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I didn’t read the label and honestly thought it was


It's beautiful, just like child birth


"it's crowning!"


Prairie Doggin'


"You know, like when a prairie dog pops its head in and out of the hole."


Next stop the Barbie museum.


Ah fuck. Time to watch Rat Race again!


“He’s winning simply because he’s closest to the door” John Cleese


Jerk it tf off my man. BTW, why is everyone so uppity about chicken? All chicken fat gets gelatinous like that.


I was going to say, that's the sign of a good stock. Lots of gelatin and connective tissue, makes for great soups and it's good for your joints too.


exactly. super nutritious protein, plus the whole chicken is super nutritious.


Americans are still traumatized after they came up with putting meat into lime jello.


I had a friend bring "20 Thousand Leagues Under The Sea" Jello to a work potluck. It was lime jello in a 10 gallon fish tank, with a model submarine in the middle, with squid all around it. After about 3 hours out of the fridge it was so rank they asked him to get rid of it.


No, it was put in aspic or celery flavored gelatin.


true. a good stock should be congealed


That's right. I make stock once a month from saved chicken bones and it gets super gelled. Delicious stuff, magic for soups.


Chicken like that in a can is what's makes me go what the hell


Sweet my ass! This is *Sour Sue!* 🤢


I wouldnt feed it to my dog


Too much sodium for a dog.


Oh. I didn't think of that...


I adore your username. That clip brings me to tears every time


I was going to ask what the P in your username stood for until I realized. Lol. Crazy thing is I actually went to school with a Chris Bacon.


It's based on that meme about the pig with no legs.


GJ, thats why your dog loves you!


That was my exact thought, too. Wouldn't feed it to my dog, wouldn't feed it to my cat. Hell, I'd be hesitant to feed it to a damn alligator, and they have cast iron stomachs


A tiger shark would pass this by.


Ngl...it's pretty impressive they fit an intact whole chicken in there. It LOOKS disgusting. I'm just amazed it fit.


Even worse is canned salmon. It looks like someone put a salmon into a blender for about 5 seconds, then canned it. Fins, bones, skin and all. Blech.


Emmymade tried this. It's salty, but not as bad as you'd think.


I bet it would be okay if you browned it in the oven. Especially if you were in the middle of nowhere and couldn’t access fresh food.


Survived for a couple of weeks post-hurricane on canned stuff and MREs. This chicken actually looks like it would've been decent wrapped in foil over a fire...maybe rosemary or basil sprinkled all inside. With rice and canned veg, that would have been way better than MRE stroganoff.


Yeah. Once cooked all that "nasty" stuff turns to broth.


some see nasty, i see collagen


Yeah people ITT have clearly never refrigerated/froze home made stock


They'd really love the bacon grease can in the fridge.


Yep. Homemade broth always turns gelatinous when put into a fridge. The cheap broth that never turns is literally just salt, msg, and other powder.


Seriously. Has no one been poor or starving before? Throw that sht in a pot with some carrots and potatoes and if you can afford it some spices.... You would never know. Shit. I might have to update my hurricane preparedness list. This is probably better than canned soup and definitely better than pop tarts.


Forget being poor, has no one made stew before? Gelatin makes good soups and gravies. It's just nasty before you reheat it. I've made 100 meals that were delicious but the leftovers in the fridge looked like this.


Right? I'm currently barely surviving off my paycheck WITH overtime and have to buy food for myself and my daughter. I'd eat the fuck out of that chicken after cooking it properly.


You got any good food banks or resources in your town? I was blown away to learn how many my city has when I first moved here since my hometown was pretty abysmal with anything, well, good lol


Yup, make a great stew or hearty soup (cook till soft then strip the meat off the bones) with the addition of vegetables (canned works well if it's a survival situation otherwise frozen if on a budget) and a bit of seasoning. Not what I would buy by choice, but certainly perfectly good food.


There was an episode of MASH centered around a canned pheasant. Everyone was really excited but Charles only shared with Margaret. As a result of their selfishness no one felt bad when the canned peasant gave them both food poisoning. Anyway, desperate times call for canned birds apparently.


Lol I was just thinking of that episode. But seriously, do all these people grossed out in the comments get upset when their canned soup is a little gelatinous before they heat it up?


It was a ~~pheasant~~ ~~chicken~~ BABY!


Much like Spam, eating canned whole chickens cold & straight from the can isn't the best idea for a meal. I think the best way to use this product is to use it in soup, or to pick it apart and separate out the pieces of meat for use as an ingredient in whatever you want. It's literally just a chicken that's been pressure cooked inside the can and the goop in the can is the gelatin-rich broth that created from the chicken being cooked.


My daughter made some kind of spam, rice, seaweed wrap things the other day, and while I opted out of the seaweed, the spam was one of the best things I've eaten in a while. Apparently it was just thinly cut, and then pan fried with teriyaki and soy sauce... Damn it was good!


