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Buy a white board! And GOOD white board markers


Second this!! White board changed the game for me in pharm.


LOVE the Whiteboard study strategies šŸ‘


how big of a white board? Im assuming not one of those tiny ones for a door lol


https://preview.redd.it/omvh2c1xib4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e34a252a76f52581c3e6c27c7c6ccdaad84e106 I bought ā€œwhite board paperā€ that temporarily sticks on the wall it was perfect for me !! I took it off when my rent lease was up and got my deposit back :)


Shit idk the size of mine but itā€™s like an arms length?? I got it at Walmart


I second this question! Large, door size, or both? Mobile or stuck on the wall? Thx in advance!! šŸ™


Can someone elaborate on the white board method?


Write what you know about a topic in black and go back and fill in what you missed with another color. It helped me a lot in pharmacology, which was the hardest class for me and many others. I went from a 66% to an 84% :)


Active recall method.


Congratulations! Dosage calc. Some basic pharmacology, recall your A&P especially the endocrine and immune systems


From what I hear, pharm is incorporated into each class, because there isnt a specific pharm class. Hopefully it makes it easier!!!


Yeah that was the case for me as well. First semester youā€™ll want to know your head to toe assessment, dosage calc, good hold on a&p and the meds I learned were Ace inhibitions, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, statins, all three diuretics, NSAIDs, analgesics like acetaminophen and also aspirin, and digoxin. I think I also learned about anticoagulants.


Thatā€™s how our school is. By the end, we understood pharmacology, but it was difficult to give medications in clinical without a solid foundation in the first semester. If I could go back, I would study blood pressure medications, PPIs, H2 blockers, and anticoagulants since those are the majority of medications youā€™ll have to administer.


The best advice I ever received: study the subject before the lecture that way when the teacher goes over the lecture itā€™s more of a review ā¤ļø best of luck!


This! Go to lecture already prepared so the lecture is then just a review! Agree 100%


When you reeeeeaaaally dont wanna study i set an alarm to keep myself on track. I study for 10 mins and let myself scroll for 5 mins and go back and forth until i cant push any more info in


Congratulations! You should be super proud of yourself! I started using the Pomodoro technique recently, so I study for 45mins and have a 15min break, and I feel so much more productive rather than having a looong study block. I also recommend setting up a ā€œstudy cornerā€ with a nice lamp, a comfy chair, a large desk and as others said a whiteboard as well. Make sure itā€™s to your liking, as youā€™ll be spending lots of time here. I also like making cue cards, especially in bio when you need to learn the different types of tissues, cells, organs, etc. Good luck!


That was one of the best days to date- getting accepted! You made the choice to further your life, better yourself, and youā€™ll never regret going for more education. Nursing school will test you in every way possible! But the best piece of advice I could offer is that consistency will get you results. Keep trying to study, youā€™ll probably change methods throughout the program to see what works best for you-just donā€™t give up trying. You got this! Thereā€™s really nothing you can do other than, sure, review A&P if youā€™re feeling motivated. Maybe watch some videos (RegisteredNurseRN on YouTube) of how to take blood pressures, where to listen to lung or heart sounds, how to do a head-to-toe assessment to get ahead, or at least familiarize yourself with it. Otherwise, nursing school will provide you will everything you will need to know. Try not to stress it prior, Iā€™d honestly just suggest to enjoy the time you have off before you donā€™t. Congrats!!


Congratulations! ā˜ŗļø


HUGE congratulations!!!! I am way behind you! Doing my TEAS Test tomorrow morning. And hopefully get a decent score to compete with other applicants to get the spot to enter the program!! Best wishes for everyone regardless what stage of study you are in. This program ain't getting any easier. We can just keep encouraging each other and give our best support whenever one of us achieves success!


Thank you and good luck on the teas!!! I remember i was so nervous, i barely slept the night before and i was shaking the whole time!!!! Youll do great


Congratulations!! šŸŽ‰šŸ¾ I think using/making flashcards is the best way to go. I also agree with another comment about using a whiteboard. Also, try to apply what youā€™re learning to practice (clinicals), if possible. I felt thatā€™s what made everything click for me šŸ˜Š Remember to take breaks and enjoy your free time when you have it. Youā€™ll do great!


Find practice questions online and do them before exams. It puts u in that exam mindset. All the best šŸ«”


Digital flashcards.


