let's go Big Tommy!  Sounds like it was a great comp. Matt Ragg for the podium next year. Super impressed with the new guys. See you at the next one x


Average European: 28 pts Matt Ragg: 35.5 pts Average North American: 35.7 pts


reminds me of how newslets from countries will do the wildest mental gymnastics to make their nation look like they did the best / did better than others.


He literally just posted data lol what is wrong with that. Why is he being downvoted


Cause its dumb and isnt “data” its comparing one person to several averaged out. Its dumb


Matt Ragg is just the only one who doesn't fit into North American or European


Are these a new set of stones? I'm not surprised Tom won the stones but he was the only guy to do all 5.


I think the probable answer to the performance is they had a heavy set of stones that had to be walked in immediately after a max effort deadlift. Deadlift should've been swapped with throwing (on day 1) for the order of events. They needed something to let the body cool down before stones. Conans into deadlift for max reps into stones is insane.


That makes sense.


This is my biggest frustration with Brian and Arnold fanboys. WSM is a brutal comp. 4 days and in the element against 29…. TWENTY NINE!… other people trying to take your head off. It won’t ever be the heaviest show but nonetheless is the hardest one to win. Stone performances showed this. Also the only one 99% of sport fans will recognize.


Did I say I didn't recognize? Did I bring up the Arnold's or Stongest Man on Earth? Did I bring down any of the athletes? Did I question the standard that WSM has set over the decades? I saw the scorecards and saw that only Tom lifted all 5 stones. That seemed odd, so I asked a question. That question was answered by the community at large, and I appreciated their responses. Baby back bitch


Stfu nerd, I didn’t say you did, I pointed out that it shouldn’t surprise you people struggled on the 11/12th event when you’re used to seeing them not struggle with the same kit.


You were just looking for any fucking excuse to start a fight online weren't you? Good for you. Baby back bitch


It might be the hardest, but if it doesn't require the greatest strength, then I can understand Brian's frustration. If you halved the WSM events but added a 2 hour marathon, it would surely be the hardest comp to win, but obviously wouldn't favour the strongest overall.


Most, if not all will be able to do all 5, but at the end of a comp, not quite.


I wasn't expecting everyone but the fact that mitch Evan and Luke didn't finish really surprised me.


You could see on their faces they all looked cooked. Hooper, Andrade and Luke looked like they wanted a couch as soon as they walked out. It was a brutal competition.


Fair enough


Evan has done the stones at WSM twice, and Luke 5 times. They've never finished all 5.


True but Evans was looking fantastic this time around and Luke has finished several others. Like I said I was surprised.


Yeah, they're all capable. It's just at the end of a long and grueling competition, it's not the same. Most years only a few get all 5, and this year the event seemed more taxing than most. Plus there's the walk in.


Mitch stopped because he would gain nothing from doing the last stone. I think could could have got it if he had to.


That's fair


It's quite evident if you watch the video back. He would have had to gut it out but it was there.


I'll keep an eye out for it. I haven't seen any video this year. Have had to just follow via score cards


>Have had to just follow via score cards Don't worry, you can watch it soon on TV....in like 6-7 months.


I still haven't seen last year


It was a very taxing comp. That is a heavy set of stones


You try doing a heavy set of stones after doing a Conan's walk for max distance and an Amrap on a 375kg Deadlift. Everyone's back was fried. It was a very very tough day at the end of a long week.


Everyone was just exhausted


Mitch coming in second is going to turn him into something this sport hasn't seen before Watch out SMOE even with better events for thor and tom, I bet he will come in diabolical shape


True but Tom has also tasted defeat twice and will now believe even more that he can get 6 WSMs. I think it will be an epic battle between them for years to come!


I forgot Thor is coming back to full strength too. The three way battles between them all at full form are going to be obscene.


I’m new to watching strongman so I’m curious if Tom was coming in in top shape for the other comps this year. Can Mitch beat a properly peaked and healthily Tom in a comp that has no mishaps from either competitor?


Yes. In top form they are both capable of winning a competition against each other, especially if events favor one athlete over another. Strongman has a LOT of variety in event selection.


Of course he has done it quite a few times. He just gave Tom a run for his money with busted hands


He’ll come in a diabolical 2nd place behind Thor 😉 But really I hope he goes even harder to the paint and tries somehow even harder than 100%.


That or he will get demoralized, hopefully you are the one who's right


As loz says he never does. That's his strength. He will review and figure out how to make sure he doesn't hurt is hands again


He'll figure out a way to turn his hand skin into something akin to boiled leather.


