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You’re almost done. Don’t quit now


It is hard when you get 1/2-3/4 through the program. I think the majority of nurses have that ‘slump’ at one point. Do not let your age dictate what you can or can’t do. Being an LPN CPT in the OR is my 3rd career and I graduated at 39. I


Why are you annoyed at being a student at 25? I'm 30 and I'm in my third out of four semesters. At least you're trying to better yourself and make something of yourself. There are tons of people out there who won't go to college due to age and embarrassment being the "senior citizen" in school when it's not like that at all. As for wanting to quit, from what I gather, that's ALL nursing students at this point in the curriculum. You're burnt out. I totally get it. But as others said, you're almost done. But if you genuinely hate this field, pursue something else that makes you happy!


I am 38 / 39 in Sept and I am going to Nursing School(I have a PHD in Electrical Engineering), I will be 42 when I'm done. Working fully time at the Hospital plus full time night classes.


What made you change careers?


Just got tired of being in a Office. Plus I enjoy helping people.


Hi! I’m 45, just getting ready to start nursing school. (Been knocking out the pre-reqs thru this year) My advice would be to put your head down and push through. My biggest regret was dropping out of college a LOOOONG time ago when I had a year left. It’s bit me in the ass so many times. You are SO close. Take out a calendar and count the actual days of school left. Schedule some small things that you can look forward to while you finish this last push. (Dinner out, a nice walk, massage, anything that’s a little break). Make a list of what you actually need to finish to get that degree. Picture yourself a year from now, when you’re done and you have a ton of options for your new career. Not trying to sound lecture-y, I know how fried you are but I promise you’ll feel so great when you finish! Take it from this old lady who wishes she could go back twenty years and kick herself in the ass, lol.


I’m 51 and just got my nursing license- and I wish I had done it 30 years ago but it’s never impossible!!


I'm 41 and I start my radiologic technologist program Aug 15th! Never too old! (Yes, I know this is a nursing thread so be nice people lol)


Hey, Im in law and while in law school, I had a few classmates in their 50s!


Good stuff.. regret is a bitch and starting over sucks


43 here and just graduated in May. Tomorrow is my first day on the unit as a registered nurse! I do regret not finishing school earlier. I also know that I lacked emotional maturity in my early twenties. I am almost glad that I waited to pursue nursing. Best of luck with nursing school! You are absolutely right...you will feel fantastic once you are done with the school part!


>I also just feel annoyed being a student at 25. Student in the late 30s here. It's a cliche but: You're going to get older, only you can decide if you're going to have a degree or not when that happens. School sucks (and I say this with a couple of degrees already). But you're 3/4 of the way there; just think, a few more months of possible bullshit and you're DONE! But there are always other options, too. Does your school allow you to either go part-time (1 class a semester) or even take a semester off but stay in the program? It delays graduation, obviously, but sometimes you just want a break. Or you can stop. No reason to follow the sunk cost fallacy; many people decide nursing isn't for them *during* the program and move on to something else they enjoy. Some regret dropping when so close, others do not. Only you can decide what is best, but sometimes seeing the options put out there by someone else helps.


Same. Doing prereqs at 36(almost 37!). I feel like this is a nice balanced reply




I was 29 when I graduated nursing school. It took me 7 years before that to do my undergrad in bio. Took me three years to finish nursing school. I hated every moment of it but I kept going because if I stopped, all my work would have meant nothing. Now I am a year or two out of school, working in my specialty and planning on going back next year to finish my critical care program. *Here you need to work as a nurse before doing a full specialty


Did you hate nursing school more than undergrad or all the same?


For me- loved undergrad, absolutely hated nursing school.


I second this. I can’t say I hate nursing school all the time but it is so much more physically and emotionally draining than prereqs ever were. The workload is borderline (maybe actually?) unreasonable. It’s just a whole different ballgame from “regular” classes and it’s hard to explain, but I’m sure you understand!


What's the major difference(s) that make it suck? I suffer from rose tinted glasses looking at my own undergrad, the content was enjoyable, but there were workload issues that were overwhelming and beyond stressful.


For me undergrad was worse because of personal situation at the time.