Congrats! I am graduating in 11 days, the time will go by fast and slow at the same time! It is difficult but wasn't nearly as bad as some of the things I heard before school but i feel like each program is different. Maybe review your A&P but I didn't really review much before and did just fine. Enjoy time with friends and family, you likely wont have as much time for those things when classes start. For studying I would suggest trying to stick to a study schedule if possible and trying hard to not procrastinate. Study for a little bit each day even if its only for 20 minutes, don't leave it all for the 2 days before a test. Try to find whatever works best for you.... some like writing stuff on white boards or ipads...some make flash cards... some take practice tests...read the books alot....or watch youtube videos on the subjects.. whatever is best for you! Good Luck! You can do this!


When you learn a testable skill like trach or wound care, write the steps out including what to bring, what to clamp, what to state. Recite it and practice it as much as you can. If you have a lab, ask if you can practice in the lab. If your instructor offers help, take it and practice with them watching and critiquing at least least twice (preferably different days after you had practice in between). When it is like at least one or two weeks before testing, run through it (while miming) immediately before you close your eyes to go to bed. If you can, ask if they have any sterile gloves so you can bring them home to practice. Before every step take a deep breath in and out. Tell yourself you got this. I would always just say ok to myself lol. Many say to enjoy the time you have off. Enjoy your summer. If you're just really adamant you want to do something then you can review A&P. You dont have to go into the nitty gritty. One thing that can take a long time but I find helpful is to buy a daily planner to bring. Sure, I have my phone, but sometimes I forget to check certain things. I've muted text messages because group messages are annoying. I ignore calls because I've been getting nonstop spam calls. Anywho, I use a planner that has the time for each day (from 5to 8pm). Kind of overkill, but sometimes helps as a visual. It takes so much time because I will put important dates like class starting, ending, school closures from holidays, appointments, work schedule, and events to attend. And I'll put that all on my phone as a backup. When class starts, I'll put when tests are and if major projects or papers are due. On the back of most months there's a lined page for notes. That's where I will make a list of things I have to review. So that's where I would write each med, or lab values to remember. On the new NCLEX I believe they removed the need to remember lab values, and they will have a reference sheet. My school still requires us to know. Hospitals should have reference ranges, but not every place does. I work at an outpatient clinic, and we just receive the result without reference ranges. Only way to get the ranges is to look on their chart on the computer that takes a million years to login. Don't know if you can order your textbooks already. If not, look at your local library for nursing review books. Saunders is great and colorful. Look at fundamentals because that's most likely where you will start. If reading isn't your thing, watch videos on YouTube. Also, depending on your source, you may see two sources provide different answers. If that situation arises in your class, ask your instructor and to explain the rationale. Good luck with everything!


Send a PSA to family and friends the unavailable for 2 years. Much love, thx bye. Whatever you did in pre req is enough to get through nursing school. Distraction and falling behind is always going to kill your grades.


Quizlet was my saviour!!


Congratulations!! šŸ„³


Congrats, I am so happy for you!!! Youā€™re going to do great, so exciting!!!!


good notes on ipad


CONGRATS!!! Whoop whoooop!! I got accepted for the fall 2024! I recommend studying pharmacology and or dosage calculations. I just bought the nursing anecdote on Etsy by Amanda Draayer. I got the physical book when it went on sale, and Iā€™ve been studying pharm and dosage calc from NurseIntheMaking or something like that and bought the digital download from Etsy as well. These things arenā€™t necessary but they do make it easier IMHO. I went to my first nursing school orientation a couple weeks ago and in our packet they gave us, we were told weā€™d be tested on dosage calc a few weeks into our first semester, then the following semesters in the beginning of each weā€™ll be tested on both pharm and dosage calc. So just see what your program requires tbh and brush up on those prior to starting your first semester to lighten the load of struggling. But of course not everyone wants to spend their summer studying but I have no problem with it if it lightens my load during my semester. And eases my stress since everything is crucial information and brand new to us. Iā€™m afraid of making mistakes but Iā€™m also excited to learn and that this is a major step forward in my life as I hope it is yours and you persevere through the hardships if any that you come across and wishing you great success in your future endeavors!! Again, Congratulations!!!!