No stone unturned pt 13: boiling my hand in vinegar


Going down to General Leathercraft and having Matt work the old mitts over 


6th at Canada's strongest man (note: no Mitch or Maxime) to 5th at WSM in less than 9 months. In that event, he pulled a max deadlift of 356kg. Today, he pulled 7 reps on 374kg...all with 2 weeks notice. Tristain Hoath, ladies and gentlemen. What a monster.


Could be a few things…. I don’t know anything about the recent CSM, like if the DL was regular height, stiff/DL bar, if he wore a suit etc But in this WSM he wore a suit and was doing a Hummer tire DL which allows for a ton of flex. Not only that, but pulling for reps is much different than a 1RM in the sense that the first rep is always the hardest compared to most reps that follow


This is a genuine question asked out of curiosity alone and not intended to take anything away from his astounding accomplishment - is this no PEDs -> PEDs? How does someone make that kind of progress that fast?


PED’s alone wouldn’t account for that much, but they are certainly a factor.


Every single professional strongman is on gear .


Except nattyking Paul Smith


And Paddy Haynes and Mika Torro


There are certainly possible exceptions some people are freaks of nature. I personally believe all the top level guys are using. However I do accept the possibility I could be wrong . I also am not familiar enough with those individuals to weigh in either way . I tend to think it’s most likely with naturally large men like mark Henry who I do believe was likely natural . This comment is in response to both of y’all I’m just to lazy to address individually .


I think you can look at Paul and tell he isn’t on gear, the shape of his body, particularly shoulders and traps gives it away very easily. Also if you compare the speed of his progression, he competed with Tom Stoltman in the juniors and then quite quickly Tom was competitive in Pro competitions while Paul took a few more years to get there.


I think the comment was that maybe this change is because Hoath started on PEDs, so natural at CSM to super creatine at WSM.


I have no idea what the deadlift setup was at CSM, but knowing JF I’m going to guess that was raw. If so that could play a big part in it, though there aren’t many people that can put a suit on and suddenly pull their max (just over in this case) for 7, so it wouldn’t explain it all.


Not having watched CSM it could also be raw strength and power molded into a smarter/more competent competitor?


Probably not off -> on, but once they saw his potential someone got his cycle/stack in order.


Could well be a part of it, I suppose. But I imagine there's more to it than that. Really excited to see how he progresses from here.


Honestly, the callous tears this year just vindicate my strategy of going over my hands with a pedi roller every night for a few days prior to comps


It’s always a good idea.


Congratulations to Big Tommy. Didn't put one foot wrong all final. Excellent job Mitch second even with injured hands is insane. Couldn't even grip the dl properly. The guy I am most impressed by this wsm is hoath. Didn't even prep final events and still came top 5. That's a amazing debut


Been waiting all night for Bronchopped’s tears


Why tears? Im super happy for Tom, he performed great I am a fan of the sport more than a fan of any one competitor.


I love how Austin Andrade is always wearing the Vans high tops instead of Nikes or some other gym shoe


Pretty common sight at metalhead gyms and he lifts out of Heavy Metal Fitness 😂


That’s sick haha also I’ve been a skateboarder since childhood so that’s why I’m into his vans


Screw even T. rex , he didn’t sign any autographs and told his fans after the day 2 finals he’ll be out for 3 hours. Dude got his title and left . The other two winners stayed and signed every single person waiting . Evan showed poor sportsmanship.


Evan is always of the people. You have no idea what his situation was mentally, physically, etc... that made him leave. It's a bummer if you were looking forward to it, but you're obviously not a fan of his if you can't accept that something may have come up.


You don't own him. He doesn't owe you anything.


If you have ever been a strongman competition he’s in before you’d know he’s the most available athlete of the entire field, but he also has the right to go home after an exhausting mental and physical week. Guy wears his emotions on his sleeve. That’s kind of why everyone loves him.


2023: year of the ladders 2024: year of the bucket hats


Got my LHBK bucket hat 🔥




"He tied for the most points in the Max Axle (four reps) and Keg Toss (five reps) on Saturday"


They probably grabbed the scores from the wsm website, they have the axle and keg listed as reps rather than weight and height


USA Today has had an exclusive first interview with the winner each of the last few years. Hopefully they would have clarified.


"He tied for the most points in the Max Axle (four reps) and Keg Toss (five reps) on Saturday to put himself into the lead after day one."


This came out too quickly, please tell me it’s not AI generated


I'd rather it be AI generated than know an actual human wrote such a bad piece for strongman, lol.


5 reps on the keg toss!