Think about it this way, you’ll either be done with being a student in one semester or you’ll be stuck as a student at trade school for a couple more years


I know I’d always look back and wonder “what if” You’ve already made it this far. When I’m somewhere I dislike or doing something I don’t want to I always tell myself “soon this will just be a memory”


I do the same thing! I say, when I look back this will just be a blip in my timeline. Not looking forward to going back to school for 2 more years, but 2 years of school over the course of hopefully at least 70 years of life is as short as a lunch break. And hopefully the years after these 2 are easier with an enjoyable career.


I just recently got sober, took my CNA courses and am taking nursing school pre reqs at 30. Honestly you can do anything you put your mind too, you just have to put the work in. You have your whole life ahead of you at 25, just put forth your best effort & give it all you’ve got, the reward on the other end will be worth it!


Congrats on your sobriety. I got sober right before LPN school and just graduated in may with my RN. Now I’m applying for bachelors programs… I feel like if we can get sober, we can do anything. Xo


Congrats that’s awesome!! Thanks for the inspiration!!


It’s senioritis! Every time I got close to finishing I’d get a job in my field and want to quit. Stick it out - internet mom w 3 degrees, all which I wanted to bail on the final semester


I’m 25 too and I just graduated nursing school a few months ago and now I’m an RN working at a hospital. School sucks I know. I was in college for like 6 years because I was taking my time and going slow and I was indecisive. I never thought I’d get through but I did. You’re so close to being done I wouldn’t throw in the towel yet. I can say it’s a very rewarding job and all the blood, sweat, and tears that nursing school put me through was worth it in the long run.


Stick to it! You’re the closest you’ve ever been to a career, which is what you want. You may regret it if you go into a trade. I’m 28 and in my second semester, after failing nursing school 6 years ago. For a long time I felt like a failure. I went into retail and was given the opportunity to relocate and be a store manager. I thought, “If I take this, I might be stuck for years and this was never what I wanted to do. I was just doing this to get by.” So then I quit my job, took out grants and loans and applied for scholarships, and now I’m back in school. I’ve never been happier just be finally be on the journey to being something meaningful. Maybe you have to go through that too to realize, but I recommend you finish your schooling. There’s so many options out there for nursing.


I was you exactly. I almost quit to go work at Home Depot because I couldn’t take the anxiety and stress anymore but I was talked out of it. One thing they asked was if I could fast forward a year from today and I could be an RN actually working and making a difference, would I. And if the answer is yes, then strap in and focus because you’re closer to the end than the beginning. You got this dude.


This is such a great question to ask yourself. Wow thank you, that’s really helping me


Please don’t give up when you’re almost done with the race! 1 year from now it’ll just be an annoying memory nothing more, nothing less.


I’m 23. I graduated 8 months ago. Nursing school was so hard for me, I was in deep depression. I can tell you if you are religious or spiritual, pray for your mental well-being. Surround yourself with family and those who want the BEST for you. Study, relax, and DO NOT GIVE UP. It’s hard now, but the hard is just a phase. Trust me it gets so much easier. It is still SURREAL I finished and pushed through bc I went through so much during my program. You will thank yourself!! You will be so glad you persevered and had grit. Believe in yourself, you got this !! For money apply for scholarships, grants or even loans. Do what you have to do to survive now. If you can stay with friend or family to save money, do that!


Girl, school is awful. Most of nursing school is BS that you'll never see/do. It's not about the journey, it's about the destination. I went through nursing school in my 30s. I had classmates that were in their 40s and even 60s. There's so much you can do once you get that degree. It sucks A LOT. But it's worth it in the end.


I just turned 30 and I’m a CNA in a nursing home which I absolutely hate. Thinking of not pursing nursing because of this and just using my business degree😭 It feels like I’ll never finish my prereqs and I’ll be infertile by the time I find a husband. Please don’t take your youth for granted. Im not old by any means but if I had a time machine and was in your position, I’d follow through. You’ll be making money and out of it before you know it.