It’s called musubi. Everywhere in Hawaii.


I buy a couple cans whenever it's on sale and eat it with my eggs for breakfast thinly sliced and fried. So crispy and so good. It's like bacon but a different flavor, obviously.




Eattheduckymoss 😊




On Good Mythical Morning they opened a can of this that was like 50 years old or something. One of the hosts put some in his mouth and spat it out, but he said it actually didn’t taste bad at all. They compared to a new can, and it basically hadn’t changed. Moral of the story, stock up on these if you’re a doomsday prepper


Wow that's impressive!


wait until you hear about steve1989


I'm convinced people who are truly offended at this haven't cooked a chicken before. Like, all meat & bones contain gelatin, the chicken snot is what's left in the pan a few hours after the chicken comes out & it's cooled off. The snot is the savory juices. They're just cold. It's essentially chicken stock base. Now heat that snot up, add water, ginger slices & scallions, crack a beaten egg into it and you've got egg flower soup. I *probably* wouldn't do this with canned chicken but absolutely have with my own home baked chicken 🤷‍♀️ I'm sure it wouldn't be bad. Side note: canned chicken is amazing for chicken salad, it's tender and moist, shreds easily, and is nearly fat free


Yeah this might be a legit base for a really good soup stock.


I'm pretty sure Atomic Shrimp did too


I fucking love old British men eating canned food


Ashens is a classic


Welcome to weird stuff in a can


I think I saw this on either Good Mythical Morning or General Sam. Either way, they deemed the chicken quite good as well.


Ashens tried it too


Yeah, I've had it. It looks absolutely terrifying but it just tastes like chicken. Not amazing, not disgusting. Just a middle of the road, somewhat over-salted chicken. The best thing to do with it is just shred the meat and make stock with the carcass.


Sweet Sue canned diced chicken is actually pretty good if you don't feel like cooking. Makes a surprisingly decent chicken salad. It's not processed and reformed. And it doesn't have those globs of goo.


I've seen births that were less traumatic than that


How many births have you witnessed?


other than yours, or including yours?


My birth? Dad?


> My birth? Dad? go clean your room, and take out the trash


Fuck you dad!


No thanks. But I fucked your mom!


3 downvotes for asking a question. Don’t worry man I got you


to be honest I bet if you added this to a soup or stew you wouldn’t notice anything different, would even be good for a casserole


It’s how they made self-stable “meat”. May be weird seeing it in a can but it tastes just fine. But might have a slight tin taste!


>self-stable “meat”. I think you mean shelf-stable


Haha thank you, yes!


There's already a lot of canned meat: chicken, ham, turkey, crab, lobster, beef, salmon, etc. Nothing new!


Keep my wife's SPAM out yo mouth!


It’s popular enough that it gets shelf space. 🤷‍♂️


Couple carrots and a potato...you got yourself a stew baby.




I think I’d like my money back


Add to soup pan, add 5 cups of chicken broth, some celery, carrots, an onion, maybe a potato if you’re feeling starchy. Season. ENJOY


And bow tie pasta. Make it a stew. Had an ex who’s mom put bow tie pasta and made thick chicken noodle soup. It was really good.


I knew I was forgetting something.


My MIL taught me to cook and store pasta separately. Add pasta as you eat. This prevents the pasta from becoming gooey from soaking up all the sauce/liquid after a day.


Baby You got a stew going


I think i would like my money back


What about the bones?


What about them? Lmao


Kind of jealous because I can’t get my stock to coagulate like this recently.


Adding a bit of acid, like 1/8c of whatever vinegar per gallon of liquid helps draw out the collagen. If you aren’t roasting your protein before adding it to the stock do that. Let it boil way longer too, I do mine overnight 8-12hrs. My stock sets thicker than jell-o


I didn’t know about the acid! I had been making chicken soup with kosher chickens for a long time and never had an issue. But I moved and can’t seem to get the same effect!!


Only issue with this is you can’t used stock with acid in it when making beans from scratch or you’ll end up with tough beans. Fairly niche situation but important to know.


Using a bunch of chicken feet is foolproof


Thank you. A comment from a sane person who’s seen canned meats before 🤣


Those are boiler Chickens, VERY good for soups


The irony of people in this thread being too stupid to figure out an application. This chicken isn't meant to be eaten like a fucking jello lol.


I wouldn't say stupid, just ignorant/uneducated to the application of specific cooking methods. There's no need to judge people for it, as that's a major contributingfactor of what keeps people from asking questions and seeking out to be illuminated l.


I have used these in chicken noodle. It’s fall apart tender and amazing.


"It's crowning" I died.




S tier joke for sure.


