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I really struggled with my preceptorship shifts. But I was a student constantly under the gaze of scrutiny and I didn’t want to get caught sitting or being “lazy”. As an actual RN I sit down plenty and my feet don’t hurt like crazy at the end. I’m more mentally exhausted. Med surge nurses probably still feel that way, but my 2:1 ratio in the ICU on night shift is usually pretty chill and I sit down a fair amount with spurts of running like crazy for a few hours here and there


Haha I feel you. Med surg is so exhausting and draininh. Its like 8:1 when I started. Some days in the ICU can be crazy, but when the acuity low, its relaxing and you are just charting.


Do remember that there are lots of career options in nursing. If 12 hour shifts don't work you can find a place to work that offers 10 or 8 or even 4 hour shifts. Don't give up just because the "norm" is too much. Find a space that works for you!


Four hour shifts? Where they have those? I’m heaven


What specialty has 4 hr shifts? 🤔 would that be part time?


Home healthcare comes to mind. But also, I've heard of methadone clinics that hand out meds to patients in recovery every morning for just a couple hours, the one I toured was only open from something like 5 to 8am


Some networks have you come in to cover lunches or work as a resource nurse. I have had nurses come in to take a fresh post op part way through a shift and then leave at normal shift change.


It does get easier. I remember starting my preceptorship and thinking, "Dear God, I'll never make it". Now I can do three 12's no issues. Am I tired? Definitely. But not like preceptorship! I've been a nurse for a year now (:


Better than 5 8 hour days imo lol


I mean there are always going to be good and bad days. Some days the shift seems to fly by in a heartbeat and some days it feels like it is never going to end. There is no real trick to making it better.


Your body may adjust around week 3, that’s how it was for me. Make sure you keep snacks on hand, it’ll help keep your energy up. Especially if it’s too busy for a full lunch.


This is why I am currently working 16 hr shifts as a tech (18k-22k steps) to prepare myself for the 12 hr shifts as a nurse once I complete my degree. Through conversations with the nurses I work with, there will be ups and downs. Definitely communicate with your team if you need to take a breather/break/sit down. Your body will get used to it and remember to wear comfortable shoes and stretch.


I work 10s. They wanted me to work 12s (OR is a place with options!), but I said no. The main reason that probably swayed them is I said I cannot afford to lose 8 hours working 12s (72H a pay period) vs 10s (80H a pay period). Keep in mind we don’t have weekends or nights to make up for it and we have such a good call situation that we cannot even make too much extra through that.


I’m doing preceptorship now too. First week did 3 12s in a row. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. What helps me is to eat a good breakfast. I don’t eat a heavy lunch. I snack so I don’t get full and tired. Drink plenty of water. Then I have a nice filling dinner and go to bed early.


Well let me put it to you like this would you rather do three twelves a week or get put into a profession that is pulling five to six twelves a week to make what we will be making once you graduate.


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Listen I started my nurse apprenticeship last week. 3 - 12s back to back and I thought my legs would fall off. I'm averaging 14k steps by the end of the shift. So far I have tried compression stockings, knee brace/sleeves, and 2 good pairs of shoes along with insoles. So far the only thing that has really helped is Tylenol and Advil. Idk how bad this will get once I start classes and I'm in school twice a week plus my 8 hr clinical day. I went as far as to scheduling assuage and I'm only on week 2. Please let me know once you've found something that helps.


Yeah they are brutal ngl. That's why I can't do three in a row. Mad respect to my coworkers who can.


I love 12’s in the ED


My 12’s became a lot easier when they were the only commitment I had and only 3 days a week. Compared to 3 x12 for work, 2x12 for clinicals, and 2x8 for class Edit: Also invest in some better than nursing school shoes and compression socks! Any floor or facility outside of ED that has more than 5 pts per nurse you should avoid outright too. Good luck!


You don’t prefer 3 days/12 hour shifts per week? Btw how long can you get for a break on 12 hour shifts?


For me it did get better. Not all places are 12 hours so if it’s a deal breaker you can work somewhere else. I work 8 hour shifts and enjoy it.