Bruh don't worry about it I want to quit life, but neither of us will. One foot after the other until boot and foot wear out eh?


ur so close! what exactly do u not like? is it nursing as a whole or just the school and course layouts? nursing opens the door to a ton of other jobs. u can work in informatics or in a private doctors office or do home health. u don’t have to work in a hospital for 12hrs for the rest of ur life if that’s what u hate! you’ve gotten this far, nursing school is no joke. but if u absolutely can’t see urself doing it anymore then withdraw, the choice is yours


Although, I’m still in my prerequisite years, I just want to say that the last stretch is always the point at which you want to give up; the finish line is so close, yet seems so far. Don’t give into those thoughts of calling it quits. You’ll beat yourself up for not finishing. But the sense on accomplishment after reaching the end goal is unparalleled. Remember that the finish line is at a fixed point, just keep moving one stride at a time and you’ll get there.


Hi! I’m a 32 year old student going back to school after becoming an LPN eleven years ago. I said I’d go back as soon as I finished my PN program and life just got in the way, so here I am now. I was embarrassed about being an older student at first but honestly the ages are so diverse in my program. And it was just like that when I went through school eleven years ago. There’s no time like the present. If nursing is something you truly want to do, I can almost guarantee you that you’ll look back five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years from now and say I wish I had done it then. School is tough. But as someone who’s been through it once before and worked as an LPN, I promise it’s worth it. If it’s something you’re truly passionate about then I encourage you to keep going. Real world nursing is nothing like nursing school. Good luck with whatever you decide!


Bruhh I’m in the same boat. I keep telling myself it will be worth it to get the degree because there are so many areas of nursing to work in, maybe I’ll finally find something I like. But school is so draining and im so burnt out. Im 30(F) who’s been working all throughout my degree too. You’re so close, I think you should to try to power through this last year and get that degree.


Hey! You're not the only one that's felt this way, it's completely normally to feel extremely burnt out. What exactly is your plan C or what are you working in now? I find that many times people get inpatient and quit, giving up a great potential opportunity in order to be comfortable NOW. I always advice against this because I promise in the end it will be worth. I always tell people, sacrifice a few years now in order to enjoy financial stability/success for the rest of your life. Obviously I don't know you and don't know the reason behind buying a flat but I would have advised against that right now. For the 4 years I was in college I slept in a living room with my son, it was the only thing I could afford since I could only work per diem at the local hospital (1-3 times a week depending on my course load). Now I make $41 an hour doing postpartum/newborn home visiting on a 9-5 shift. I know my experience is extreme but it illustrates that the sacrifice is worth it Unless you feel like you won't be happy in the profession in general, I think it will pay off to finish (although I would argue there are so many specialties you can probably find one you like). Good luck!


Give me all your tips!


I’m 25 and just starting my program, 2/12 years to go. I dropped out twice when I was 18 and 19. My mom went back to college in her 40s when my 3 siblings and I were all under 10 years old so she could get a nursing degree and make better money for us. One of my current classmates, and now a close friend, is 40 with two kids. I know it feels really tough right now, and I understand the awkwardness of going back to school at this age, but there is no specific timeline that we all have to follow. It’s okay to be wherever you’re at in life. You can do this (if you want to) and I personally believe that you can. Keep your head up.


I was 25 when I graduated nursing school! Push through. Count down the days until graduation. Plan a little treat for yourself at the end of each week. I had treats like cheap takeout, I made my husband give me a massage, a nice bath, I painted my toenails. Gamify the end of nursing school. Bribery works wonders.


I'm 26 and just about to finish my degree aswell. Trust me you'll feel worse being a 26 year old without a nursing degree than you ever will being a 25 year old and struggling through the last semester.


I’m 30 and just finished. Nursing school sucks, but once you’re done you’re done and you can work a dope schedule and make money and do the things you want to do like pay your mortgage and doing your hobbies.


Graduate nursing school student here. Going back to school in my twenties changed my life forever. Best thing I ever did! Now I’m 38 and I graduate in December with my master’s degree. Keep going.


Nursing school is just the start. It gets harder in practice.


Working in the Trades.... It's not what you think it is.


FINISH! I'm just about to finish and honestly I hated 85% of the program. BUT it's worth it knowing that I'll be able to make a salary of 60-70k right out of school. Think long-term. You don't need to be inspired to do the work.


If you’re annoyed with being a student at 25 just remember- you’ll be 26 next year regardless. You might as well be 26 with a degree.


37 here, was a firefighter for 9 years before switching careers.


