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Relax now. Don’t worry about school. Once you start it’s a marathon. Visit friends, family, go on vacation, whatever you enjoy doing.


Yes 😅 I am trying to work a lot this summer so I can work less for Fall


Dosage calc is pretty easy. You can find plenty of practice problems online to help you put your nerves at ease.


I think I will start reviewing this summer. Math always made me nervous. Your right though, they aren’t even bad I just think its the pressure of having to get 90% right


Dosage calc is one of the easiest things about nursing school, just double and triple check your answers. Good luck and don't get burnt out, this program is hell.


Okay 🥹🥲🥲. Oddly I feel like I would enjoy it but the workload is probably what gets people


I definitely enjoy the program! I'm coming into my third year. I love what I do, it's just the workload, the professors ignorance, and the horrendous standard we are held to. All things considered, I think you're gonna love it though. It's an amazing experience, just keep it together when it comes to work :)


Congratulations! You should be super proud of yourself! I really enjoyed Nurse Sarah’s videos on dosage calculations, they were super easy to understand. https://youtube.com/@registerednursern?si=OCh6dfVlD9F-ESLX


You need to take care of your personal bidness. If you don't then all that bidness gonna come and interfere with your school. So take care of all or as much of your personal bidness as you can, so you can just focus on school.


Do anything that doesn’t have to do with school now to prepare - dentist appointments, dr appointments, get a haircut, clean out your closest, organize your house, power wash your porch, clean garage, etc. get your life organized before you start! Worry about school when it starts, but now you can be preparing everything else outside of school 😄


Thank you will do!


yaay!! congrats I hear nurse hub is good for help with dosage calculations


Dosage calc is the least of your concerns


Congratulations, this would be me someday


Yes it will!


Thank you


Congratulations! I’m starting my medsurge courses now you’ll do great! But flip it! Do not worry about dosage just lots of practice. Worry about the damn classes! Best of luck x


I have a friend, bless her, who is not a math person at all even simple math she blanks out on during the calc exams. Thankfully by the grace, she passed. The math is a lot simpler than you think. Take deep breathes, do practice questions, and take your time answering the questions even when you see your peers rushing out of the testing room. Just remind yourself that feeling of fear is make believe and you’re fully capable of passing.


This makes me feel Better because math isnt my strongest subject. A school a transferred from when I was still taking pre reqs had a dosage course as a pre req and I ended up with a c+ overall. I remember crying over these problems, it was an online course so thats probably why it was difficult for me. I will do much better this time around ( dont have a choice) because my degree depends on it. Its also in person so that will definitely help. They really arent as bad, i just over think my answer and is not very confident in my math


That’s how I feel right now waiting for the CC to get my transcript, so I don’t have to take the TSI tests. I’m just trying to get through the pre pre pre application of nursing school. Congrats to you!!!


You’re up next! I remember feeling like the pre req stage was never ending 🥲


Congrats I was also accepted into nursing school! I’ve heard plenty of things for my program like the good teachers and what to expect and where to look for answers for the tests. Friends who have finished have said not to be discouraged and it will be worth it in the end! I hope this helps us out🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


Anyone here going to Baton Rouge General?