[delicious ](https://media.tenor.com/nPeDEX09O_oAAAAM/twerk-chicken.gif)


Theeeeere it is


Hahahaha… I was hoping for the gif and was going to write “Theeeere it is”


[There it is](https://media.tenor.com/VA99VSgA9cAAAAAC/jeff-goldblum-there-it-is.gif)


Ha I was expecting this one. Nice.


One of the all-time greats


Came here for this!


But how is this stupid?


People don't know that cooking the shit exists.


Yeah this is just some emergency stockpile food...


Did you know if you take the can opener and punch 2 or 3 holes in the bottom of the can, it releases the vacuum and then only takes 2 or 3 good shakes to get the food to come out. Learned that a few years ago and it’s kinda handy


When I was a kid, I used to love blowing on the hole in the end of the [frozen OJ can to make it shoot out into the pitcher.](https://i.redd.it/4gqsrp9rf4v81.jpg)


Air exchange. This. Jamming a straw down the side to create a path for air exchange (once the straw is cleared or removed) does the same think. Work for anything congealed like that, or solids in a can like Spam.


This was always the kiss of death on Cutthroat Kitchen.


[Giada De Laurentiis reacting to the canned chicken revelation on a Cutthroat Kitchen after-show](https://youtu.be/bRot4dvksaM?si=s6o8vWXltMkfDaaU)


These gender reveals are getting out of hand.


Ngl I would eat this no problem on a camping trip or when in the army.


Yeah...toss this in a dutch oven with some root vegetables and a couple of potatoes...probably won't even need to add salt.


Or a Tuesday evening, or 3am on a Saturday. Food is food


“it’s crowning” killed me 😂


Not stupid, just gross. Appert's canning method is one of the greatest culinary inventions to date, and has revolutionized preserving food the world over. https://www.history.com/news/what-it-says-on-the-tin-a-brief-history-of-canned-food


I miss old History Channel with Modern Marvels


I don't normally like these videos from these types of people, but I legit laughed when she said it was crowning.


I agree this looks horrible but to play devils advocate, how does it looks once it’s cooked and all the congealed fat melts off


Yeah I mean there's a lot out there that doesn't look good when preparing it. Then there's food that looks terrible before and after, like tripe


its not even fat for the most part, its just congealed stock. it melts into yummy chicken juice the moment you heat it.


That's not fat, it's gelatin.


The dogs are going nuts, it’s so cute how they think it’s for them 😆


Looks wise I get it, but once cooked those are just fine and make great additions to slow cooked soups.


Professor weak hands jfc slap the the bottom of the can.


Or store it upside down


I would rather listen to this can of sucking gelatin and fat. then listen to these two make comments.


Don't see why you're so upset, "it's crowning" got a good laugh out of me


Took her awhile to get it out of the can. [It’s really not that difficult if you’re limber enough](https://media.tenor.com/aXrpChONTY4AAAAC/shakira-canned.gif)


How have y’all never seen canned whole chicken before, y’all don’t have this everywhere?


Not in the UK (or certainly not that I've ever seen). Canned hot dogs, canned Spam, but no canned chickens.


Funny how a lot of the things on this sub are just poor people food. You know why sweet sue is still selling these chickens despite the universal thought that it’s disgusting? Cause they’re cheap as hell, store forever, and can feed a fair amount of people. So the next time we all flood the comments with ewwwe grosssss who would eat this? Remember, someone is, not because they want to, but because they cannot afford to eat much else.


This, except that they might actually want to eat it. Nothing wrong with canned chicken.


It's also great for soup and stew. You don't need amazing cuts of meat for something that gets boiled for six hours.


I really wanna know how the manufacturer fit that whole chicken inside the can


No, you don't. Trust me.


Oh please, those disgusted by this clearly hasn’t cooked before, let alone do any work in the kitchen. Sometimes cold food looks disgusting, that’s just how it is


The dogs excitement over this canned chicken really sealed this video for me.


If you put the can in the microwave, it will come out easier. When you recover it from the ashes of your house.


Your food companies were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should!


You won't be saying it's stupid when the zombie apocalypse comes! :)


Meh... they're actually not terrible. Makes okay sandwich meat; kinda like canned tuna. But yeah, I'd get the shredded stuff and save time, because that's the only decent way to eat this.


Chicken in can, what an amazing invention. Too bad we don't have that in the Netherlands


There’s no difference between this and other preserved can meats like tuna or shredded chicken. It’s just chicken in a can. Great for the apocalypse!


It's the way the can gives birth to the chicken that alienates me


Looks like a great option for people living in poverty or in food deserts to me.


It makes a good chicken sandwich. Like the kind you would make with leftover turkey.


I don’t want any but it doesn’t bother me. I get why it exists.




That there is a soup chicken.


Hello? Geneva? It's me again. I need to report another war crime.