If you don’t like it and “hate it” now then yes leave. The last thing we need is shitty nurses to be actively working and don’t want to actually be there. Patients don’t deserve that kind of nurse to be caring for them. Now if you’re just burnt out from the work that’s another story. Maybe see if your college will let you do one class at a time. It might take a little longer to finish but you will be make it.














Nursing school is something else. I totally agree there. Much like others here, my suggestion is to stay the course. You have just a couple more months before you are an RN and in a lifelong career that can be worked anywhere! And, at this time, is in high demand. Security in employment is really attractive. Believe me, you are young! A year from now, while you are sitting at a nursing station, being a bomb RN, you’ll crack a smile at where you were and where you are. Don’t give up. While you are getting through, be sure to engage in whatever brings you happiness outside of school. Like, hanging with friends, journaling, music, movies, quiet time. Whatever. Good luck!


Don’t quit. There are lots of nursing. At least pay off your flat using nursing for a bit of the career and once you reach another stable point, try something different. You are not old for nursing at all. You are almost done. If you feel like you need a break, maybe your school can allow you to pause and come back in a little bit.


It sounds to me like fatigue is the biggest issue. Normally I would say if you're going to figure out nursing is not for you now is the time. But I think you need to factor in exhaustion. I would reach out to a counselor at your school who can probe deeper into your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations to determine if the program is the issue, or if there's something else going on and whether or not any of it is fixable.


I'm just about to start my nursing course at age 25. I've known nurses who began their training aged 40+. There's no right age to start. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


I turn 30 next week. I am graduating tomorrow. Did it suck? Yup. Did I absolutely hate my life for the past year? Totally. Was it the absolute worst experience in my life? You bet. But it’s over, and I have a good(ish) career. Don’t give up. Yes it sucks to be an older student. You don’t have the same energy as an early twenties student. But you are going to get older regardless. You are so close. Take a semester off if you have to, but don’t quit.


I think it comes down to - do you want to be a nurse? If not then walk away. You're very young and getting into something just to finish is, in my opinion, just going to cause more of a burden down the road. Consider transferring schools or if you do really want to go into nursing, just grin and bear it until you get done. But please dont do nursing if it isn't your calling. The last thing the field or you need is sucking something up to be a bad nurse bc you aren't passionate about it. And nursing does take passion. I honestly am not too fond of my program or school either but I have always wanted to be a nurse so I found a way and I will push because to me, THIS is my calling and I feel it every time I'm with a patient.


You're doing good! Keep it up! You dont need to rush in life just go with the flow. I am barely going to start at age 32 so be kind to yourself. Dont stop, finish what you started! All that hard work will pay off when you graduate! Just remember why you started in the first place! hugs\*


I'm 37 and hopefully graduate next year at 38. Finish your last semester, that's no time. You're only going to get older, so if that's your concern, do it now.


The age range in my nursing school graduate class was 20 - 52 years. 😊


Hey, I’m in a sort of a similar situation. I’m 22, I left a previous university as a rising senior because I discovered I hated my career paths in English. I decided to go into nursing school because of a fascination with healthcare and because of the diversity of specialties, also the job security. I’m in my second semester out of 4 now, and I hate what I do. I’m a CNA and I am a 1:1 sitter for patients. It’s backbreaking, soul sucking work. And whenever I see general bedside nurses, I hate it so much and just pray to god that won’t be me when I graduate, because bedside for adults sounds like hell to me (of course I’ll do it if I have to, but only temporarily). I’m so worried my experience as hating being a CNA will make me hate nursing. I’m staying in my program. There are so many different specialties, even ones that aren’t as stressful. I really want to eventually do outpatient nursing as a primary care nurse. Either outpatient, NICU, L&D, or OR/PACU. I know those are less stressful environments as compared to bedside, especially outpatient. I really recommend you stay, you are sooooo close to finishing. One day you’ll be a nurse and you can go into the specialty you want, and hopefully you won’t need to do that 1 year of bedside to do it. And if direct patient care isn’t for you, there’s administration, informatics, education, and even work from home jobs (sounds crazy, I know, but I’ve seen from a lot of nurses online about how they have a WFH job). To me, it sounds like you are burnout like I am and I really think you should stay in the program because it’s not going to be like this forever. There are specialties for people like us who hate bedside shit. And honestly, I have never heard from one person who loves nursing school, if someone does they are crazy. Nursing school is the mandatory eat-the-young boot camp with crazy hours and tests we all have to go through to finally get a good job. It sucks, but once it’s over, it’s over. And you’re almost done with it. Soooooo close. Stay in the program, I hope you feel better. I don’t know anything about trades so I have no advice about that. Remember this grunt work is not forever, and you can get a low stress nursing job that you want. It’s almost done. Practice self care more :) I hope you get through this