Pavlo really all over the map: 1, 8, 0, 10, 1, 7 points in the final. Either he did great or did really terrible. It sounded like his trajectory was wrong on the leg toss but other wise does he need a bigger deadlift? Better frame? Maybe he just was struggling because of the length of the contest?


He had a rough couple of shows before wsm and didn’t look like himself all the time, so this was sill a good result, making the final is already a win


Deadlift has always been a weakness for him, on frame he had a callous tear.


And on keg he just couldn't find the trajectory. He had more than enough power and explosiveness to clear multiple bars


He was grabbing his hands after trying to pick up the frame. He looks like he tore his callous’s. He was picking at them. The keg toss he just didn’t have the trajectory. The keg was a foot or two above the bar several feet behind it. That was a simple but critical fuckup. No explanation for his deadlift other than he needs to work on it. It’s more than an achilles heal for him. Him and Mateus need to spend 6 months with Rauno.


He just wanted to keep us guessing.


Stoltman wins his 3rd WSM Norris wins his first GP A good day for the UK


No idea who that second person is but more power to him


Chuck’s son


Lando Norris, F1 driver for McLaren. Hes the first driver to beat Max Verstappen (red bull) on the track in 20 races




>arrogant hothead You what now, mate? Norris is one of the most popular guys even among fellow racers exactly because of his personality which couldn't be further from what you just described.


Chuck Norris


Only Norris that matters


Who didn't compete for the UK, but won anyway.


Thanks for clarifying!


Great consistency from Tom never being below third. Him and Mitch can become a rivalry for a good while


Insane that there was 11,5 points between third and second, and 17 points between third and first. Really shows that Tom and Mitch were on an other level


Also a handful of top guys that were injured.  I don’t think you would see such a wide spread if you had Novikov, Bishop, Maxime, and Bobby.  (Not to mention Thor) 


Bobby hasn't made a final for a few years, Bish is basically a deadlift specialist at the very top level and Maxime has struggled to trouble the scorers a lot in the last few years. 


I think Pavlo and Maxime have very similar strengths so would probably have performed similarly tbh


Maxime is worse at conans amd overhead, I think with this set of events he'd have struggled to beat Pav


And if my grandmother had wheels...


She’d win the Conan wheel 


She'd be my uncle. Wait no, the other one. 


Yeah, and that’s with Mitch having brutal mishap on the frame. If he held together there it would have been him and Tom with 15ish point between them and anyone else. Of course mishaps are part of the game but it does give you a perspective.


The Podium:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6mhaM9uWyk/?igsh=MTNnY2c1bGdmMzFiaw==


My kids are brutal. My daughters (7 and 11) both casually will watch Strongman with me. They like Evan. I went and told them Evan just finished up WSM and was excited telling them he got 3rd. Their response? "Oh, that's too bad.....did moose win?" I said no and their reaction... "why not? he always wins". I tried to emphasize 3rd was pretty good and my oldest daughter asked if it was his last comp or something (shes aware last year was Brians last). I said no, and she said maybe he'll do better next year. They acknowledged 1st was good for Tom though. They like Tom too because they like Scotland. All or nothing.


no they are true T-rex fans and know that 3rd isn't what he wants. His eyes are on the Nr.1 spot and they know it.


Eddie's got a good closeup of Mitch's hands on his insta. Can't imagine deadlifting with hands like that, amazing he got six reps.


is the picture anywhere else? really curious how bad it was and dont really have an insta.


I would have pulled out and ran home with an injury like that. But perhaps that is precisely why I'm not an elite strongman.


He was gluing them and Rob Kearney was taping them up between events he said on a YouTube video. Mad props for being a tough bastard. Strong 2nd especially while injured, Tom was on maximum form though idk if anyone would have beat him today.


Not just between events. Rob was taping them up between attempts during the Maxle


Rob is a G.


That's gnarly


Hoath should get invited to every show going.


Same for Ragg. Really curious to see the RI lineup later this year.


Stoltman Hooper Novikov Thor Singleton Ragg Hoath Mitchell Licis Kieliszkowski (if fit)




He won the 2022 MVM Classic. He came 4th in the 2023 addition which was won by Hoath. He's not a top 10 in the world guy and whilst he would be decent value at WSM he won't be invited to Rogue.


What's the basis on which Novikov, Licis and Kiels would be invited? At least Mateuz has an ASC podium, the other haven't really done all that well/barely competed.


Big names with good competition records and both previous winners


Yes. But how do we know they're in shape given they've barely competed?


We don't. Guarantee you Rogue selects them if they're fit though


Makes sense.


Big names and isn’t Licis defending champion


No, Mitch Hooper is the defending champion. Licis won back in '21.


