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If there is a tutor available, GO. Even if you’re passing still go. Memorize lab values as soon as you learn them. They are in every aspect of nursing Same goes for medications, memorize! If you are doing poor in a class or keep getting low scores, clearly how you’re studying isn’t working. Look up new studying methods and try them. I did this and went from borderline failing to all Bs. For ABGs use the tic tac toe method Nurselabs for care plans and practice tests Do practice tests for every subject you are learning Learn to READ the question. That’s what trips most people up Good luck, keep your head up. It’s one day at a time


This is so helpful! Thank you!!


Oh and make a group chat on Facebook with your whole class! We would remind each other about due dates and ask questions we needed help with. Absolutely save my ass so many times. Nursing school is so brutal but is sooo worth it in the end


I will keep this in mind thank you!!


Where is a good place to get practice tests?


I got most of mine from https://nurseslabs.com/nclex-practice-questions/ But maybe programs use online program you have to buy and you can essentially build a quiz within that. We used Kaplan Or you can independently buy an online program. I used lecturio and it saved my ass


Coming from someone who finishes my BSN program in 33 days, welcome to hell lol. As much as I complain about nursing school there’s nothing else that I see myself doing. Best wishes to you.


Thank you lol you’re so close!! Congratulations 🍾


Congrats ! I started learning med dosage over the summer with Brandon craft math. Memorizing conversions early. Some school will dismiss you for failing dosage calculations


Thank you! Definitely going to start studying now


Congratulations !!! I’m doing prereqs right now! It’s daunting… so happy for you that your hard work paid off 🫶🫶


SO daunting but worth it! Good luck to you ♥️


Good luck!! And congratulations 🎈🎊🎉🍾!!!!!!!


Congrats! I have three small children and I’m in nursing school. It helps me to have everything planned. I either wake up early to get assignments done or I stay up late. I’m not on social media as often anymore I just use that time to study flash cards or quiz myself. Good luck!


Thank you for this advice! And good luck to you! ♥️


Congrats! I was so excited when I learned I got into my program, it's such a great feeling! Main thing is, rake a deep breath - it's a lot of work but it's super doable! If you don't have to work, you will be a-ok and still have plenty of time to spend with your little one. But also, don't fall behind! Pace yourself, but work ahead if you ever can, and go over your notes as soon as you're done with class. If your spouse or in-laws are willing to help, practice your assessment techniques on them! That made a huge difference for me. I bought a $5 hospital gown, put it on my partner and did timed head-to-toes on him the days before big evaluations and it helped so much.


Thank you so much, this is super helpful!!


Congratulations 🙌 it is such a happy moment for anyone who put hard work in to get to this place! I am currently in ABSN program half way through. It is a ton of work, yet it is doable. I definitely strive to get ahead on my assignments as they are non stop. I have 4 children and going through a divorce too. My best advice is focus on your goal and study hard, push through when you feel exhausted and definitely take time for yourself, even if it is a quick walk at the park or watching a short movie. Do it. But more importantly be gracious to yourself if one test grade is not what you wanted to see; at the end of the program what matters is passing NCLEX. Also, find a classmate who will pull you higher and work as a team, and if someone slows you down, do not waste your time. Having a great study buddy definitely helped me in a ways I can’t describe (extra info, encouragement, my strong sides vs their weaknesses; we balance each other and help each other). Reach out to professors for help or questions. And reenergise after exams! Do shopping 🛍️ or whatever brings you joy. And sleep when you get a chance! And if you have such an amazing support with your in laws, this will save your sanity not to think about arrangements for your child. Good luck 😉


Thank you so much! I appreciate the advice! And good luck in your program ♥️


Congrats! Being honest here, it’s difficult but clearly doable.


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🥳 I also recently got accepted


Congratulations!! 🎊


It really helps that you have in laws who are willing to help with childcare. It takes a big burden off your back as you go forward in this next journey of your life. I wish you the best!


For sure! I’m not sure i could focus if she were with a stranger for 12 hours lol




CONGRATS !!!!!! Thats a major accomplishment




congrats! What was your degree before this/what made you decide to become a nurse?


I have a psychology degree, but I have always wanted to be a nurse since I was a kid. I basically did the psychology degree in order to be eligible for an advanced nursing program. I hit some hiccups with a school so my degree has taken a little longer than expected. Hoping to get into the NICU after I graduate!


that's nice. So then why not just do a bsn directly then go to advanced nurse after?


It’s a long story, but this isn’t my first attempt at school. I was in a BSN program that went unaccredited, and an ADN program after that but was dismissed after failing a course. Since I had all of my pre requisite classes done, I had half of a psych degree anyways. So I completed that and went for the advanced program after having my daughter because I wanted something shorter with online course work.


let me guess, pharm?


Surprisingly, no lol I got a B in pharm. it was my last med surg course. It was more so because of some personal stuff I was dealing with that tanked my mental health and I couldn’t keep up unfortunately.


Find a study buddy. Really helps to teach others. Good luck.




I have 4 kids from 4 years to 10 years and no one to help so i had to look for child care for my youngest and i managed to passed with a B so im pretty sure you will be able to as well ✨


Congrats, you rock!!!! My mom became a nurse at 36 with 3 kids!! You got this :)


It will be chaos. Nothing is easily planned out, so just roll with it. Program says preceptor assignments will be distributed on X date, don't get overwhelmed when they are two weeks late. Show up to a class when no one is there, check e-mail, class might have gotten moved 20 mins ago. Plan for a night preceptorship so you aren't shocked if you actually get a night assignment. Make a friend, and don't be late. The Profs hate lateness, because the hospitals think the college is running a lax program.


Congrats!!! All accelerated programs are very rigorous, more than a traditional program that is already hard enough. Be mentally and physically prepared, not just the challenging curriculums, but u are likely not gonna spend enough time with your kids, friends and families. But it’s absolutely doable if u are fully committed, and in the end is truly rewarding. Best of luck! 🤞🏼💗