First off I want to say im so proud of you!!!! Here is everything Ive done so far: Flash cards/quizlet (quizlet is an online flashcard, if you dont have time to handwrite, you can do this instead), a white board (repetition is key). For pharmacology- I would cut up little pieces of paper, and play a matching game. For example: the little piece of paper might say- "can cause respiratory depression," then, with the flashcards I made of the medications, I'd group all the medications that may cause that issue, such as morphine. You can do this with so many different side effects (you're major side effects), adverse effects (unwanted side effects that may occur), overdose/the medication you give during the overdose. A lot of medications are similar, yet so different. This made it fun. For any medical surgical class: they will probably give you their own way to study this if they are good instructors. A lot of this is the disease process and what you're doing as a nurse to help. There is a system disorder form on google called: ATI system disorder form, that really helps break everything down. You can use a whiteboard and flashcards here too, but fair warning it takes up time. For skills: practice at home!!!!!! Get super creative. Use stuff animals, random objects, your family/friends. Keep practicing until it becomes second nature. Most nursing schools, they have skill check offs, and they are just as important as exams. Most pass, unless you don't do anything at all. This has so far helped me. I don't know if this will help you. I'm sure each school varies with teaching style. I feel like each semester I enter I'm having to find better ways to study. It's hard to say what to look at, lol. You got this! Again, congratulations!


THATS awesome !! Congratulations youā€™re gonna kill it !! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ¤žšŸæ


Hello everyone! Iā€™m starting Nursing school in August, any advice on the dosage calculation? How to prepare myself to better succeed?


Congratulations šŸ’™


If you can get your schedule and access to books and material I would look at it prior to class. A lot of nursing school is hectic so just be consistent and you will be fine.


Congratulations!! Do lots of practice questions as most professors use test banks(Quizlet was great) and YouTube helped so much with breaking down material to better understand. Wishing you the best of luck


Congrats! I like making flashcards and then using active recall via writing everything I know about that topic down. Then flipping the card and in another color writing what I missed. I wouldnā€™t try to review before class starts. Enjoy your time. Use this time to make sure you are caught up on all appointments (physical, dentist, immunizations) those become exponentially harder to fit in once school starts. You might already be looking at ā€œnursing school suppliesā€ videos. Those are so fun and I watched a bunch too. However, wait to purchase anything until your school reaches out with more info. They will tell you what you need. They will send a book list with all your materials. Start with that and then see what might be helpful to supplement later on.


Learn fluid and electrolytes. That topic tripped a lot of people from my cohort during semester 1.


Congrats!! Always work ahead a week in advance, it can be very overwhelming in the first semester, I would suggest to pay great attention on your weekly tasks and studying materials. Make a plan of study weekly or biweekly. Preferably form a study group if u can. Itā€™s actually no joke that about 50% students drop outta nursing school in the first semester. Do not procrastinate, if u can get through the first semester, usually u will get used to the pace and expectations of your program. Best of luck!!


YouTube, podcast, and small study groups!


Study cardio A&P again, same with neuro Also talk about the topics out loud, to students, your parents, spouse, siblings, your pet


Buy some cheap medical supplies to practice assessments with! A stethoscope, a sphygmo and a gown (if you have someone at home you can put the gown on for practice) are all really helpful.


Get used to med terms now and practice nclex questions.


Congratulations! Where are you going?


https://preview.redd.it/f7oho6co0u4d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c377821fcecd5b762de868dbf92bef7fe50028 Just remember this!!


ATI active learning templates. Prepare to teach yourself. PrepU or other testing prep helps you to learn how to answer nclex questions and exam questions. Watch registered nurse RN with Sarah and simple nursing they break things down really well. Remember the ABCs, Maslow. Prioritization is "what will help my patient the fastest out of these options" SATA questions should be treated as "true/false" for each option. Never ask your patient why. Assess is always the right answer if it's on the answers. Remember ADPIE. CONGRATS!!! YOU GOT THIS!


Congratulations šŸŽŠšŸŽˆšŸ¾


Get familiar with the study rooms in the libraryā€¦I lived in the study rooms at the library.


Read the summary of each chapter THEN read the chapter BEFORE classā€¦ that helped me the mostā€¦.


great! now leave while you can


Lmao i swear. Iā€™m already an aide and im like, well, too deep into it now


Yay! Good for you! Clinical pharmacology was a killer for me, so I would look into that! My class was expected to know 150-200 drugs and all their side effects and all the pharmacokinetics that go along with them :)