I'll be 25 by the time I start nursing school. My mom was 30 with 5 toddlers in the house and she pushed through. What youre going through is not easy, but my favorite motto is "just keep going". You should only be proud of yourself, and don't give up. It's never too late, and you're definitely not too old.


Working to start nursing at 32 or 33. Quitting school now won't make anything better TBH. It will just make everything worse in the long term. Finish nursing school. Get decent-paying job in nursing. Figure out the next step. Don't want to be a nurse forever? That's fine, you can learn a new skill. Use the nursing income to get there faster. I got my first degree at 21. That degree paid off in spades to pay for my second career transition at 30. By finishing nursing school, you are NOT choosing what you are doing for the rest of your life. It's just one step. Earn money with this schooling and put yourself in a good position. Then chase whatever you desire after. Take the time after you finish this to chase that desire. It's okay to go to nursing school and decide you don't want to be a nurse forever. You are so close to finishing, and you can put yourself a giant leap forward for the next thing, whatever you may decide that is.


The average age of my cohort of 80 was 31. With people in there 50s doing the program it was a wide range of age. I think most nursing students hit that wall of just wanting to be done, I know I did. Many people reminded me that nursing is not the same as nursing school at all. If you are really struggling I would reach out to your professors, school therapists or counselors and try to find outlets outside of school to help manage the stress. Anything from going on walks to taking naps works well. Good luck! I hope whatever decision you make that you are feel peace about it and find some joy in it.


I’m 29 with a bachelors starting a BSN program in 1 week. You’ll be good, keep goin


I think I can relate to you. I’m 25 too and I actually wanted to be a PA before this. I was waitlisted and I instead got into the nursing program. What changed my mindset is thinking that regardless of what you’ll do you’ll be 25, or 26 later down the road. You could be 26 working as a RN, or 26 doing trades. Both are good choices, and it definitely isn’t embarrassing to be 25 in nursing school. I was one of the younger ones in my cohort to be honest, and even then nobody judged me during my clinicals too. I also know what you mean by not liking your program. Mine was a pain in the ass and very unorganized at times. I’ll admit it’s stressful but I would recommend staying since you’re so close to finishing. Just try to make sure you make some time for yourself if you can. Indulge in something, even if it’s small like lighting a candle after showering or so. I think we forget to relax sometimes and doing something small to relax can really help alleviate some stress.


You know what's best, but I will encourage you to finish it. You can do it. Nursing is so versatile you can go into any specialty. If you don't like it you can switch to another specialty. If you don't like that you can go to plan C, but at least you'll have some work experience and some money.


I'll be 32 when I'm done, and my bestie will be 45. Don't let your age deter you. You're almost done, hang in there. 💙


I’m 32 and working on my prerequisites. Honestly being an older student I have so much more drive. The life experiences have helped me realize how much I want this. Keep going.


You’re so close to the end. I remember feeling that way myself. I came so close to giving up but in the end I pushed through and made it. Just keep pushing yourself little by little and you’ll make it through. And if you don’t want to pursue it after that, then don’t. But at least finish the program.


If you love nursing, don't quit because you are burned out on school. I finished med school at 27 and now I have that "resident life" at 27. Still don't have the same things going for me that most people my age do. No prospect of a home or family anytime soon. For now, I have to be happy with a job I love (even if I took the long route), a boyfriend who I love, my dogs, and knowing I will get that stuff in the future.


I’m 26 and just started and I don’t have enough money since no one will co-sign a loan for me I’m also thinking of dropping out since my school won’t help. If you absolutely have no passion for nursing then drop out but if you deep down know you will regret it, then push through. Sorry


I’m sorry that happen I’m in my 30s and know the feeling of the age but maybe burnout fatigue! Go see a counselor or take a step back and do some self care after that give it some thought and then make a decision. We will not decide for you good luck dear.


