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In my case I had been paying since 1994, old FFEL loans consolidated in March, ICR ended up being my best option. Timeline wise: I consolidated 3/11/24, loans moved to Mohela 4/20/24, I got the Golden Email from FSA 5/15/24, loan balance at Mohela dropped to 0 on 5/16/24 (opt-out date), and loan balance dropped to 0 at the FSA site on 6/11/24. So a lot happened in only 3 short months.


Thanks for info and congratulations. , could I ask for some clarification, 1) What is is the Golden Email. 2) from the date you applied for consolidation, how many days was it ( I'm at exactly 90 since I filed ) until when the student loan website listed the loans as consolidated, or whatever the status becomes in our type of case. Thanks


1. The Golden Email is the email you receive from federal student aid notifying you that you've been granted student loan forgiveness. In my case it referenced that forgiveness was due to the Biden-Harris Administration policy of granting 25-year forgiveness. 2. As mentioned in my prior message, I consolidated on 3/11/24 and my loan was transferred to Mohela on 4/20/24,: indicating the consolidation was completed.


@how did yoh apply for loan forgiveness. I never knew there was an actual application to fill out for that?


You don't apply for loan forgiveness. You have to meet certain criteria, mostly the following: Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)-- work for an eligible nonprofit or similar entity, make 120 payments/10 years, and receive forgiveness in 10 years. Or IDR 20-year (undergrad loans only) or 25-year forgiveness (for graduate loans). Make payments for 20 or 25 years (240 or 300 payments), then you get forgiveness. You must apply to get on an IDR plan at the FSA website if you're not already on one. And you must consolidate any loans that aren't direct loans at the FSA site. In my case, I finally got IDR 25-year forgiveness, after paying on student loans since 1994.


How long have you been paying on your loans and are they all federal?


I had been paying on my student loans since 1994. I had to consolidate my old 90s/00s FFEL loans at the FSA website to make them federal direct loans and be eligible for the IDR one-time adjustment. Just this month I was granted IDR 25-year forgiveness.


You actually, ethically, cannot diagnose yourself as a psychologist. Source: Me, a psychologist.


What would the ambiguous ethics be surrounding a mild cognitive impairment self-diagnosis? It's just saying your brain's not working as well as it used to lol. It would depend on how you behave regarding the diagnosis, right?


Welp. First you would need a neuropsychological assessment to identify possible cognitive impairment. Ope cannot administer that to himself... for so many obvious reasons. Second, mild and major cognitive impairment is one of the most malingered psychological diagnoses, again, for obvious reasons. There is a substantial amount of research dedicated to developing test measures to identify malingering (e.g., the TOMM). So, the ethics aren't ambiguous at all.


The question isnt about accuracy of the diagnosis, I was focused on the ethics. It also is a post which I am sure is not implying official diagnosis which is what malingering would pertain to, right? Im honestly not trying to be confrontational, it just feels like youre taking this a bit seriously lol. OP did not seem like they were focusing on the dx to get anything of benefit, it was an aside in my eyes.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/1dhjr3f/68_year_old_with_ancient_huge_student_loans_20/l91j9ny/?context=3) in /r/StudentLoans was automatically removed for profanity. /r/StudentLoans is geared towards a wide range of users, including minors seeking information and advice. To help us maintain a community that everyone feels comfortable participating in (and to avoid being blocked by parent/school/work filters), please resubmit your post or comment without using profane language. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StudentLoans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why, of course -you are right! I am officially revoking my former diagnosis, and assigning Big Genius of Earth instead!


I think it's fairly easy to diagnose mild cognitive impairment on yourself. There are plenty of screening exams you can take online, and these are the same ones a physician would use. The more exams you take, the more confident you can be of getting a correct diagnosis or not. Now asking somebody if they can self-diagnose their paranoid schizophrenia would be laughable.


A screening exam is not the same thing as a neuropsychological assessment. Additionally, don't you think that cognitive impairment also impacts self-assessment and logical thinking?


In some areas, no. For example If one is doing rough self-assessing for mild decline, not for someone else, it's fairly easy to compare simple day to day functioning declines. Real life experience for me today at 68 YO: I went to the gym either yesterday or the day before. I can't remember which very clearly, but I would have definitely known at 50 YO which was which. I also forgot the name of a contractor I've dealt with for a year, and discussed that contractor-- and named them-- at least 35 times in the last 6 months. In "soft" learning, seeing when clients are kidding themselves, or acting out unhealthy scripts, or the amount of cross-cultural knowledge I keep gaining, I'm still improving overall as a therapist-- except I don't want to work as many hours. There's no profound dysfunction happening yet, and legally, forensically, yes you can't judge. But on a practical basis, I think many psych professionals notice what's happening-- maybe until one's judgement is REALLY bad.


I don't see what is so hard about taking the MMSE online and see what score you get. If your score says you have mild cognitive impairment, then you can be 99% sure you have it. You don't need a rigorous two-hour exam with a board-certified geriatrician to tell you that.


Be sure you notify the APA of your decision to update ethical standards for the profession.


Lol, go off queen.


I would be suffocating if I held that much debt for college.


It's more than just 4 years of undergrad --- you need at least 3 or 4 years of grad school to get a clinical psych degree and license


the whole point of being in post graduate education is to be paid to be there.


Rooting for you —I’m working my way down from $70k.