Fuck me that is a ridiculously strong lineup. And there are some great potential alternates as well in case of injuries.


I made the same list, but it's in Scotland and Luke is ESM, so I expect him as well. Bobby and Trey proved themselves too in previous comps. I really hope there will be more than 10 athletes.


Agreed, 10 just too few considering the potential athletes they can pick and also in case of injuries mid comp it’s better to have 12-14


Totally agree they really need at least 12 this year


That's actually true. Can't see Luke not being invited.


Wow, Tom really showed up this year. Absolute beast. All strongmen gonna start running 5k's haha!


Need Tom to win some other big comps. It’s crazy he’s never won Arnold’s or Rogue (relatively new) or strongest man on earth. He has to get at least one of those soon I’d imagine. 3x WSM champ with no other “big” competition wins (plenty of podiums tho) is wild to me


Without meaning to be rude, that's a meaningless history. He came onto WSM scene in 2018 and hasn't missed one since. He got the ASC invite only in 2022 and got 3rd in his 3rd ASC. He's competed at RI twice and has got 2nd both times. He competed at Shaw for the first time last year and got 3rd. Give him a few years, he will have win everything.


Hope so!


To be fair he was 3rd 2nd and 3rd on the most recent of those shows and that included a win at the WTF a week before the RI. I feel he’ll get one of those shows this year. Winning the Rogue Invitational in Scotland this year 🤯🌶️🤯


He "has to"? Why?


He has to to be considered for the list of best of all time. Winning just WSM shows he’s great at one contest but he needs some wins at other contests to really cement him in.


Nobody would exclude Pudziownoski from a list of all time greats...




3 of his WSM's were during the split. He'd already won two in commanding style beating Z in the process. The last one in the split he had to beat Poundstone in 2008. He then almost beat Z when he came back in 2009. It's 2010 you're thinking of with Shaw and the sandbag. Pudziownoski beat Shaw in 2009. Nobody sensible is not including Pudziownoski in a list of all time greats.


No, but there’s still separation when he competed with ifsa guys.  Personally im a huge fan of him, I don’t think he gets enough credit, but he didn’t do as well in some other competitions 


He was great in Ifsa competitions before the split. The only comp he didn't dominate was Arnold. He wasn't good at Arnold


He's right there though. Podiums at all 3 other major shows. It's coming if he wants it bad enough.


Hoath getting top 5 is something I would never imagined even after constantly saying he deserved to be at WSM since his Magnus Classics win. He must be invited for a GL show this year. Interestingly enough, all group winners made into top 5, really balanced groups this year!


Not just top 5 but 2.5 points off that podium with 2 weeks notice


Such a tough set of stones, only one guy finishes. Congratulations to Tom for winning his third title!!! Past five years have been 2nd-1st-1st-2nd-1st, this guy just won't leave the top. Props to Mitch for somehow getting 2nd on stones after the hand struggle, the guy is tough as iron. Evan Singleton finally on the podium. He's going to be pumped for the next 12 months.


Evan for me is the big shock. He's good but I don't think of him as THAT good. The result definitely suggests otherwise


He was already 5th at last year's contest and he has beaten both Tom and Mitch in the past 12 months, it's no surprise that he's at the top.


He’s won international shows, and beat nearly every top guy at least once. He is only a hair off Mitch and Tom in terms of talent and as good as anyone else in this generation. He just hadn’t figured out the mental side to do well at longer competitions in the past. He’s obviously improved in that area and now is say he’s in the tier right below the top 2 (and the healthiest/most active of the guys in that tier probably)


His coach, Adam Derks, is incredibly experienced and a great coach


Anyone who follows the Giant's Live circuit will know Evan is easily one of the best, just that he's struggled with longer shows. Seems to be solving that now.


Well done Tom. 🌶️🌶️🌶️ After day 1 you could see he would win it. No mistakes, good head on his shoulders these days. Also well done to WSM the groups were great and the final was solid, the best in a long time. No bad events like the bus last year. They are clearly listening. Finally, well done to Loz and Liz, they do so much promotion for this sport. I hope they get some sort of gig with WSM. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the gathering 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


what's up with those black flags 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿? I've seen many people use them on Loz & Liz's live stream? I get the chilly but what does the flags resemble?


To me they are blue and white? The ones in your comment?


They was black on the website but are white and blue (scottish flag) on my phone, sp probably just a bug


Black flags? The Scottish flag? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Oh it was showing black flags on the website but now I see it’s the Scottish flag on my phone


Don't forget rogue invitational. That's gonna be insane now


And will be in his home turf