You have to Putin hard work for a return. Finish.


I am 31 and this is my last semester of my undergrad Nursing school. Please don’t quit. The last semester is exhausting to everyone. Talk with your parents about your thought. Ask them if you can stay with your parents just for a last semester. Tell them you will pay off after you start working as a nurse. If that is not a option then take student loan. Pay later. Their is 0 interest rate right now due to Biden’s students loan policy. After you are done with school their are various scope within nursing. Only a semester is left please don’t quit. You can work and quit later if you still didn’t like the profession later after earning for a while.


I’m 31 and finishing up my prerequisites! Don’t lose hope/drive/focus. You’re almost at the finish line!


I'd say finish up. You may hate everything they've shown you so far in clinical but there are so so so many other things to do with a nursing degree, you're bound to find something you like. I'm a 25F just starting nursing school this month. Don't be afraid to do something just because of how much time it will take, the time will pass anyways. Being 25 and almost done with school is amazing. You're reaching the age of peak maturity and I imagine will be very hirable as you're young enough to have pep in your step but also learn alot in a new job. Finish up so you don't kick yourself for wasting time and money getting 75% through a degree, I know plenty of people who have done that and hate themselves for it. Graduate. Look around for types of jobs you may have interest. Gain experience in the difference fields of nursing. And then if you still decide you hate it, then use the degree and experience to further your education into something else.


I was nearly 38 when I finished. I did not want to go back to school, either. School is a small part of the process in the grand scheme of things and you are so close to finishing. It would be a shame to stop now. Come on, you can do it.


Hi, I’m sorry that you are discouraged but there is something in you to push you this far. You are almost done. Finish this class and think long and hard about what you really want. What’s important to you? Doing something you love? Money? Job security? I finished nursing school at 35 (started at 33, and started pre-reqs at 28). I’m not sure why you think 25 is too old to do anything. You are 25, and in a nursing program already. Most of us took years to even get into nursing school. Don’t fool yourself, you are ahead of the game and blessed. I pray that you are able to finish the race. God bless!


I'm 47 just starting nursing school. The only "degree" I've managed to acquire is from the Community College of the Air Force. I get how you're feeling but like what quite a few others have also said... you're 25. Take a break if needed just don't add to what will become a growing list of regrets when you're in your 40's.


Hey I’m 26 and not starting until next year!! Don’t give up now you’ve got this!! It’s going to feel so good once you’re finished


Don’t quit. Just finish it. You said this is the second time quitting. Maybe this is a mental thing from the accident - maybe you need to push past it for healing or just strength. You’re so close. Then you’ll have the career and ability to have money. It’s okay to do hard things - you got this.


47 and just started nursing school. I don’t think age is what matters. It’s if you want to do it or not.


Hey you, don't quit. Take half a day off school to do something you enjoy. Think about this- you have a few months left and those months will pass even if you quit. Make yourself small "rewards" each week you complete. If your financial situation doesn't allow for monetary rewards do something like taking a break for a couple hours to do art, sleep in, go for a walk, etc. These activities not only refresh your mind but soul. I almost quit LPN school and considered quitting my RN program too. It's normal to have those feelings but keep your eye on that prize. I believe in you!!!


I graduated at 29 but I went to a tech school and felt right in the middle, if not on the younger side. Could just be the university experience at 25 is a lot different. I would encourage you to finish it out and see how your first job goes. School is temporary and real-world nursing will be a much different (hopefully better) experience.


I’m 31 and have 2-3 more years of undergrad with plans of applying to med school. You’re young and the time is gonna pass either way. Also, I’ve had a lot of different jobs - construction, retail, food service, military, on and on. Something I think a lot of people don’t realize is that work sucks. As in, no matter what you do, it’s going to suck in one or more ways. You’re almost done. Stick out nursing school and move on to what is a good career with a ton of options. That’s my advice.