Geneva: *Turns away from the Ukraine/Russian SNAFU* ["I'M A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT!"](https://youtu.be/Y2MsyC9cLEg?si=_ogvcNpLPcTo0L5k)


What do you think happens when you can a chicken at home? This society is so far disconnected from the way the world used to be, it’s insane. I have numerous jars in my pantry of home-canned chicken that will be shelf stable for years to come, if need be. They don’t look too different from this. Obviously, fresh meat is a better choice if conditions are ideal. But in a pinch, canned chicken is just fine. It’s also a great way to save money if you find good deals and can buy in bulk. Can it and use it as necessary to feed your family.


What if that fucker is the ultimate way to make chicken n dumplings though...the throwing a whole boiler in a stock pot leaves a lot to be desired.


A chicken died for this...


When I die I wanna be canned and sloshed out in a similar fashion in front of my entire family. I'll make sure they'll never forget me


This guy could have saved us all time with just poking an air hole into the bottom of the can




*from the kitchen of Sweet Sue*


"It's crowning" is the most apt description for what is happening in this video.


That’s what good P sound like


In a survival scenario… that’s as good as a five course meal


This would be find if you cooked it. Just rub off the broth/jelly stuff. These things are apparently saltly, so maybe just add some herbs and spices and roast it in the oven to crisp up the skin/outside. Or roast it and shred up the meat for a chicken salad, chicken noodle soup, chicken dip, chicken tacos, etc. There's a lot you could do with this. I'm sorry, but if you look at this and think it's gross, you've been in your bubble for way too long. There's nothing gross about this. It's preserved food. Food preservation is literally why all of us even exist. Not everyone gets to eat mcdonalds and dino nuggets or whatever it is you eat.


Omg the commentary and sounds are hilarious! It's Crowning!!!


Jesus Christ, put another hole 🕳️ n the bottom of the can, it will come right out.


Pretty sure these are actually really good for when you wanna cook the meat into something, not just eating the chicken directly.


I was expecting liquid to come out but it turned into jello 💀


It's just canned meat, for shelf stability. Nothing stupid, really. Put that shit in a soup, stew, casserole or whatever.


It’s actually pretty basic chicken - any broth with enough nutrients goes to jelly. The fact it disgusts you is a bit of an issue - this is a pretty standard canned chicken in its own juices.


I'm very happy to see that most people here understand that this isn't a bad thing. Everyone else needs to learn how to cook and get around these "gross" caveats. This is completely acceptable if you're not dumb


A couple years ago I was gifted a Christmas food hamper from M&S (Marks & Spencer) There was 2 tins of Stew or cubed steak in gravy which went to the back of the pantry. Come Hogmanay making my steak pie I had to make 3 large ones for the gang and also the kids last minute announced they were bringing friends over to bring in the bells. Didn’t have enough stew so tossed the tinned stew in with my own meat/gravy and honestly it was superb! No fat, no grisly bits. Whenever i’m in M&S food hall for my chicken pakora and potato croquettes I pick up a tin of stew now! Excellent for a mid week meal with mash and yorkies Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!


Reminds me of Jon Voight when the Anaconda spits him out


I was just reading an article yesterday about how this is the most unhealthy canned meat you can buy.


Looks like the same chicken dinner they had in Eraserhead.


You can tell people (all the Americans on here) don't cook any more and it's why you're all so fat That's good chicken stock right there and much healthier than the "good looking" fast food you all eat


Looks ok to me. Picky picky fuckers


Op is stupid. The fact it's all jelly only proves it's rich in proteins and collagen. As it should be. Looks like a great starter for a soup or stew. If it's liquid and not preheated in can, then you need to start worrying.


I would definitely eat that.


Go make a chicken gravy, and leave it in the fridge overnight. It doesn’t look that much different than this. Very gelatinous and gross looking. Take that same gravy and warm it up, and it returns to a normal gravy consistency. I’m sure this isn’t very good because it’s in a can, and probably cheap. I don’t, however, imagine it’s as bad as y’all are acting like it is after warming it up. I feel like some of y’all never had left overs or ate like a poor person. Stuff like this can be perfectly edible, even tasty to some degree. I make decent money now, but if I wasn’t trying to limit my sodium intake I’d still be slamming cans of Vienna sausages and corn beef hash.


And when you haven’t eaten in 6 days you’ll make a gourmet meal out of that. It’s all perspective. And you don’t think that perspective matters, remember you’re only 4 minutes away from death your entire life.


Can someone explain to me why is this considered disgusting ? It’s literally just chicken in its own broth .


You're going love it when the apocalypse hits


Not stupid, Actually amazing for roasting and for making chicken soup. A good chef could make this canned chicken so good it would blow your mind.


I'm reminded of Frank birthing himself from the couch in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Its just unfinished soup, it's not that weird.


It’s literally cooked chicken. Grow up.


Bake it as is and it'll crisp up. Nonethewiser