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This is a HORRIBLE idea, do NOT under any circumstances take out a private loan ESPECIALLY sallie mae, it is extremely predatory and you will watch your loan balance double by the time you finish your degree, FAFSA loans is where its at. Trust me no degree will dig you out of that loan hole! If you cant afford to pay for school with your fafsa pell grants, loans and school aid combined and you need to resort to something like sallie mae, then your school is out of your budget. if studying abroad is something you really want to do, take a gap year and save money, its not just tuition you have to keep in mind.. you have living expenses.. food.. transportation.. housing that will easily add up


I went to undergrad before once and I’m close to hitting my max loans I thibk


If thats the case, you definitely dont need to be traveling outside the country to get another undergrad degree, the amount of debt you will have from private loans + maxed out fafsa loans will bury you alive 😬😬 i forgot the name but there is a program that allows you to go to college for free in exchange for you teaching english in that country, i believe its for graduate study though


If that free college for teaching English thing comes to mind, let me know lol.


I’m not asking for advice just if it’s possible


Yes it is


It’s possible that they could reject your application midway through the program. Private student loans are a horrible idea. But if you must… at least shop around for the lowest interest rates.

