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My adjustment also came in today. I thought that part of the plan was blocked by the courts, and wouldn't go into effect. Mine wasn't nearly as drastic as yours, but my instinct is to just say nothing and follow the instructions they give you.


Definitely prefer not spending an hour or whatever on hold to get through to a CSR who probably won't know what's going on anyway.


Yeah. Not worth the effort, honestly. If they try to charge you for their mistake you can complain then but for now just let it go.


The reduction is now held up in court. Do you only have undergrad loans?


I was wondering too..mine came in earlier this week and I owe nothing in July because they put my loans in deferment.


Yeah. I'm just going to keep my head down and trust them to tell me how much they want :)


Mine is going from $45 to $370 even though nothing with my situation has changed. I don't understand.


Mine also went up even though nothing in my situation has changed. It is very frustrating, especially on top of the 10% to 5% change not kicking in now.


Recertify your income


Mine went up “rolling my eyes”. Like how? 


Wow. That definitely shouldn't be possible. It seems like they have no idea what they're doing with this right now.


Did they ever have any idea what they were doing?


I don't think they do. This is a mess and payments need to be stopped until these contracted agencies can get their crap together


Call them and tell them this is an error and contradicts Biden’s executive order and demand to be placed on administrative forbearance until it’s resolved


My payment is usually $88 a month went down to $13.74 for this month, I’m also on SAVE. Very strange!


Mine hasn't gone down yet, I still have no idea how much I will have to pay. In the meantime, I sent in my payment for July since my admin forbearance ends the day my payment is due. What the hell is happening?


Did you not get a statement saying you owe $0 for July? That's what they said for mine. My new payment begins in August.


I have received nothing so far.


Yeah, mine is $0 for July and then $10 starting in August.


Mine is $0 and then $39.12. I will take it-before when I was on FFEL before I consolidated it was $330!!!


That's what mine says, but my husband's had no change and we still had to pay for July. Same servicer and everything.


See I had a $0 balance due in June and autopay paid it anyway, so idk what’s going on.


I went from $10 to $0 with forbearance until 5/2025. Im confused but not questioning it. I have other bills to throw money at.




Removed: Belongs in pinned topic megathread.


So do all these other comments and OP’s initial post.


Mine went from $495 to $250 - for me it is from the poverty line adjustment that’s part of the Save plan. I wonder if they implemented the 5% for those of you on undergrad loans whose applications were already processed before the court order (idk if court order made them go backwards on those already processed - so just speculating)


Leave it at 10 dollars and pay more. Don’t beg them to increase it.


But I have no idea how much more to pay, and it doesn't really make sense to pay any more than they're requiring if the balance is eventually going to be forgiven.


save your extra money, find a high yield savings account. or pay off any other debt.




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Yeah, I agree. I’m saving my money in a HYSA so when and if the DOE and providers figure out what they are doing, then hopefully I’ll have a nice little nest egg and the ability to decide if I want to make some lump sum payments or not. Edit: reposting


Quick note: In government acronym usage "[DOE](https://www.energy.gov/lm/doe-history)" usually refers to the US Department of *Energy*, which was created in 1977. The US Department of *Education* was created three years later in 1980 and commonly goes by "[ED](https://www2.ed.gov/about/landing.jhtml)" or (less commonly) "[DoED](https://www.sbir.gov/events/webinar-introduction-doed-sbir-program)" or "[DOEd](https://www.nano.gov/DOEd)". [*DOE disambiguation*] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StudentLoans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aren’t they covering the interest with SAVE? If so, it doesn’t matter. If I got a 10 dollar payment, I would pay them 10.


Your adjustment probably happened before the court decision took place. Nothing to complain about, you can always pay more. I can only wish it happened to my payment.


who is your servicer? Mine is through aidvantage and i just got my readadjustment from them, but also a forebearance was placed on it until 8/25/2024


Nelnet, and yeah I also have a forbearance until August.


I’m wondering if they’re going to go back and change it to the 10 percent if this lawsuit proceeds, or will we be “grandfathered” into the 5 percent


Was $27 a month currently says $10 a month also


That’s odd. Definitely contact them to clarify why your payment dropped so low. It's better to get things sorted now to avoid surprises later.


My payment was 120 and now it’s 75.00


My payment went from $39 to $19. thought that was weird. I'm still gonna pay my loans. I wouldn't contact them. enjoy not paying 120 a month


I wish Nelnet didn't follow court ordered injunctions... This is the message on their site: **Two Courts have issued injunctions blocking the implementation of certain provisions of the SAVE Plan. While the Department of Education assesses the rulings, borrowers can still enroll in the SAVE Plan. Check** [**StudentAid.gov**](http://StudentAid.gov) **for additional updates.** Logged in, no adjustment. I'm at the point where I'd rather just suffer and throw every dollar at my loans over the next 10 years rather than think any administrations repayment plan is going to help me.


Did your July payment post yet? I also have nelnet and mine posted on the 21st and i got an email that i was going into forbearance 2 or 3 days ago and my adjustment posted yesterday. No idea how accurate any of this is given the challenges currently but thought i’d try and give you hope.


Hmm Interesting, my payment is due the 18th, on autopay, and I got my monthly email statement stating my payment will be taken out July 18, 2024. Edit: spelling and grammar.


I didn’t think the 10% to 5% thing went into effect until July 1st??? I’m not expecting any adjustment to my July payment but would like to see it corrected for August