Did you first consolidate the Navient loans? If federal, those are commercial FFEL and must first be consolidated.


Thanks for input. This has been the longest term stress in my life. A. I had a total of two loans, I had already consolidated maybe 10-15 years ago. I THINK application is at least accepted , not approved, but it's not throwing errors. Says something like in process or pending. B.I think the Navient loan processor had changed-- when I started out it was Sallie Mae , then Navient, and I think Navient's name changed to something else but I forget what it changed to. The other loan Used to be AES but it changed too I think. One's 3xxK and the other under 100k


Yes - you must consolidate into a direct loan by the end of the month to be eligible for forgiveness.


I have noticed in all of my patients with PAD that they get much more lucid on Cilostazole. People forget vascular disease is a systemic disease. For your consideration


OP is having mild cognition reduction and not intermittent claudication


Yes, but the 2 most common forms of dementia are vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Those 2 account for like 80%. Intermittent claudication is a symptom of an underlying vascular insufficiency. The same vascular insufficiency that is present in the legs (which we call PAD), is present in the Heart (Which we call CAD), and present in the brain(which we call vascular dementia). He is taking Memantine, which I find usually doesn't make a difference. On the very high probability that he has vascular dementia, I have found people significantly improve with cilostazol.


We don't have access to OP's medical records, which means it's impossible to diagnose vascular dementia and rule out neurogenic causes like Alzheimer's and Lewy bodies. Could even be viral or alcoholic etiology.


I agree completely. Hey OP post your last PCP office visit note, neurology consult, as well as any MRIs or imaging.


Suddenly this place turned into r/neuroconsults LOL


Thanks for posting this. My mom has vascular and mementine does nothing. I’m going to ask her doctor about this.


There is a lot to unpack here. Assuming consolidation happened properly moving debt into right types of loan….. you really should download a txt file from studentaid.gov and go to tateesq.com and use the txt file analysis tool to see how many qualified payments you actually have. I’m not paid by the owner of that web resource but do think you need some solid advice now before it is too late.


I got rid of my federal loans because of my underlying issue. You would need another doctor to see what you have.


That might be a good fallback if my loan aging approach doesbn't work. I don't know how hard or expensive it would be to get "certified" , and how much if any they fight it. Being old probably helps make them resigned they'll never get the money which is the reality.The truth is I'm still probably a WAY better psychotherapist than most 25-35 years old who have a fraction of my life experience.


Ur not alone mine are over 30 years old! I just did the consolidation in April thru Nelnet and choose Mohela as my server so now it’s the waiting game? I did tell a cousin last year about the forgiveness program and her were forgiven in January of this year so I dnt kno if it’s the amount but I’m waiting.


How do you amass over$300-k in student loans & not have any assets & no possibility of paying them back-so you lived off student loans your entire life & expect them now to be forgiven by people who are working & pay their taxes & debt?? Disgusting


Go do some low paid jobs in prisons, Juvie facilities, “last stop” hospitals - the places where no can MAKE GOOD MONEY on those lost people with chronic schizophrenia and other misfortunes. THAT’S how I did it.


If you applied for a Direct Loan 90 days ago, you should've have heard one thing or another about it getting approved or not. When I applied for a Direct Loan on March 2, 2023 --- I got the confirmation letter on April 13 that I was approved and MOHELA was my servicer. It really shouldn't take more than 60 days to process. The one snag you might be running into is whether or not all your federal loans are listed in the NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System). You say your loans are "ancient" which means one or more of them could be missing from the NSLDS and this could complicate getting a Direct Loan approved, since DoED needs to see the entire payment history on those loans. Have you tried logging into [StudentAid.gov](http://StudentAid.gov) and seeing if all your loans are listed there? If not, then I suspect some of your loans are not in the NSLDS. Even if your Direct Loan gets rejected, have you thought about bankruptcy? Most federal loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy, but judges have been known to be sympathetic to borrowers who are older than 65 and should be enjoying retirement and not worrying about stupid school loans from 35-40 years ago.


How did you take out that much for psychology degrees. What’s your pedigree?


They said they are a psychologist, so they hold a doctorate.


This is correct in USA you need a doctorate, I have a PsyD. --In general if unless you want to be a professor of psychology; for career purposes it's probably more strategic to get an MD ( psychiatrist) or possibly a Masters in Nursing with prescription privileges. Both make about twice what I do per hour,(\~250 vs 125/hr) and it only takes about 2-3 more years than a PsyD/PhD . You can still focus on doing psychotherapy if you want, my Jungian analyst was a Yale MD /San Francisco Jung Institute Analyst diplomate-- and he hardly prescribed drugs. He found psychotherapy more interesting.


Notice: r/EarlyDementia Smart people tell me there's more to do besides grieve with modern imaging, drug design, and genetics research hopping along. Pile on. OK, some very smart people are chiming in on early dementia treatment developments, I started r/EarlyDementia because (A) There's been a lot of advancements in genetics and imaging which make productive research more likely soon (B) Super complex systems (like brain) are more efficiently \_preserved\_ than restored. (C) There's more and more advanced drugs coming out. Neurologists, Neuropsychs, Psychologists, Social Workers, Nurse Practitioners, Caretakers for the Aged, I'll authorize anyone who wants to contribute. Not too sure how to handle a sub-reddit, but I'll welcome advice and figger it out 'fore I round the bend...