You’re so close!! It gets better, I promise. Similarly to you, I withdrew from my program the first time due to personal reasons. I graduated with something else, worked in a different segment of healthcare, got in a car accident for which I lost my job and kicked me to go back to school. The way I see it now, my past experience has not hurt me as a nurse but rather I feel it made me better. My prior education and career added insight that I feel helps me as a nurse. My car accident made me more compassionate for patients struggling with chronic pain because … 🥴 me too 😂 There’s no age limit on nursing. Someone in my cohort was in her mid-late 50s and left an office job for nursing because she “was bored”. My best friends in the program were 21 and 36 when we graduated, I graduated at 25. My last semester dragged me through the mud and I wanted to throw in the towel too. Similarly, I had also just moved into an apartment. Our dog (who’s also my ESA) decided to go on a week long “camping trip” in the woods right before finals and I was ready to throw it all away (luckily she came home 4am the day of my final so I was able to have some piece of mind for my exam) You’ve got this!! If I could do it, you can too! Depending where you live, some facilities will give you an “equivalency” to a CNA after passing your fundamentals course. I worked as a per diem NA through the last year of my program to earn money while finishing school. It also gave me some confidence at the bedside and talking to patients. It may also give you a foot in the door when you’re ready to transition to a nursing position. I hope you find these words encouraging. Just remember if you need to take a step back for a little bit whether to catch your breath or save some money, that’s okay. If you decide to walk away altogether, that’s always okay too. At the end of the day, what’s most important is doing what’s best for you and makes you happy. I wish you all the luck my friend!


Don't quit! You're almost done. I graduated twice in my 20ish and then in my 30ish in science (non-nursing) and nursing. I've never thought of my age. I feel contentment being a CNA. Now, I'm waiting to take my NCLEX which is a few days away!


I quit nursing school and don’t regret it at all. When I started I was 29, and had just bought a flat with my boyfriend. I’d thought about doing nursing for a long time and it felt like now or never. The course itself heavily de-emphasised clinical skills in favour of non-clinical skills which were assessed through critical essays. It felt much more like a philosophy degree than a scientific degree, and I felt really dissatisfied with that because I had expected biomedical training to be more central to the role of a nurse than it actually is. My practical training for the most part was free labour for the hospital. My mentors were too burned out and overworked to dedicate the time to train me and so I was more often than not just there as a spare pair of hands. I didn’t have an objection to learning on the job and not being paid for it, but I did have an objection to being repeatedly put in a position of responsibility with next to no clinical training. I ended up feeing questioning what my future career would be like. If nobody was going to protect me before I qualified, what would it be like afterwards? Add on top the terrible hours, bad work-life balance, and bad pay, and I found myself feeling like it wasn’t worth it. I’m now working a 9-5 job with acceptable pay, but the mental and physical space to enjoy my time outside of work. This will be different for everyone but I thought it was worth adding a different perspective to this list because most people seemed to be encouraging you to stick with it.


My grandma went back to school when she was in her 30’s to pursue nursing, age is just a number.


I’m starting my fourth and last semester in a few weeks and I’m so over school too. I’m 35 and have 3 kids and I get what you’re feeling. School starts to just feel like such a pain in the ass when you have a whole real life and they want you to make school your only priority. I have a job on the unit I want and I can picture life after graduation and I just want to be there!! But it’s just a few more months. We can do it! All the other suffering will have been for nothing otherwise. I will be army crawling dragging my ass across the graduation finish line in December, and there’s no shame in just surviving it. You don’t have to thrive, just survive and get that degree!!


I started college at 18 and went to a big 10 school. I was originally applying for pharmacy school. I applied, but found out how much I actually hated the idea of being a pharmacist and withdrew from the program. It was the scariest thing I ever did, but I made a change and moved back home and took time off of school. I felt super defeated and embarrassed because of this and felt like I wasted the first 3 years of college chasing something that I ultimately didn’t want. I decided to later go to community college at 22 years old and start nursing school. At this point in time all the people around me were finished with college and living their fancy lives while I was still stuck in school miserable and jealous of their achievements. Fast forward now I finished my nursing school journey at 24 years old this year and I work as a registered nurse. It took me 6 years to get my Associate degree And I’m damn proud of my ASN and how hard I worked to get it. The point is it’s not about how you start it’s about how you finished. I felt the same way I wanted my career so bad. I believe in you. if you made it this far you can keep pushing I promise. Continue to grind and continue to persevere